My sign-in life in Douluo

Chapter 90 Killing

Chapter 90 Killing
"You continue to participate in the competition! I'm going out to deal with some things!" Jiang Siming's face turned completely cold, and the murderous aura radiating from his body made the temperature in the meeting room seem to drop a little.

"Si Ming, don't do something stupid!" Flender said with a worried expression.

"Siming!" Zhu Zhuqing grabbed Jiang Siming's cuff, bit his red lips tightly, and did not speak at any time, but his eyes showed pleading.

"Don't worry, I'm fine!" Jiang Siming patted Zhu Zhuqing's little hand, gave him a comforting look, and walked out of the conference room resolutely.

Outside Heaven Dou City.

An extremely luxurious and extravagant carriage was driving slowly on the road, and the masked guards around the carriage were all implying that the status of the people in the carriage was extremely noble.

It's just that among the masked guards, there was a murderous look in his eyes. This person was Jiang Siming. When the other party was about to leave, he secretly killed a guard, put on his clothes, and pretended to be Among a group of people.

The carriage slowly drove past the post station outside Tiandou City, and walked onto the official road.

Jiang Siming's long-suppressed murderous intent finally broke out completely.

"Prisoner!" Jiang Siming roared, Juexian Sword and Killing Immortal Sword appeared in his hand, the soul ring of two sons and two blacks emerged, and it ended instantly, the three guards around were cut off the connection between the carriage and the horse .

"Protect the lord!" The other guards also reacted and released their spirit rings one after another, guarding around the carriage.The remaining six are all soul emperor level masters.It has to be said that although the Star Luo Empire has a policy of iron and blood, the people it cultivates are also decisive and cold-blooded, and they are natural fighters.Even though the three companions were killed suddenly, they did not show too much panic, but guarded around the carriage for the first time.

Since Jiang Siming used the Four Swords of Zhu Xian, these people must all die today.

Jiang Siming held a fairy sword in each hand and confronted the six soul emperors from a distance.Everyone was still in the prison, feeling the decline of their own strength, and the feeling of suffocation in the deep claustrophobic space made the six soul emperors feel extremely depressed.

"Quick! Kill him!" A majestic voice sounded from the carriage, but it revealed a bit of unbearable pain, and the thought of going to prison made him very uncomfortable.

Received the command from the voice in the carriage.

Among the six soul emperors, three guarded the carriage, and the other three soul emperors attacked Jiang Siming.

The three of them surrounded Jiang Siming and continuously released their soul skills. With a tacit rhythm, Jiang Siming could not catch his breath and save the consumption of soul power.

Jiang Siming, who was in the center, relied on his strong reflexes to easily defuse the ensuing attacks. He was also a little shocked. Although the number of soul masters in the Star Luo Empire was much lower than that in the Heaven Dou Empire, it was even less comparable to the Spirit Hall. However, its terrifying military management capabilities are all compared to the Heaven Dou Empire, which is far incomparable.

"Killing God Possession!" Jiang Siming's second soul ability lit up.The breath rose instantly.

"One sword to separate the world!" Two semicircular sword qi swept away, and the three soul emperors who were attacking at this time had not had time to react, and their upper body and lower body had already been split into two.

The three soul emperors guarding the carriage also looked at each other one after another, and rushed towards Jiang Siming.

"Grip of the Ice Dragon!" The 10-year-old spirit bone skills exploded.Moisture in the surrounding air quickly concentrated, the blue silver grass everywhere began to wither and turn yellow, the blood from the severed corpses dried up quickly, and dry cracks appeared on the ground.

The three soul emperors felt that their moisture was being lost rapidly, and they attacked Jiang Siming more quickly.

Due to the absorption of blood, a huge blood-colored ice dragon hand slowly appeared in midair, driven by Jiang Siming's will, and slapped fiercely at the three soul emperors.

The three soul emperors did not have any resistance, and they were patted into meat paste. The huge impact sent waves of shock waves on the ground, the carriage was overturned to the ground, and the old man in it was also thrown out, and it was impossible to stand still. He didn't care about the deaths of his nine subordinates.

Because of the grip of the ice dragon, the blood around him didn't smell like blood, and the dried blood seemed to be from a battle that happened a long time ago.

"Who the hell are you? Do you know that I am a member of the royal family of the Star Luo Empire!" the old man said angrily, but there was no worry in his eyes about his current situation.

"I don't care who you are? You must die today!" Jiang Siming stared at the old man.

"What a big tone! I have to say, just relying on the strength of the fourth ring to kill the nine soul emperors of the old man, and the configuration of two purple and two black soul rings, I am afraid that there is no genius in the world who can match you. This old man is not number one. It's time to kill you because you have a heart of love for talents. If you are willing to convert to the Star Luo Empire, you will be rich, rich, and all the resources for cultivation are within your reach. Tell the old man, who asked you to kill me?" The old man said flatly, With his Contra-level strength, he wasn't worried at all.Even though Jiang Siming is covering his face at this time, it is not difficult to see that Jiang Siming must be young next year.

Jiang Siming was indifferent to the old man's words.Afterimages left one after another in the air, quickly attacking the old man.

The gray and red sword shadows kept flickering, and the old man also quickly deflected Jiang Siming's attack.

As time went on, the old man's eyes also changed slightly. Jiang Siming's strange prison skills greatly weakened his combat effectiveness.

With his many years of combat experience, this kind of restrictive soul one has a huge time limit, so Jiang Siming was allowed to kill his nine soul emperors, and he even talked a lot of nonsense with Jiang Siming, just to delay time.But he was wrong, Jiang Siming's imprisoning soul skills had no intention of ending.

Jiang Siming was still attacking non-stop, this was his first real confrontation with a strong Contra.It has to be said that in terms of combat power alone, the old man's strength is far stronger than that of the Contra of the Wuhun Temple.

Jiang Siming didn't use the attacking soul skills and soul bone skills, which consumed the old man bit by bit.

When the Immortal Killing Sword left the first wound on the old man, the battle had already come to an end.

The power of killing eroded the old man's body from the wound, and he was gradually at a disadvantage.

"Damn it!" the old man thought in his heart, feeling the strange erosive force at the wound, which was destroying his body bit by bit, and the soul power could not restrain its spread at all.

"Avatar!" The old man finally let go of his body and used the seventh spirit ring. In his opinion, it was a great shame to use the avatar to deal with Jiang Siming with the fourth ring.

The huge white tiger brought the one-sided battle back to the starting point, and the huge white tiger's palm slapped Jiang Siming fiercely.

The horizontal sword resisted, but Jiang Siming was still sent flying nearly a hundred meters away by the huge impact.But it also left two deep sword marks on the palm of the white tiger.

The giant white tiger let out a roar that shook the sky, and rushed towards Jiang Siming.

Jiang Siming took a deep breath, feeling the restless breath in his dantian.Swinging the Absolute Immortal Sword suddenly, an incomparably huge gray sword energy rushed towards the giant white tiger.

The next moment, time and space seemed to condense, and the white giant tiger split into two and exploded, turning into golden light and dissipating in the space.The old man also split into two and fell into a pool of blood.

(End of this chapter)

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