Chapter 214 Where's Cher?
But Xuanwu saw that the Dragon Ball was taken by Zhu Cheng, so he rushed towards him like a mad dog, his eyes were fierce, and his yellow teeth were sticky with body fluid.

"Get out!" Zhu Cheng raised his foot and kicked the mad dog away, then absorbed the healing energy from the dragon ball, and put the dragon ball into the spirit mirror.

"Mmmmmm~" Xuanwu suffered pain and rolled on the ground before standing still.

Strong, really too strong.It was so strong that Xuanwu's hand trembled involuntarily, it was out of instinct.

"Shangguanyun, let's join forces." Xuanwu woke up after being kicked by Zhu Cheng, and even thought of joining forces with Shangguanyun to attack Zhu Cheng.

Xuanwu understands Shangguan Yun. He is a very ambitious person, and he will never bow down to others. He must submit to Zhu Cheng's powerful force. If he wants to get out of control, joining hands with Xuanwu is the best choice.

Zhu Cheng didn't speak, but just looked at Shang Guanyun with a half-smile, and his eyes were very warm.

"Nonsense!" Shangguan Yun immediately attacked Xuanwu with his palm, expressing his loyalty to Zhu Cheng.

"You coward." Seeing Shangguan Yun attacking, Xuanwu cursed and drew out his ancient sword to parry.

"Give them all." Elder Sun and Moon greeted a group of Zhongxintang disciples to fight together. This is the chief rudder of Zhongxintang. The enemy would tell him the rules of the world to fight one-on-one. Not a gentleman.

Seeing this, Xuanwu fought and retreated, and retreated outside the hall. The open space outside is suitable for him to dodge and deal with it alone, and he has a powerful sword technique that he can use.

"Give it to me." Elder Sun and Moon ordered, and the disciples gradually narrowed the encirclement, seeing that Xuanwu had nowhere to escape.


The ancient sword came out and drew a beautiful arc in the air. Wherever it passed, all the disciples were sealed by the sword, and the sword was not stained with blood, and it was hanging in the air without returning to its sheath.

Seeing this, Zhu Cheng couldn't help raising his eyebrows, "The art of controlling the sword?" No, no, it's not the real art of controlling the sword, it should be an application of internal strength like himself.

The power is equivalent to what Zhu Cheng used in the No. [-] school in the world. To Zhu Cheng, it is completely a show, and even Zhu Cheng's skin can't be broken.

"Bang bang bang..." A group of disciples didn't even have time to scream, and they fell dead on the ground, their hands and feet still maintaining an offensive posture.

Seeing this, the Sun and Moon Elders couldn't help taking a step back. Although they followed Shangguan Yunnan to the Northern War, they had never seen this 'immortal art'. Could it be that the Xuanwu veteran learned the immortal art?How can mortals fight with immortals?
"Get out of the way, I'll do it." Shangguan Yun shouted at the sun and moon elders, and took a few steps forward.At first, he was shocked when he saw Xuanwu have such a skill, but after seeing Zhu Cheng's even more incredible strength, he soon calmed down.

And he concluded that this is not a fairy art, but a sword art, which seems to be magical but not necessarily powerful.If it was really the fairy tricks that Mr. Storyteller said, Xuanwu would not come to him so politely, and would be willing to ask Shangguan Yun to help find Cha Muxue at the price of Dragon Balls.


The flying sword came out again and stabbed directly between Shangguan Yun's eyebrows, Shangguan Yun was lucky with his palm and slapped the flying sword with a 'ding' sound and was sent flying, but there was no scar on Shangguan Yun's palm.

Shangguan Yun smiled slightly, it was really just an airs and not very powerful, but it was a unique move after falling into a siege, it could break through the encirclement quickly, after all not everyone has the strength of Shangguan Yun.


Ding Ding Ding

No matter what tricky angle Feijian used, even when he drilled his crotch, Shangguan Yun shot him back, and Shangguan Yun approached Xuanwu step by step, Xuanwu had to back down one after another.

"This is your trump card?" Shangguan Yun jokingly smiled, meaning that if there were no other tricks, then his life would be at stake.

"Let's join hands." Xuanwu looked at Shangguan Yun with sincere eyes, and Shangguan Yun's movements inevitably froze.

