The system starts from the first in the world

Chapter 266 Secret Meeting with Master

Chapter 266 Secret Meeting with Master
Zhu Cheng struggled on the buttocks and was hit by the master's ruler. A dragon swung its tail and swept the master away, and the master raised the ruler to hit him angrily.

This time the two of them came for the real thing, commonly known as having a real fight, making a big noise, and it would not be an exaggeration to say that it was earth-shattering.

At that time, the alcoholic and the butcher were tasting the new wine and eating the freshly slaughtered pork. The movement of Zhu Cheng and his wife scared the alcoholic and the butcher away their chopsticks, and hid in the stream without daring to show their heads.

They are afraid, afraid, not because they are afraid of Zhu Cheng and the master, even if the two join hands, the master will not be afraid, what they are afraid of is this sky.

Behind Yong Ye is driven by this day.In the last Eternal Night, they just hid themselves and hid all their aura, so that they managed to escape the last Eternal Night. Although they had almost invincible strength for thousands of years, they never showed themselves in front of others, just to hide themselves.

The sky is high in the sky, and they will not notice the humble ants on the ground, but when Zhu Cheng and the master fight, things will be difficult to say.If there is such a big commotion, the sky will definitely cast its gaze, examine the world carefully, and maybe catch them.

Humans are piglets raised in captivity. When piglets grow into fat pigs, they have to be slaughtered.The drunkard and the butcher are two thinking pigs. They just want to live and don't want to become a dish. Even if they live a humble life, it is always better than dead.

They are unkempt, they look like beggars, but they are still alive, and they have lived for a thousand years. If they can survive this eternal night, they can live for another thousand years.What a beautiful thing this is, so being humble and hiding is not pitiful, it's just a personal choice.

How many people in the world have the courage to confront the sky, especially after seeing the incomparable power of the sky.

The master raised the ruler high, and the powerful thought made the ruler shine brightly, and it slammed down towards the dragon's head.

"Ang!" Faced with this blow, Zhu Cheng gritted his teeth and prepared to fight.With his strong defensive ability, he went straight to the master without dodging or evading.

"Bang" the ruler hit the dragon's head.

"Bang" the dragon's head hit the master.

"Aww..." It hurts so much, I'm starting to pack, I'm getting up.Such a big bag, even if Zhu Cheng has an extremely powerful healing ability, it won't go away after two or three days.

"Pfft, cough, cough..." The old bone of the master was not much better, and was hit by Zhu Cheng's huge dragon head, which directly broke one of the front teeth, and made him cough violently.

"Undercover, my teeth." The master's words leaked, although the words were angry, but it was really funny to see his lack of front teeth, especially the master was still a strict teacher at first.

"Hahahaha..." Zhu Cheng laughed out loud.

"I'll kill you!" The master got angry, and the consequences were very serious.Regardless of being a teacher, regardless of his solemn demeanor, he rode on Qinglong in a flash.

The master smashed down the ruler, and gave Qinglong another bag on his head.

"Get down!" Qinglong roared angrily, flying up and down, ready to knock the master down.The master is so easy to get along with, holding two dragon horns and riding the green dragon leisurely, watching the scenery.

"Ho Ho Ho..." Zhu Cheng was so furious that he became a mount, it was really unbearable, he must get rid of this old bastard.

Although the dragon body is strong, it is too big and not flexible enough.Zhu Cheng transformed into a human body, and the master was riding on Zhu Cheng's neck, blinking his eyes, with an unsatisfactory expression on his face.This old man likes to ride the roller coaster, it's really hard to tell.

"Come down for me." Zhu Cheng stretched out his hand and was about to drag the master down, but he didn't want to miss it, so the master teleported away to a distance.

"Sir, you, are you alright?" Shanshan asked weakly, pointing at the two big steamed buns on Zhu Cheng's head.

