My sign-in life in Douluo

Chapter 72 Fiery Academy

Chapter 72 Fiery Academy
"Liuli Academy, win!" The referee shouted, somewhat stunned.

There was a sudden burst of cheers from the audience, which caused the teams in the other rings to stop fighting.

Jiang Siming indifferently crossed his arms and chest, and calmly left the scene.

On the central arena, the battle between Shrek Academy and Tiandou Royal Academy was not over yet, and they were attracted by Jiang Siming's fighting voice.

Tang San hastily reminded that everyone reacted and quickly ended the battle.

"Little San, that masked man is so arrogant! We seem to have been robbed of the limelight!" Dai Mubai said a little unhappy seeing someone robbing the limelight.At this time, Dai Mubai has broken through to level 50, even if he hasn't had time to obtain the spirit ring, he is still not a little bit stronger than in the original book.And the rest of Shrek, except Xiao Wu, is also around level 45 on average.Naturally, some look down on other soul master teams.

Tai Long and others on the side also said unhappily.

Tang San squinted his eyes, and said immediately, "Everyone, don't be careless, that person is fighting against the Elephant Armor Academy, and he defeated one of the Five Element Academy so easily with only one person's strength, I'm afraid his strength should not be underestimated!"

Everyone nodded, only Tang San felt something was wrong, the master was the team's tactical guide, Tang San had seen the information from the master no matter which academy it was, but the person who just fought against the Elephant Armor Academy had never heard of it. This character.

On the VIP table.

"Hahaha, thank you Bishop Salas for being so generous, and ask Bishop Salas to abide by the bet!" Sword Douluo said arrogantly while stroking the little fox in his arms.

Ning Fengzhi and Emperor Xue Ye also looked at Salas with meaningful smiles.

Obviously losing face, Salas glared at Hu Yanzhen, threw a soul bone at Sword Douluo, cupped his hands at Emperor Xue Ye and snorted coldly, and left.Hu Yanzhen, who had a gloomy face beside him, also followed without saying a word.

Late at night, the master's office.

"Teacher, we met a very strange person in the spirit fighting arena today. We defeated the Elephant Armor Academy on our own." Tang San finally came to find the master.

The master didn't make a sound, looked at Tang San with some struggling eyes, and quickly controlled his emotions.

"Really? Which college?" The master pretended not to care.

"It seems to be the Glazed Tile Academy under the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect." Tang San said while touching his chin.

"It seems that the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School has produced an incredible talent this year, and you guys should go and watch his games when you have time." The master said, holding back his emotions.

Although Tang San saw the abnormality of the master, he didn't ask much.

Inside the Spirit Hall of Heaven Dou City.

"Submit all the information about Jiang Sima immediately!" Salas ordered furiously.Not only did he lose a soul bone today, but it also made him lose face.

Looking at Jiang Simingshao's pitiful message, Salas's eyes gradually became brighter.

Inside the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School.

"Boy Jiang, you are really fighting for me. You didn't even see how ugly that old boy Salas looked today? He even won a soul bone for me." Sword Douluo threw the soul bone It was given to Jiang Siming.

Jiang Siming was taken aback, after all, no soul master would be able to refuse the temptation of a soul bone.

Holding the crystal clear left arm bone, Jiang Siming smiled slightly, but a warm feeling rose in his heart.

"Bad old man, you'd better take it back! It's not 10 years old, I'm too embarrassed to integrate it." Jiang Siming said pretending to be disdainful.

Jian Douluo blushed suddenly, grabbed the spirit bone, and left angrily.After walking out of Jiang Siming's room, he shook his head with a smile and said, "Stinky boy!"

After Jian Douluo left, Jiang Siming sat cross-legged on the bed, and the little fox slipped into Jiang Siming's arms silently, yawned lazily, and fell asleep heartlessly.

Jiang Siming shook his head helplessly, a little envious of the little fox's innocence.

Jiang Siming didn't know what he was thinking, so he named him Jiang Sima.There was an urge to be recognized.

the next day.

"Boy Jiang, you are really lucky. Today, you met another five-element academy, Blazing Fire Academy." Jian Douluo said jokingly, even though he knew that there must be tricks in it, but he was more concerned about Jiang Siming's strength. confidence.

"Blazing Academy?" Jiang Siming murmured.

There was still an hour before the game, Jiang Siming sat quietly in the waiting area and teased the little fox.

Suddenly Jiang Siming's body shook, but he quickly returned to normal and continued to tease the little fox.He sighed secretly in his heart, "Tang San is really smart."

Tang San walked slowly in the distance.

"Little San, why are you here?" Jian Douluo said, but couldn't help but glance at Jiang Siming.

Tang San noticed that Sword Douluo was a little abnormal.

"Senior Jian, I just came here to make friends with this brother." Tang San looked at Jiang Siming who was teasing the little fox.

Jian Douluo looked at Jiang Siming, who slowly raised his head and nodded.

"Paws?" Jiang Siming said deliberately changing his accent.

Tang San looked at Jiang Siming, who was wearing a mask and had a cold demeanor, and suddenly said with a strange accent, cupped his hands and said, "I'm Tang San, I want to make friends with Your Excellency!"

"Jiang Sima, hello." Jiang Siming said maintaining his accent.

Tang San, who already had an idea in mind, suddenly had a devilish accent, and he didn't know how to ask.

"I hope that if we meet in the arena, I hope you will be merciful." The suspicion in Tang San's heart was ruthlessly extinguished by this thick accent, and he lost his mood to ask any more. He bowed his hands to Sword Douluo and Jiang Siming and left. .

Jiang Siming looked at Tang San's leaving back, feeling somewhat disappointed in his heart.

"Contestants please enter the arena!" The competition referee announced that the competition was about to begin.

Jiang Siming walked onto the ring slowly, looked at the members of the Blazing Academy in red uniforms opposite, and yawned.

"Boy, don't be too rampant. You are just a group of stupid big guys who beat people. Do you really think you are invincible?" Huo Wushuang, the captain of the Blazing Academy, can't tolerate Jiang Siming being so arrogant.

Jiang Siming didn't reply, but silently took a fighting stance.

"The game begins!" the referee ordered.

The captains of both teams sign up for each other.

I saw Huo Wushuang's right hand turned into a flaming dragon claw, attacking Jiang Siming directly.Jiang Siming did not back down, and also punched out.

The collision of the flesh fist and the dragon's claw produced a powerful wave of air.

Neither side took advantage of the first round, and both sides were just tentative attacks.

Huo Wushuang rushed to Jiang Siming again, trying to entangle Jiang Siming, but Huo Wu behind him sneaked closer to Jiang Siming.Unleashes a fire ring of resistance.

Huo Wushuang withdrew suddenly, resisting Huo Huan's perverted passivity and repelling Jiang Siming into the air.

The Martian soul master behind Blazing Academy, one or two soul rings lit up, and countless fireballs appeared in the air, flying towards Jiang Siming.

Jiang Siming, who couldn't use his strength in the air, quickly released the Chaos Clock, and the Chaos Clock quickly opened up, spreading all the fireballs.The Blazing Academy members on the wall were all attacked by fireballs released by their own soul masters, causing varying degrees of damage.

(End of this chapter)

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