Chapter 10 Sword Demon
The above document said: Yu Guanhai, the head of Qingcheng faction, one of the eight major sects, was abolished by Zhu Cheng's dantian, and the members of the eight major sects present suddenly stood up, looking like they were fighting against each other.

"Stop!" Four head catchers appeared in time, and they were the current four famous catchers of the Six Doors "Chengfeng, Break the Waves, Yunfan, Canghai", and they were old acquaintances of Zhu Cheng.

"It turned out to be the four famous arresters from the six sects." The Eight Great Sects said with a strange air of yin and yang.

"Everyone, in the final analysis, this matter is just a private matter between the owner of the inn and the Qingcheng faction, so there is no need to attack it together." Chengfeng wanted to save Zhu Cheng, and just now his subordinates gave a general account of what happened.

"This statement is wrong. Our eight factions have always been in the same spirit. He abolished the head of the sect in front of us. This obviously does not give us face. As the saying goes, the Jianghu is the Jianghu, and you six sects don't care about this matter. . " The eight major sects spoke in a blunt manner, and they did not pay attention to the six sects or the imperial court at all.

"You guys!" Cang Hai wanted to draw his sword angrily, but Yun Fan stopped him with a wink.

"Brother Chengfeng, don't bother with this matter, it's just the Eight Great Sects, I wish Cheng will continue." As a party involved, Zhu Cheng is really not afraid of the Eight Great Sects, but he accepted the love of Chengfeng's Four Famous Arresters.

"Arrogance!" Although the eight major sects scolded Zhu Cheng for his arrogance, they did not dare to fight Zhu Cheng one-on-one. More than a dozen masters and more than twenty first-rate masters came to kill Zhu Cheng shoulder to shoulder.

"Be careful!" Chengfeng reminded.

Zhu Cheng smiled back, and the true energy circulated to form a shield, no matter how the people from the eight major factions attacked, they could not break the stellar energy.It's so weak, so weak that Zhu Cheng doesn't even need the Vajra Indestructible magic skill.

Zhu Cheng said, "It's my turn." Then he drew his sword, and his figure suddenly disappeared.It only took a moment to hear "ding ding ding", and all the weapons in the hands of the masters of the eight major factions fell to the ground, and each of them had a shallow sword mark on their necks.Not fatal but bloody.

Is the person in front of me really a human being?No, he is the devil, the devil from hell.How could people unload their weapons in an instant and leave sword marks on their necks.They are masters, people who stand at the pinnacle of martial arts.

"Brother Zhu, I haven't seen you for more than ten years. I didn't expect your martial arts to reach this level. Really, really..." Chengfeng couldn't find any powerful words to describe Zhu Cheng's peerless martial arts.

"So-so, No. [-] in the world." Zhu Cheng put his sword back into its sheath with a smile, and then asked the Eight Great Sects: "You guys, are you still here?"

"No, no, no..." The Eight Great Factions shook their heads again and again, where they still had the courage to make moves.

"Get out of here!"

"Yes, yes, yes." The eight major sects picked up their weapons and rushed out as if they had received an amnesty.

"Wait." Zhu Cheng remembered one thing.

"What else do you want?"

"Pay the shop money." As a qualified owner, you still have to pay for it.

"Money, money, money." The Eight Great Factions are simply looking at the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a villain, thinking that Zhu Cheng is blackmailing them, and took out all the money in his body, adding up to a full 10 taels, of which several The monks who were all empty took the most.

"Well, let's go." Zhu Cheng waved his hand and sent the eight factions away.

All of a sudden, only the clerk, Zhu Cheng, and the six-door policemen were left at the Yuelai Inn.

"Shopkeeper Liu, prepare the wine. The owner wants to entertain guests." Zhu Cheng ordered the shopkeeper to prepare wine and dishes. He wanted to have a good meal with the four famous arresters from the six sects, and by the way, give all the money "extorted" from the eight major factions. the shopkeeper.

"Several, don't stand up. Sit down, sit down, just like your own home." Zhu Cheng asked them to sit down, but only the four famous arresters dared to sit at the same table with him, and the other arresters sat next to each other nervously. Looking at Zhu Cheng holding the handle of the knife, he didn't even dare to breathe.

