Chapter 283

In front of the palace gate, an old coachman drove slowly in a white carriage.The old coachman had a smile on his face, which was the joy of returning home. He had been away from home for many, many years.

"Who is it!" The imperial guard drew his sword and yelled angrily.

The old coachman restrained his smile, took out a gold token from his pocket, and showed it to the imperial guards.

"Open the city gate!" The guard was frightened and hurriedly ordered to open the gate, so don't block it.

Ordinarily the carriage should have driven into the palace gate, but the horse stopped at the gate and did not leave.A voice came from the carriage: "Come here, I won't interfere with your family affairs."

"Yes." The old coachman got out of the carriage, bowed to the people in the carriage, and then stepped into the palace gate.

"Bingbing, let's go." Following Zhu Cheng's order, Bingbing turned his head and headed towards the Taimiao.

The Taimiao was very busy at this time, because the coffin of the first emperor had been transported, and they had prepared it three days ago, but even though they had made a lot of preparations in advance, they were still in a hurry in the end.

The royal family didn't send anyone to handle the funeral, they didn't have a backbone, and they didn't dare to make decisions on many things.Let's take the spiritual seat as an example. The first emperor has not had a posthumous title so far, so he can't write "the spiritual seat of the king of Tang" in vain, because it is very unlucky.

Although the old King Tang is gone, the new King Tang will still ascend the throne.

"Leave it first, let it go first." The chief officer had no choice but to put many things on hold for the time being, and wait until someone from the palace came.

stomping on...

The carriage approached slowly, attracting the attention of the Taimiao officials.

"Quickly get off the horse..." Before they could finish speaking, a magical force came from inside the carriage, and they fell asleep in an instant.

Zhu Cheng disliked them being in the way, so he used a little trick to let them sleep well, and they would not remember anything when they woke up, and what Zhu Cheng wanted to do had already been done.

The inner and outer coffins of Li Zhongyi were placed in the hall. The emperor's coffin was made of good material for the 'Zi Palace', and seven descendant nails were nailed on it to seal the coffin firmly.

The final conclusion will never be reopened.

"Just stay in the carriage, so as not to scare you." Zhu Cheng patted Shanshan's hand, and then disappeared from the carriage to Zigong.Looking at the uninked spirit seat, Zhu Cheng turned it into nothingness with a flick of his sleeve.

"Boom boom boom..." Following Zhu Cheng's thoughts, the seven descendant nails jumped out of the coffin lid and hung in the air.

"Boom!" The coffin lid flew up, revealing the person inside.

The man lying inside was dressed in a yellow dragon robe, his hair was combed neatly, and he walked cleanly, but he should have many unfulfilled wishes before he died.The eyes are open and the mouth is slightly opened.

Of course Li Zhongyi died uneasy, his master turned into the moon and the sky of the Tang Kingdom collapsed; his time was running out and his youngest son was still underage, and the little six had to hand over this precarious country to him at such a young age, what a father Li Zhongyi was Ruthless and cruel.

God, can you give me a few more years, even a year.

Unwilling, Li Zhongyi died with his eyes open, and was put in this coffin less than two meters wide, never to see the light of day.

"There's still time, there's still time." Zhu Cheng nodded slightly when he saw that Li Zhongyi's body was intact, and then stretched out a hand to close his eyes.

After one hour and three quarters.

Li Zhongyi suddenly opened his eyes and sat up from the coffin.

"Heh-heh--" Li Zhongyi breathed the air outside Zi Palace greedily.

Li Zhongyi successfully defrauded the corpse.

"You're awake." Zhu Cheng waited for Li Zhongyi to catch his breath before speaking.

Li Zhongyi was a little confused now, he clearly remembered that he was dead, he died in the Weicheng military camp.At the moment when the darkness in front of his eyes disappeared, he still had a lot of unwillingness in his heart.

"This is me?" Li Zhongyi asked Zhu Cheng, he even forgot to ask who Zhu Cheng was, he was eager to know what happened to him.

