Chapter 270

"What happened?" At this moment, a burly man with two knives on his waist and a totem painted on his face came out of the tribe on horseback and asked the guards about the situation.

"Chief." The guard put away his spear, bowed respectfully to the burly man, then pointed to the mountain and said, "These two people have unknown origins, maybe they are from Xiling, we are going to drive them away."

"You have misunderstood, we are not from Xiling. He was seriously injured, and he asked the leader to take him in. Shanshan will be rewarded in the future." Shanshan hurriedly explained, and then asked the leader to take them in.

This is a large tribe, and there should be doctors in it.

The leader looked Shanshan up and down, and said: "You go, I won't kill you because you are a woman, but I will never take in enemies." The leader said so, naturally he recognized Shanshan Status, he is also a practitioner.

The leader is none other than Mozong who walks the 'Tang' all over the world, and is now a strong man at the pinnacle of Fate Realm.

The Mochi Garden is the sacred place of practice in the Dahe Kingdom, and the Dahe Kingdom also joined the team to crusade against the barren people. The barren people and the Dahe Kingdom are enemies, and the Mochi Garden is an enemy, and Shanshan is naturally an enemy.

"Boss, he is seriously injured, please take us in or he will die." Shanshan pleaded again: "Or we don't have to go in, please ask the boss to find a doctor to treat him."

"Is he your lover?" Tang asked.


"Is it your Mochiyuan disciple?"

"No." Shan Shan shook his head again.

"Since they are not, why do you care about his life or death? Leave immediately, otherwise I will be impolite." Tang's momentum was released, and the oppressive force of the peak of the famous realm came to Shanshan in an instant.

Shanshan did not leave, but dismounted under the pressure, drew his sword and prepared to fight the leader, with a determined face.Even if she killed someone today, she had to take Zhu Cheng into the tribe to see a doctor.

"You..." Seeing Shanshan's determined expression, Tang sighed, "Forget it, it's not easy for you as a girl to take him with you, so come in. But after he recovers from his injuries, you must leave immediately .”

"Thank you, leader. Thank you, leader." Although Shanshan wondered why the attitude of 'Tang' changed so quickly, he didn't think deeply about Zhu Cheng's serious injury. After thanking him repeatedly, he took the reins and led Zhu Cheng into the tribe.

Shanshan didn't notice it, but Zhu Cheng's eyes flashed green.Tang, as a man on the grassland, and even as the leader of the deserted people, has always been one-sided, so how could he go back on his word because Shan Shan is a woman.

It was Zhu Cheng who was playing tricks, and he didn't want to see Shan Shan start a life-and-death battle with Tang. Shan Shan had this kind of thought, and Zhu Cheng's heart was already warm.He cast a mind-bending spell on Don without people noticing, making him change his mind.

And Tang originally rode out to see what happened in the extreme north, but because of Zhu Cheng, he had to turn his horse's head around to help Shanshan settle down and find a doctor.

The doctor stroked his beard to diagnose Zhu Cheng's pulse, frowned deeply, and said in surprise: "This person is really strong. It is a miracle that he can survive such a serious injury. Even the leader doesn't have such a strong body." , These two big bags, most people can't afford to be so big."

The desolate people practice magic arts, that is, absorb the aura of heaven and earth to strengthen their bodies, so their bodies are very strong, but today they saw a Zhu Cheng who was stronger than them, so he couldn't help but be surprised.

As for the fact that Zhu Cheng was seriously injured, it was naturally Zhu Cheng who used the soul-destroying technique to make the doctor come to this judgment.

"Then can he still be saved?" Shan Shan immediately panicked when he heard this.

"I'll prescribe a medicine, whether it can be saved or not depends on his own good fortune." The doctor then wrote a prescription, Tang ordered people to grab the medicine, and Shan Shan decocted the medicine for Zhu Cheng himself, and then fed Zhu Cheng the medicine.

"Cough, cough..." The medicine was so bitter, and Zhu Cheng was not sick at all, he choked on Zhu Cheng after taking a sip.

"Ah, is it too hot? I'll blow it on for you." Shanshan stroked Zhu Cheng's chest for comfort, then took a spoonful of medicine from the bowl, put it near his mouth, blew it, and fed it to Zhu Cheng again .

Zhu Cheng looked at the medicine delivered to his mouth, feeling bitter, I don't want it, I don't want it.But what can he do, stand up and say that he is pretending to be sick, to win Shanshan's sympathy, and to flirt with his sister.

If he said that, Shanshan promised that he would never talk to him again for the rest of his life.I jumped into the pit I dug by myself, and I had to drink my own medicine while crying.

