The system starts from the first in the world

Chapter 233 Ning Que and Sangsang

Chapter 233 Ning Que and Sangsang

Zhu Cheng stayed in the cave to read, while Master Qishan went out of the cave to meet the breaker.

A man and a woman, the man has a handsome appearance with a bit of a ruffian, holding three simple knives in his hand, I have a knife, to protect Sangsang to sleep well.I have two knives to cut down all the grass in the mountains; I have three knives to eradicate injustices in the mountains; the woman is not tall, with dark skin, she is exactly the Sangsang that Zhu Cheng saw in the spiritual mirror a few days ago.

Different from the Sangsang I saw at that time, Sangsang was able to do housework neatly at that time, but now she can only lie weakly on the handsome man's back.

She is terminally ill and her time is numbered.

Originally they were supposed to go up the mountain after breaking two rounds in a row, but because Zhu Cheng broke the first two rounds, the road was unimpeded, and no one stopped them from the foot of the mountain straight up the mountain.

However, unlike Sangsang and Sang Sang who were unimpeded, Master Qu Ni, the master of the Moonland Kingdom, was blocked by the disciple of Master Qishan, Guan Hai, from the Lanke Mountain Gate.

"Congratulations to Master Baoshu, the first master of Tianqingzong Discipline Academy, and I have met Master Quni." Guan Hai bowed to the two masters. From the address of the seat, it can be seen that the status of Master Baoshu is higher than that of little baby Quni.

Yuelun State owns the White Pagoda of the State Temple, and the abbot of the temple is the State Master of the State of Yuelun, and the White Pagoda is just a mountain gate set up by practitioners in the secular world. Behind it is the Tianqing Sect.

According to the interpretation of this world, the places where these transcendent sects are located are called "unknowable places", that is, places that mortals cannot and cannot know.

The aura of the unknowable land is more intense, and the practitioners among them are also more powerful. For example, Master Baoshu's cultivation level is higher than that of Master Qu Ni.

Master Baoshu was dressed as an ascetic monk, with a majestic face, which was in line with his title of the head of the Precept Academy.Holding a brass bell without any patterns on it, it looks extremely ordinary, but it exudes strong aura fluctuations.

"Is Ning Que here?" Master Baoshu asked.

"He and the Daughter of Light have already gone up the mountain and are breaking the third round." Guan Hai replied.

"How could it be so fast?" Master Qu Ni was very surprised, but she knew how advanced the chess skills of the gatekeepers were.He is a little Ning Que, a bedbug, how can He De break two rounds so quickly.

Guan Hai knew that Master Qu Ni had misunderstood, but she didn't explain anything, because it was useless, she just wanted to know the result.

"I want to see him." Master Baoshu said bluntly.

"My master said that you are not allowed to see him." Guan Hai was also very straightforward, revealing his master's name.According to seniority, Master Qishan is the uncle of Master Baoshu, and Guanhai and Baoshu are of the same generation.

Master Baoshu was a little annoyed when he heard that Guan Hai was so direct, and said angrily, "I am carrying the mission of the whole world, for the sake of the common people!" He wondered if his uncle was too foolish to defend Ning Que.

Guan Hai refused to budge, and said: "Since the teacher has decided to open the three games of Washan, it means that without the permission of the teacher, anyone who comes to Lanke is not allowed to act rashly. I hope that Master Baoshu will think twice." There was a slight threat in it, Master Baoshu really thought twice after hearing it.

Qu Ni was impulsive, and angrily slammed down her wooden stick and said, "In this matter, what's the point of the three rounds of Wasan? How can the rules of Lan Ke be as important as the common people in the world?"

Guan Hai was a little displeased when he heard it, Qu Ni was clearly questioning her beloved master, he looked at Qu Ni and said: "My teacher specially told Guan Hai not to forget, this is Wasan Rangke, is it Master Qishan's bad lesson. If there is an uninformed visitor, just tell her where the way down the mountain is." After finishing speaking, Guan Hai pointed to the way down the mountain.

In my territory, you have to follow my rules, if you refuse to obey, you will leave, if you don't want to leave, you will be beaten out with a stick.

Although Qishan is old, he still has the strength to swing a stick.

As soon as Qu Ni heard this, her petulant temper suddenly came up, and she asked, "Listen to your son, are you not letting our Tianqing people go up the mountain?" Qu Ni's peers.If Zhu Cheng is here, I will give her an additional comment of 'relying on the old and selling the old'.

