The system starts from the first in the world

Chapter 1 Tianchi Hero's Passion

Chapter 1 Tianchi Hero's Passion
In winter night.

After get off work, Zhu Cheng wrapped himself in a down jacket and prepared to go back to the rental house.For some reason, as I was walking, my eyes suddenly went dark, and when I woke up, I found myself in a snow mountain.

"Where is this?" Zhu Cheng looked around in a daze, feeling panic in his heart.

Ding Dong!

Congratulations on the successful arrival of the host, the system is being activated... the system is activated, and the lottery draw begins.

The lottery draw is over, congratulations to the host for obtaining the ability to transform, [reminder, the ability to transform can only be used three times a day].

Insufficient energy, the system will fall into sleep, goodbye.

A long series of voices sounded in Zhu Cheng's mind, which made Zhu Cheng look confused.

Just when Zhu Cheng was at a loss, he saw someone walking towards him.

The person who came was a white-haired old man with a beard hanging down to his chest, but in this snowy day, he was only wearing a single shirt, and his posture was vigorous like a young man.

"Hello, sir, may I ask where this is?" Zhu Cheng hurriedly stepped forward when he saw someone coming.

"Tianshan." The old man glanced at Zhu Cheng, replied two words lightly, and continued to walk up the mountain.

"Tianshan, why am I in Tianshan?" Zhu Cheng stood there dumbfounded.

Tianshan is a day away from where he works, even by plane. How could he be here?
The most troublesome thing is that the mobile phone is dead, and I can't navigate...

"Wait, sir, aren't you cold?" Zhu Cheng finally noticed that the old man was wearing only a single shirt, which was not damaged by the freezing in this icy world.

"It's okay." The old man smiled and continued to walk forward.

"Here you are." Zhu Cheng took off his down jacket and put it on the old man, and then prepared to go down the mountain.

"Huh—" A gust of cold wind came out, icy cold.

"Damn it, it's so cold. It's hard to ask for a wolf with a big tail." Zhu Cheng cursed inwardly, as soon as he took off his down jacket, he shivered from the cold.Fortunately, there was still a sweater inside, so it could hold up when rushing down the mountain in one breath.

"Young man, can you do me a favor?" The old man stopped Zhu Cheng.

"What's busy?" Zhu Cheng endured the severe cold and asked as if nothing happened.

"I'm going to the top of the mountain, can you take me up?"

"Ah!" To be honest, if the old man wanted to let him cross the road, Zhu Cheng would say nothing, but now that he has no down jacket, it seems that he can't bear to send the old man to the top of the mountain in this ice and snow.

"Hey, old man, I'm about to die, so you just have the heart to watch? If I slip and fall to my death, there's no one to collect the body." The old man actually pretended to be pitiful and acted like a baby.

"Okay, okay." For some reason, Zhu Cheng agreed by accident.

It turns out that it is not only useful for girls to act like a baby, but also for old men to act like a baby.

Strange to say, when Zhu Cheng held the old man's hand, he suddenly felt a heat flow, and his whole body became warm in an instant.

"It's so comfortable" is not cold anymore, and Zhu Cheng also has the energy to think about where it is.

It seems that there was a system prompt just now, and I traveled through time, so where did I time travel to?

After thinking all the way, Zhu Cheng didn't come up with a reason. The main reason was that there were too few clues. Instead, he had reached the top of Tianshan Mountain.

Tianshan was a volcano at first, but later the volcano stopped erupting and the crater was blocked. Due to the high altitude and snow accumulation, a lake was formed, which was called "Tianchi".

"Wow, it's really beautiful, much more beautiful than in the photos." Zhu Cheng has seen photos of Tianchi, but the photos are just photos after all, far from the beauty and shock that he saw with his own eyes.

"Yes, it's a good place." The old man stroked his beard and looked at Tianchi deeply.

"Little brother doesn't know martial arts?"

"Martial arts?" Ha, martial arts, do taekwondo yellow belts count?

"You have no internal strength in your body, and there are no traces of exercising in your hands and feet. Presumably you don't have a teacher."

"Ah?" Zhu Cheng looked confused, what are you doing.

"Little brother gave me a piece of clothing, so I'll give him a gift in return." After the old man finished speaking, he pressed his right hand on Zhu Cheng's celestial cap before he could react, like holding a big top from top to bottom.

"!!!!" Didn't you say return the gift, show me how to perform acrobatics?
No, the body is very hot, and I feel a force pouring in.

