Chapter 203 Lu Yi's Death

From the day when the Tianshan faction entered Shangguanbao, to when the members of the Tianshan faction fought fiercely with Fu Tianjiao and Chamulong, Zhu Cheng never showed up, and he didn't even check in secret.

There are two reasons for this. Zhu Cheng understands Mulong's strength, even if the mere Tianshan faction is shoulder to shoulder, he cannot be his opponent; as for the second thing, he sees a person, a dead person.

"Mother! Mother!" Not long after Chamulong went out, Zhu Cheng heard yelling in the room, and it was a girl's yelling. The yelling was very urgent, panicked, and hysterical, as if one of the most precious things had been lost. Feelings of grief afterwards.

Hearing this cry, Zhu Cheng couldn't help but open the window and take a look.The girl was wearing a pink dress, she didn't braid her hair, but wore a crown like a man, and she passed by the window with a man in her arms.

In Zhu Cheng's perception, this man was already dead, and someone had stabbed him in the heart.Zhu Cheng has met very few people in this world, and knows very few people, but this man, Zhu Cheng, has already known him. He is Lu Yi who knelt down and begged Zhu Cheng to accept him as an apprentice that day.

Lu Yi is the son of the well-known Kongtong Sect black and white heroes in Jianghu, but he may be in a rebellious period. He couldn't bear the strict discipline of his parents and ran away from home. During his travels in Jianghu, he met Fu Tianxiang, Who am I and Shangguan Feiyan.

"It's a pity to die at such a young age." Zhu Cheng sighed, shook his head and closed the window.It's not that Zhu Chengliang sees death and refuses to save him. He can't just save a dead person whenever he sees it. It's a waste of life, not to mention that he doesn't even know Lu Yi's name.

Zhu Cheng returned to his seat and read a book.Every world has the knowledge of every world. Zhu Cheng likes to read books when he is bored. Zhu Cheng is an old man who has been quiet these years.

"Dragon Ball!" Zhu Cheng stood up suddenly, the window opened automatically, and Zhu Cheng looked in the direction Shangguan Feiyan was going.In that direction, Zhu Cheng felt the breath of the dragon ball, it was a new dragon ball, not the two that Zhu Cheng put away.

The Dragon Ball is just around the corner, Zhu Cheng can't read the book, and turns into an afterimage to go in that direction.

It is not so much a room as it is a pharmacy. There are rows of cabinets against the wall, and the drawers are all labeled with medicines. Before you get close, you can smell a smell of traditional Chinese medicine. This is the first time Zhu Cheng feels The smell of traditional Chinese medicine is not so unpleasant, and after careful tasting, I feel that there is still some fragrance.

"Don't!" Zhu Cheng saw something terrible outside the door. A noble lady actually wanted to put a dragon ball into Lu Yi's heart, and use the dragon ball to replace Lu Yi's broken heart.

This is simply reckless.

"Mr. Zhu." The lady raised her head and looked at Zhu Cheng with a look of surprise. She did not expect that Zhu Cheng would come here.

"Don't move, slow down, slow down." Zhu Cheng approached cautiously, as if someone was about to jump off a building, and the negotiator cautiously approached after being comforted by an expert.It is impossible not to get close, and if you get close, you are afraid of irritating the jumper.

Zhu Cheng can kill, and is used to killing people, but it doesn't mean Zhu Cheng likes killing people.If this made this dragon ball become Lu Yi's heart, Zhu Cheng would really be embarrassed to take the dragon ball. It would be like killing people and picking their hearts, and it would be a bit bloody. It's better not to do it or not.

"Madame Shangguan, can you give me this dragon ball?" Zhu Cheng had a relationship with this noble lady once, when Shangguan Yun introduced them to each other, he only said that Zhu Cheng was a strange man in the world, and he came to visit Shangguan Fort. Say too much detail.

"No, without the Dragon Ball, Lu Yi will really die." Shangguan Feiyan resolutely objected, seeing that she wanted to put it in Lu Yi's heart as soon as she snatched the Dragon Ball.

"Stop!" Zhu Cheng yelled, and hurriedly used the Heaven Swallowing Technique to forcibly capture the dragon ball into his hands.

"Phew—my dear lady, I almost did that perverted murderous thing." Zhu Cheng looked at the shining dragon ball in his hand, and let out a sigh of relief.

"Give it back to me." Shangguan Feiyan quit on the spot, this dragon ball is obviously her mother's, why would Zhu Cheng take it away, wouldn't her lover Lu Yi not be able to save her without the dragon ball.

Shangguan Feiyan rushed forward, reaching out to snatch the dragon ball from Zhu Cheng's hand.