"Brother Zhu, I haven't seen you for many years and you are still so young, unlike us who now have more gray hair than black hair." Cheng Feng said.

"Ah, this is just a disguise technique. Looking younger, I have no less gray hair than you." Zhu Cheng and the four famous arresters are just casual acquaintances, and of course the secret of swallowing the sky will not be revealed to them.

And this explanation can make people convincing, but the four famous arresters all showed their colors when they heard Zhu Cheng say this.

"Why are you four here?" Zhu Cheng asked.

"Hey, this is not the fault of the unbeaten naughty boy Gu Santong. One person overthrew the eight sects and was humiliated. They joined forces and agreed to fight on the bank of Taihu Lake on August [-]th the day after tomorrow. Our six sects supervise the Jianghu I was also invited to be a witness to avoid any trouble." Chengfeng said, and then thought in his heart that it was because of this record that Gu Santong was called the number one in the world, but according to the current situation, Zhu Cheng should be the number one in the world. Can the three links overthrow dozens of masters in an instant?

"Oh, is that really the case?" The various information in Zhu Cheng's hands showed that the Six Doors dispatched a large group of people and they all acted secretly, not just the few people in front of them.If you're just here to be a witness, you don't need a large group of people. They must have some ulterior secrets.

And more importantly, where is Zhu Shishi?I have watched the TV series No. 108 in the world and Zhu Cheng knows that it was Zhu Wushi who secretly assassinated a total of [-] masters from the eight major factions to suck up the internal energy, and then blamed Gu Santong. A year later, he fought against the ancient three links.

The faces of the four famous arresters changed, and then they laughed and said, "Otherwise, what else can you do? Come, drink, drink, I'll fill you up."

"Yes, drink and drink."

"By the way, brother Zhu, what kind of sword technique are you using?" Cang Hai asked, it wasn't too abrupt for him to ask this question as a master swordsman.

"Heavenly Sword." This is not Zhu Cheng's lie. With the continuous improvement of martial arts over the years, his swordsmanship has broken through the shackles of Tianchi swordsmanship, and he created his own swordsmanship and named it "Heavenly Sword".

"Heavenly sword, the sword of heaven and man. Okay, okay, let's make it clear." In this way, although the two parties had their own concerns, they were also talking and laughing, exchanging cups and cups.

However, Zhu Wushi, who said that he was easily transformed into a Jianghu man, got information that Zhu Cheng, who was alone in an instant, overthrew all the masters of the Jianghu, and his whole body was not well.

Originally, everything was in his plan. At that time, not only will he be invincible in martial arts, but he will also be able to become a marquis and a minister in politics, and he will even be able to embrace a beautiful woman. However, Zhu Cheng, who is so powerful that he outrageously, has become a huge change.

"No, it must be eradicated." Zhu ignored his determination to kill Zhu Cheng to avoid accidents in the plan.

At Yuelai Inn, the banquet was over, Chengfeng pulled Zhu Cheng and whispered: "Leave, leave this right and wrong place."

"Yuelai Inn is my home." Zhu Cheng patted Chengfeng on the shoulder, smiled and went upstairs to rest.

"Alas—" Looking at Zhu Cheng's back, Cheng Feng let out a long sigh, and then led a group of arresters to leave Yuelai Inn to meet Zhu Wushi.

"Are you old acquaintances with Zhu Cheng?" Zhu Wushi asked.

"There was a relationship more than ten years ago." Chengfeng replied truthfully, and also told that interesting story.

"It's a wonderful person, what a pity, what a pity."

"My lord, if you can spare his life."

"Nonsense, don't forget the purpose of our trip!"

"He is different from the general Jianghu people."

"If it is not used by the court, it must be punished by the court."


"Enough, don't forget that this operation is under the full command of this seat."

"Yes." Alas, Chengfeng had no choice but to obey.

From that day on, the legend of "Sword Demon Zhu Cheng" began to spread in the world, even overshadowing the limelight of the undefeated urchin Gu Santong.

(End of this chapter)

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