Ah, why is my body swollen? It's so uncomfortable, so uncomfortable.

"Ah!" But hearing Zhu Cheng's roar, a force surged from his body, so strong that it stirred up a huge wave of ten feet from the calm Tianchi.

"I have a descendant! I have a descendant!" The old man fell to the ground and shouted, very excited.

"Old man, what's going on?" Zhu Cheng looked at his twice as fat body and asked in horror.There are more strange things that happened to him today than in the past 20 years combined.

"You have been trained by the old man for 60 years, and you will lose weight when you get used to it. Come, kowtow to the master." The old man nodded.

Just now this is the legendary enlightenment, imparting skills?

Zhu Cheng usually likes to read novels and martial arts dramas, and he still has some understanding of this aspect. He also feels that he has endless energy all over his body, and he is not in the sub-healthy state he used to be.

"Master, my apprentice Zhu Cheng kowtowed to you." He has obtained other people's 60-year-old skills for no reason, and depending on his age, he can be his grandfather, so a few kowtows are reasonable.

It's that simple to travel through time and get a chance.

"But why?" Yeah, he's not handsome, he doesn't work hard, he's just a senior nerd, why should the old man pass on his skills to him?
"Because you have a kind heart, you gave the old man your coat even though you were shivering from the cold. You are the only one who won't do evil and ruin my reputation as a Tianchi strange man." The old man explained the whole story.

Tianchi strange man!Tianchi strange man in No. [-] Under Heaven.

Gu Santong is invincible in the world only after he learned his Vajra Indestructible Magic Art, not to mention he also has a great method of absorbing energy, which specializes in absorbing the internal energy of others for his own use.

"The master passed on the skills to me, so what should you do?"

"Hahaha, I did not misunderstand the person. I am not happy but cared about me after I got the skill." The Tianchi strange man was very satisfied with Zhu Cheng's performance, and sighed: "I came to Tianshan because I was about to bury myself. I didn't expect to meet you, this may be the mysterious fate."

"This is what I have learned all my life, and now I will pass it on to you." Tianchi strange man said, and took out three martial arts cheat books "King Kong is not bad", "Suction Dafa", "Tianchi Swordsmanship" and handed them to Zhu Cheng.

"You don't have to practice the invincible magic of King Kong. You can transform into a golden man now that you have acquired the old man's skill. Although the suction power can be called a magic skill, it is not tolerated by the martial arts. Do not use it in front of people to avoid becoming a public enemy of the martial arts; As for the Tianchi swordsmanship, it was created by this old man when he was young, although he has used it less these years, he has continued to improve it, and it will never be weaker than any swordsmanship at a high level." The Tianchi strange man said proudly.

"After I died, I put my body in the ice cave at the bottom of Tianchi Lake. I just hope you don't lose yourself in the world of mortals, and always maintain such a kind heart."

After finishing speaking, Tianchi strange man closed his eyes and passed away.

This is an expert, who even knew that he would die in a few seconds, and walked away peacefully with a smile after explaining.

"Respectfully send off master." Zhu Cheng kowtowed three times to Tianchi strange man.

After getting up, Zhu Cheng looked at the corpse of Tianchi strange man, a little embarrassed.The master told him to put the body in the ice cave at the bottom of Tianchi, but he couldn't swim.

Zhu Cheng wanted to learn swimming when he was a child, but because he went fishing in the river, he was beaten up by his grandma, and the water in the village was polluted, so he no longer wanted to learn swimming, so until now he is still a child. Landlubber.

What can I do?Seeing the corpse of Tianchi strange man, Zhu Cheng scratched his head and didn't know what to do.The master's last words cannot be ignored.

"Why don't you go down the mountain to find some water ghosts, but this is against the original intention of the master." Tianchi strange man chose to put his body in the inaccessible Tianchi, just to keep people from disturbing, and if the water ghosts came, the news would be leaked.

"What should I do?" Looking at Tianchi, Zhu Cheng was helpless.

Well, if only I were a fish.

When Zhu Cheng thought about it this way, he really became a fish, a crucian carp three fingers wide.

"!!! It can really transform, the system really exists. However, the fish is too small to carry the master at all."

Thinking of this, Zhu Cheng suddenly turned into a big black octopus.

"It's a good system, and the mind moves freely. It's very easy to use. But it seems that the fish body can't get the master up and turn him back into a human body." Phew, Zhu Cheng became a human again.

