Chapter 247
There is a flat boat floating on the South China Sea. The flat boat is very old and has been ups and downs on this sea for many years.There is a person standing on the boat, he is carrying a sword like Zhu Cheng, but Zhu Cheng's sword is made of black iron, while his sword is cut from peach wood.

He looks very old, but not very old.His hair is already grey, and his beard, which is not too long, is also grey, but his complexion is ruddy, not worthy of an old name.

"Not good!" Although he was in the South China Sea, he was looking at Xiling.It's hard for him not to notice such a big movement as the technique of apocalypse.

Who is this person? Chen, the master of the temple, is also known.A person with a very common name, but not so common, is recognized as the second strongest person in this world.

When the Taoist uttered the Heavenly Book, Chen felt that it was not good, and the Heavenly Book would not be preserved.He will never allow this to happen. If the Heavenly Book is taken away, he will become a sinner of Taoism through the ages.

He took one step and went from the sea to the shore.

"Xuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu hit him on the head, knocking him back into the boat with a stick.

On the other hand, when Zhu Cheng heard that the heavenly book was so miraculous, he immediately became interested. Shanshan described it like this, and this heavenly book is like a mirror.Zhu Cheng wants to understand the world, so it is good to get this book.

"I want it." Zhu Cheng said to the Taoist.

"No." Even though he knew that he would die if he refused, the Taoist still chose to refuse.He can ignore the destruction of the Xiling Temple or the death of the head teacher, but the Heavenly Book is the most important thing in the concept of Zhishou. If the Book of Heaven is gone, the concept of Zhishou will also be gone. hand.

"Give it to me." Zhu Cheng looked directly at the Taoist with green eyes.The Taoist showed a struggling face, hugged his head and howled, and then yelled: "No!"

This was the first time that Zhu Cheng failed to perform the soul-destroyer technique. Although the minder was not physically strong, his consciousness was really tough, and he was able to withstand the soul-destroyer technique.

Taoist not only got rid of the soul-hunting technique, but also attacked Shanshan.He could see that Zhu Cheng cared about Shan Shan, if he could take Shan Shan as a hostage, he might have a chance of life, or be killed by Zhu Cheng directly, it would be a good destination.

"Roar!" When Bingbing saw that the Taoist was coming to harm the little sister, she immediately recovered her real body, and a dragon swung its tail and swept it away.

Bingbing is so strong?

It is that strong.Although it is not a human being, it can also cultivate mind power. In the spiritual mirror, he also heard the method of mind power cultivation mentioned by Master Qishan. It has gone through thousands of years, and its consciousness is naturally strong. Although it is not as perverted as Zhu Cheng, it is also Achieved the second thought of the apocalypse.

To deal with a defenseless Taoist, Bingbing can be said to be easy to catch.

"Uncle Master!" Ye Hongyu exclaimed, turned into a red shadow and caught the Taoist, preventing him from knocking his head on the ground.

"Cough, cough..." The Taoist was hit by Bing Bing, coughing up blood, and he was about to die.

Zhu Cheng gave Bingbing a blank look, meaning that he was too aggressive, and if he beat someone to death, he would ask someone for the bible.Bingbing shrunk back aggrievedly, turned into the size of a doll and slipped into Shanshan's arms.

"Get out of the way." Seeing Zhu Cheng approaching the Taoist, Ye Hongyu blocked the Taoist with a sword, Zhu Cheng was a little impatient.

If it wasn't for Shan Shan to save you, you are already a corpse at this time, and you dare to stand in front of me, I really don't know what to say.

"The light never dies, and Haotian lasts forever." Ye Hongyu shouted the slogan, determined not to retreat.

"Ye..." Shanshan wanted to persuade Ye Hongyu to get out of the way, but seeing her determined expression, he still didn't speak.

Ye Hongyu is a Daoist, she has her own persistence, she can give everything for the Dao in her heart, but she cannot be persuaded.If that's the case, then let her go, seeking benevolence and deserving benevolence is also considered perfect.

Shanshan is also an idiot.

"People with faith are really scary." Zhu Cheng couldn't help nodding in his heart. He knew that his strength was vastly different, but he was willing to die. This kind of people with faith is really terrible.

Zhu Cheng suddenly appeared behind Ye Hongyu, and knocked Ye Hongyu unconscious with a knife.For the sake of Shanshan's face and her firm heart, Zhu Cheng decided to spare her life.

"Give me the heavenly book." Zhu Cheng once again cast the soul-stirring technique on the Taoist, and at the same time passed through a life force to protect him from death.

The Taoist was almost dead, and his consciousness was naturally weak. After being invaded again by Zhu Cheng's soul-hunting technique, he couldn't resist it again, and was controlled by Zhu Cheng.

