Chapter 209 Return of the head
The fourth elder was hugged by the third elder princess, and even though he had practiced Taoism for many years and calmed down, his old face couldn't help but blush.Monks really pay attention to letting go of lust, but people like the Fourth Elder, who have been a monk since childhood, have never picked it up and never talked about letting it go, and once they pick it up, a few people can let it go. Love is addictive.

"Brother, please enlighten me." The third elder put down the fourth elder and walked towards the center of the field.

"Be careful." The Fourth Elder told the Third Elder, with worry revealed in his words.She originally planned to consume the Second Elder, but unfortunately she did not achieve her goal at all due to her lack of strength. Bravery and ruthlessness were not her specialty after all.

Phew, the Third Elder pulled out his sword, his eyes became sharper, just by looking at his aura, he could tell that his strength was far higher than that of the Fourth Elder.

Seeing this, the Second Elder's expression became serious, and he didn't dare to despise this junior brother any longer.Although his younger brother started five or six years later than him, and his aptitude is not too high, he is the most diligent practitioner in the entire Tianshan sect. It is because of him that the second elder believes in the words 'diligence can make up for one's weakness'.


The second elder drew out his sword first again, still stabbing straight with that sword.The fourth elder retreated and chose to block when there was no way to retreat. The third elder did the opposite when dealing with this move, and also stabbed straight out with a sword.

The two swords did not touch each other, the third elder's sword brushed against the second elder's sword and stabbed at the second elder.

That is to say, not only did the third elder not hide, but he directly slammed into him. If the second elder didn't retreat with this sword, then the two of them would have to die together. This is a desperate way to fight.

The third elder had calculated that he would have no chance of winning in a normal sparring match. The only way to win was to risk his life and fight with the determination to die, so he adopted this desperate way of fighting.

The third elder didn't really want to be the head of the sect, but he didn't want the second elder to be the head of the sect.These three years, the third elder was in charge of the torture hall, and the villains let him do it, but the second elder was a good person behind his back, always slandering him to win people's hearts.

This is clearly the behavior of a villain, and he will never allow such a villain to ascend to the head of the sect, otherwise the Tianshan sect will be over, the image of the famous sect will disappear, and the righteousness will also dissipate and be replaced by What's more, it smells of filth and filth.

"You don't want your life!" The second elder scolded the third elder for not wanting to die, but he retracted his sword and dodged with resentment, so that he would not be able to take the head of the sect and sit on it.

"Are you afraid? See!" The third elder smiled disdainfully, and attacked the second elder with his sword again.

"Ding Ding Dang Dang..." The second elder couldn't go crazy with him when facing this lunatic, and mostly focused on defense. Although it took longer, relying on his powerful internal strength, he still won in the end.

"What are you doing, stop it!" Fu Tianjiao and his party came and shouted immediately upon seeing the above scene.

"Senior Sister Head." All the disciples looked back at Fu Tianjiao, and seeing Fu Tianjiao came back with six people, Cha Mulong's expression was displeased when he was in this row.

She thought that the sect leader would wake up, but she didn't expect that she would bring the enemy who killed the sect master Xue to Tianshan Mountain.

"Ding Ding Dang Dang..." Compared with the other disciples, the battle between the Second Elder and the Third Elder has entered a fierce stage. At this time, no one can take the lead to stop. As long as one side stops, the other party will kill and directly take the other party life.

"Also ask the two seniors to help." Seeing this, Fu Tianjiao had to ask the black and white heroes for help.Although she is the head of the sect, but in terms of strength, she is not as good as the two senior uncles, and it would be inappropriate for Cha Mulong to stop him with his current status.

The black and white pair of heroes present is the most suitable, his husband and wife are strong enough to prevent the two from fighting, and they are also well-known in the Jianghu, almost everyone knows that everyone knows that the weight is enough.

"It's a duty." The black and white heroes drew out their swords together, they pushed aside the swords of the second elder and the third elder together, and stood between the two of them, one left and one right.

"Second Martial Uncle, Third Martial Uncle, why are you like this?" Fu Tianjiao asked.

"Fu Tianjiao, you still have the face to come back, and you even brought him back." Seeing Fu Tianjiao's return, the Second Elder's heart suddenly became angry. Fu Tianjiao, the official master, has returned, what should he do as a candidate for the master?
Fortunately, seeing Cha Mulong, he can make use of the problem.