"Resurrection, resurrection from the dead, no matter what, I saved you." Zhu Cheng replied.

"Resurrection!" Hearing Zhu Cheng's answer, Li Zhongyi was shocked.How is it possible to come back from the dead?
But he is the last person in the world who should not be suspicious, because this happened to him.

"Who are you?" Li Zhongyi asked Zhu Cheng, who he was, and how he had this ability.

"I wish you sincerely." Zhu Cheng said with a smile. He has resurrected many people, and they will almost always ask the same question after rebirth, whether it is the emperor or the old man.

"Sword Immortal! Master of the Gentleman's Pavilion!" Zhu Cheng's name can be said to be prestigious in the past two years, and Li Zhongyi, as the king of Tang, knows what he has done.

He was very shocked by Zhu Cheng's methods, and he was a little confused: Didn't Zhu Cheng single-handedly overthrow the back mountain of the academy? He should be the enemy of Tang Guo. Why does he want to save himself now? What exactly does he want to do?
"Why, if you're not going to come out, you really hope to be buried in the ground and never see the light of day?" Zhu Cheng smiled, and it was only then that Li Zhongyi suddenly realized that he was still sitting in the coffin.

As Li Zhongyi walked out of the coffin, the coffin lid hanging in the air fell down, and then "boom boom..." The seven nails were intact, and the coffin was sealed as it was.

"Tang Li Zhongyi, I have seen the Sword Immortal." Even as the king of the most powerful country in the Haotian world, he had to be respectful in the face of a powerful practitioner like Zhu Cheng.Because practitioners are the masters of this world, it's just that they are too lazy to deal with the vulgar things in the world, so they choose kings like them to take care of affairs on behalf of them, so there is no dissatisfaction with Zhu Cheng's salute to King Tang.

And no matter what reason or plan Zhu Cheng has, Li Zhongyi has to thank Zhu Cheng, the grace of life is greater than heaven.

"Dangdangdang..." A bell rang outside the Taimiao, it was the bell of the new emperor enthroned, with its own unique rhythm and rhythm.

"The new emperor has ascended the throne, what are your plans?" Zhu Cheng asked.

"I..." Li Zhongyi listened to the bell, looked back at the sealed coffin, and suddenly smiled.

"I would like to be the first disciple of Gentleman's Pavilion." Li Zhongyi knelt down in front of Zhu Cheng with a plop, and performed the apprenticeship ceremony.

"Hahaha... a child can be taught." No one can break through the sword array he has set up outside the gentleman's pavilion. As the master of the gentleman's pavilion, he can't hold back his face. Since no one comes to apprentice, he has no choice but to I went to find it.

Li Zhongyi, he is a practitioner who was delayed by the throne.

Zhu Cheng deliberately chose this time to resurrect Li Zhongyi, which is very particular.

Xiaoliuzi was Li Zhongyi's designated successor before his death, and now Xiaoliuzi is enthroned as emperor, if Li Zhongyi goes back at this time, he will see his son sitting on the dragon chair, while he is standing in the hall.

This scene is not good-looking, who do you let the courtiers listen to?
There is no second day.

At that time, it will be difficult to abolish the new emperor who has just ascended the throne, but he personally appointed it, it is not considered usurping the throne, it is a serious succession.

And with Li Zhongyi's personality, he couldn't do such a thing.It was a fact that Little Six became the emperor, and he absolutely could not go back, or in other words, he could not go back openly.

What Zhu Cheng hinted is already obvious. After the coffin is sealed, it means that Li Zhongyi is dead, and the new Li Zhongyi will become a disciple of the Junzi Pavilion and the first disciple of the Sword Immortal.

"The sword is ready, take the sword." Zhu Cheng bestowed the sword on Li Zhongyi, which was forged by himself.

The gentleman's pavilion should have a gentleman's sword.

(End of this chapter)

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