Chapter 231
Everyone on the other side of the stream was focused on the game between the two, but no one noticed Zhu Cheng here.Zhu Cheng also looked at the formation method openly, but it's a pity that he only knows the mystery of the formation method, but he can't enter the door.

A layman is a layman after all, he knows almost nothing about this world, and how can he see through the formation that is also difficult for practitioners in this world.

"Pa" followed that Jiange disciple Bai Zi fell, and the round was declared over.

Chess is just like this, if you miss a move, you will lose the whole game, not to mention that this game itself is a Zhenlong chess game (there is a way out, but it is difficult to solve the endgame)

"Master, I lost." The Jiange disciple didn't mess around, and was convinced of the loss. He saluted the game master and left his seat.

Looking at the Jiange disciples, they all sighed.The chess game was so difficult that even 'Senior Brother Wu' who was the best at chess was defeated.

Washan's three rounds, this is only the first round and it is so difficult, I don't know who has the ability to break through three rounds in a row, seeing Master Qishan, he has to give advice.

"You and others have already finished, since you can't break the old man's chess, let's all go down the mountain." The master got up and signaled the Jiange disciples to go down the mountain.It's not to drive people away, but to speak first, which is the rule.

"Look, there are people on the other side." A Jiange disciple saw Zhu Cheng and said, and immediately everyone looked at Zhu Cheng.

"I've seen you, sir. Since you're here, please end." The master saluted Zhu Cheng and asked him to come over and play chess.

Following the etiquette of the Moonland Kingdom, Zhu Cheng returned the salute and said: "Master, I wish you came here to see Master Qishan." What Zhu Cheng said was that he didn't want to waste time playing chess.He was full of questions and wanted to ask Master Qishan.

"Don't you know that if you want to go up the mountain, you have to break the three rounds of Washan?" A Jiange disciple laughed.

The master nodded.

"There is such a rule?" Zhu Cheng said sincerely, but only such rules are worthy of the name of 'Lan Ke'.No matter, no matter, anyway, maybe I haven't played chess with anyone for a long time, so I will play a game today.

Zhu Cheng walked from the bridge to the other side, and the master made a gesture of invitation and sat down.

This Zhenlong chess game has reached the official position, and it is about to end. At this time, the black stones in the first move have fallen, and it should be Zhu Cheng holding the white stones in the second move.

Zhu Cheng was born in the birthplace of Go, and Go clubs can be seen everywhere, and there are many people who want to play chess. He also learned Go since he was a child.

In ancient times, when entertainment was extremely scarce, playing chess was also common. He has lived for hundreds of years, and even a pig has a very high level of Go.

With just a glance at the endgame, Zhu Cheng made the moves in one go, without even taking a seat.

Although one son, but turned the tide.The big dragon broke out of the cage and flew for nine days, and the general trend was established.

The master twirled the sunspot, rubbed it between his fingers and pondered, but finally failed to settle.Finally, he put it back into the sandalwood chess box with a 'click', stood up and gave Zhu Cheng a deep salute to express his respect.

Zhu Cheng returned the courtesy and asked: "I haven't asked the master's name yet."

"The name is useless to me. Since the master has broken my messy chess game, let's go up the mountain." The master pointed to the mountain.

"Farewell." Zhu Cheng didn't ask further.The master always has to carry some, he just wanted to go up the mountain.

"Master, what about us?" Jiange disciples were a little impatient when they saw Zhu Cheng going up the mountain.

"There is no end here, you can all go up the mountain," the master said to his disciples, "Let's go."

"Yes, master." A group of Rang Ke practitioners left with the master.

"Sir, sir. Wait for me, wait for me." Jiange disciple hurriedly caught up with Zhu Cheng and called Zhu Cheng.

"What's the matter?" Zhu Cheng turned to look at them and asked.

"Mr. is superb at chess. I am ashamed of myself. I would like to watch Mr. Chess." Senior Brother Wu said in this way, to put it plainly, it means "hugging the thigh".

He knew that it was impossible to meet Grandmaster Qishan with his chess strength, so he could only follow Zhu Cheng up the mountain, hugging his thighs tightly, lying down all the way up.

"You can do whatever you want." Zhu Cheng naturally understood the meaning of Senior Brother Wu and the others, and did not object.Even if they don't allow it, can they still be driven away, Zhu Cheng is not the master of this place, and has no right to drive them away.

There is a pavilion on the mountainside. In the pavilion there is a stone table and two stone benches.

"I have met the master." Zhu Cheng took the lead to salute, and the old monk got up to return the salute.Not much to say, and made a gesture of invitation to Zhu Cheng to signal him to sit down.

