The system starts from the first in the world

Chapter 253 Juggernaut, you deserve it too!

Chapter 253 Juggernaut, you deserve it too!

Juggernaut, what a familiar title, what a long-lost title.Zhu Cheng couldn't help but think of the sword master in Fengyun World - Dugu Sword.

Counting carefully, it has been more than 400 years since we parted with him, and I don't know what happened to him after that. According to his cultivation, he should be able to live longer than Wuming.

Zhu Cheng picked up the last grain of rice in the bowl with chopsticks, handed the bowl and chopsticks to Shanshan, and then took out the silk scarf to wipe his mouth.

Take one step, and you are on the sea, and people step on the water and stand on the sea.

The Juggernaut also took a step forward with a solemn look, and faced Zhu Cheng far away at sea.

"Use your sword, kid." Zhu Cheng stood with his hands behind his back, acting like an elder.However, according to his age and cultivation level, he is also worthy of Elder Liu Bai, and Zhu Cheng, who is also a swordsman, is more qualified to guide him.

Liu Bai used to be taciturn, so he didn't talk nonsense at this time, and pointed at Cheng Jian, pointing at Zhu Cheng, and thousands of sword qi came to kill Zhu Cheng.

Thousands of sword qi are like tides, glowing silver under the sunlight, rushing away from west to east like a big river.

The sea water was violently washed away by the sword tide, and then quickly evaporated. The water level in a radius of [-] meters dropped by a full ten meters, and the sea surface was immediately covered with a misty layer of mist.

Zhu Cheng didn't make a move, and Tianchi didn't get out of the sheath, he only used his mind power to set up an invisible protective shield around his body.

The Juggernaut is Zhu Cheng's first sword master in this world. Zhu Cheng is happy to see Lie Xin, and he is ready to play with him slowly, and Liu Bai is known as the strongest sword master in the world, which is more beneficial to Zhu Cheng. Get a glimpse of the way of swordsmanship in this world.

"Ding ding ding..." Thousands of sword qi looked ferocious, seeming to be able to defeat anything in the world, but they still couldn't defeat the protective shield that Zhu Cheng put up.

"Scattered but powerless." This is Zhu Cheng's evaluation of the first move of the Juggernaut.The sword power is too scattered, suitable for large-scale confrontation, but its lethality is limited in the face of masters.

"Hush..." The Juggernaut also knew that it was impossible for him to hurt Zhu Cheng with his first move.

The second trick: the tide of swords retreats sharply, and finally becomes a sword, hanging in front of Liu Bai.This sword has form but no quality, and the sword intent and killing intent revealed by it can be clearly felt even by the mountains watching the battle from a distance.

Shan Shan couldn't help but feel worried, Liu Bai is the most powerful sword in the world after all, will he really be fine?This is the first time Shan Shan watched Zhu Cheng because he was worried.

"Drink!" Liu Bai yelled loudly, and the sword shot towards Zhu Cheng.

"Ding!" The sword slammed on the shield, and slowly moved forward.If you are a Psychic, you can see that there is a shield in front of Zhu Cheng that is cracked, and it is full of cracks, and it is about to collapse.

"Crack, bang" the shield was completely shattered, and the sword continued to stab Zhu Cheng unabated.

Zhu Cheng finally made a move, two fingers to be precise, and the middle finger flicked with the help of the thumb.

"Ding..." Liu Bai's sharp sword was lightly flicked by Zhu Cheng, and it was scattered away.

"Not bad." This is Zhu Cheng's evaluation of Liu Bai's second move. It is not bad to be able to condense thousands of sword qi to this level.

Seeing this, Liu Bai's heart skipped a beat.He thought that even his master would not be able to break through this move so easily.And it was broken with just a flick of the fingers, how strong this physical body should be, even if he practiced the Demon Sect's skills to the extreme, it is impossible to have such a strong physical body.

"Chess!" Liu Bai didn't give up, he drew his sword.This is the first time he has used the sword after ten years, and he has kept this sword for ten years.

When the sword was unsheathed, I only felt a sword intent soaring into the sky, and anyone would be intimidated by this powerful sword intent, especially the sword master.

Swords are divided into high and low, and this sword is the strongest.

"He must be fine, he must be fine." Shanshan said so, but her body was very honest. She clenched her fists nervously and kept her eyes on Zhu Cheng.

Chao Xiaoshu's serious face, which had not changed for a hundred years, was also a little moved.Even after such a distance, he could feel the sword intent. If Liu Bai didn't make a move at close range, his sword heart would have been defeated.

