Chapter 17 Shangguan Begonia
Gu Xiaotong is lost, even though Zhu Cheng's martial arts are world-class, he will still be a "careless dad" and "big pig's hooves" after all. He only cares about drinking and spanking to see if his son doesn't exist.

"Find the young master for me." Following Zhu Cheng's order, all the store staff put down their work and started looking for Gu Xiaotong.

The welcome guest said that he hadn't seen the young master going out, and the waiter also said that he hadn't seen the young master in the lobby, which was a headache. To be honest, Zhu Cheng was a little panicked.

If it fell into the hands of human traffickers, would the human traffickers strangle him to death for someone as naughty as Gu Xiaotong?Although Zhu Cheng is Gu Xiaotong's master, the two-year-old kid Zhu Cheng can't understand even if he wants to teach him. The current Gu Xiaotong is no different from ordinary kids, and has no attack power.

No, Gu Xiaotong is special, he is the one who can ride the number one in the world to pee on his neck, this unlucky boy.

Ah, my apprentice, died young.How should I explain to your parents, do I comfort them and say 'It's okay, let's have another one while I'm young'.Hey, this seems plausible.

Bah bah bah.Zhu Cheng gave himself a few big mouths to remind himself to be normal.

"Gu Xiaotong, you son of a bitch, let me die!" Zhu Cheng yelled anxiously, how many cups were shattered by this roar.

After about an hour, someone finally found Gu Xiaotong.

"I found it, in the wine cellar, in the wine cellar." The reporter who came to report was panting.

"Then why don't you hug me?"

"This, the young master refuses." The visitor said with a strange expression.

"Trash!" Zhu Cheng said angrily, and then strode towards the wine cellar.

The wine cellar was full of people, full of haha ​​laughter, and there was a little boy holding a small wine jar in his arms, shaking it left and right, his little face was as red as if he had a high fever.

Whoever wants to take his wine jar, he will be in a hurry, and he will bite people if he is in a hurry.

"You brat, how dare you steal a drink." Zhu Cheng was so angry that his liver hurt.I am so anxious that I am half dead, but this kid is lucky to let himself go here.

"Master, cheers. Hee hee..." Then he squeaked, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, he fell to the ground with bubbles in his nose, and fell asleep.

"Hahaha..." Everyone roared with laughter.

Zhang Jinjiu took a sip of wine after seeing it, and praised: "You have a future, I am optimistic about you."

"Get lost!" Zhu Cheng stared at Zhang Jinjiu fiercely, and then said: "Why are you just staring blankly, why don't you prepare hangover soup for the young master."

"Yes, yes, yes." Everyone dispersed in a hurry, each performing his duties.

Looking at Gu Xiaotong who was biting his thumb on the bed, Zhu Cheng thought of a question, Gu Xiaotong didn't go far today so he didn't really lose it, can he keep it safe in case he really loses it?What can I use to compensate Gu Santong?
"Apprentice, master is worried about you." Zhu Cheng racked his brains, and after racking his brains, he finally thought of a person, "Master Wu Jiangming".

Don't you claim to be omniscient and proficient in everything? It's not hard for you to bring a child if you think about it.Install a GPS on Gu Xiaotong's body, so it will be safe.

Although Gu Xiaotong was poured with drinking soup, he still slept for two days and two nights. This guy did not drink less, and he even picked the expensive ones and the old ones to drink, which made Zhang Jin feel drunk.

But it's only natural to think about it, only expensive wines are stored in small jars, and Gu Xiaotong's small physique can only afford that small jar.


"Ah?" Gu Xiaotong was a little confused.

"Is the wine good?"

"Delicious, dizzy, fluttering, master, do I know how to do light work?"

"Me!" Zhu Cheng raised his hand as if giving him a chestnut fried in sugar, but he thought that his brain might not grow well enough.

clap clap.After stripping off Gu Xiaotong's pants, Zhu Cheng's ass was spanked, and he immediately became red.

"Are you wrong?"

"I was wrong." Gu Xiaotong said tearfully.

"What's wrong?"

"do not know."

Papapa, another spanking.It is white and red, what a piece of fat pork belly.

After the lesson, Gu Xiaotong Zhucheng felt that he was in a good mood, and then set off to find Mr. Wuhen.

Although Mr. Wuhen is well-educated, he is also an otaku. He stays at home all day to study knowledge, and has no time to hang out like Zhu Cheng.When he wakes up in the morning, he has to play the piano, dance, draw, play chess, write, practice swords, boxing, compose poems, cure diseases, conceal weapons... 24 hours a day is not enough.

"Xiu'er, where are you young masters?" Zhu Cheng didn't treat himself as an outsider, and came in without a pass, and asked any servant he caught.

It is said that Mr. Wuhen really enjoys it, every servant is a woman, and all of them are pretty.It's like a small palace.