There are no pieces on the board, and the game has not started.The chess box is placed on the chessboard, with white pieces on the left and black pieces on the right.

"Sir is a guest, please choose a son." The old monk said.

Zhu Cheng nodded and chose Heizi.The old monk frowned slightly, but didn't say much, took the white stone and put it on his right hand.

The reason why Zhu Cheng chose Heizi is very simple, because according to the rules of Go, the black goes first, and Heizi is on the right hand.

"Pa" Heizi fell, followed by the old monk Baizi.

After a few hands, Zhu Cheng had found out the depth of the old monk, and Zhu Cheng looked at the sun outside the pavilion.If it goes on like this, if you want to win the old monk, you have to spend an incense stick of time. If you do that, you will miss the meal, and you need to make a quick decision.

"Spiritual mirror, calculate the fastest way to win." Zhu Cheng communicated with the spiritual mirror.You don't have to be a fool, Zhu Cheng has never done stupid things, and left this trouble to Ling Jing.

In an instant, the spirit mirror deduced the fastest way to win, and released an image in Zhu Cheng's mind, even people who can't play chess can know where to play.The most powerful thing is that he can accurately calculate where the old monk will make his next move, and it is the only answer, without one, two, three guesses and a few percent probability.

clap clap clap...

After ten fights, the old monk was finally unable to defeat the battle again, put down his white son and saluted Zhu Cheng sincerely, saying: "I lost."

"Acceptance, dare to ask the master's name?" Zhu Cheng asked in return.

"The old monk understands." The old monk replied.Zhu Cheng just nodded his head as he recognized him, but Brother Jiange Wu was a little uneasy, and exclaimed: "So you are Master Dongming!"

Zhu Cheng looked at Senior Brother Wu, listening to what he meant, this Master Dongming has a lot of background, Zhu Cheng is interested to know.

"Master Dongming, he was the number one master of chess in Lanke decades ago. He has guarded Washan for more than ten years and no one in the world can break his game." Lanke is famous for his chess skills. He is a master of chess, not to mention that no one has been able to break his chess game for more than ten years, which makes him even stronger.

"It's just that it's been said that you passed away ten years ago, so why..." Senior Brother Wu was a little puzzled.

"It's here, let's go up the mountain." The old monk didn't say much, and ordered people to put away the chessboard and go down the mountain.

Zhu Cheng continued to go up the mountain, and when he was halfway there, he saw a disciple of Lan Ke coming down from the mountain. He bowed to Zhu Cheng and the others and said, "My teacher said that he likes to be quiet, and only those who break the game can go up the mountain. Jiange disciples, please go to the Zen room near the left." rest."

"This..." A group of Jiange disciples looked at me and I looked at you, not knowing what to do. In the end, Senior Brother Wu said regretfully, "Since it's Master Qishan's intention, I don't want to bother you." It's a pity that we can't I saw the game between this gentleman and Master Qishan.

"Sir, this way please." Disciple of Lan Ke.

Zhu Cheng nodded and asked, "Excuse me for the name of the master."

"The little monk is a disciple of Master Qishan, watching the sea." Disciple Lan Ke finished speaking and led Zhu Cheng up the mountain.

The top of the mountain is the place with the strongest aura of Lanke. There is a cave on the top of the mountain. Outside the cave is a platform. A maple tree is planted beside the cliff of the platform. It is late autumn at this time, and there are only five leaves left on the tree. fall.

There are stone tables and benches under the maple tree, chess sets are placed on the table, and an old monk sits on the bench.

"I have met the master." Guan Hai bowed to the old monk and said: "The person who broke the situation has been brought."

"You step back." The old monk waved his hand, ordering him to step back.

"Greetings to Master Qishan." Zhu Cheng bowed to Master Qishan.This person who is loved and respected as a living Buddha only exists in legends, and deserves a gift of congratulations.

Master Qishan returned the salute and said, "Please."

Zhu Cheng still chose the sunspot, and it landed on the position of 'Tianyuan' with a snap, which is the middle of the chessboard.

Master Qishan suddenly shrank his pupils, stood up suddenly and said, "Aren't you from this world?"

Zhu Cheng was also shocked. He had been to many worlds, and it was the first time he met someone who could see through him. However, if he lived for a hundred years, he would not lose his composure like Master Qishan. Know?"

Master Qishan replied: "The chessboard is very small, it can only accommodate Haotian."

 Thank you Baiyang Poetry and Wine for your reward, thank you for being so tired after naming it, and the support of Big Fatty Hanghang Monthly Pass.

(End of this chapter)

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