The system starts from the first in the world

Chapter 226 Starry sky without bright moon

Chapter 226 Starry sky without bright moon

Zhu Cheng followed the crowd to Mount Lanke in the south. They were pilgrims, and Master Naqishan was like a living Buddha.

Pilgrims may be rich or poor, tall or short, fat or thin, or beautiful and ugly, but Zhu Cheng can feel that they all have the same belief in their hearts, but there is more or less sincerity.

The pilgrimage is long, arduous, and painful, but Zhu Cheng followed him for several hours without hearing anyone saying that he was tired, including the elderly and children.

"Master Qishan?"

Zhu Cheng is even more curious about Master Qishan, what kind of person can make so many people believe in him so devoutly?

Zhu Cheng thought about flying directly to Lanke Mountain to meet this master, but first, he didn’t know the way, and second, he felt that following the pilgrims would make it easier to understand the world, and he could hear things about the world from them .

Seeing that the sun was about to set, the pilgrims became restless.

"The sun is setting."

"Night is coming."

"Light a fire."

"Come on everyone."

"Let's light up together."

The pilgrims began to sing in unison, let's call it the fire-making song.People sang songs while taking out everything from their carry-on bags.

There are no shops in the front of the village, and even if there is an inn, so many people can't live there. Ordinary people who don't have a carriage choose to sleep in the wild.

There are two things to pay attention to when sleeping in the wild: first, there must be bedding, and the temperature difference between day and night will be large, and it is easy to catch cold if there is no quilt; When you were sleeping soundly, the one who appeared in front of your couch and stuck out its tongue to lick your cheek was a tiger or lion, or a poisonous snake or mouse.

The night came quickly, and the surroundings became pitch black almost as soon as the sunset glowed. The torches of the crowd were also lit at this moment, and soon the dark night was illuminated by the torches of the long dragon.

The pilgrims have been prepared for a long time. Each of them carries a big package, which contains enough flint, dry food and water. As for the torch, it is a branch picked up by the roadside.

Zhu Cheng observed that every time they found a little branch on the road, they would pick it up, make a pile, tie it up with hemp rope, and carry it on their backs without feeling too heavy to move on.

Zhu Cheng just felt a little strange about this, but he didn't ask why. Maybe this is their 'custom'.

"Father, the firewood pile is ready." Not far from Zhu Cheng, a little boy called his father.

The firewood pile is not just piled together, there are rules. There must be gaps between the firewood and the firewood. They cannot be stacked closely together, and it is best to stand upright so that the fire can burn vigorously.

"Hey." Father took the torch and threw it into the woodpile, only to hear the sound of "cracking", and after a while, a bonfire was lit.

"Hmm~" Zhu Cheng frowned suddenly, he felt something was wrong.The cooling rate was too fast, and the temperature dropped by at least three degrees Celsius in just a few minutes after the sun set.

What went wrong?
"Hey, brother." The father roared, waking Zhu Cheng up from his contemplation.

"Brother, come to me." He waved to Zhu Cheng and told him to come over. "You're welcome, the temperature is going to cool down soon."

"Okay." Since Zhu Cheng would not reject others' kindness, he answered and walked over.

The fire was burning very well, and Zhu Cheng felt warm and comfortable as soon as he got close.

"Come and sit here, sit here." The father pointed to a small mat beside him and told Zhu Cheng to sit down.

"Thank you." Zhu Cheng thanked him with a smile, then sat down and took a closer look at the father.

That father is a young man, probably not yet 30 years old, but his face is already weathered and his hands are covered with calluses, obviously life is not very good.

Around the campfire were the boy from before, and a woman with a little girl.

The little boy was skillfully baking a few flatbreads over a fire, and the aroma from the scones made him lick his lips involuntarily.After walking so far, the little boy was hungry.

The little boy should only be seven or eight years old, but his face is mature beyond his age.The children of the poor should be in charge of the family early.

The woman wore a red scarf to expose her ears. There were no earrings or piercings on her ears. She had a sallow complexion and a small mole on the left corner of her mouth.She was taking out a water bladder to feed the little girl in her arms.

The little girl looks like three or four years old, with two braids tied with red string, her little face is flushed, and she drank a big sip of water while holding the big water bag 'Dun Dun Dun'. The eyes are looking at Zhu Cheng curiously.

"Drink it!" The woman glared at the little girl, and the little girl's two big cheeks immediately shrank.