"Follow me." The Taoist said numbly, and then took a step forward.

"Let's go." Without waiting for Shanshan's reaction, Zhu Cheng put his arms around her slender waist and chased after her. In three steps, he came to an ancient Taoist temple.

"You let go." Shanshan blushed, pushed Zhu Cheng away, Zhu Cheng didn't care, pretended nothing happened, and asked, "Where is the book of heaven?"

"This way." The Taoist pointed to the direction of Zangshu Pavilion, and led Zhu Cheng forward.Shanshan looked around and was completely unfamiliar with this place, so he had no choice but to follow.

The disciples of Zhishou Temple saw that the Taoists respected him as uncle. Although they didn't know who Zhu Cheng and Shanshan were, they didn't dare to ask more questions when they saw that the uncle was leading the way, and retreated one after another.

Creaking——The door of the Library Pavilion opened, and the Taoist took off the heavenly book on the altar and presented it to Zhu Cheng with both hands.

Zhu Cheng took it, and opened a page at will, but only saw a blank sheet of paper without any words on it.


"Whatever you want to know, the Heavenly Book will tell you." The Taoist arrived.

Zhu Cheng understood, this is similar to a spiritual mirror, and asked casually: "Haotian."

A line of words appeared in the heavenly book: Haotian, this world, is the source of light, the source of life... It is similar to what I learned from Master Qishan.

"Mozong." Zhu Cheng asked again, as if the man in Xiling called himself Mozong.

The heavenly book also shows the answer: Mozong, heretics. 1000 years ago, the great priest of Guangming went north to the wasteland to preach. Ten years later, he rebelled against Xiling and established the "Mingzong" to create a practice method that is very different from the power of mind. He couldn't tolerate it, so he was designated as a demon, and Mingzong was called the demon sect.

"Stunningly talented and brilliant." Zhu Cheng nodded, and he was able to find a new way to form his own line. The great priest of Guangming thousands of years ago can be regarded as an outstanding person.It's a pity that this world doesn't have much heart, or that Xiling wants to keep its unique status of Wanfa coming out of Xiling, so it rejects this way of practice very much.

In fact, although the demon sect practitioners forcefully absorb the vitality of the heavens and the earth in their bodies, they will also be turned into fly ash after death, and their power will feed back to this world. The patriarchal skills have been completely absorbed, making it impossible for future generations to practice.

Zhu Cheng flipped through a few more pages, then put it in his sleeve, and read it slowly in the future without rushing for a while.

"Let's go." Zhu Cheng said these words to Shan Shan, and Shan Shan herself didn't know why she followed Zhu Cheng by mistake.

This man is so domineering.

"Meow!" Fang stepped out of the library, and a black cat jumped out. It was skinny, and it seemed that it hadn't eaten for several days, and a pair of yellow eyes showed this even more.

"Come back to me." With a thought in his heart, Zhu Cheng caught the black cat back, grabbed the back of its neck and said pitifully, "Tell me about such a big Taoist temple, why is it that you need a bite."

Zhu Cheng took out a bowl from the mirror, put a few more fish in the bowl, and squatted down to feed the cat.

The black cat sniffed it with its nose first, then licked it with its tongue, then it didn't care anymore, it opened its mouth and started eating.

"Meow, meow." Shanshan is a girl, so she naturally likes small animals like cats and dogs, especially when she sees poor little animals, she feels pity for them.She reached out and touched Meow Miao's head to comfort its trembling body.

Although this man is domineering, he is quite loving.

Because of a cat, Shanshan's impression of Zhu Cheng has changed.

This is the so-called fate.You meet a stray cat on the road, you squat down to feed it, but you don’t feed it every time you meet a stray cat.

The edge is actually very simple.

Seeing Shan Shan teasing Meow Meow, Zhu Cheng suddenly wondered where did this cat come from, when he was reading the heavenly book, he didn't find any cats outside Zangshu Pavilion.

"It's finished, let's go." Zhu Cheng said.

"I want to take it with me." Shanshan hugged Miaomiao in his arms, and the young dragon grinned at him as if he had been robbed of favor, and Miaomiao shrank into a ball in fright.

"Okay, take it." The left and right are just a cat, so take it with you.Zhu Cheng thought about it, and was about to take back Bingbing's spiritual mirror, otherwise Shan Shan would have to hold Meow Meow and hold it again, and it would be very hard.

"Where are you going?"

"Tang Country, Academy."

 Thank you for not breaking through ten thousand volumes of reading. My fate is not up to me. My heart seems to be entangled with thousands of opportunities.

(End of this chapter)

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