The system starts from the first in the world

Chapter 275 Marriage Proposal and Marriage

Chapter 275 Marriage Proposal and Marriage

The butcher fled with the drunkard, but Zhu Cheng didn't chase them. They are not mountains and they are not worthy of Zhu Cheng's pursuit.Rather than chasing them, it would be better to continue eating, even though Zhu Cheng could sense that they were hiding in the cellar at home, curled up in a dark corner with their heads in their hands and shivered.

They were originally afraid of this day, but now they are afraid of Zhu Cheng.They felt that Zhu Cheng had become stronger and stronger than the master, and they felt that they could not go wrong when they reached their level.

Tonight, Zhu Cheng and Shan Shan will live in the store. As for the boss and the proprietress who are scared to death, let them go. As long as there is a bed and Shan Shan in the room, it is enough.

After going south for a few months, nothing interesting happened on the road, but I heard about one thing: Ning Que and Sangsang appeared, and Xiong Chumo, head teacher of Xiling, led black-clothed deacons and cavalry to encircle and suppress them.

In the face of the apocalypse, the teachers Ning Que and Sang Sang were almost powerless to fight back. At the critical moment, the master appeared and beat the teacher seriously with one finger, and then disappeared with Ning Que and Sang Sang.

With Zhu Cheng's cultivation level, he can feel this battle, but he doesn't care because the Dahe Kingdom has already arrived.

Mochi Garden.

"I'll welcome the return of the mountain lord." When the disciples of Mochiyuan learned that Mo Shanshan had returned, they all greeted him at the gate of Mochiyuan, but their eyes were more on Zhu Cheng, this powerful and mysterious man.

They chattered about Zhu Cheng.

No one knows where he came from. They only know that when he first appeared in the world, he discussed Taoism with Master Qishan in the cave, broke through the realm in Lanke, established his prestige in Xiling, and was respected in the extreme north. If you dare to call him by his first name, he is only called Sword Immortal.

In the eyes of the disciples of Mochiyuan, Zhu Cheng is not handsome, but he has a demeanor. The sword behind his back is very strong, but his eyes are very gentle, especially when he looks towards Shanshan.

"I wish you sincerely, the owner of the Gentleman's Pavilion, I have come to Mochi Garden to make an appointment today. I want to marry Mo Shanshan for a period of time. I will never leave Mo Shanshan and stay with you forever." Zhu Cheng raised his voice outside Mochi Garden, and his words protected the whole world. Everyone in Mochi Garden can hear it.

The Mochiyuan disciples gradually became quiet after hearing Zhu Cheng's words, and then retreated to the left and right to make way.

An old man in a white robe came from the end of the road. The old man was expressionless and serious, and looked at Zhu Cheng with a slightly unfriendly look.

"What is your employment?" The old man looked at Zhu Cheng and asked.The old man is Wang Shusheng, the master of Mochi Garden, and Shan Shan is his apprentice and beloved daughter to him.

"Books are used as an appointment, and love is used as a match." Zhu Cheng took out a picture and opened it in front of everyone.

"..." Quiet, not even breathing.

The disciples of Mochiyuan majored in talisman, they love calligraphy, they value calligraphy, and they can see the extraordinaryness of Zhu Cheng's handwriting at a glance.

Today's disciples came to block the door, including Wang Shusheng's unkind appearance, it was all just a formality, now who in the whole practice world doesn't know that Zhu Cheng and Shan Shan are in love with each other.Wang Shusheng loves Shanshan very much, and Zhu Cheng is very good at relying on him, so how could he not allow their marriage.

Even if Zhu Cheng offered a copper coin as a betrothal gift today, Wang Shusheng would accept it, but he never expected it to be a picture like this.Brand-new brushwork, the words hidden in the rhyme of Dao, where are the characters clearly, it is Dao, calligraphy and calligraphy, this book has entered the Tao.

"Wow..." Immediately there was an uproar, the disciples were discussing that word, and some idiots even used their hands as brushes to copy it out of thin air.They don't ask for the full text, they just want to engrave a word in their minds, and they will gain something by observing it every day.

"I accept this dowry." As soon as Wang Shusheng stretched out his hand, the words came into his hand, and he rolled it up and hid it in his sleeve with great care.

"I'll pay my respects to my aunt." Wang Shusheng accepted the dowry, and the disciples of Mochiyuan saluted Zhu Cheng one after another and called him aunt.

Shanshan couldn't help but blushed when she heard it, lowered her head shyly, and took Zhu Cheng's arm.

"Please come in, uncle."

Zhu Cheng entered Mochi Garden as the uncle of Mochi Garden, Shanshan went to his residence, and Zhu Cheng was invited by Wang Shusheng to drink tea.

Zhu Cheng saw that Wang Shusheng did not have the slightest restraint and anxiety when his son-in-law met his father-in-law, but Wang Shusheng felt the pressure.This is a character who can stand shoulder to shoulder with the master, an invincible existence in the world.

"Can I sit down?" Zhu Cheng pointed to the chair opposite Wang Shusheng.

"Oh, please sit down." Wang Shusheng asked Zhu Cheng to sit down and poured him a cup of tea.

Among all the unknowable places, the cultivators of Mochiyuan can be called elegant scholars, so the tea is very fragrant. With the hot air rising from the cup, Wang Shusheng said: "I called you here to discuss the date of marriage with you. You still have your parents and elders." living?"

"No." Zhu Cheng shook his head.To be honest, he couldn't remember the faces of his parents for a long time, not only his parents' faces, he also couldn't remember the faces of everyone in the world he was born in. He couldn't even remember a name, including his parents'.

Time can smooth everything out, and it can also make people forget everything.