"My lord, Zhu Cheng, what's your name?" Zhu Cheng asked his father with a smile.

"Oh oh oh, I forgot to introduce myself, please don't blame the guests." The father slapped his forehead and introduced his family to Zhu Cheng, "My name is Lei Yun, this is my son Rebecca, and that is my wife Elizabeth, she It’s my daughter, Little Dragon Girl.” Together, it’s “Rebecca Elizabeth Little Dragon Girl” (thank you for your daily recommendation votes, the name is too long, so I had to create a family. Did you upgrade your account recently, and you can vote for two It’s a recommendation ticket, hehe)

"Good name, good name." Zhu Cheng said with a smile.

"Sir, didn't you go on a pilgrimage?" Lei Yun asked.

"Oh, how did the eldest brother see it?"

Lei Yun squinted his eyes, and said with some pride: "I see that Mr. has neither a package nor a fire, which is incompatible with us." Lei Yun pointed around with his fingers, and there were fires all over the place. .

"Hahaha...Brother Lei really has eyesight." Zhu Cheng said with a smile: "To be honest, I also came here from a visit from another country. I was shocked to see the grand pilgrimage of everyone, so I followed the journey."

"So that's it, sir, it's about time. The Yulan Basin Festival is not held every year. If it wasn't for Master Qishan's departure this time, sir, he wouldn't have seen this grand occasion." Lei Yun said.

"Oh, but I don't know what kind of person Master Qishan is, to have such charisma?" Zhu Cheng asked curiously, which is why he came here.

"Master Qishan is a great man."

"He is a compassionate person."

"A wise man who knows everything."

Before Lei Yun could answer, Rebecca Elizabeth Xiaolongnv started talking to each other, but the words were different, but they were talking about the same person.

"Hehe, I wish someone is more confused." Great man, compassion, and wise man, just one word can be admired by the world and praised by the world when put on one person, but one person concentrates these three evaluations on one person, what is this? What about alone?
"What they said is very one-sided." Lei Yun took a big cake, broke half of it and handed it to Zhu Cheng, and then said: "Master Qishan is Lanke Mountain, presided over by Lanke Temple, and he is the person with the highest medical skills in the world. Master When he was young, he read all the Buddhist scriptures and mastered the Buddhist principles. After he came down from the mountain, he mercifully helped the world and saved people. The people he treated were as warm as the spring breeze..." Lei Yun talked about his beliefs a little eloquently.

Listening to Lei Yun's introduction to Master Qishan, Zhu Cheng couldn't help feeling respect for Master Qishan, and the image of a bright and handsome old monk emerged in Zhu Cheng's mind.

"Come, have a sip of wine." Zhu Cheng took out a wine bag from his arms, actually from the spiritual mirror, and handed it to Lei Yun.

"Thank you." Lei Yun took a sip, his eyes widened suddenly, and he was about to raise his head to drink, but in the middle of the process, he suddenly changed his posture, pursed his mouth like that, and sucked the wine in the wine bag.

"Ha - good wine, good wine." After drinking for a while, Lei Yun happily returned the wine bag to Zhu Cheng.

Just now, Lei Yun was about to drink up the good wine, but suddenly realized that it was not his own, so he changed his posture and smoked it reservedly.

"His father." Elizabeth complained, this good-for-nothing man can't control himself when he sees alcohol.

"Sister-in-law, it's okay, it's okay. Brother, you can keep it, I still have this." Zhu Cheng said as he took out another wine bag from his arms, which was bigger than the previous one.

"Hey hey hey, good, good." Lei Yun was overjoyed, stuffed the wine bag with a stopper like a baby, and tied it proudly around his waist.

"Uncle, your chest is so big, it can hold so many things." Xiao Longnv said so abruptly.

"Oops!" Zhu Cheng's heart skipped a beat. It's hard to explain this time, so Wang Gu can only talk about it and say, "It's a pity that there is wine and no moon this night."

"Why is there no moon!" Zhu Cheng looked up at the sky, looked around, saw the sky full of stars but did not see the moon, not even a crescent moon.

This is a world without a moon, and when the sun sets, it ushers in darkness, absolute darkness.

Those few stars can't even light up the sky, how can they illuminate the world.

 Thank you for your support, thank you for your support.With you, the eternal night will usher in light.

  Thank you Momola, Wuji knight, life and death does not reboot (I like this name) monthly ticket support
(End of this chapter)

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