Chapter 245
Shanshan is the best woman in the world, even for Ye Hongyu, a woman who wants to give her three swords, she can't bear to see her die.

Rescuing a person was a very simple matter for Zhu Cheng. He raised his hand and gave Ye Hongyu a lifeline, which made Ye Hongyu heal.

"hold head high"

At this moment, a dragon chant sounded, and Zhu Cheng sniffed it with his nose, but he smelled the fragrance of peach blossoms.

I saw a huge dragon rushing straight forward, and everything it passed was turned into ruins, as strong as this hall, and nearly half of it was destroyed.It's just that such a fierce beast is pink, and its whole body is made of peach blossoms, but no matter how you look at it, it looks beautiful and cute, without any sense of horror.

"Roar!" The giant dragon opened its mouth and spit out a beam of light to strike at Zhu Cheng. Zhu Cheng's mind moved and the barrier stood up, but he was also hit back again and again.

So, how did this dragon appear, and why did it look like this?

The head teacher didn't run away, but left the hall. His whole body was bathed in light. After taking back the scepter, he held it horizontally in front of his chest, and then knelt down.

"Haotian, please give me strength." Although he didn't say that, it was almost the meaning.The head teacher is praying and borrowing strength from Haotian. This is a kind of technique Xiling calls it 'apocalyptic magic'.

It can be seen from the name that this technique is related to the realm of apocalypse. As long as the prayer is successful and the power bestowed by Haotian is obtained, then this person can instantly obtain the power of the realm of apocalypse. Of course, this premise is that the person praying must be Knowing the pinnacle of fate, the head teacher just meets this requirement, and besides that, he is also a devout believer of light.

Only those who believe in the light and Haotian are qualified to become the head teacher.The light never dies, Haotian will last forever, this is not only a slogan for the teacher, but also his lifelong persistence.

He wants to let the light shine on the whole world, conquer Tang, a country that has no faith, and make them slaves of Haotian; he wants to destroy the academy and master, but anyone who provokes the light should not live in this world.

The Xiling Temple is located in the mountain of Taoshan. The reason why Taoshan is called Taoshan is because it is full of peach trees.Peach trees have grown for thousands of years, and they have been blessed by light all day long, so they have become no longer ordinary. Therefore, on the peach mountain, the flowers of 330 three peach trees gathered in the shape of a dragon, and the imperial powder dragon killed Zhu Cheng. , to devour Zhu Cheng, a person who provokes the light.

"Bing Bing, protect the mountains." Zhu Cheng recruited the young dragon 'Long Ao Bing' from the spirit mirror, and asked it to protect the mountains so that they would not be affected by the aftermath of the battle, while he himself flew into the sky.

"Don't worry, I'll protect Miss Sister." Bingbing nodded in agreement, and happily got into Shanshan's arms.Do you think it is boring, why don't you make a stir-fried dragon meat today.

"Ang!" Fenlong also chased Zhu Cheng away, and then spit out another light.

"Those who blaspheme the light will be punished by heaven." Seeing that Zhu Cheng was driven away by the giant dragon, the head teacher actually had the idea of ​​victory, which is really ridiculous.

How did he know that the reason why Zhu Cheng left the hall was only because the space there was too narrow for him to perform.

When that ray of light came, Zhu Cheng no longer blocked it with his thoughts, but used his thoughts as his swordsmanship, and went straight to meet him.

The two forces of "Boom" collided together, emitting a dazzling light, which made it impossible to look directly at.

"Boom" Zhu Cheng's actions don't rely entirely on his eyes, he still has the power of perception, he can use his power without distance when he is out of the cage, and he stands on top of the dragon's head in an instant, and smashes at the dragon's head with a bang down.

The dragon head is easy to hit, and Zhu Cheng smashed it apart with one fist.But the giant dragon is not dead yet. It is not a real dragon but a peach blossom after all. It can gather or disperse. Feeling the power of Zhu Cheng's punch, it hurriedly disperses and becomes a dragon not far from Zhu Cheng.

"Huh—" Longwei called out to Zhu Cheng accompanied by a scent of flowers.

"Hoo!" Zhu Cheng's reaction was also extremely fast, and he shot out a sword energy from his fingertips, breaking off the powder dragon's tail and falling dust.

"Roar!" Without the dragon tail, his body was slightly smaller, but his strength was more compact. Zhu Cheng was like a small doll in his eyes with its huge body, and he surrounded Zhu Cheng in an instant, and then Then wrap and tighten Zhu Cheng, and the tighter and tighter, the tighter and tighter it is to strangle Zhu Cheng to death.

The head teacher underestimated the power of Wudi. He could easily teleport away even if he was strangled by a dragon when he reached this level. After all, he only borrowed the power of Haotian to reach the apocalypse. What they are facing is a person who knows the destiny.

However, Zhu Cheng did not choose to teleport away, but took a deep breath, slowly opened his hands, and started a power struggle with Fenlong.

"Haotian, please give me strength!" Seeing that Zhu Cheng was about to break free, the head teacher knocked his head on the ground and prayed to Haotian more devoutly.

Suddenly, a soft light came down and shone on the head teacher.It is the symbol of light, the purest light in the world——the light is divine, it is compassionate but indifferent, gentle but powerful, it is everywhere, and it is invincible.

At this time, the head teacher is already at the peak of the apocalypse, and there have never been more than three people who can use the apocalypse magic to this level. He felt like he was about to explode.

"Congeal!" Gaining stronger power, with a movement of the head teacher's Nianli, the powder dragon was condensed again, becoming the size of a giant python.Although it has become much smaller, its strength has doubled, and the gap that Zhu Cheng opened up has been tightened back.

"Crack, creak..." This is the sound made by Zhu Cheng's bones, and it hits my ears one after another. After listening to it for a long time, I thought someone was setting off firecrackers.

"Ah! Ah! Ah!" Every time he roared, Zhu Cheng's strength increased by one point. His body was like an engine whose power continued to increase. Gradually, he was able to break through a gap, then a line, and then another.

"Drink!" With the last loud shout, Zhu Cheng won the wrestling with Fenlong, but Fenlong was exhausted when he escaped.

"Cough!" Fenlong lost, which means that the head teacher lost.It seems to be a contest between the physical strength of one dragon and one person, but it is actually a contest between the head teacher and Zhu Cheng's mental strength and physical strength.

The power of thought is related to the sea of ​​consciousness, and the power of thought is almost exhausted. How can the headmaster still have the power borrowed from Haotian for mental control, and that power instantly ran away in his body, and he coughed up blood immediately after being backlashed.Blood flowed from the cracks in his golden mask, over his neck and into his chest.

"Wind, give me a wild wind." Zhu Cheng chanted a mantra, and a strong wind blew away the pink dragon.

The wind blows the peach blossoms away, leaving only the trunk of the peach tree.

"Boom..." Zhu Cheng stepped on the teacher's golden face, crushing the golden face, revealing the mysterious face inside.

He was actually a wretched middle-aged uncle, with sly eyebrows and mouse eyes, he looked like a criminal.With this face, it's no wonder that he has to wear a mask all day long, otherwise it would be embarrassing for Xiling to show his true face.

"What other tricks do you have?" Zhu Cheng exerted a little force on his feet, and rubbed the head teacher's face to give him a plastic surgery. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Before I say good night, I ask everyone a serious question "How to chase Shanshan", I regret it a bit, I have never chased girls before.

 Thank you Momola monthly ticket support

(End of this chapter)

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