Chapter 112 Blood of the Three Poisons
But he said that the three poisons of greed, hatred and ignorance sneaked into the sword pond that night, and the sword sacrifice meeting that was originally planned to start during the day started ahead of schedule.

Not to mention the confrontation among the three in the Sword Pool, just talk about the young master of Worshiping Sword Villa, Aotian.

He was reported that the three poisons had entered Jianchi ahead of time, and immediately led a large number of villa disciples to come.

"Hurry up and inform my mother that the Sword Festival has started ahead of schedule." Under Aotian's order, one of his disciples rushed to inform Mrs. Ao.

So why not notify the owner of Baijian Villa?
The owner of the villa had died more than ten years ago, under the 'Sword Demon'.Speaking of Sword Demon, he is an idiot. He has a tall and strong beard, but he has such a deep love, and he is infatuated with the wife of the owner of Jianshan Villa.

In order to get Mrs. Ao, he suddenly sent out his sword aura and killed Baijian Villa who treated him with courtesy.

Or the Sword Demon is an idiot.If it is an ordinary person, if they want to get that woman, they would have already killed her husband, so they just throw themselves down, but the Sword Demon didn't do that.

"I not only want to get your people, but also your heart." The sword demon set a goal for himself, and it is also a goal that will never be achieved in this life.

"My greatest wish is to hope that Aotian can become a talent, and can reproduce the glory of Baijian Villa." Mrs. Ao said.

"Don't worry, Mrs. Ao, I will definitely help you fulfill your wish, and I will pass on what I have learned in my life to Aotian." Tian was spoiled and spoiled, although his talent is not bad, but he can't suffer, the sword demon is very capable, he just passed six points in his studies.

But the problem is that Sword Demon is not invincible, and Xiongba can instantly kill him with one hand.If you learn that Zhu Cheng is [-]%, it's not bad, you can walk sideways in the rivers and lakes, and it's okay to single out a nameless one.

Mrs. Ao wanted to die a long time ago, but she really couldn't worry about her son. She only lived for the sake of her son, and she often told him to 'Ao Tian'.When the peerless sword is born, you must grab the sword. With the help of the sword, you will be invincible in the world, and the first thing you do after grabbing the sword is to kill the "sword demon".

"Mother, the master has been guarding us to worship the sword villa all these years, and even taught me martial arts. What we do is cross the river and tear down the bridge." Aotian actually defended the sword demon.

"He killed your father, he killed your father. Tian'er, you must not accept a thief as your father and promise to be your mother. After taking the sword, kill the sword demon as soon as possible. He will not be on guard against you." Mrs. Ao urged again.

"Okay, I promise." Although Aotian is arrogant and rude, he is still filial to his mother, almost obeying her words.It's a pity that this virtue of filial piety has become a "mother's boy" in modern society, and it has become a particularly embarrassing thing. Here I can only sigh with emotion: the world is different from time to time.

Some disciples of the villa informed Mrs. Ao to attend the sword festival meeting, and someone also went to inform the sword demon that he had been worshiping the sword villa for more than ten years, and he had already become full-fledged. But his sword demon.

The flames in the sword pool were burning, and a huge sword was stuck in the molten liquid. The height of the sword was three stories high, and the width of the sword was more than one meter. The sword was locked with an extremely cold iron chain, as if afraid of the giant sword ran away.

Whoever has the ability to wield this huge sword to kill the enemy must be a god and man, and then he will not need a mortal weapon like a peerless sword.

There is an open space in front of the giant sword, and there are many black iron swords inserted in the open space, the number is innumerable with the naked eye, and the style of these black swords is roughly the same as that of the giant sword, only slightly different.

These are all failed products for a hundred years, or they are experimental products. In order to forge this peerless sword, the "Zhong Family", a swordsmith family, spent three generations of hard work and continuous experimentation, and have made the peerless sword Forged to the point where it cannot be changed, this black sword all over the ground is proof.

Although these black swords are not as good as peerless swords, they can also cut gold and jade, blow hair and cut hair

But there is a story about this peerless sword, and it is related to Huo Qilin.

But it is said that after Nie Ying defeated Huo Qilin, he felt that he was fierce and determined to kill the world, and forged a magic weapon to kill Huo Qilin, and he accidentally saw a picture.

The picture depicts a person holding a black iron sword, riding on the back of Huo Qilin and stabbing down with the sword. Although it is just a drawing, it can be seen that the black iron sword is extraordinary, and it will definitely be able to kill Huo Qilin with this sword.

Nie Ying took this picture and went to Baijian Villa to find the owner and master swordsmith 'Ao Ri', who is the ancestor of Ao Tian, ​​to research this black sword together.

As a master swordsmith, Ao Ri was ecstatic after getting this picture, and asserted: "If this sword comes out, all swords will submit, and you will be the king of swords."

