My sign-in life in Douluo

Chapter 69 The Mirror World Phase 2 Opens

Chapter 69 The second stage of the mirror world opens

In the evening, Jiang Siming walked into the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School holding the little fox who had already fallen asleep in his arms with low air pressure, and no guards along the way stopped him.

"Boy Jiang, didn't you mean to come at noon tomorrow? I feel that you are not in the right mood?" Jian Douluo looked at the depressed Jiang Siming and asked suspiciously.

Jiang Siming waved his hand, obviously not wanting to say more.

"At first glance, you are suffering from emotional injuries. This injury is difficult to heal! And it hurts others and yourself." Jian Douluo couldn't help but said.

Jiang Siming didn't reply, and Jian Douluo stopped talking and led Jiang Siming to the guest room.

Jiang Siming sat cross-legged on the bed with the little fox in his arms, and began to meditate.Gradually entered the mirror space again.

"What's the matter? Aren't some functions of the system suspended?" Jiang Siming was a little puzzled. The system has only been repaired by 41%. According to the proportion of the few functions in the system, at most, the task of signing in can be carried out.

"Ding, due to the unknown energy, the shackles of the system collapsed. All the functions of the system are turned on, looking for high-quality energy to open the unknown function and establish a channel."

"So, I'm still a blessing in disguise." Jiang Siming couldn't help but think of the murderous words in that black space again.

"It doesn't matter who he is? How could we meet sooner or later?" Jiang Siming didn't think deeply about it. After all, it can cause the system to collapse. Even if he is at the top of Douluo Dalu, Jiang Siming may not be the opponent of the source of the voice.

"Ding, do you want to start the second stage of the mirror space assessment?"

"Turn it on!" Jiang Siming was in a bad mood and needed to vent.

An identical mirror image appeared, and Jiang Siming was inexplicably full of anger.

Holding the Immortal Killing Sword in his hand, a terrifying murderous aura erupted from his whole body.

The self-created soul skill "Great Light Sword Song" reappeared.

The mirror image also tried to play the Great Bright Sword Song, and the two of you came and went.Both sides failed, but the mirror image was obviously about to collapse. After Xie Yuan's training, Jiang Siming's instinct for fighting has been greatly improved.Even if Jiang Siming's thinking is the same as that of the mirror image, they cannot imitate Jiang Siming's almost abnormal perceptual instinct.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for passing the second stage of the mirror world assessment, the second stage of the mirror world is officially opened."

"Ding, are you entering the second stage of the mirror world?"

"Yes." Jiang Siming replied with some emotion.

The picture in front of him changed rapidly, and Jiang Siming appeared in that white space again.

"Ding, you have chosen to enter the world of sword energy, slaughter battlefield, reincarnation experience, Zhuxian sword assessment"

Tears flowed from Jiang Siming's eyes.

"Reincarnation experience" Jiang Siming said choked up.

"Start reincarnation experience."

Jiang Siming fell into a coma again when he woke up.Beside him was modern furniture, and lying on his lap was his wife Zhu Zhuqing.

Jiang Siming, I am back here again.Looking at his wife lying on his lap, Jiang Siming showed a happy smile.There is no great power, just having her is enough.

"Si Ming, do you love me?" Zhu Zhuqing straightened up and asked this question again.

Jiang Siming was shocked because he knew that Zhu Zhuqing in front of him would choose to commit suicide in the next moment.

"Of course, I love you!" Jiang Siming held Zhu Zhuqing's hands tightly, and looked into Zhu Zhuqing's eyes affectionately, for fear of losing it again.

"No, Siming, your eyes tell me that it's not just me anymore in your heart, there is another figure, which gradually becomes clearer." Zhu Zhuqing said with a smile.

Jiang Siming fell silent, he no longer dared to look into Zhu Zhuqing's eyes.

Zhu Zhuqing touched Jiang Siming's face with both hands, and said softly, "It's okay, I'm just a passer-by in reincarnation, maybe you won't meet me when you come in next time. Why? Are you going to fall in love with a fantasy? I I love you, but I can’t be selfish. Maybe one day, when the samsara space is completely closed, I will disappear? Endless repetition, in fact, I envy that girl who is like me, she has a real you, then Not a you who can only see me in reincarnation."

"Maybe one day, you won't need me anymore!" Zhu Zhuqing looked at Jiang Siming sadly.The surrounding space collapsed again, revealing a white background.

"Boy Jiang, don't get up yet!" Sword Douluo's voice pulled Jiang Siming back from the white space.

Jiang Siming rubbed his head, the bruises on his face had gradually disappeared, and he returned to that handsome and outrageous face again.

"It's already noon, the academy is still waiting." Jian Douluo urged the little fox in his arms.But the little fox in his arms was trembling at this moment, looking at Jiang Siming pleadingly.

After Jiang Siming washed up briefly, he followed Sword Douluo to the academy. On the way, the little fox also tried his best to escape from Sword Douluo's clutches.

Jiang Siming calmed down slowly.

"Boy Jiang, those boys don't give in to you very much. I heard that someone is going to take their place. Let's just leave it alone! Let's see how you solve it!" Jian Douluo said jokingly.

"Bad old man, I don't seem to have made it clear to you. I mean seven by one." Jiang Siming said confidently while hugging the little fox.

"That's right, it seems that those boys have no hope at all." Sword Douluo wasn't surprised at all. After all, with Jiang Siming's strength, he was simply a humanoid harvester in the general [-]rd and [-]th level competitions.

"However, are you sure you want to do this? Wuhundian is not a vegetarian. You are participating in the competition on behalf of the students under Qibao Liulizong. Wuhundian will definitely attack you. Qibao Liulizong can only do its best to protect you. I hope you I can understand, I can take risks, but the sect can't." Jian Douluo said helplessly.

"Don't worry! Wuhundian doesn't have so many titled Douluo, even if it is death, one will be pulled down." Jiang Siming said flatly, but there was a hint of hostility hidden.

"Okay, Liuli Academy is here." Jian Douluo said.

The two hurried to the school grounds.

Standing beside Ning Fengzhi was a middle-aged man with some disdain in his eyes.And the eyes of the seven students in school uniforms behind them were also full of arrogance.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Siming felt helplessly that he must have been regarded as a gilded relation who went through the back door to participate in the competition.

"Fengzhi, I brought him!" Sword Douluo said.

Just as Jiang Siming was about to speak, the middle-aged man beside Ning Fengzhi said first, "Sovereign, I don't think there is any need to change the lineup, right? I see that this person has fair skin, which may affect the results of the academy."

The students behind the middle-aged man all looked at Jiang Siming playfully, to see how he made a fool of himself.

Of course, given Jiang Siming's state of mind, he would not pay attention to them at all.

Ning Fengzhi was obviously a little displeased that he was usually too kind to let his subordinates be so bold.

Sword Douluo had an expression of waiting for a good show.

"Uncle Ning, I still want to say this time, who am I not targeting? Those seven people and that teacher are trash." Jiang Siming said with a smile, stroking the little fox, showing a harmless appearance.

"Boy! You'd better keep your mouth shut, or I'll let you go out lying down." A student who was obviously the leader crossed his hands in front of his chest, pretending to be profound.

(End of this chapter)

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