Zhu Cheng carried the Tianchi Monster on his back, then transformed into an octopus and jumped into Tianchi. The transformation was perfect. Zhu Cheng could still breathe and move freely in the water.

Zhu Cheng searched underwater for about 10 minutes, and finally found the ice hole in the mouth of Tianchi strange man.

It is also amazing that there is an ice cave without water at the bottom of the lake. It is said that these ices are all thousand-year-old black ice, maybe it has something to do with it.

But this world even has the immortal medicine of Tianxiang cardamom, which can bring the dead back to life, so there is nothing wrong with a small hole.

The ice cave is the home of the Tianchi monster. His home is extremely simple, with only an ice bed, a few sets of clothes, a box of gold, and a Tianchi sword.

"噗" Zhu Cheng drew his sword out of its sheath and suddenly felt a cold light, it was a good sword.

"Master, I'm leaving." Zhu Cheng, the strange hero of Tianchi, is ready to go out of Tianchi after setting up Tianchi, to experience the rivers and lakes.

"Why can't I transform?" When Zhu Cheng was about to transform into a fish, he suddenly realized that he couldn't transform.

Today's three transformations have passed, and we have to wait for the next day.

"If you come, you will be safe." Idle is also idle, Zhu Cheng found a place to look through the cheats.Vajra Indestructible Magical Skill is practiced by a child, and when practiced to perfection, he can transform into a golden man, so that the indestructible Vajra is invulnerable to swords, guns, water and fire.

Suction Dafa can absorb people's skills, but just like Zhu Cheng's receiving the Tianchi monster, if he absorbs hundreds of years of skills in an instant, his body will have to explode.It is necessary to restrain absorption and improve body strength.

The swordsmanship of Tianchi is like the swordsmanship of heaven and man, elegant and unrestrained, which is in line with Tianchi's temperament.Zhu Cheng can imagine how handsome he would be if he changed into an ancient costume and had long hair to make this Tianchi swordsmanship, maybe he could win the love of thousands of girls


Time passed unknowingly, and one day later Zhu Cheng was able to transform again. He took away the sword and the box of gold, but left behind the cheat books "King Kong Immortality Magical Art" and "Suction Dafa".

Without these two cheat books, wouldn't Gu Santong and Zhu Wushi become mediocre, and the drama No. [-] in the world would be boring.

As a person who likes to watch TV dramas, Zhu Cheng certainly does not allow this to happen.As for why the Tianchi swordsmanship did not survive, there are two reasons.

One: Swordsmanship is so handsome, only my own temperament is suitable for practice, Gu Santong is not far behind Zhu Wushi; second: there is an extra book on how to divide the two of them, how can such a headache be left behind? to others.

Of course, the two cheat books also have to be deleted or deleted. If you practice better than me, you will be shooting yourself in the foot.

I have saved the last page. As a warrior, you need to be creative.

"Jianghu, here I come!"

Last theme song:
"I don't want to be the number one in the world. I just want to be the only one in your heart forever. Can I have this honor and hold you tight...". . . . . . .

. . . . .

The new book "I Have a System as an Assist" has been released, and I hope you can support it.

 Let's sing the first time I saw you

  I can't live without you

  you don't understand this pain
  If this is fate, I am willing to fight

  You don't want the last option is to refuse

  what's the difference between me and him

  How can it be stronger than trying love

  I can't get rid of this pain
  I just long for a little understanding from you
  What love wants is that it cannot tolerate incompleteness at all

  I just want to be the first in your heart
  Why do you still have doubts in your eyes

  without you i'm just a ruin
  It's not rare to be the best in the world
  I just want to be the only one in your heart forever
  can we have this honor
  hold you tight

  what's the difference between me and him

  How can it be stronger than trying love

  I can't get rid of this pain
  I just long for a little understanding from you
  What love wants is that it cannot tolerate incompleteness at all

  I just want to be the first in your heart
  Why do you still have doubts in your eyes

  without you i'm just a ruin
  It's not rare to be the best in the world
  I just want to be the only one in your heart forever
  can we have this honor
  hold you tight

  how to annihilate this feeling
  it tore me apart

  how to solve this tangle
  in the rivers and lakes of love

  I never backed down

  I just want to be the first in your heart
  Why do you still have doubts in your eyes

  without you i'm just a ruin
  It's not rare to be the best in the world
  I just want to be the only one in your heart forever
  can we have this honor
  hold you tight

(End of this chapter)

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