"Crack" To deal with this kind of little girl, Zhu Cheng only needs to stretch out a finger, and then click it.

"Let me go! Let me go!" Shangguan Feiyan shouted anxiously.

"Noisy." Zhu Cheng stretched out his finger again, and tapped Shangguan Feiyan's Ya point, even though she blushed from holding back, she couldn't say another word.

"Mr. Zhu, please forgive my daughter for being rude, but please return this dragon ball." Mrs. Shangguan has just seen Zhu Cheng's martial arts. Although it is only the tip of the iceberg, she also understands that she is by no means Zhu Cheng's opponent, so It's only good to ask for it, otherwise, with her temper and her position in Shangguanbao, she would have turned her face long ago.

"The left and right are just to save this kid, so why waste a dragon ball." After Zhu Cheng finished speaking with a smile, he stretched out his hand to capture Lu Yi's body in mid-air, and then used the Heaven Swallowing Kung Fu to save him from dying.

A few minutes later, Lu Yi's broken heart was intact, even healthier than before.

"Elder-in-law..." Lu Yi's heart beat like a drum, and then he woke up, and when he opened his eyes, there were two people in the world.

"I, I'm not dead." Lu Yi touched himself with a look of incredulity, and then saw Zhu Cheng surprised and said: "Hey, god, why are you here?"

As for Mrs. Shangguan and Shangguan Feiyan, they were completely dumbfounded, stupid, and crashed, and they were brought back to life. This was really done, and he didn't rely on Dragon Balls.

"Ahem, then I will accept this dragon ball." Zhu Cheng accepted the dragon ball with peace of mind. In his opinion, this is an exchange of equal value. Lu Yi is alive, isn't he?

"Oh." Mrs. Shangguan nodded mechanically.

"Then I would like to ask Madam, how did you get this dragon ball?" Zhu Cheng remembered that there were no women among the eight people, let alone Mrs. Shangguan.

Even if Shangguan Yun got two dragon balls back then, with his ambition, he would never give one dragon ball to his wife, let alone allow Shangguan's wife to use this dragon ball as a heart to save people.

So how did she get this dragon ball?

"It was given to me by my elder brother He Santai before he died." Mrs. Shangguan sighed.

Back then, eight people from Shangguanyun went to the Chamu clan to grab the dragon ball, eight people went and five people returned, each of them had one dragon ball.

When Shangguan Yun felt the magical effect of the Dragon Ball, he was not satisfied with only one Dragon Ball in his hand, so he set his sights on the person closest to him - He Santai.

He Santai is the uncle of Shangguan Yun, and their relationship has always been good, so He Santai was not wary of Shangguan Yun's sneak attack, but He Santai is not a vegetarian, and the name of Fenglei Saber King is also well-known in the world. The sword technique was like wind and thunder, so fast and fierce that Shangguan Yun didn't dare to hit him directly, and was finally escaped by He Santai.

Mrs. Shangguan is the only relative of He Santai. He also knew that his time was short so he fled to Shangguan Fort. Before he died, he handed the dragon ball to Mrs. Shangguan, and told the murderer to be Shangguan Yun, and asked her to leave Shangguan Fort. , leave the devil Shangguan Yun.

After this incident happened, the relationship between Mrs. Shangguan and Shangguan Yun, who was not a loving husband and wife at first, fell into the ice valley. But at that time, Shangguan Feiyan was still young, so a mother couldn't bear to leave her daughter behind.

She didn't leave, but Shangguan Yun was not allowed to enter the house from then on, and she became a doctor by dealing with medicinal materials all day long. She wanted to use her work to enrich herself, and not let herself think about her brother's tragic death in front of her all the time.

Having obtained the Dragon Ball for many years, Mrs. Shangguan has also studied some uses of the Dragon Ball. The reason why her medical skills have improved so quickly is this Dragon Ball.

Today, when Shangguan Feiyan came in with Lu Yi in her arms, she said that she was pregnant with his flesh and blood, and if Lu Yi died, she would not live, and then she would die twice, and the white-haired man would give the black-haired man.

Mrs. Shangguan had no choice but to take out the dragon ball to replace Lu Yi's broken heart.

Maybe Dragon Ball sensed his tragic fate, so he released his breath and light, which was sensed by Zhu Cheng, otherwise Zhu Cheng couldn't find it.

Zhu Cheng lived here for ten days and didn't find that the Dragon Ball is not far away. This is proof.

"Next question, how did you die?" Zhu Cheng pointed to Lu Yi and asked.

He's asking a dead man's question.

(End of this chapter)

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