"Since that's the case, let me tell you. Shanshan is a must for the marriage of the disciples of my Mochiyuan Mountain Lord. This is not to treat her badly. I have not had a happy event in Mochiyuan for a long time." Wang Shusheng said, This is what he should do as a master.

"It's natural. I will let the whole Haotian world see this wedding, and they will all bless us. Today will be an auspicious day after one month. At that time, I will marry Shanshan into my gentleman's pavilion." Zhu Cheng said , the tone is beyond doubt.

"Okay." Wang Shusheng nodded, since Zhu Cheng knew what he knew, he didn't want to say more. According to his age, Zhu Cheng could be his grandfather, and he didn't need to worry about specific matters.

Zhu Cheng didn't live in the courtyard in Shanshan, but in the courtyard next to her. Even though they were already married, they had to restrain themselves and observe etiquette in this Mochi Garden, and they were not even allowed to meet each other.

But, hehe, how can those disciples keep Zhu Cheng in check, he can hug Shanshan and talk to her all night long with just one thought.

A month passed quickly, and the wedding was imminent, and many guests came to Mochi Garden, the King of Dahe, Liubai of Jiange, Qishan in the Hanging Sky... Only Xiling did not see anyone, not even a congratulatory gift.

The day before the wedding, the master brought Shanshan and Ning Que here.

"Congratulations to Sword Immortal on his wedding." The master presented him with a congratulatory gift, which was a couplet written by him himself, "The hearts of love are united, and the love of marriage is stronger."

Although the gift is light, Zhu Cheng likes it very much. This couplet is very suitable for him and Shanshan.

"Shan Shan, congratulations." Ning Que said to Shan Shan.

"Yeah." Shanshan nodded with a smile on his face.She had thought more than once about how she would react when she saw Ning Que again, what kind of emotion she should have, and even a slight sense of betrayal.

But when they really saw each other again, they found that they had no emotions at all, and just accepted his blessings happily.Although the first love is unforgettable, it is already relieved when we meet again.

"Why did you come early?" Zhu Cheng asked the master.

"Tomorrow is too lively and not suitable for us." The master replied.

That's right, tomorrow is the wedding day, and everyone with reputation will come. It's really not suitable for Sangsang to show up tomorrow with her sensitive status, as it will disrupt Zhu Cheng's wedding.

"Is she really the daughter of Pluto?" Zhu Cheng pointed at Sangsang, who stared at him fiercely, as if she wanted to eat people.

"There is no Pluto in the world, so how can there be a daughter of Pluto." The implication is also obvious, Sangsang is just Sangsang, his apprentice's wife.He wanted to keep Sangsang and not allow anyone to kill her, including Zhu Cheng.

Zhu Cheng knew, so he didn't mention it, but just looked at Sangsang.How does it feel to have two souls living in one body?

"I will try to keep it in the human world. If I fail, the world will depend on you." Master said to Zhu Cheng.

"You chose Chen as your back-up, so why count me in?" Zhu Cheng laughed.

The master was taken aback, and then smiled and said, "Sure enough, I still can't hide it from you. It was originally like this, but you appeared, and you are stronger than Chen."

As Master is so scheming, he naturally thought about what to do if he failed and failed to keep Tian in the world.

Originally, he had no choice. Apart from him, Chen was the strongest in the Haotian world, so he just beat Chen to the South China Sea and did not kill him. In the extreme north, he was the first to beat Zhu Cheng back to the South China Sea. .

But now because of the appearance of Zhu Cheng, the master has a choice. Compared with the viewer Zhu Cheng, he is stronger, and he is much stronger.

"How are you going to keep it?" Zhu Cheng asked.

"If you want to keep it, you must first let it have nostalgia for the world. I plan to take it all over the world. There are countless delicacies in the world. If you think about it, it will linger forever." The master said.

"I'm lazy, so it's best not to use me."

The two smiled knowingly, raised their glasses and drank the wine in the glass.After drinking, Master took Sangsang and Ning Que away from Mochi Garden.

The next day, Mochi Garden.

"Spiritual mirror, it's up to you." Zhu Cheng threw the spiritual mirror into the sky, and the spiritual mirror became bigger in the wind, even bigger than the sun.

"Look, look, what is that in the sky?" Not only Mochiyuan Dahe Kingdom, the northern grasslands, the central Tang Kingdom, the moon in the west, Xiling in the south, and Yan Kingdom in the east, everyone pointed to the mirror in the sky that was bigger than the sun. .

A picture appeared on the mirror, the man in red came from the nine heavens with a sword and landed on the ground, throwing one end of the hydrangea towards the hijab-covered bride.

The couple, led by the red hydrangea, walked onto the red carpet and came to Wang Shusheng.

This is the picture of Zhu Cheng and Shan Shan getting married. Zhu Cheng said that he would accept everyone's blessings, and he started a live broadcast around the world with a spiritual mirror.

"Sword Immortal and Master Mo Shan are now married, and Haotian's soul learns from it, and only wishes that they will never be separated forever."

One worshiped heaven and earth, two worshiped high halls, and after the husband and wife worshiped each other, Zhu Cheng disappeared with Shan Shan.Mochi Garden is the place to worship heaven and earth, and Junzi Pavilion is the new house.

"My lady, you are so beautiful today."


"My lady, it's getting late, let's rest."


On the wedding night in the bridal chamber, Zhu Cheng and Shan Shan officially became husband and wife, and made a vow that they would never be separated for life to life.

If one day your soul is lost, I will definitely find it for you even when you are in poverty.

 That's one chapter today, some Calvin.Half of this volume has been written, and the groundwork that should be done has been laid. To start a full-scale explosion, I have to think hard about how to write.

  Finally, thanks to: Xuanyuan Dark Blood, single cycle y monthly ticket support.

  100 rewards for unbroken books

(End of this chapter)

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