My sign-in life in Douluo

Chapter 51 Jiang Siming's Fourth Soul Skill

Chapter 51 Jiang Siming's Fourth Soul Skill
Ma Hongjun and Dai Mubai attacked from two sides respectively.

Jiang Siming was about to retreat, Xiao Wu launched the third soul skill teleportation, appeared behind Jiang Siming, and activated the waist bow.

Jiang Siming's neck was instantly entangled by long hair, and Jiang Siming's waist was held up by Xiao Wu's feet, unable to exert force. The next moment, Jiang Siming was thrown away by Xiao Wu. With strength, Dai Mubai directly released the fourth spirit ability, White Tiger Meteor Shower.

In an instant, countless white light waves rushed towards Jiang Siming densely.

Jiang Siming also sighed in his heart, the speed of everyone's growth is not unpleasant.Ordinary soul masters are probably helpless at this time, after the white tiger meteor shower, Tang San came to restrain him with a spider web, because Tang San's Blue Silver Grass Fire Free feature, Ma Hongjun would definitely connect to the Phoenix fire wire.

The next thing must be everyone's explosive hammer.

Jiang Siming's Donghuang Bell enveloped his whole body, and the Donghuang Bell magnified more than ten times in an instant.Bounced all the white tiger meteor shower away, Oscar and Ning Rongrong in the sky thought everything would be fine, but who knew that the rebounding trajectory of the white tiger meteor shower just rushed towards them.The two of them couldn't avoid the dense white tiger meteor shower.

Had to be shot by the Italian artillery of the second battalion commander, no!

It was blasted down by the White Tiger Meteor Shower, and the defensive power of the auxiliary souls was not strong. The attack of the White Tiger Meteor Shower, coupled with the impact of hitting the ground, both lost their combat effectiveness.

Zhu Zhuqing launched a sneak attack while Jiang Siming was focusing on Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun.Nether Spike plus Nether Hundred Claws.

Jiang Siming turned around quickly and grabbed Zhu Zhuqing's ghostly and phantom-like jade wrist.

Zhu Zhuqing looked at the smiling Jiang Siming in a daze for a while.

Jiang Siming pulled Zhu Zhuqing into his arms, and said, "I'm so familiar with your smell!" As he spoke, the Eastern Emperor Bell enveloped Zhu Zhuqing, trapping her.

The rest of the people saw that Jiang Siming had chosen to fight hand-to-hand.Can't help showing a smile.

"Why are you laughing? You can't beat you without a martial spirit, right? It's not like I haven't beaten you before!" Jiang Siming said viciously.

After all, Jiang Siming secretly activated Evil Aura, and his attack power instantly increased by 50%.

Tang San and the others instantly felt stuffy in their hearts, and negative emotions suddenly began to erupt.

Taking advantage of the stunned state of the crowd, Jiang Siming slapped the sad and absent-minded Xiao Wu away with one palm.

Tang San and the others reacted physically.

Of course Jiang Siming wouldn't give them a chance, the domineering aura has forced a 100% increase.

Everyone paused again, and Jiang Siming instantly dealt with Tang San and Ma Hongjun who were closest.

Dai Mubai is now the only one left on the field, and his soul power has been consumed by a large amount.It's not as powerful as Jiang Siming's soul power, and Jiang Siming didn't use the Jade Sword martial soul, and the soul power consumption was even less.

"I didn't expect to beat you up!" Dai Mubai sighed.

Jiang Siming stepped forward and patted him on the shoulder just as he wanted to comfort him.Dai Mubai performed the Rising Dragon Fist "Ha Youshou".

Jiang Siming was staggered.

"Haha, soldiers never tire of cheating, how about it?" Dai Mubai laughed loudly.

Jiang Siming's face showed that if you dare to sneak attack Lao Tzu, you will die.In fact, Jiang Siming deliberately let Dai Mubai get his way just now.

In the hearts of the Shrek Seven Devils, Zhu Zhuqing was included.Jiang Siming has always been a mountain, a mountain that no one seems to be able to climb forever.

