Chapter 34
"Master, why do you want me to go back? I can heal this small injury in a few days." Gu Xiaotong now has a hundred reasons.

"I thought about it, you can't participate in this matter, you need to go back and hide Princess Lixiu, otherwise you will be discovered by Zhu Wushi, you should know what the result will be." Zhu Cheng explained to Gu Xiaotong in this way, but in fact it was not in this way.

Zhu Cheng recognized those four people, they were clearly the four famous arresters who died on the banks of Taihu Lake 20 years ago.They were subdued by Zhu Wushi. As the head arresters of the six sects, they should be absolutely loyal to the emperor, but now they are obeying Zhu Wushi's order to rebel.

Just think about it, even Zhu Wushi, who is such a difficult four, has been dealt with, so what about other people, other organizations and forces?

Zhu Cheng still remembered that the No. [-] TV series in the world said that Hulong Mountain Villa had evidence of embezzlement of military funds by the top ten generals of the Ming Dynasty. As long as Zhu ignored his thinking, he could get ten-tenths of the army of the Ming Dynasty in minutes.There was only one imperial guard left in the emperor's hands, but the imperial guard was in the hands of Cao Zhengchun.

The emperor must die.

If Gu Xiaotong, a stupefied young man, got involved for the sake of Princess Lixiu, and Zhu Wuwei would kill him to keep the secrets from being leaked.

Don't doubt, Zhu Wushi is absolutely capable of killing Gu Xiaotong.To sum it up, Gu Xiaotong’s current force value is not as strong as in the TV series. In the TV series, Gu Xiaotong has gained 40 years of skill. Now, Gu Xiaotong is only 19 years old. Even with the guidance of a famous teacher, he really lost his foundation .

It is impossible for Zhu Cheng to protect Gu Xiaotong all the time. In this case, it is better to pull Gu Xiaotong back and wait until the world is settled before going out of the mountain.

So, why didn't Zhu Cheng kill Zhu Wushi, so as to avoid a conspiracy to usurp the throne.

Why did Zhu Cheng kill Zhu Wushi, just because Zhu Wushi wanted to rebel?Are you kidding, it's family affairs and Zhu Cheng has nothing to do with it. Besides, Zhu Di, the ancestor of the Ming Dynasty, also robbed his nephew Jiangshan, and he will be regarded as a Ming emperor later, so what do you think about this gene?

Moreover, according to Zhu Wushi's plan, the fake princess Lixiu killed the emperor during the wedding night in the bridal chamber, but lied that the emperor died of excessive indulgence, so he had to choose someone to be the emperor. Win the world at the lowest price.

The world is still surnamed Zhu, and the empire is still Ming.

What's more, the current emperor is fatuous and incompetent. It is definitely a blessing for the world to appoint treacherous ministers like Cao Zhengchun who have repeatedly ignored human lives and framed Zhongliang for a jealous, loyal and courageous person to be the emperor.

Maybe you will say that the emperor Zhu Houzhao was just a disguise, just to suppress and balance the forces of Hulong Villa and Dongchang, but so what, the pretending has become true after a long time.

Just like a hypocrite, if he can pretend for a lifetime, then the hypocrite is a gentleman.

Shimura Danzo also said that he was indifferent to Konoha's collapse plan launched by Orochimaru for the sake of Konoha's development.In fact, it was just that he wanted to be Hokage and control Konoha.

"Ah, yes, Lixiu." Sure enough, the man is a big pig's hoof. As soon as he mentions his sweetheart, Gu Xiaotong, there is no problem. Regardless of the injury, he hurried back to the Yuelai Inn, and dragged Princess Lixiu to Tianshan without a word. Soon Zhu Cheng could hardly catch up.

Let's talk about Zhu ignoring this side.

A major event happened in the palace, the queen mother was kidnapped at her own house, and all the maids and eunuchs in her bedroom were brought down, but Cao Zhengchun asked the guards and said that he had never seen the assassin.

"Cao Zhengchun, how do you do it! The queen mother was easily robbed in the palace, can I let them take my head!" The emperor was very angry, picked up the memorial on the table and threw it at Cao Zhengchun.

