Chapter 31 The Princess
It has been three years since Zhu Cheng came back from Dongying, and Gu Xiaotong has also reached the age of eighteen or nineteen. He began to walk alone in the rivers and lakes. Sword Immortal', has become a young master.

The eldest disciple Li Zhengkai officially became the leader of the gang from the young leader. Li Xiaoyao passed away a year ago, and Zhu Cheng personally attended his funeral.One is to see Li Xiaoyao off, and the other is to cheer Li Zhengkai, lest the gangsters bully the gang leader's youth.

After all, Li Zhengkai is a sour scholar who likes to dance and write, and he doesn't have the iron fist that a gang leader should have. Zhu Cheng is really afraid that he will be ostracized and manipulated by his uncle in the original work.

As for Zhu Cheng himself, it is fine to say that he is chic, or that he is boring.The world is so big, he comes and goes as he pleases, he has no shortage of wealth, and he also has power, but after he can get everything easily, he can't lift his spirits at all.

No motivation, no energy.

"Alas—" Zhu Cheng let out a long sigh, and inadvertently glanced at a man and a woman downstairs.The two talked and laughed, but only the man said, and the woman just laughed happily.

That man was Gu Xiaotong, Zhu Cheng's disciple. As for the woman Zhu Cheng had never met before, she just looked familiar and thought she was pretty, and she was not very old.

"Young master, you are here." When Gu Xiaotong arrived, the staff of Yuelai Inn naturally greeted them and invited them in respectfully.

"Young master, the master happened to be drinking in the private room upstairs, would you like..." The waiter hadn't finished speaking when Gu Xiaotong grabbed the girl's hand and ran towards the door.

"Brat, come up here!" With Zhu Cheng's skills, he naturally heard the conversation downstairs clearly.

This unfilial disciple just heard that he was not here to serve him, but he still wanted to run away, it was really incompetent.

"Come here, master. Why are you here, old man?" Gu Xiaotong immediately returned a smiling face, and pulled the girl upstairs.

"Why, I wanted to run as soon as I heard that I was here. What did you do that is shameful? Could it be that someone's daughter was kidnapped?" Zhu Cheng focused his eyes on the girl. She was beautiful, tall, elegant, and well-dressed. It is definitely not the daughter of ordinary people.

Hearing Zhu Cheng's words, the girl's face immediately turned red, and Gu Xiaotong also lowered his head without speaking, and quietly glanced at the girl from the corner of his eye.

"I'll go!" Zhu Cheng was furious and slapped the table with his palm.

If he didn't learn well at a young age, he learned how to abduct and elope, so he must teach this bastard a lesson.

Zhu Cheng was so angry that the table was shattered by Zhu Cheng's palm, Gu Xiaotong's heart stopped beating in fright, and he hurriedly explained: "Master, it's not what you think."

The girl was not brought by Gu Xiaotongguai but rescued by him, but elopement may come true.

Girls are also great.There is a small country called "Izumo" adjacent to Dongying. It has been robbed and harassed by Japanese pirates all year round.

Daming also disliked Japanese pirates, so having more allies is a dream, but the cooperation between the two countries cannot be paid by only one side. In exchange, the king sent Princess Lixiu to Daming to marry the emperor, so that the two countries would be in-laws and the alliance would be more stable.

The girl is none other than Princess Lixiu who came to Daming to marry her.

Princess Lixiu was in her seventeenth or eighteenth years of age, so she didn't want to be sent to a foreign country to marry someone. At this age, what she wanted in her mind was to marry a prince charming, a hero of the world, not a foolish king who was greedy for women.

But what can she do, how can a weak woman resist the king and come to Daming under the 'escort' of the general Karasuma, but an accident happened.

When the marriage team encounters bandits, even the great general Karasuma is killed, and there is no one left in the marriage team. The reason why Princess Lixiu survived is because Gu Xiaotong, a world-class hero, appeared in time.

Relying on Tianchi swordsmanship and King Kong's indestructible magic, Gu Xiaotong easily beat off the bandits and rescued Princess Lixiu under the butcher's knife.

"It's you!" Princess Lixiu exclaimed.

"Have we met?" Gu Xiaotong took a closer look at Princess Lixiu and confirmed that he had no impression.

