My sign-in life in Douluo

Chapter 92 Fat Lord, I'm Too Difficult

Chapter 92 Fat Lord, I'm Too Difficult

The matter of the Star Luo Empire has come to an end. Jiang Siming has been relatively relaxed recently, playing games normally during the day, watching the games like other academies, and accumulating sword energy at night.

The Seven Shrek Monsters also regained their former vigor, and became more and more motivated to fight. They are all rare geniuses, so they naturally understand that blindly sighing and sighing will not be effective in solving any problems.

"What's our slogan?" Dai Mubai shouted loudly.

"Hit Jiang Sima!" Everyone shouted in unison.

Looking at this scene, Jiang Siming felt warm in his heart.Everyone also made a five-year agreement. Although Jiang Siming knew what might happen in five years, he was still full of expectations.

The promotion competition is coming to an end, and today is also the last match, Shrek Academy vs. Kamikaze Academy.

Jiang Siming hesitated for a while, but in the end he still didn't stop Tang San from using the Clear Sky Hammer. After all, most of the focus now was on him, Jiang Sima.The result was still the same as the original book, Feng Xiaotian still lost.

In fact, Jiang Siming admired people like Feng Xiaotian very much.There is no buff bonus, no cheats against the sky, and only with one's own talent can create a self-created soul skill similar to the chaotic wind hammer method.

Jiang Siming also has his own soul skills, the Great Bright Sword Song and the Great Dream Sword.In terms of power and effect, Jiang Siming's two self-created soul skills can be said to be extremely abnormal.But the conditions for comprehension are too harsh. There are almost endless killings in the killing field, reincarnation of hundreds of generations, and countless illusions.

In essence, Jiang Siming and Feng Xiaotian Tang San's self-created soul skills are different, one is comprehension, the other is skill.

At the end of the promotion competition, the 15 teams participating in the finals of Wuhun City also received the commendation from the Heaven Dou Royal Family.

Emperor Xue Ye said some words of solicitation as always, giving the titles to the participating teams for free, which can be said to be a great temptation for these participating teams.However, Bishop Salas, who was supposed to be tit-for-tat, did not say anything to solicit, but stared fixedly at Jiang Siming who was wearing a mask.

Because of the failure of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect's high-level extermination plan, Salas may only stay in Tiandou City as his cardinal for the rest of his life.After all, five titled Douluo cooperated with his actions but it was still a failure. This responsibility must be taken by someone, so Salas can be said to hate the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School to the extreme. Jiang Siming, a student of the academy, was equally resentful, not to mention losing a soul sage master to Jiang Siming.

After the award ceremony for the promotion competition.

The master found Jiang Siming.

"Si Ming, I'm going to Wuhun City first. I'm afraid they will be a little flustered if I'm not there. I know they will listen to you." The master said lightly, with a look of sadness and regret in his eyes.

Jiang Siming nodded, with an inexplicable taste in his eyes.

Of course Jiang Siming knew that Master was going to find Bibi Dong.

Jiang Siming couldn't help but sigh. In fact, many people in his previous life said that the master was a coward, a loser who could only yell at women.

Bibi Dong is indeed pitiful, unable to be with the person she loves the most, and being hurt by her most trusted master.

But what about the master?Being ridiculed by his favorite woman as a waste, saying that she has been lying to him and getting close to him because of his deep research on martial arts, how many people can bear this?

Even if you know the truth, what can you do if you let a person who has lost his martial soul?
It can only be said that Grandmaster and Bibi Dong just met the wrong person at the wrong time and in the wrong place.

On this continent where the strong are respected, the master is weak, and Bibi Dong was too weak at that time, so in the end the two of them had such a tragic ending.

After the master left, Jiang Siming only told the Shrek Seven Monsters master that he had gone to Wuhun City in advance.Get them ready to go to Wuhun City, and the master will wait for them there.

Although the Shrek Seven Monsters felt a little strange, they didn't ask too much.It's just that Liu Erlong's complexion on the side can be said to be extremely bad, and there is a feeling of a volcanic eruption at any time, so scared that the others in Shrek will consciously go around when they see Liu Erlong. After all, they still clearly remember the tragedy of the Earth King that day. end.

Although Jiang Siming looked relaxed on the surface, he was still a little worried psychologically. On the way to Wuhun City this time, Wuhun Palace will inevitably send experts to intercept him. I don't know if it will be the two titled Douluo in the original book. With all the soul masters, Jiang Siming was a little worried that his appearance would cause some other changes.

Jiang Siming also intentionally or unintentionally reminded the others in Shrek to take precautions along the way and be ready for battle at any time.

Finally, 15 teams embarked on the road to Wuhun City.

Ten days passed, and the journey seemed to be uneventful, nothing wrong.Jiang Siming never let go of his vigilance.

At this time, Shrek Academy and others.

Dai Mubai hugged Shuiyue'er happily, waving the dog food.

Ma Hongjun's mentality was about to explode, Oscar and Ning Rongrong vaguely made a couple.Not to mention Xiao Wu and Tang San, Zhu Zhuqing and Jiang Siming loved each other from the dead, and he was the only single dog left. It can be said that the baby is suffering!
"I said Boss Dai, you are showing affection, you will die quickly!" Ma Hongjun said sourly.

Just as Dai Mubai was about to refute, Shui Yueer, who was hugging her at the side, spoke first: "Ma Hongjun, in fact, one of our girls in Tianshui likes you very much!" Shui Yueer blinked her lovely Kazilan's big eyes, Said innocently and cutely.

The rest of the Shrek looked at Shui Yue'er curiously, obviously they were also very serious and doubted the gold content of this sentence.

Ma Hongjun, who was a little excited at first, suddenly became anxious when he found everyone's suspicious eyes, "What do you mean? What's wrong with the fat man? Sister-in-law, you see that the fat man is a fire phoenix, is he your captain? Ice phoenix!" Even my sister-in-law was called, just for a girl.

"No, our captain has someone he likes. The sister I mentioned is a good match for you!" Shui Yue'er said mischievously, pointing to a round-looking girl from Tianshui College.

Following the direction of Shui Yue'er's finger, everyone found that the girl was staring at Ma Hongjun all the time.

Dai Mubai and the others held back their laughter, only Ma Hongjun shouted suddenly, "Fat Master is also a fire phoenix? Why did he fall into such a state?"

While everyone was laughing, Tang San, who was most vigilant, sensed that there seemed to be a change in the surroundings, and immediately reminded him aloud.

"Attention, I always feel that something is wrong!" Tang San said vigilantly.

Everyone heard the seriousness in Tang San's tone, put away their smiles one after another, and looked around vigilantly.

In the carriage of Liuli Academy, Jiang Siming slowly opened his eyes, which had been closed for a long time.

"Is it finally here?" Jiang Siming took a deep breath and said.

Relying on his sense of murderous intent, Jiang Siming felt that nearly 1500 people were slowly approaching.

 The start of school is approaching, because I still have some things to do in the laboratory, and it is too painful to type code, so there may only be two updates a day for updates.After all, my typing speed is too slow, thank you for your support (≧≦)
(End of this chapter)

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