"Uncle, Master didn't kill him, I came back this time to clarify this matter." Fu Tianjiao said.

Hearing her words, everyone's eyes were on Fu Tianjiao and Cha Mulong. They were all curious about what needs to be clarified since the evidence is so strong.

"Tianxiang, you should explain to everyone." Tianjiao pulled Tianxiang out of the crowd and pushed her to the front of the stage.

Although Tianxiang is very courageous in normal times, she still felt a little nervous to be watched by so many people at once, so she hesitated and said: "Yes, it is Master Zhang Yong, the brother killed the master, and he killed the master with the tooth flute in order to get the dragon ball. Master put the blame on Chamulong."

"I'm afraid, I'm afraid it will be revealed that he hid the Dragon Ball in Lu Yi, and Lu Yi will take it away from the Tianshan School in Lu Yi's baggage."

"I can testify about this. Zhang Yong killed me in order to get the Dragon Ball. If I hadn't met an expert who knew how to bring the dead back to life, I would already be a corpse." Lu Yi stood up and testified righteously.

"I don't believe it, I don't believe it. Zhang Yong is such an honest and honest person, how could he kill the senior brother?" The second elder expressed strong doubts.

"Also, listen to what Lu Yi said just now. Bringing the dead back to life. I'm afraid even Dragon Ball doesn't have this ability. Who would believe such words?"


"The second elder is right."

The group of disciples couldn't help but nodded when they heard the second elder's words. In fact, Lu Yi's talk about bringing the dead back to life was too unimaginable. Zhang Yong has always concealed it very well, giving people the impression of a kind, simple, hardworking and honest person.

The third and fourth elders also agreed. Although the second elder said that he wanted to be the head of the sect, his words made sense.

"What I said is true." Seeing this, Tianxiang was so anxious that she was about to cry.

"What are we lying to you for? I, Lu Yi, don't have that much time to spare." Seeing his lover bursting into tears, Lu Yi immediately became unhappy.

"Lu Yi!" The black and white heroes scolded Lu Yi angrily, and then said with a smile: "Your son is being rude, but although this matter is unimaginable, it is true. My son was indeed rescued by an expert and brought back to life. I can On the honor of both of us."

"This..." The three elders and all the disciples couldn't help but look at me and I at you after hearing what the black and white heroes said.The reputation of the Black and White Heroes is not for nothing, it has been earned step by step over the past ten years, and it is extremely important, at least at present, it seems to be more important than Fu Tianjiao.

"Okay, let's say what you said is true, then Tianxiang, let me ask you, where is Zhang Yong, and where is Dragon Ball?" The second elder asked Xiang Tianxiang twice in a row.

"This, this. Brother Zhang Yong ran away after taking the Dragon Ball, and I didn't catch up."

"There is no personal or physical evidence, how do you want us to believe it? On the contrary, some disciples saw with their own eyes that Cha Mulong pulled out the tooth flute from the senior brother's body." The second elder asked, looking sharply at Fu Tianjiao.

"What Master Uncle said is true, then I would like to ask, everyone is back, why is it that only Junior Brother Zhang Yong is missing?"

"Also, do you still recognize the sword in my hand?" Fu Tianjiao raised the sect master's saber while speaking.

"Meet the head!" Many disciples saluted Fu Tianjiao respectfully. The first thing they learned was how to respect the head and the tokens passed down from their ancestors. This was deeply rooted in their bones.

"As the No. 16 head of the Tianshan faction, I order you to arrest Zhang Yong with all your strength. If you want to see people and die, you must see corpses." Fu Tianjiao didn't want to entangle with any more nonsense, and chose to suppress it forcefully.Since they don't believe it, let them do it, as long as you find Zhang Yong, everything will come to light.

"Take orders."

"I announce here today that the third elder is appointed as the seventeenth head of our sect." After Fu Tianjiao finished speaking, he officially passed the sword of the sect master to the third elder.She is extremely disappointed in this sect, she just wants to find Zhang Yong and then stay and fly with Cha Mulong, she doesn't want to be the head of this sect anymore.

"I don't agree!"

Of course the second elder was not convinced, seeing that he was about to become the head of the sect, why did he come so suddenly.

(End of this chapter)

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