"The emperor calms down, this old slave deserves to die." Cao Zhengchun kowtowed and did not dare to lift his head, his heart was filled with overwhelming anger.

Even the Queen Mother can't protect this group of trash well. If the Queen Mother has any troubles, she will punish the nine clans.Also, who abducted the Queen Mother and what was his purpose?Damn, it happened at this time.

Cao Zhengchun was really suffering, because Zhu ignored the warning. Although he was dismissive on the surface, he must be cautious and cautious when it comes to the safety of the emperor, even if it is groundless, he must pay attention to it, so he mobilized most of the forbidden troops to protect the emperor. He was still protecting him personally, but in this way, the guards on the queen mother's side were a little lax, and it happened that the queen mother was robbed.

"Have you found out who did it?" The emperor temporarily suppressed his anger and asked.

"Not yet." Cao Zhengchun didn't dare to say it.


Sure enough, the emperor picked up the inkstone and threw it at Cao Zhengchun. Even though Cao Zhengchun's miraculous skills and Tiangang Boy's martial arts were powerful in defense, he did not dare to use them on the emperor.After being hit hard on the head, bright red blood flowed out instantly, dripping down the ground along the cheeks and chin.

Seeing the blood, although the emperor was still angry, he couldn't take it anymore, and sternly said: "I'll give you three days, if you can't find the queen mother in three days, you can die as an apology."

"Yes, this old slave obeys." Cao Zhengchun thanked him, and crawled out of the imperial study on his knees.

After leaving the door, Cao Zhengchun immediately showed the demeanor of a superintendent, and roared angrily: "If you can't find the queen mother within a day, a bunch of trash, we will punish you nine clans."

"Yes, yes, yes." The Dongchang people trembled with fear. The governor of his family always kept his word, saying that he would punish the nine clans and never punish the eight clans.That night, Dongchang fanzi stopped all work to find the queen mother's whereabouts, and turned the capital into a mess.

"The Empress Dowager was robbed, Tianya, you follow me into the palace." Zhu Wushi, as the mastermind behind the scenes, got the news early in the morning, and deliberately waited until now to enter the palace to avoid arousing suspicion from others.

"Father, is the Queen Mother okay?" Duan Tianya respected this kind Queen Mother from the bottom of his heart, and he hoped that the Queen Mother would live if he could.

"The Empress Dowager's mother is safe in the world, let's go quickly." Zhu Wushi entered the palace holding his waist card.

"Uncle Huang, you are here." The emperor asked a little listlessly. He kept thinking wildly, even thinking that the queen mother had been killed, and looked a little haggard.

"Your Majesty heard that the Empress Dowager was kidnapped?"

"Cao Zhengchun is such a waste that even the Queen Mother can't protect him well. It's a shame that I still trust him so much." The emperor scolded Cao Zhengchun angrily.

"The emperor calms his anger. The current plan is to find the queen mother as soon as possible. Eunuch Cao is going all out to investigate this matter, and I am inconvenient to intervene. It's just that I am worried about the emperor's safety. You must have guards by your side. I am willing to protect the emperor personally." Zhu ignored the table and said loyally.

"This..." The emperor glanced at Zhu Wushi and hesitated. Cao Zhengchun is now looking for the queen mother, and it is said that Zhu Wushi is really guarded by this expert.But he was afraid, so close, Zhu Wushi could pinch himself to death casually, and when the time came to say that he died suddenly, wouldn't it mean that he died young and died in vain.

"The Marquis of God is my uncle, how dare you to labor for such a trivial matter as a guard. Let him protect me." The emperor knew that Zhu Wushi would not give up the guard easily, so he made a compromise and pointed to Duan Tianya, Let Tianya be his own guard.

"This... okay." Zhu Wushi agreed with some helplessness, the emperor was still a little proud, but he didn't know that this was exactly in Zhu Wushi's arms.

The reason why Zhu Wushi brought Duan Tianya into the palace was to put Duan Tianya next to the emperor. After all, among the four spies, only Duan Tianya knew something about his plan, and he firmly believed that Duan Tianya would not betray him.

At that time, the inside should cooperate with the outside, and the emperor will undoubtedly die.

(End of this chapter)

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