My sign-in life in Douluo

Chapter 53 Tell Tang 3 the Truth

Chapter 53 Tell Tang San the Truth
The staff slowly rolled out a cage covered with a red cloth.

"Ladies and gentlemen, this auction item below is the best of the best. Let me tell you the reserve price first. The bottom price is [-] gold soul coins, and each bid is no less than [-]." The host said excitedly, and immediately Lift off the cage covered by the red cloth.

A girl with animal ears and tail appeared in front of everyone, with only shells covering key parts of her body.The girl looked at the excited and glamorous nobles around her in horror, all of them exuded greedy and lustful eyes.The tears in the corners of the girl's eyes interpreted the helplessness of the weak, and she curled up in a corner of the cage pitifully, for fear of making a sound, maintaining a poor sense of security in her heart.

"Beast, how can you keep people in cages? Treat them as goods!" Xiao Wu said excitedly.Tang San on the side couldn't sit still anymore.

Zhu Zhuqing looked at the cat-eared girl imprisoned, and it was quite normal. After all, Zhu Zhuqing came from the iron-blooded family of the Star Luo Empire. Even when she was young, she had experienced such scenes.

Only Jiang Siming and Ning Fengzhi remained calm and calm.

The guests at the scene conducted a fiery auction, and Ning Fengzhi beside Jiang Siming also set up the auction button.

"Uncle Ning is good for this?" Jiang Siming said jokingly.

Tang San and the others looked at Ning Fengzhi in unison.

Ning Fengzhi smiled lightly, but didn't say much.

"Uncle, I thought you were Rong Rong's father and you should be a good person, but I didn't expect you to be the same as them." Xiao Wu said straightly.Tang San on the side didn't stop him, he thought so too.

Zhu Zhuqing didn't talk too much, instead of falling into the hands of those well-dressed orcs, it would be better for Ning Fengzhi to photograph it.

"Hehe, young man, then do you think falling into my hands is the same as falling into other people's hands?" Ning Fengzhi was not angry, and smiled.

"There are too many like this. They have no strength, but they are attractive. I can't save everyone, but if I meet one, it counts as one." Ning Fengzhi said lightly.

In the end, the girl with cat ears was photographed by Ning Fengzhi.

The auction continues.

"Si Ming, how are things related to bullets going?" Ning Fengzhi finally couldn't help but speak.

"Uncle Ning, I'm not in charge of this matter, you can go directly to Xiao San!" Jiang Siming directly blamed Tang San.After all, Jiang Siming doesn't know how to do business, and only Tang San knows the manufacturing and cost of bullets. With Tang San's brain, he can definitely handle it better than himself.

"Little San?" Ning Fengzhi turned his head and stared at Tang San curiously.He didn't expect Jiang Siming to find someone to act as an agent.

"Uncle Ning, let's discuss specific matters in detail some time later." Tang San said unhurriedly.

"Not bad!" Ning Fengzhi admired Tang San's calm and calm temperament very much.

If Jiang Siming made him feel nonsensical and mysterious, then Tang San was a born leader.

Next, the innuendo that Tang San took out also fell into Ning Fengzhi's pocket.

Ning Fengzhi also proposed the idea of ​​buying hidden weapons from Tang San.

After all, from another perspective, the noise caused by the M4a1's opening shot is too large to be easily hidden.Only suitable for offense and defense on your face.Hidden weapons are perfect for sneak attacks and self-defense.

They walked around the street for a while before walking back to the academy.

Jiang Siming saw that Tang San had something to say to him, so he found a reason to send the two girls away.

"Brother Siming, I actually want Uncle Naning to help me investigate my father's affairs. You told me that my father is the youngest Titled Douluo in the whole continent, why did he become so decadent? And who is my mother? ?” Tang San said somewhat gloomyly.

Tang San has always been a person with his own opinions, and he only keeps some things in his heart. Jiang Siming can be said to be one of the few people he trusts the most.

"Do you want to investigate? I know about it." Jiang Siming didn't want to let Ning Feng get involved in this matter.That would mean that Xue Qinghe would also know Tang San's identity, and it would be even more difficult for Jiang Siming to hide himself in the soul master competition.

"Brother Siming! Do you really know? Then why haven't you told me?" Tang San said a little excitedly.

"So what can I tell you? Without strength, she is like the cat-eared girl today. Can she control her own destiny? Clear Sky Douluo, the strongest symbol of the world's number one Clear Sky School. Can only be reduced to a A down-and-out blacksmith. Xiao San, are you really ready?" Jiang Siming said seriously.

Tang San was a little silent.

Taking a deep breath, Tang San finally said firmly, "I'm ready, brother Siming, don't worry, I won't make impulsive decisions."

"Okay! Then I'll tell you, because your mother is a 10-year-old soul beast that transformed into a human form! She must be dead now!" Jiang Siming looked at Tang San with some concern.

Tang San looked at Jiang Siming in shock, obviously he couldn't accept it.

"In order to obtain your mother's 10-year-old soul bone and soul ring, the Wuhun Palace designed to besiege and kill your father and mother. Although your father broke through in the end, your mother sacrificed to your father first." Jiang Siming continued.

"Wuhundian!" Tang San said with gritted teeth, clenched his fists tightly, his nails stuck in the flesh of his palm, blood slowly seeped out.

"Little San! In fact, I plan to wait until the end of the soul master competition to tell you, but I know you have already made up your mind, so you can't hide it. You have to remember, we will always be brothers. So I will help you !" Jiang Siming patted Tang San on the shoulder, and said sincerely.

"Thank you, Brother Siming!" Tang San looked at Jiang Siming moved.

Jiang Siming saw that the mist had slowly filled Tang San's eyes.I couldn't help but sighed in my heart, "If I let you know that Xiao Wu is also a soul beast, how would you feel?"

Just when both of them were a little sad, a shout broke the atmosphere.

"Boy! Did you hurt my son?" A burly man walked over with steady steps.Behind him was a smaller boy.

Jiang Siming and Tang San didn't hesitate to look at the man with a fierce face.

"Dad, forget it?" The young man behind him was obviously a little reluctant, after all, it would be a shame to beat the young one and make the old one come.

Jiang Siming didn't expect that one of the two people who taught him a random lesson that day was Tai Long.

Just as Jiang Siming was about to make a move, Tang San stopped Jiang Siming.

"Brother Siming, let me do it!" At this moment Tang San needed a breakthrough.This battle came just in time.

As in the original book, Tang San quickly dealt with Tai Nuo at the soul king level.

"Little San, your strength is pretty good." Jiang Siming praised.

Tang San took a deep breath and calmed down his mood.

"It's not bad, you're far behind Brother Siming." Tang San said with a smile as usual.

After Jiang Siming and Tang San parted, they walked on the tree-lined path of the academy, surrounded by silence.I felt a sense of peace in my heart.

Ever since Jiang Siming experienced a series of drastic changes, he has not undergone intensive training for a long time.

The reincarnation of a hundred generations!It takes time to fully integrate into the current life.

As the red sun was about to fall, a butterfly flew towards Jiang Siming gently.


(End of this chapter)

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