My sign-in life in Douluo

Chapter 87 The Invitation of Emperor Xue Ye

Chapter 87 The Invitation of Emperor Xue Ye

After Emperor Xue Ye gave an impassioned speech, the competition officially started.

"The All-Continent Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition, the Tiandou division promotion competition, starts now!" the host shouted.

Although ordinary nobles and spectators in the promotion match were not able to watch the battle, there were fewer cheers and noises, but the atmosphere in the arena was still extremely tense.

"For the first round, Liuli Academy will be invited to face the Smecta Principality's Beast Academy. Players from both sides are invited to enter the ring!"

"The name of the Principality and the team is interesting!" Jiang Siming smiled meaningfully.

A member of the Beast Academy wearing a pardonable green team uniform, and one who stepped onto the ring in a chic way, attracted some girls who were crazy about other teams.

The handsome player obviously enjoyed the feeling of superiority.

Jiang Siming crossed his hands in front of his chest.Some lazily walked onto the ring slowly.

Feeling the forgiveness of being underestimated, he immediately looked at Jiang Siming with some disdain.In his eyes, Jiang Siming is just a gold-plated player with a strong background.

He didn't even choose to do it the first time.

"Boy, I know you are." The forgiveness has not yet finished.

Jiang Siming, who was still stretching, disappeared out of nowhere, and appeared in front of him the next moment.

Before forgiveness could react, a huge fist rushed towards his proud face.

In the blink of an eye, Forgiveness fell under the ring, his handsome face turned half angel and half devil.

"Liuli Academy, Jiang Sima wins!"

"You sneaked up on me!" Forgiveness and pain covered one side of his swollen face, and said vaguely.Forgive Se was extremely unconvinced, since he didn't even release his martial soul, he was defeated by the opponent, and felt that he had been greatly insulted.

Jiang Siming obviously ignored him, and looked at the referee, saying that he could be the next one.

Under the arena, Beast Academy and others looked at Jiang Siming angrily. They only thought that Jiang Siming was a sneak attack and that he was invincible in victory, and they didn't think of Jiang Siming's terrifying record in the rumors at all.To put it bluntly, this team is simply arrogant and arrogant.

Soon the next player from the Beast Academy appeared on the stage.There was a bit of coldness and arrogance in his eyes.

Drawing on the experience of the previous teammate, the referee had just announced the start of the match, holding a bright silver scimitar tightly in his hand, two yellow and one purple soul rings appeared in front of him, and immediately launched an attack.The third soul ring lit up, and the scimitar in his hand was swung at a high speed. The light of the sword pressed down on Jiang Siming, looking extremely gorgeous, attacking flawlessly in all directions.

"Glamourous!" Jiang Siming commented, the opponent's soul skill should be an increase in speed, seemingly sharp and fast attack, but lost the advantage of suddenness.

Jiang Siming released the Chaos Clock, hugged the bell hammer and threw it fiercely at the sword lights all over the sky.

The knife shadows all over the sky were about to collapse at the touch, the machete man turned pale with fright, and hurriedly swung his sword to resist, but the chaotic clock was as powerful as a broken bamboo.

The huge impact caused the blood in the machete man to surge, he couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of blood, and flew out of the ring.

"Liuli Academy, Jiang Sima wins!"

At this moment, the eyes of those teams who did not believe in Jiang Siming's strength were solemn.

In the two games, Jiang Siming had already finished the opponent quickly. Jiang Siming didn't even use his soul skills, which meant that there was no consumption at all.The leaders of each team also looked a little dignified.

"Referee! Referee! I protest! This is killing people. I request to disqualify him from the competition!" The team leader of Beast Academy suddenly shouted.Just when everyone was shocked, the machete man who had been knocked into the air by Jiang Siming just now vomited blood and passed out.

All the teams looked at this scene with some optimism. They hoped that Jiang Siming would be disqualified from the competition, which would save him a huge danger.

Only some smart people shook their heads, the Glazed Tile Academy is the affiliated academy of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School anyway, besides, how could Emperor Xue Ye be willing to give up such a talented player?

The referee looked at Jiang Siming, a little embarrassed.After all, a genius like Jiang Siming must not be able to offend him, but the scene was indeed a bit embarrassing.

Jiang Siming spread his hands helplessly, he really didn't expect his opponent to be so vulnerable.

At the VIP seat, Emperor Xue Ye's lips moved slightly.

The referee who was in a dilemma on that stage suddenly became solemn and respectful.

Loudly announced "The protest is invalid! The game continues!"

After hearing the verdict, Beast Academy and others all looked at Jiang Siming with resentful eyes.

The next five members of Beast Academy, except for the last captain who is the four-ring soul master, none of the other three-ring soul masters is Jiang Siming's one-stroke enemy.

"The first game, 7-0. Liuli Academy wins!"

With the referee's verdict, the first game was a perfect ending.

Jiang Siming also walked off the ring under the shocked eyes of everyone.

This was the first match, and Jiang Siming had so easily completed one-through-seven. One can imagine the pressure on the academy that will be playing next.

Jiang Siming didn't leave in a hurry when the game was over, he sat quietly in the preparation area and watched the game.

"The next match is between Shrek Academy and Botanical Academy."

Jiang Siming touched his chin, it seems that the plot has not changed.

But Jiang Siming also reminded the master early that if you meet the Botanical Academy, don't let Xiao Wu play. Although everyone in Shrek didn't know what Jiang Siming meant, Jiang Siming didn't explain, and everyone in Shrek didn't ask. Because they knew that Jiang Siming could not do anything to hurt them.

Ever since, Shrek Academy sent Dai Mubai to complete the second one-through-seven on the first day of the competition. Although it was not as easy as Jiang Siming, being able to do one-through-seven represented extremely strong strength strong.

After the match, Dai Mubai looked in Jiang Siming's direction, and shook his fist fiercely.

Everyone thought it was a competition between two strong men, but in fact, only Shrek and Jiang Siming understood that it was showing off.

Under the mask, Jiang Siming smiled unconsciously.

A few more games later.

The first day of the competition is also a successful end.

Jiang Siming was stretching and was about to leave.A figure appeared in front of him.

"Your Excellency Jiang Sima, my Patriarch welcomes you!" The visitor said respectfully, and inadvertently revealed a golden token with the word Xue Ye engraved on it.

Jiang Siming narrowed his eyes, and after a long silence, he said lightly, "Lead the way!"

Jiang Siming did not expect that Emperor Xue Ye would invite him. Even though his strength was outstanding enough, he was not strong enough for a person with the highest status in the empire to meet him.

Jiang Siming kept vigilant all the way until he came to Qingyaxuan.

Jiang Siming smiled helplessly, he finally knew why Emperor Xue Ye would meet him in person, and he was tricked by that old fellow Ning Fengzhi again.

(End of this chapter)

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