The system starts from the first in the world

Chapter 220 Goodbye Dragon Ball

Chapter 220 Goodbye Dragon Ball ([-])

Zhu Cheng rescued Xue'er, gave Shangguan Yun and Chamulong a fair chance to fight, and told the young dragon that if Shangguan Yun dared to run away, he would just swallow it without asking for instructions.

Shangguan Yun knew that he would surely die today, so he chose to strike first without fear of death, and slapped Cha Mulong with his palm.

Cha Mulong stood firm, and faced his great enemy, he bravely stepped up and met his fists.

"Bang, bang, bang..." Both of them didn't use weapons, and they faced each other with fists and feet. There was no distinction between you and me for dozens of rounds.

Xue'er is too young to see the tricks involved, but everyone else knows how many competitive skills are contained in these dozen or so rounds. The battle between the two is definitely the highest level of martial arts in the world.


In the end, Chamulong was still defeated.Originally, Shangguan Yun's skills were higher, and his competitive skills were higher than that of Chamulong because of the years of licking blood with the tip of a knife. What's more, now Shangguan Yun is still fighting with his back, and he doesn't hesitate to get injured and attack.

It can be said that it is rare for Cha Mulong to persist for such a long time, and he has a very high talent in martial arts.

Shangguan Yun hit Chamulong with one palm and flew back. If it wasn't for the dragon ball body protection, Chamulong would have been seriously injured and coughed up blood.

"Hehe, it's fair." Shangguan Yun laughed ironically, he knew the strength of his palm, and with Cha Mulong's ability, he definitely couldn't make it unscathed.

"Whoosh" Chamulong is really a man, he took out the dragon ball in his arms and threw it at Zhu Cheng, Zhu Cheng took the dragon ball and shook his head, and finally put the dragon ball into the spirit mirror.

This was Cha Mulong's choice, he decided not to use foreign objects to avenge Zhu Cheng and he didn't force it, but this time he returned the Dragon Ball, but he had no chance to get it back.

"Come on!" Chamu Long yelled violently, and punched Shang Guanyun.

Seeing this, Shangguan Yun sneered, and thought, "Cha Mu Long, you will pay for your stupidity."

If Shangguan Yun is Chamulong, Shangguan Yun doesn't care what is fair, the battle of life and death must be done by any means, and giving up the sacred dragon ball is clearly an act of death.

He has never been in the arena, so he is so naive.

Cha Mulong, I, Shangguan Yun, will definitely take you away.

Shangguan Yun clashed palms, and after a fight, Shangguan Yun was at a disadvantage.But seeing Shangguan Yun fighting and retreating, he was a hundred meters away in a short while.

In fact, if it wasn't for the young dragon making a move, it would have rushed over to eat Shangguan Yun, and Shangguan Yun was already 500 meters away.Shangguan Yun deliberately showed weakness, planning to retreat while fighting, looking for opportunities to escape.

Shangguan Yun turned his head away and glanced at Zhu Cheng, who was a hundred meters away, his eyes could not help but squint, with a feeling of success in a trick, and a strong killing intent erupted in an instant.

"Drink!" Shangguan Yun, who had been suppressed by Chamulong for a long time, suddenly exerted force, and the powerful internal force was shot out through the palm of his hand, only a phantom of a golden dragon appeared, opening its huge mouth and rushing towards Chamulong.

This is Shangguan Yun's trump card that he has used Dragon Ball comprehension for many years, and he has only refined it recently, and he hasn't had time to name it yet.

But it can be called a killer's mace, and its power is naturally extraordinary. As soon as this move is used, Cha Mulong retreats in a row, and uses lightness kung fu to retreat very quickly, but the attack will inevitably affect everyone watching the battle.

The direction Chamulong retreated was not towards Zhu Cheng and the others, but towards their left hand side.

It's just that Long Congyun can fly, although the speed of Qinggong is not slow, but after all, it can't catch up with the dragon that can fly into the sky. Chamulong has no way to retreat.

"Ah!" When there was no way to retreat, Cha Mulong could only choose to be tough, but he saw that the true energy in his true energy agitated a powerful force from his body, and then he punched the golden dragon's head.

"Boom!" Although Chamulong punched the dragon's head and exploded the dragon's head, the dragon was still alive. It swung its tail and sent Chamulong flying, and the golden dragon dissipated. .