"We met three years ago, just, at the place of the great pirate Wang Zhi." Princess Lixiu said.

"Oh oh!" Gu Xiaotong suddenly remembered.Haven't the two met before? Wang Zhi kidnapped a group of beautiful girls, and Princess Lixiu was among them, and she was the most daring one.

"You are that princess."

"Yes, it's me." Princess Lixiu solemnly bowed to Gu Xiaotong, and said: "Thank you, sir, for saving me from danger twice, my little girl is not very grateful."

"It's a matter of raising one's hand. It's a matter of raising one's hand. I was rescued twice. Our fate is not shallow."

Then Gu Xiaotong asked Princess Lixiu where she was going, but Princess Lixiu hesitated.Ordinarily, she should ask Gu Xiaotong to escort her to the palace when she comes to marry, but she doesn't want to marry the current emperor, she might as well take the opportunity to feign death to avoid the marriage.

"What's there to think about? In life, you have to do what you like to do and marry the person you like. Otherwise, wouldn't you be a human being in vain?" Gu Xiaotong made a decision for Princess Lixiu.



I thought you were an unrivaled hero, but you acted like a hooligan when you first came up, so I would be ashamed.

"Don't get me wrong, don't you want to fake your death? There is always someone to replace you, and she will be fine." Gu Xiaotong pointed to a female corpse.The female corpse was originally Princess Lixiu's personal maid, but because she was a high-ranking maid, she was white and tender, and her appearance was also very handsome.

"Oh." Princess Lixiu found a hidden place to change her clothes, and handed the changed clothes to Gu Xiaotong.

Together with Princess Lixiu, Gu Xiaotong changed the maid into princess clothes, then picked up a bandit's sword, and cut a few cuts on the maid's face, making sure she couldn't recognize her face before giving up.

"Xi'er, I'm sorry, I will definitely burn more paper money for you in the future."

"Don't be sad, it's just a stinky skin without a soul, she must be willing to be loyal to you." As a Jianghu person, Gu Xiaotong is used to life and death.

Princess Lixiu had nowhere to go, so Zhu Cheng couldn't let her sleep on the street, so he took her to the Yuelai Inn to stay. Along the way, Gu Xiaotong kept telling jokes to Princess Lixiu to make her happy, but he didn't want to be hit by Zhu Cheng is on.

Gu Xiaotong knew Zhu Cheng well, and knew that he didn't want to deal with the court. If he knew that he had kidnapped a concubine princess and pried the emperor's old son's wall, his ass would definitely bloom, so he turned around and ran away when he heard that Zhu Cheng was here. , Unfortunately, how could the little monkey escape from the palm of Lafayette Tathagata.

"It turned out to be Princess Lixiu, the world's number one woman wearer, no wonder she looks so familiar." After Gu Xiaotong's explanation, Zhu Cheng immediately remembered.No wonder it looks familiar to me when I haven't seen it before. The relationship is seen on TV.

"You just said you were bandits, which group of bandits would dare to rob the marriage team?"


"Karasuma is also considered a master, if he is really a bandit, how can he kill him?"


"Also, since they are so powerful, how could they be easily repelled by you?"


Zhu Cheng asked three times in a row, and Gu Xiaotong who asked the question had a confused face and didn't know three things.

"Come on, find out the Yun Kingdom and the pro team for me." Zhu Cheng ordered, and the intelligence network began to operate.

Gu Xiaotong wept under Zhu Cheng's eyes of hating iron and steel, lowered his head, and Princess Lixiu looked at Gu Xiaotong worriedly.

"Master, the marriage team entered Beijing an hour ago."

"Impossible!" Gu Xiaotong suddenly raised his head.

"Who is the leader?"

"General Izumo, Karasuma."

"Interesting, interesting, really interesting." Zhu Cheng looked at the direction of the imperial city with an unpredictable expression.

Warmly celebrate the full-time master's movie.

Well, the movie wasn’t very good, and the driver raised the fare by 30 after I got back from Didi. I only paid 44 yuan for the whole journey, and I was in an extremely unhappy mood.Bad reviews, bad reviews, manual customer service complaints.I made up the 10 yuan voucher.

 Thank you for your support

(End of this chapter)

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