It was also a coincidence that Ao Ri happened to have a strange stone in his hand, it was said that it was one of the four strange stones left by Nu Wa to mend the sky, and it was named Hei Han.No one knows what the other three strange stones are called and what their properties are, but Hei Han has a feature, that is, it can absorb the energy of the enemy and feed it back to the master, as if it can absorb the power of Dafa.

Ao Ri used the black cold as the main material to forge a peerless sword, and then generations of swordsmiths took over, and each family showed their strengths. It took a hundred years for this peerless sword to finally be born.

"I must get a peerless sword." Ding Ding Ding, Jian Tan leaped onto the iron chain out of greed, and followed the chain towards the giant sword.He has sword eyes, but he can see the name of the giant sword at a glance, and the "sword essence" at the core of the peerless sword is hidden in it.

"It's mine." Not to be outdone, Bu Jingyun jumped the mountain iron chain to catch up with Jian Tan, and fought with him.

But Duanlang was watching the battle from the sidelines, and had no intention of grabbing the sword.

"Young Master Duan, won't you go grab the sword?" The swordsmith Zhong Mei asked curiously, since he had no intention of grabbing the sword, why did he come to worship at the Sword Villa, and why did he sneak into the Sword Pool late at night.

"It is enough for me to have this old buddy. I am here to slash the peerless sword and prove that Huo Lin is the king of swords." Duan Lang pulled out the Huo Lin sword while speaking, and it was bright red for a moment. I felt a wave of evil spirits attacking again, which made people shudder.

"Sure enough, it is worthy of being the most demonic and evil sword. The Fire Lin sword can be called a demon soldier, but it is far inferior to the peerless sword." Zhong Mei was full of confidence.

"Stop talking nonsense, I'll just wait for them to take the sword and cut it off." Duan Lang put the sword back into its sheath, holding the sword in his chest.

But after such a short time, Bu Jingyun and Jian Tan had decided the winner. Bu Jingyun with the unicorn arm won. Not only did he knock Jian Tan off the iron chain, but he also vomited blood when he hit Jian Tan. The big beach splashed on the ground.

"Ding, ding, ding..." Bu Jingyun defeated the sword, and stepped on the iron chain to walk towards the giant sword.

"Woo" "Puff"

I saw a sword qi shoot out quickly, directly piercing Bu Jingyun's left shoulder, Bu Jingyun fell from the iron chain in pain, and blood also fell to the ground.

It turned out that the Sword Demon, Mrs. Ao and Aotian arrived, and seeing that Bu Jingyun was about to take the sword yuan, the Sword Demon hurriedly sent out sword energy to injure Bu Jingyun.

A miraculous scene happened, the blood of Jian Tan and Bu Jingyun seemed to be alive, and they swam towards the giant sword on their own initiative, and finally crawled into the giant sword through the lava.

"Sacrificing the sword with blood, no wonder you said that everyone should seize the sword according to their ability, so you have this intention." Jian Tan was the first to understand, and his understanding of swords was no less than that of the great swordsmith.

"Now I know it's too late, all of you who trespassed on the sword pool will die here tonight." The sword demon laughed.

"Master, don't talk nonsense with them, the blood of the three poisons is still short of the blood of the sword idiot, wait for me to get it." Aotian said his goodbyes and rushed to Duanlang.

"It's up to you?" Duanlang thought it was ridiculous, and when the Huo Lin sword came out, he heard a "ding" and cut the sword in Aotian's hand into two pieces.

"It's impossible." Aotian turned pale in surprise when he saw the broken sword in his hand. As the young owner of Sword Worship Villa, his saber is naturally a magic weapon, and it couldn't block the blow of the Fire Lin Sword.

"Sword Demon quickly save Tian'er." Mrs. Ao saw that Aotian was in danger, and hurriedly called Sword Demon to rescue him.

"Hey!" The sword magic sword pointed out, and several swords were miraculously saving the destiny of Ao Tian, ​​and the blood of the sword was taken.

If he had been under a sneak attack, Duanlang might have been hit, but now that he has a more advanced eclipse sword technique, not only was Duanlang not injured, but he cut through the sword energy and counterattacked the sword demon.

For a moment, the sword energy was flying and clanging, and Duanlang and the sword demon were fighting fiercely in one place.

"Master, I'll help you!" Aotian saw that the Sword Demon couldn't take down Duanlang, so he rushed to help him. Even though Aotian's martial arts skills were low, he still caused a lot of trouble for Duanlang, and his advantage gradually tilted towards the Sword Demon.


Leng Buding struck from behind with a palm, causing Duanlang to vomit blood. Duanlang turned his head and looked, but it was the sword that took advantage of his unpreparedness to attack him.

"Don't blame Mr. Duan, this peerless sword would not have been born without your blood." Jian Tan said with a smile, listening to his tone, he was not only not ashamed, but also proud, thinking that he was wise.

(End of this chapter)

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