It is said that good medicine is bitter, and the more serious the disease is, the more bitter the medicine is. In order to win more sympathy, Zhu Cheng positions himself as dying, miraculously survived, and the bitterness of the medicine can be imagined.

Poor Zhu Cheng hasn't taken medicine for hundreds of years. This time he drank a whole bowl, and he hasn't finished yet. Taking medicine is about the course of treatment. With a seriously injured body like his, it is impossible to stop taking medicine in a few months .

Woooooo...Zhu Cheng was crying in his heart, but he had to put on a grateful expression on his face, it was really pitiful.

But who's to blame, he didn't ask for it.Poor people must be hateful, how about cheating on girls?
Zhu Cheng had tasted the most bitterness for a month, and finally couldn't bear it anymore. He used the soul-destroying technique to make the doctor change the prescription. If he continued to drink the medicine like this, his tongue would be useless and he would not be able to taste the taste.

"This gentleman is really very human, and he recovered so quickly. The original medicine can be stopped. I will change a prescription." The doctor wrote a new prescription. There are many medicinal materials written on the prescription. When combined, it becomes a kind of medicine. ——Mamaoling Granules.

This medicine is not only not bitter but also a little sweet, and it can also prevent colds.

I wish Cheng was liberated.

"Baa baa baa..." On this day, Shanshan heard a burst of sheep bleating outside, and a person shouting: "Ewe, do you want ewes? Ewes with goat milk, drink goat milk Good for patients."

When Shan Shan heard that he was treating the patient well, he immediately stepped out of the tent to see it.

Just then, a man with a fair complexion was leading a snow-white ewe. The ewe had a big belly and a lot of milk hanging from the milk.

"Is goat's milk really good for patients?" Shanshan asked.

"Of course, goat's milk is the most nutritious, and patients can recover quickly after drinking it. Girl, you have a patient in your family, so it's right to buy my goat. It's the time to produce milk." The white man said.

"Okay, I want this sheep." Shanshan took out a piece of silver to buy the ewe from the white man, and then led the ewe into the tent.

The white man took advantage of this time to look into the tent, saw Zhu Cheng lying on the sickbed, and left in a hurry.

Leading the ewes back to the tent, Shan Shan murmured to himself, "Why is he so white?" Due to long-term grazing, the barren man's skin was completely tanned by the sun.

But Shanshan didn't care, she brought a wooden bucket to milk Zhu Cheng's goat, Zhu Cheng looked at it on the bed and couldn't help but smack his mouth.

It's great to be a patient. Not only can you be taken care of by Shanshan, but you can also drink the goat's milk squeezed by Shanshan himself.

At this time Tang happened to pass by, looking at the distant figure of the white man, he murmured: "Who is that man, why is he so familiar?" People are also normal.

Tang walked into the tent and saw Shanshan feeding Zhu Cheng with goat milk, so he waited by the side until Zhu Cheng finished drinking the milk and said: "The doctor said, sir, you can't be bored in the tent all day, you should take him out Let's go." With a wave of Tang's hand, a barren man pushed a wheelchair over.

"Thank you, leader." Shan Shan thanked, Zhu Cheng nodded in satisfaction. Of course, this was also arranged by him. After staying in the tent for almost two months, he needed to go out for a walk.

After Tang sent the wheelchair, he naturally retired. Zhu Cheng pushed him out for a walk. This is the grassland. In addition to the blue sky, there are endless green grass and herds of cattle. sheep and horses.

A gust of wind blew by, stirring the tender grass, and Zhu Cheng couldn't help but think of a poem: Chile River, under the Yin Mountain, the sky is like a dome, covering the whole field.The sky is gray, the wild is vast, and the wind blows the grass and the cattle and sheep are low.

It's a pity that Zhu Cheng is so sick that he can't drink alcohol. It's a pity, but it's nice to have Shan Shan by his side. It's a kind of happiness. Zhu Cheng hasn't felt this feeling for a long, long time.

 Let me ask you a question, does anyone watch Soul Ferry?How about I write it?

  Thanks to Zi Yinxuan, Brother D Nine, Ancient Xuanyu, book friends 2019...024, Long Aolang, Lan Feiyang, book friends 2019...589, quack quack my people, book friends 2019...657, family fate ymq, Reaching for the Stars, Book Friends 2019...552, as long as you have experienced it, Hailing Monthly Pass supports it in October.

  Thank you for my words, and you who look up at the stars will reward you with 100 points.If I want to update more, I can only wait for me to rest someday. Now that the factory has resumed work, there are more things.

(End of this chapter)

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