Chapter 258
After entering Weicheng, that is to say, entering Tang Kingdom, after leaving Weicheng, the road was unimpeded and there was no trouble.Not only are there no robbers, but there are no beggars.

The Tang Kingdom is indeed the most powerful country in Haotian. Not to mention that everyone is rich, but everyone can have food and clothing. This is an unprecedented country, and of course it is also related to the current emperor'Li Zhongyi's hard work in governing.

The capital city of the Tang Kingdom is extremely majestic and the number one city in the world. Since its establishment, the city has never been breached. It is the last line of defense of the Tang Kingdom, and it is also the strongest line of defense of the Tang Kingdom.

Because the person who designed and built this city is Master, a great man whom every Tang person is proud of.He is as high as the sun in the sky, and he is as heavy as the tallest Mount Taiwu.

As soon as Zhu Cheng stepped into the capital, he immediately felt something was wrong.The space here is very stable, which greatly restricted his teleportation, and in his perception, the deeper he went to the imperial city, the stronger the space became.

"It's such a big formation, it's so strong." Zhu Cheng praised, this large formation is more powerful than the fish cage bird and peach blossom formation he has come into contact with, and the manipulator who knows the fate may be able to kill the strong man without distance by manipulating this formation. .

"This is the Shocking God Formation. It is said that this is the large formation laid down by the master himself when the city was built. It is the largest formation in the world. It protects the Tang Kingdom from falling." Shanshan explained to Zhu Cheng.

"The first big formation?" Seeing Lie Xinxi, Zhu Cheng couldn't help letting go of his senses and began to feel the power of this big formation.

On Suzaku Street, Zhu Cheng felt a scorching fire.There was a Suzaku entrenched there, looking at everyone and everything in the capital with its eyes open, but most of them thought it was just a bronze statue.

Seeing it, Zhu Cheng couldn't help but think of the fire phoenix, they look exactly the same, I think that girl Jianxiong will take good care of it.

"Zhi!" As if sensing Zhu Cheng's prying eyes, Suzaku screamed and was about to come alive to trouble Zhu Cheng. Panicked, Zhu Cheng quickly withdrew his power of perception, and Suzaku lost his target and returned to silence for a while.

There is a Taoist temple in Tang State named 'Haotian Dao Nanmen'. The owners of the south gate temple in all dynasties are Tang Guoshi.

"Who disturbed Suzaku?" The national teacher was shocked when he heard Suzaku's cry.This is how anyone here can actually startle Suzaku. You must know that even Wei Guangming, the noble Guangming priest of the Xiling Temple, a monk at the peak of the Fate Realm, never woke up Suzaku when he came to the capital.

"Wow" he grabbed a handful of chess pieces in the chess box, held them up in the air and let go of his hands, only to hear the sound of "click..." The pieces fell on the chessboard, seemingly scattered and chaotic, but there were heaven and earth.

This is the special skill of the national teacher - chessboard deduction, which can calculate everything in the world, and can see the past and the future, just like the eyes of the great priest who can see through the future. Deduction consumes vitality.

Don't look at him with gray hair, but his age is just over fifty, just because as a national teacher, there are too many things to worry about, and there are too many things that need to make major decisions, and every time he encounters a major event, he will play it on the chessboard, For example, Suzaku was woken up today so that her hair grew prematurely and she looked old.

"Pfft!" The national teacher spat out a mouthful of blood, staining the chessboard red.

"Teacher." Seeing this, He Mingchi, a disciple of the National Normal University, hurried forward to support the King, he was very worried about the health of the National Teacher.

"Mingchi, hurry up, hurry up," the national teacher said anxiously with a pale face, "Quickly send a letter to your majesty and the academy, a big enemy is coming, hurry up." The national teacher saw Zhu Cheng's arrival, although he didn't see it clearly. Knowing that Zhu Cheng is unfathomable, he is the great enemy of Tang State.

"Master, your body." He Mingchi was a little hesitant. Tang Guoyou, an invincible existence in the world, would there be any great enemy? Compared with the great enemy, the health of the national teacher is more important.

"Leave me alone, go, go." The national teacher pushed He Mingchi away and ordered him to send the message quickly.

"Yes, disciple will go now." He Mingchi couldn't hold back his master, so he could only go to the palace to deliver the letter himself, and sent his disciples to the academy to deliver the letter.

The national teacher wiped the blood from his mouth, and instead of resting, he walked out of the Taoist temple to find Zhu Cheng.He was going to drag Zhu Cheng first, and drag the people from the academy, so as not to cause an uproar in the capital by the devil who destroyed Xiling.

So isn't he afraid of Zhu Cheng?Of course the national teacher was afraid, he knew better than anyone else that Zhu Cheng could crush him to death with a single finger, but he had to go because he was the national teacher, and the national teacher's duty was to protect Tang.

Even if you die, you will go.

Zhu Cheng followed behind Shanshan, quietly listening to her introduce the capital city of Tang Dynasty. She had been here at this time last year, and the best memory of her life was born here.

That's the moat, that's Junding Bridge, that's Zhuque Street, that's Lin 47 Lane, that's Laobi Studio.

Shan Shan stopped in front of the Laobi Studio, which is Ning Que's shop and only sells his calligraphy.Ning Que's handwriting is highly respected, reaching the point where a single word is worth a fortune, and his old brush studio has always been crowded, but it's a pity that no one patronizes it now, and the door is locked and sealed.

Since Sangsang was identified as the daughter of Pluto, although the king of Tang did not send troops to hunt down and encircle Ning Que and Sangsang, and even vigorously defended his Tang people, he still could not bear the diplomatic pressure. All of Ning Que's properties were seized, but in fact it was a disguised form of protection to prevent others from taking over.

"Go in and take a look." Zhu Cheng noticed that Shanshan was looking at Laobizhai in a daze, and with a finger, the seal was broken and the door lock was opened instantly.

Squeak——Push the door and go in, but there is a thick layer of dust inside, and there is no writing on the wall or on the table.Before going to see Qishan for medical treatment, that money-crazy Sangsang hid all the words, and hid them in a place where no one could find them except her.

Shan Shan stepped into the house, and the furnishings in the house did not change. He stroked the table case where he practiced calligraphy with Ning Que for a long time.

"Ning Que, where are you? When will I see you again?" Shanshan asked in his heart.

At this moment, a loud and clear voice came from outside the Laobi Studio, "Li Qingshan, the master of the South Gate Temple, please see Zhu Cheng Sword Immortal."

It turned out to be Li Qingshan who came here, he was very polite, even though the old pen studio is not Zhu Cheng's property, to be precise Zhu Cheng broke into a famous house, but before Zhu Cheng said something, he still didn't enter the house by himself.

"What's the matter?" Zhu Cheng asked.

"Sir, come to our capital city of Tang Dynasty, Qingshan is the master of the south gate temple, as a landlord, please come to my south gate temple for tea." Li Qingshan said respectfully.Although he knew that Zhu Cheng was a bad guest, but before Zhu Cheng did anything, he could only treat each other with courtesy. This is the bearing of a great country.

"It's just that I'm thirsty, so let me go. I need good tea." Of course, this is Zhu Cheng's excuse. It doesn't matter if he doesn't drink water for a year, he just looks at Shanshan with a look of nostalgia and miss. It's just a bit of a taste, I want to take Shanshan out of this place.

"Top snow mountain cloud." It is the most expensive tea in the world, and only the noble people can taste it.

 Thank you Momola, I am not exclusive, I seem to have thousands of opportunities in my heart to support monthly tickets
(End of this chapter)

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