"Pfft!" Chamulong was injured by the golden dragon's tail. Although nothing could be seen on the surface, several ribs were broken inside, and the internal injuries were also very serious.

"Brother Long!" Seeing that Chamulong was injured, Fu Tianjiao was very anxious and wanted to go to check on Chamulong's injury.

Although Xue'er was also a little worried, she was more curious about Fu Tianjiao: who is this beautiful aunt, and why does she care so much about my father?
"It's okay." Zhu Cheng stretched out his hand to stop Fu Tianjiao, Cha Mulong hadn't played his cards yet, and the result was still uncertain, it was too early to step forward at this time.What's more, Shangguan Yun also took advantage of the victory to pursue, he swung his palm and attacked Chamulong again.

Forget it, Cha Mulong was really killed by Shangguan Yun, so Zhu Cheng is still there, and he will be resurrected every minute.

Besides, Shangguan Yun, the trump card Golden Dragon consumed a lot of his true energy, and he was no longer able to use his trump card.

Normally, this ordinary palm would be no problem, and Chamulong could punch it with one punch, but now that he is seriously injured, his reaction can't keep up, even punching will cause the injury, so he chose to avoid it. , busy rolling on the ground.

"Bang" the palm brushed the corner of Chamu Long's clothes and hit the ground, creating a deep hole.

"Angangang..." It is not Chamulong's style to dodge blindly, so after avoiding this palm, Chamulong immediately blew his tooth flute, and the sound of dragon chant was poured into Shangguan Yun's ears.

"Ah! Ah!" Shangguan Yun was the same as before, howling with his head in his arms, but this time he no longer stayed where he was, but walked towards Chamulong with heavy steps.

"Angangangang~" Seeing that Shangguan Yun could still stand, the sound of Chamulong's flute was even louder and more powerful.

"Ah! I want you to die, I want you to die!" Shangguan Yun suffered even more, but this belief supported him. He was destined to die in a few days, but he had to take one with him when he died.

Shangguan Yun put down his hands, regardless of the severe pain, and before he passed out, he could distinguish the direction of Cha Mulong and rushed over.

This move doesn't show any skill, it doesn't look like the moves that martial arts masters can use, it's more like street hooligans fighting, headbutting.

As I said just now, Cha Mulong was seriously injured, and his physical reaction was a bit slow, and he really didn't expect that the superior Shangguan Yun would make such a rogue move.

"Bang!" Shangguan Yun knocked Chamulong into the air, and immediately heard the sound of the flute, Shangguan Yun suddenly felt relaxed, as if he was alive again.

Looking at the Cha Mulong again, he was hit by Shangguan Yun solidly, and in addition to the previous injury, he couldn't bear it and fell into a coma after all.It's also a good thing that Shangguan Yun has never practiced Iron Head Kung Fu, otherwise he would have to beat Cha Mulong to death.

"Hahaha, I won, I won." Shangguan Yun looked at Cha Mulong who was unconscious on the ground and laughed. After all, he still won, and he could take one away before he died.

Ta ta ta... Shangguan Yun took a few steps forward, going to make up the knife and completely finished Cha Mulong.


"Brother Long!"

Seeing this, Xue'er and Fu Tianjiao yelled loudly, rushed forward and spread their arms to block Shangguan Yun, protecting Chamulong behind them.

"This is a fair fight?" Shangguan Yun looked at Zhu Cheng while speaking.

"Sigh, it's still a big deal after all." Zhu Cheng shook his head, if Cha Mulong hadn't thought highly of himself and returned the dragon ball to himself, with the help of the dragon ball's power, he would have killed Shangguan Yun a long time ago.

"You dragon, go and avenge the Chamu clan." Zhu Cheng didn't answer Shangguan Yun's words, because it didn't make any sense at all.

There is no absolute justice in this world.

As a divine beast of the Chamu clan, the young dragon has the right and obligation to avenge the Chamu clan, and the young dragon really died in the hands of Shangguan Yun back then, when Shangguan Yun threw a thunderbolt bomb into the young dragon's mouth and killed it. When the wooden dragon falls, it will naturally rise to the top.

"Ang!" The young dragon roared, and a dragon swung its tail and swept towards Shangguan Yun.

(End of this chapter)

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