"He is practicing sword in the yard." Xiu'er replied.

"Okay, I'll go find him. Take Xiaotong and take you to meet the world's number one stinky fart master."

"Smelly fart? Is there any fart smell from the master?" Gu Xiaotong pinched his nose.

Zhu Cheng has black lines all over his head, his skin is itchy, his skin is itchy, and he doesn't have time to go to the house for two days.

In the yard, Mr. Wuhen was indeed practicing swordsmanship, but he was teaching others how to practice swordsmanship, a cute little girl in her teens.

"Haitang, raise the sword a little higher, it should be light and sharp, you are a girl and you should be beautiful." Mr. Wuhen said, and demonstrated the sword in his hand.

"Understood, master." Haitang nodded, and followed the instructions of Mr. Wuhen to perform the sword technique again, this time it looked good, Mr. Wuhen nodded after seeing it, very satisfied.

"She must be Shangguan Haitang." Zhu Cheng said in his heart.Although Shangguan Haitang is still a little girl now, she can already see the shadow of the overwhelmed country and city in a few years, otherwise how could she accept an ordinary person as an apprentice based on the urgency of Mr. Wuhen.

"Old Zhu, why are you here?" Young Master Wuhen asked first.

"Ah, passing by to see you. Is she your apprentice?"

"Yes, Haitang, come and meet Number One in the World, Sword Immortal Zhucheng." Mr. Wuhen called Haitang to come forward and greet him.

Haitang was surprised at first, then delighted.Sword Immortal, the best master in the world, I didn't expect him to be an old acquaintance of the master.

"Haitang pays respects to senior." Shangguan Haitang saluted respectfully.

"Okay, okay, I came here in a hurry and didn't prepare. You can play with this ice crystal." Zhu Cheng gave Haitang an ice crystal as a gift.This is made by Zhu Cheng from the bottom of the Tianchi Lake with black ice, the purpose is to freeze it.In this summer, can watermelon be eaten chilled?Can lychees be eaten without ice?The most important function, this is simply a mobile air conditioner.

Summer is also autumn with ice crystals, oh my god, I accidentally started an industry, and I should be able to make a lot of money by selling ice crystals.I just don't know if there are so many Xuanbing.

"Thank you, senior." Shangguan Haitang reached out to take the ice crystal, and happily put it into her bosom.Comfortable, comfortable and comfortable.

"Where's mine? Where's mine?" Gu Xiaotong had sharp eyesight, he stretched out his hand and asked Mr. Wuhen for a meeting gift, Zhu Cheng was very pleased with this.

"I'm not prepared either..."

"It's okay, this is your home anyway, I'll give you time to prepare." Zhu Cheng's words made Mr. Wuhen choke.

"Xiu'er, bring that little jade sword." Mr. Wuhen sighed, and then ordered Xiu'er to fetch the gift.It is a small jade sword, not carved, but a natural sword shape, and what's more, it is very warm and moist, it can fall asleep quickly after wearing it, and it can be alive and well after a sleepless night no matter how hard it is during the day.

"Thank you, uncle." Gu Xiaotong happily took the jade sword to play with, but it seemed that Mr. Wuhen didn't mind the title of uncle.

Alas, a 30-year-old with a tender heart is really convinced.No, Zhu Cheng created the Heaven Swallowing Kungfu just to pretend to be tender, so the eldest brother will not say anything about the second brother.

Afterwards, Mr. Wuhen drank tea and played chess with Zhu Cheng, while Gu Xiaotong was led around the villa by the young lady Shangguan Haitang. After a while, the older sister and the younger sister were sticky together.

Oh, boy.

During the hands-on conversation, Zhu Cheng also asked Mr. Wuhen, how can he ensure that he can find him no matter where the person is in the sky?
"Have you ever heard a saying, Qingfu's son and mother money fly away and come back again?"

"No." Zhu Cheng was very honest.

"Uneducated." Mr. Wuhen despised, very, very much.

"You..." Well, if I ask you, I will bear it.

"Sou Shen Ji" has a cloud: There are insects in the south, which are as big as cicadas, delicious and delicious.Kill his mother to paint money, and use his son to paint his body. If the money is used, he will return it himself.

That is to say, as long as they are infected with the breath of green clam, both mother and child can find each other.

"It just so happened that I got a pair of green clams. I wanted to use them as medicine, so I sold them to you today." Mr. Wuhen said.

"Sell? Say it again, I gave you all your money, and you're telling me to sell it now?" Zhu Cheng rubbed Mr. Wuhen on the ground without hesitation.Grandma has been putting up with you for a long time, and even teased me.

"Sister Haitang, you can see, my master treats me like this every day. Little Tongtong is so pitiful."

"Oh, Xiaotong is so pitiful, hug me from my sister."

Gu Xiaotong showed a sly smile.

 Thank you Broly is coming for the recommendation ticket support

(End of this chapter)

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