"Master Qu Ni." Guan Hai bit these four words very hard. Although he has cultivated his mind, he has not yet reached the level of resignation, and it is inevitable that he will be angry when he is insulted.

"You..." Master Qu Ni wanted to say something more, but Master Baoshu shouted "Enough" before Qu Ni stopped.

Master Baoshu said: "Guan Hai can't stop us with your cultivation, for the sake of the common people in the world, I can only force my way in today." After speaking, he took a step forward.

At one step, Guan Hai hadn't retreated, at two steps, he was already a punch away from Guan Hai, and at three steps, the two were about to collide, Guan Hai felt a strong pressure rushing towards his face, and he had to back away.

"Hmph!" Master Qu Ni walked away with a flick of her sleeves, leading all the disciples up the mountain with Master Baoshu.

"Not good." Guan Hai secretly yelled that it was bad, and hurriedly took the trail to report the letter.

At this time, the breaker had already met Master Qishan.

"You are the little Qishan that the teacher said?" The handsome man looked at the old Master Qishan and asked.No matter where he went up or down, he couldn't see Master Qishan's face.

Master Qishan didn't answer, but only smiled slightly as an acknowledgment.

The handsome man was very happy, he quickly put down Sangsang on his back, and then saluted, "Ning Que (Sangsang) pays homage to Master Qishan." After the handsome man saluted, he glanced at the tree, only to see that there were only three A leaf, feeling a little flustered.

Because his teacher told him that if he wanted Sangsang to survive, he had to hand over Sangsang to Master Qishan before the leaves on the tree at the gate of Master Qishan's cave fell.

"I am Master's personal disciple, Master Thirteen, please save my family, Sangsang." Ning Que pleaded.

"Who is Master?" Master Qishan asked, obviously dissatisfied that Ning Que brought up this figure to oppress him.

Maybe caring is confusing, but Ning Que didn't notice this, and he wasn't even surprised at all: why Master Qishan, who claims to know everything, didn't know Master Qishan, who is the most powerful man in the world, he also explained to Master Qishan: "Master It's my teacher, the dean of Tang Guo Academy."

"Isn't he just an old man, needless to say about him," Master Qishan stared into Ning Que's eyes and asked, "I'll ask you, is it Master who wants to save, you, or Sangsang?"

"Master wants to save, I want to save, and Sangsang also wants to save Sangsang." Ning Que gave the most perfect answer without any hesitation.

"I beg Master to save Sangsang." Ning Que knelt down to Master Qishan when he said this.As the thirteenth teacher of Tang Guo Academy, even if he saw the king of Tang, he didn't need to salute. Now, for a little black girl, his little maid, Ning Que bowed to others.

Seeing Ning Que kneel down, Sangsang also knelt down and begged Master Qishan.

She doesn't want to die, she wants to live, she still has many, many days to live with her young master.The biggest enemy is dead, the days to come should be joyful and beautiful, Sangsang is yearning and obsessed with the days to come.

"Alas," Master Qishan sighed, "Washan has three rounds, this last round has to be played with one's life."

"No, we are here to save lives, how can we use our lives to do so?" Ning Que firmly objected.

"Master, the young master and I have had a hard time, we have survived until today, so we can't die so easily." Sangsang also didn't want to play chess.

"According to the rules of Washan, we can only heal him if he wins my game." Master Qishan strictly abides by the rules and will not back down.

"You old man, people are like this and you still abide by your broken rules!" Ning Que got up angrily, holding his hand on the hilt of the knife and said viciously: "Today, if you treat this disease, you have to be cured, and if you don't, you have to be cured." Ning Que couldn't speak well, so Ning Que decided to threaten him with force.

Master Qishan no longer looked at him, turned around and went straight to the cave.He is so presumptuous when he wants more from others, he will never get used to his stink.

Master, master, you are known as the teacher of all ages, but you never thought that you would teach such an impulsive, arrogant and ignorant disciple.Today, I, Lao Qishan, will discipline and discipline your disciple for you, and teach him what it means to respect the elderly and what it means to beg for help.

A gust of wind blew, and a leaf fell leisurely, leaving only two leaves on the tree.

 Thanks again for the reward of Baiyang Shijiu Zongnianhua.Thank you for watching ten thousand years at a glance, Plato's Bianhuahua, and Ou Shanshu's monthly ticket support

(End of this chapter)

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