Jiang Siming wanted to tell them, since I came to this world, I choose to be brothers with you.Then I am your relative.

"Okay! You lied to me, right? There were good things for you, but now I've changed my mind and only give them to my little Qingqing."

Jiang Siming took back the Donghuang Bell with a wave of his hand.

When everyone heard that Jiang Siming had something good to give, they immediately gathered around Jiang Siming as if they had been spayed with chicken blood.

Dai Mubai also came over shamelessly.

"Stay away, it's related to my fourth soul skill." Jiang Siming reminded.

Everyone dispersed first.

Jiang Siming unleashed the Four Swords of Zhu Xian, four completely different auras burst out instantly.At this time, the Four Swords of Zhu Xian are no longer the rusty swords of the past, and each one is scattered, which is a creepy cold light.

The ability of Jiang Siming's fourth sword, Zhuxian Sword, is overbearing. Those who follow me prosper, and those who oppose me perish.Even if it hasn't passed the test, the aura emanating from the Zhu Xian Sword is not inferior to the other three.It's just that the first three swords are more solid than the fourth one.

Everyone felt the power of Jiang Siming's first martial spirit.

"Brother Siming, you didn't just want to pretend to be tough on us, did you?" Ma Hongjun couldn't help complaining with a clear mind.

"Fatty, don't say a few words. Seeing Siming's posture, we can make a lot of money this time." Oscar quickly stopped Ma Hongjun's mouth.

Jiang Siming's fourth black soul ring emitted a black light.

Seven small transparent swords appeared in front of Jiang Siming, the black light subsided, Jiang Siming withdrew his martial soul, beads of sweat appeared on Jiang Siming's forehead, but the small swords still existed.

The ability of the fourth spirit ring is too heaven-defying, and the pressure it consumes is also unprecedentedly huge. In a sense, the fourth spirit ring is a one-time spirit ring.

Everyone looked at the seven transparent little swords floating in front of Jiang Siming, and felt the fierce aura of the Juexian Sword on the little swords.

"Take one for each person. This sword has [-]% of the power of the Immortal Sword. As long as soul power is injected into it, it will be a weaker version of the Immortal Sword." Jiang Siming said weakly.

Everyone found out that something was wrong with Jiang Siming, and they didn't care about Xiaojian for a while.

"Si Ming, are you okay?" Zhu Zhuqing said worriedly.Everyone also cast concerned eyes.

There was warmth in Jiang Siming's heart. The world of soul masters is a world full of benefits. Knowing the power of Jiang Siming's martial soul, they naturally know the value of the small sword.But without hesitation, he chose to care about Jiang Siming first.

"I'm fine, it's just that the soul power consumption is a bit too much, you all try it! I can only say that the effect is definitely beyond your imagination." Jiang Siming said mysteriously.

Everyone stretched out their hands to take the little sword, and the little sword turned into a ray of light, leaving a faint sword mark on everyone's palms.

Zhu Zhuqing was the first to inject soul power, and a pirated Supreme Sword that was no different from Jiang Siming's Supreme Immortal Sword appeared in front of everyone.

Everyone followed and injected their soul power.

"I'll go, won't I be able to be an auxiliary system soul master and a battle soul master in the future." Oscar said excitedly.

But before he was happy for a long time, he felt weak all over his body, and the pirated Absolute Immortal Sword in his hand began to lose its solidity.

"Damn it, this is a vampire at all. The requirements for soul power are so strict." Dai Mubai couldn't help taking a deep breath.

Everyone noticed it and nodded.

"What do you think! Why do I want to make my soul power so thick, otherwise it would not be enough. The martial soul is strong, but it is useless without strength." Jiang Siming spread his hands helplessly.

"Pervert!" Everyone said in unison, and they didn't complain. After all, if Jiang Siming could show them, he already regarded them as relatives.

Jiang Siming's fourth soul skill can summon a total of 28 small swords.It's just that Jiang Siming's soul power level is too low now, and he can only release seven.After thinking about it, only the Absolute Immortal Sword has little effect on the user, after all, the Absolute Immortal Sword takes the path of extreme attack power.

(End of this chapter)

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