My sign-in life in Douluo

Chapter 55 Blackmailing Ning Fengzhi

Chapter 55 Blackmailing Ning Fengzhi

While the two were talking.

A person dressed as a servant came out of Qingya Pavilion.

"Two distinguished guests, please follow me!" the servant said respectfully.

The two walked on a quiet path, and the scenery on both sides could be called picturesque.It's completely like a family's other courtyard, but I never thought it was a restaurant of others.

The two of them walked for nearly a quarter of an hour, and the Qingya Pavilion was unexpectedly so big.

"Little San! Remember? Go to Guili! Sell!" Jiang Siming reminded again.

This time Tang San deeply agreed and nodded.

Finally, the two arrived at a small lake with a small island in the middle of the lake and a small pavilion on the island.

It is really a little bit in the middle of the lake, with a bit of the charm of the Huxin Pavilion in the previous life.

Want to come there is the final destination.

Jiang Siming and Tang San crossed by boat and finally arrived at the island.

Ning Fengzhi rushed to meet him, followed by a young man behind him.

"Si Ming, Xiao San. You are finally here." Ning Fengzhi said with a smile.

"Brother Jiang, Brother Tang. Let me formally introduce Xue Qinghe, the crown prince of the Tiandou Empire." The man behind him is Xue Qinghe, who Qian Renxue pretended to be.

"Hello, Uncle Ning, I have met His Royal Highness the Crown Prince!" Jiang Siming said by deliberately inverting his status.

Tang San also sensed something was wrong, but relying on his relationship with Jiang Siming, he naturally supported Jiang Siming.It is also the same greeting.

Xue Qinghe was expressionless.As for what they think in their hearts, no one knows.

Ning Fengzhi smiled awkwardly.Invite people to sit down.Randomly call the servants to serve.

"Si Ming, Xiao San. This time I invite you to come here mainly to discuss the price of bullets." Ning Fengzhi said with a smile.

Jiang Siming and Tang San met each other.Ning Fengzhi didn't talk about hidden weapons, obviously he also kept a hand on the imperial family.Three tacit understanding.

"I actually said to leave it to Xiaosan, Xiaosan, just tell me." Jiang Siming winked at Tang San, which meant that I was desperately shouting upwards.

Tang San also understood.

"Uncle Ning, the manufacturing price of bullets is not cheap. I hope it is this price." Tang San made a gesture of ten.

"Ten gold soul coins? Little San, this price is a bit high!" Ning Fengzhi touched his chin.

Jiang Siming applauded in his heart, Tang San is too good at coming.

Tang San didn't think so in his heart, "I mean ten silver soul coins! Can you really do whatever you want with money?"

Although gunpowder is not available in Douluo World, the materials are not rare.The cost was only a few Copper Soul Coins. I thought ten Silver Soul Coins would be high enough.But I don't want people to use gold soul coins as the unit of measurement.

But Tang San, who is as stable as an old dog, of course can't speak out what's in his heart.

"Si Ming, you took out the weapon. You should be very clear that bullets are one-time consumable items. Although for soul masters, the impact of firing them can be ignored. But for ordinary people, a lot of bullets are needed to burn them. Practice." Ning Fengzhi explained.

In the current Douluo Continent, even low-level soul masters are scarce.The entire continent adds up to only one hundred thousand.If you want to quickly improve the sect's strength through M4a1, you must rely on the power of ordinary people.

Jiang Siming didn't expect Ning Fengzhi to agree, so he winked at Tang San.

"Then Uncle Ning thinks how to set the price?" Tang San pushed the question back to Ning Fengzhi.

Ning Fengzhi took a look, and Xue Qinghe was sitting beside him silently.

"I wonder how His Highness the Crown Prince is conscious?" Ning Fengzhi turned the question back to Xue Qinghe who was eating melons.

"Me? I really think, why don't Brother Jiang give the formula to the royal family of the Heaven Dou Empire. The royal family will definitely treat you two badly." Xue Qinghe said lightly.Obviously, he has no room for negotiation this time.

Ning Fengzhi also didn't expect Xue Qinghe to say that.After all, the image of the prince has always been calm and calm.Whether it was the last time I went to Jiang Siming privately, or this time.They are all extremely unwise choices.

The expressions of Jiang Siming and Tang San changed instantly.

Jiang Siming could understand Qian Renxue's mood, after all, the only advantage of Wuhun Hall is that it has many low-level soul masters.However, the appearance of m4a 1 is likely to reduce the advantages, and getting the formula as soon as possible is the most important thing.If it weren't for the inconvenient status at this time, and the intervention of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, I'm afraid they would have done it secretly.

Jiang Siming and the others are obviously inclined to the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School, so it will be difficult to win him over. After all, if it is financial power, who can compare to the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School?

"His Royal Highness, I was joking just now. Siming, Xiaosan. Don't mind me!" Ning Fengzhi hurriedly smoothed things over, subconsciously excluding Xue Qinghe.

In such a situation, Xue Qinghe knew that there was no point in staying any longer, so he bid farewell to Ning Fengzhi and left.

"Uncle Ning, since the outsiders have already left, I'll just say it! Five gold soul coins can't be lower. And the outer metal shell of the bullet needs to be made by you. We are only responsible for filling the material inside. Of course, you We don't care what price you quote to Tiandou. You will be our only sales target. How about it?" Jiang Siming bit the price to death.

Ning Fengzhi thought about it and nodded.

The three determined to reach an agreement.

"Little San, your hidden weapon. I also learned something from Rong Rong, tell me, how much does it cost to have a full body?" Xue Qinghe left, and Ning Fengzhi lost his scruples.

"Uncle Ning, the manufacturing process of hidden weapons is quite cumbersome. So the price is naturally relatively high, for a full set, you need 500 gold soul coins." Tang San said seriously.

Ning Fengzhi didn't refute it this time, and insinuated that he tried to dismantle it and wanted to study its structure.But I don't want to have a self-destruct mechanism, wasting tens of thousands of auction fees in vain.

After leaving Qingyaxuan.

"Brother Siming, I always feel that something is wrong with that Highness Prince. But I can't tell." Tang San said with some doubts.

"Little San, I'm afraid we're in trouble this time." Jiang Siming said helplessly, spreading his hands.

"Brother Siming, this is Heaven Dou City after all, the royal family probably won't make a move because of their reputation?" Tang San also said somewhat uncertainly.

Jiang Siming didn't speak, but secretly said in his heart, "It would be easy if he was an ordinary prince!"

After walking out of Qingyaxuan, Jiang Siming immediately felt several murderous aura emanating from all around.

"As expected, it seems that Qian Renxue came prepared!"

"Little San, get ready to fight!" Jiang Siming reminded Tang San softly.

Tang San's body shook, but he didn't show any other expressions.

The two of them didn't go far, they kept wandering around Qingyaxuan.

"What should we do? They haven't left Qing Yaxuan's surroundings, I'm afraid they may have discovered us!" said one person secretly.

"We can't wait any longer. If we don't seize this opportunity, they will take precautions! You all know the consequences of not completing the mission! Go!"

"Are you here?" Jiang Siming raised his head abruptly.

(End of this chapter)

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