Is this proposal good?It was the best proposal for Shangguan Yun. There would never be a strong man like Xuan Wu who could join forces with him to deal with Zhu Cheng, but it was also the stupidest choice.

If you haven't seen Zhu Chengli, you will never know what terror is, and you will never know what a devil is.Zhu Cheng is not human at all, but a demon from hell, an invincible existence.

But because of this stagnation, the flying sword was only an inch away from the center of his eyebrows.

"Bang!" Shangguan Yun clamped the Feijian dangerously, and then broke the Feijian violently with his strong inner strength.

"Chi..." Shangguan Yun didn't keep the tip of the sword in his hand, but shot it towards Xuanwu as a dart.

"Puff..." Although Xuanwu reacted quickly, he couldn't dodge in time. The point of the sword pierced his chest, and Xuanwu immediately fell to the ground with serious injuries.

"Cough, cough, cough..." The rupture of the heart caused Xuanwu to cough up blood, and he raised his head to look at Shangguan Yun with a smile on his lips.

"Shangguan Yun, I'll wait for you below, cough cough cough..." Xuanwu would not forget to respond to Shangguan Yun when he was about to die.

"you wanna die!"

If it was normal, Shangguan Yun would not pay attention to the curse of the dying person, but this time is different, there is always a sword hanging over his head.

From the day when Zhu Cheng and Cha Mulong came to the door, he has been living under this sword. The sword is pending only because he still has value to use, but with the appearance of Xuanwu, his value has become more and more useful. small.

So when he heard Xuanwu say that, Shangguan Yun's depression immediately turned into anger, and he was about to hit Xuanwu's celestial spirit cover with one palm.

"Pa" but he didn't want a hand to block Shangguan Yun's palm, making Shangguan Yun's powerful and heavy palm disappear like a cow in the sea.

"Master, you?" That's right, it was Zhu Cheng who stopped Shangguan Yun from killing him.

"Hmm~" Zhu Cheng stopped his hand and signaled Shangguan Yun to silence.But he saw a miniature dragon drilled out of his sleeve, sniffing and sniffing Xuanwu's body.

"That's right, it's Xue'er's breath." Xiaolong affirmed, and then looked at Zhu Cheng.The meaning is very clear, it is hope that Zhu Cheng will save Xuanwu and he wants to ask questions, but Xuanwu is unable to ask questions in his dying state.

"Pfft..." Zhu Cheng stretched out his hand and pulled out the tip of Xuanwu's heart sword, a stream of blood came towards Zhu Cheng, but before it splashed onto Zhu Cheng's body, the blood was blocked by an invisible force and flowed to the ground.

The moment "Ah" pulled out the tip of the sword, Xuanwu died on the spot, and the wound on his heart healed at a speed visible to the naked eye in the next second, and Xuanwu woke up 1 minute later.

"I'm resurrected?" Xuan Wu's eyes widened, and he finally understood why people like Shangguan Yun didn't dare to resist Zhu Cheng.

"Why do you have the breath of Xue'er on your body?" Xiaolong asked, and Zhu Cheng asked Xuanwu for his translation.

"Xue'er, how do you know about Xue'er?" Xuanwu was surprised, but he didn't know that the reason why Zhu Cheng saved him was because of Xue'er.

The sloppy Taoist Xuanwu is very qualified, and the clothes on his body have not been washed for several months. He wears this clothes all day and stays with Xue'er, so he will naturally be contaminated with Xue'er's breath. The breath of everyone in the clan is very familiar, especially Xueer and the others are the best at playing.

As soon as he smelled Xueer's breath, Xiaolong hurriedly asked Zhu Cheng to rescue Xuanwu and bring him back to life.

"Answer my question." Zhu Cheng said.

"Xue'er is a member of the Chamu clan I adopted. I raised him for six years, but he disappeared and ran away from home..." Xuanwu told Zhu Cheng everything he knew.

"Ang!" The young dragon transformed into its original body, opened its mouth and held Xuanwu in its mouth, and then flew into the sky.

"Let me find it." Zhu Cheng said a few words to Shangguan Yun and then rode away with the wind, chasing the young dragon.

Only Shangguan Yun was left in a daze.Looking for what?I only know that Xueer is nine years old and a boy. How can I find her?
(End of this chapter)

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