Under that sword, there is no luck, and there is only one ending—death.

"Dahe sword!" Liu Bai yelled, and stabbed Zhu Cheng straight with his sword, directly in the face of Zhu Cheng, without any fancy.

Facing this sword, Zhu Cheng also frowned. If he was really stabbed by him, he might really be injured.

Zhu Cheng pointed at it as a sword, with sword energy entwined around his fingertips, only a 'ding' sound was heard, and the sword tip collided with the sword finger.

"Drink!" Liu Bai went forward without hesitation, mobilizing all his strength and thoughts to push the sword forward.

"Boom boom boom..." The sword advanced a few inches, and was cut off by the sword energy of Zhu Cheng's fingertips. In the end, Liu Bai didn't make an inch of progress.

Zhu Cheng saw disbelief and unwillingness in Liu Bai's eyes.Liu Bai is known as the sword master, he is the most powerful swordsman, although he is not arrogant enough to defeat the master, but he also thinks that he is the strongest under the master.

Chao Xiaoshu, who knew the fate, couldn't even catch his sword energy. How could this person who appeared out of nowhere connect his three swords in a row, and it was so easy that he didn't even draw the sword out of its sheath.

"Boom!" Swords have lengths, but after all, only the hilt is left.The ten-year sword was thus destroyed.

Liu Bai loosened his hands, dropped the hilt of his sword into the sea, and suddenly disappeared, and when he appeared, he was behind Zhu Cheng.

This is the fourth move, and also Liu Bai's last move, the strongest move.Taking the body as the sword and mind as the front, all the comprehension, accumulation and polishing of kendo are condensed on the fingertip of the right index finger. This is no longer a finger, but the strongest sword in Haotian.

This sword pierced Zhu Cheng's back heart.

"Drink!" Zhu Cheng naturally felt that Liu Bai was coming around behind him, and with a loud shout, thousands of sword qi burst out from his body and attacked Liu Bai.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Liu Bai was pierced by the sword energy, and his face was grim in pain, but he never gave up, and went upstream against the current with the strongest sword.

But going upstream will consume sword intent after all. The strongest sword is consumed little by little in the sword flow. In the end, he finally broke through the sword flow. When he thought victory was in sight, he suddenly discovered that the sword intent, The momentum and power of the sword have all been wiped out.

"Let's stop here." Zhu Cheng stretched out his sword finger, and gently tapped Liu Bai's eyebrows.

"Boom" Liu Bai fell into the water suddenly, "I lost. I lost so thoroughly." Liu Bai closed his eyes, quietly waiting for death.

He does not allow himself to be defeated, because he is Jiange Liu Bai, the sword master of this world, he can die in battle but cannot be defeated by others.

He has been invincible since the time when he learned swordsmanship. People of the same generation and those of the previous era were quickly surpassed by him. He was not as good as the weak crown and had already reached the pinnacle of swordsmanship. After decades of standing still, he was revered as a sword master. , Jiange has also become a holy place for sword masters.

He can't afford to lose.

Liu Bai allowed his body to sink bit by bit, bit by bit.A defeated Juggernaut is not eligible to be buried at the Jiange Mountain Gate, but only suitable to be food for rotten fish and shrimp in the sea.

"Sword Master, you deserve it too!" Zhu Cheng was completely disappointed with Liu Bai. After being defeated only once, he became depressed and depressed. Liu Bai did not deserve the title of Sword Master at all.

After Dugu Sheng, the Sword Master of Fengyun World, was defeated by Wuming, was he depressed?No, he studied the sword technique of the holy spirit in Jianzhong for more than ten years in order to defeat Wuming, and even created a sword technique that does not belong to mortals, such as Jian23.

Compared with him, Liu Bai simply tarnished the title of Sword Master.

Zhu Cheng angrily took Liu Bai up, pinched his neck in the void, and said angrily: "Like you, don't say that even a sword master can't afford to be a swordsman. Although a sword is proud, it is also a hundred-strength sword." If you are defeated once, you will have no fighting spirit, and you are not worthy of using a sword at all!"

 Thank you Wang Jianglan for the reward of 1000 (hundreds of dollars), thank you for the light gray...encounter (long time no see), the proud earl, boring, boring, book friends 2018...549, fate is not supported by my monthly ticket.

  Before the second more twelve o'clock
  Regarding the update, I can only be a two-watch beast. I have to go to work at 07:30. I don’t get up but go to the store to go to work.I can't evolve into three more beasts, woo woo woo

(End of this chapter)

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