"Hahahaha..." No matter how handsome a man is with two steamed buns on his head, it is very funny, let alone Zhu Cheng is not extremely handsome.Seeing that Zhu Cheng looks like this, the wife burst out laughing.

Yes, yes, how can a dragon have no horns, this is right, and it is very cute.Hahaha……

"Damn it! Damn it!" It's embarrassing, especially in front of the person he likes, Zhu Cheng was so angry that he disappeared in a flash.


The two fought in teleportation again, Shanshan could only see sparks and roaring in the night sky from time to time, but neither of them could be seen.

"Boom..." Zhu Cheng and his master met palms, and the panicked master quickly backed away.

"Gluttony technique, you actually practiced this evil technique." The master turned pale with shock, this technique is that everyone in the Demon Sect despises him as evil. Although the strength can increase rapidly, the human nature will also be wiped out bit by bit, until it is completely reduced to a bloodthirsty monster.

"I look good at eating." Zhu Cheng laughed, how can any gluttonous kung fu be compared with his own Tun Tian kung fu, which has been perfected after Zhu Cheng's continuous improvement, and how can it be as bloody and evil as the gluttonous kung fu recorded in the heavenly book.

We are elegant diners, and the gluttonous exercises can only be regarded as beasts, not the same.

"The food looks good, yes, yes, yes, yes, people think that darkness is evil, but they don't know that the highly respected light will also destroy the common people." The master also sighed for some reason, and then yelled at Zhu Cheng.

Zhu Cheng used the Heaven Swallowing Kungfu, preparing to absorb the master's thought power and vitality.

"Drink!" As expected of being the strongest here, the Master quickly broke free from the shackles of the Heaven Swallowing Kungfu, and held on tightly to the Qihai Snow Mountain. Even though Zhu Cheng used all his strength to activate the Heaven Swallowing Kungfu, he could only suck out a little thought power and vitality.

It's getting closer, it's getting closer, the master is getting closer and closer to Zhu Cheng, and he is about to knock on Zhu Cheng's head again with a ruler.

Zhu Cheng focused his eyes and shouted: "Sword 23!"

All of a sudden, Zhu Cheng and his master froze in place, like two high mountains.

"Meow!" Meow, who didn't dare to poke her head for a long time, felt this, poked her head out, and looked at Zhu Cheng and Master in front of her with a pair of puzzled eyes.

"Bingbing, are you okay, sir and Master?" Shanshan was a little nervous and worried, because in her perception, she didn't perceive the vitality of Zhu Cheng and Master, but they were standing there clearly.

"Pfft!" The candlestick extinguished, and Bing Bing said: "Don't touch them, that's sword 23, a sword of Yuanshen, Zhu Cheng has already left his body at this time, and he is talking to Master in a place we can't see Fighting, you must not touch his physical body, otherwise he will not be able to come back."

"Okay, hurry up and protect Mr. Good." Because he was worried about Zhu Cheng, Shan Shan was no longer afraid of the dark and the cold at this time, but he was only afraid that Zhu Cheng would have an accident.

The sea of ​​qi and snow mountain, the master's qi sea and snow mountain.

There is a private school in the vast expanse of land. There is a game of chess in front of the private school, and the master is sitting there with a smile on his face.

"What's the matter, making it so mysterious?" Zhu Cheng asked.

Sword 23 Zhu Cheng didn't want to use it unless it was a last resort. After all, it would be very dangerous. If his body was destroyed, he would not be able to go back, but the master solemnly asked him to see him alone during the battle. Zhu Cheng couldn't hide his curiosity. Exercising the sword 23 Yuanshen came out of the body and entered the Master Qi Sea Snow Mountain.

"The little gentleman is willing to come, I am very grateful." The master saluted Zhu Cheng deeply.

Zhu Cheng frowned at the master's move, this old bastard definitely has something big to ask of himself.

 Thank you for asking me to climb, qwelsadmo, space-time fortress, u116...70, monthly ticket support for Ergenda
(End of this chapter)

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