The system starts from the first in the world

Chapter 406 Damn, what do you want!

Chapter 406 Damn, what do you want!

"Who else?" The leader, Lien Chan and Lian Jie, thought at this moment that he was invincible in the sky and on earth, and his wish for many years was about to be fulfilled, so his words inevitably became a bit domineering.

"And I!"

How could the leader think that there would be someone answering at this time, and amidst the rumbling thunder, this seemingly plain words could be heard clearly in his ears.

The leader stared blankly into the distance, only to see a white robed priest leading a beautiful woman standing firmly on the gourd.

Not only did the gourd not get smaller, but it became bigger and heavier, tightly blocking the world-destroying flood, preventing it from flowing into the town.

"Queen! How did you survive?" The leader was surprised by the beautiful woman next to the Taoist. The beautiful woman is the queen of Nanzhao Kingdom, the descendant of Nuwa from the previous generation, and the first love of the Shushan Sword Master-Qing Son.

After some time delays by Jiu Jianxian and others, Zhu Cheng finally rescued Qing'er, and brought back the spirit of Jiu Jianxian to return to his place. , Li Xiaoyao, Shi Gonghu and others were all lying on the gourd, except for watching helplessly, they didn't even have the strength to speak.


The Tianchi sword suddenly came out of its sheath, it didn't stab at the leader, but grew bigger and longer in the air, with a 'chi' sound, it plunged into the water deeply, holding the gourd like a crowbar.

"Qing'er, I leave this place to you."

"Don't worry." Qing'er took the order and cast a spell to control the gourd.With the help of the Tianchi sword, she can control the gourd more easily than Li Xiaoyao and the other three, so even if she is "recovering from a serious illness", she can still hold the flood.

"Let me come here to learn and learn, Master, your wonderful method." Zhu Cheng flew into the sky domineeringly, and flew straight towards the Master.

Seeing Zhu Cheng coming towards him, the leader's heart trembled slightly, but when he saw the five sparkling spirit beads above his head, he immediately felt relieved.

So what if you Zhu Cheng is the Patriarch of Shushan?After all, he has not become a fairy, but is still a mortal, and now the leader of this sect has transcended the mortal world with the help of Lingzhu.

"Boom boom boom!"

The purple thunderbolts are like huge dragons, blasting straight at Zhu Cheng, every thunder dragon can swallow Zhu Cheng, let alone these dozen or so. Yuanshen was almost scattered.

"Tips for carving insects."

Unexpectedly, Zhu Cheng actually dismissed these thunder dragons, neither blocked them nor attacked them, and only went towards the leader himself.


The thunder dragon bombarded Zhu Cheng with great precision, and more than a dozen thunder dragons bombarded Zhu Cheng almost at the same time.

"Zizizi..." Zhu Cheng was surrounded by purple electricity, like a human-shaped power generation device, but he still stood upright, and his skin was not even blackened.

What's the matter, you say it's annoying.

It is true that Zhu Cheng cannot use the magic power of a fairy in this world, but his physical body is a real fairy body, and it is not an ordinary fairy body.

You must know that Zhu Cheng has two housekeeping skills, one is the sky swallowing skill that can be called against the sky, can resurrect everyone, but can't resurrect the mountain.

The other one is the body protection technique. What he first obtained was the indestructible magic skill of Vajra. He has improved and strengthened it many times over the past ten thousand years. His physical body has also been tempered for nearly ten thousand years. It's really iron than iron.

A mere thunder and lightning is nothing.

"Huhuhu..." Seeing that the Lei Lingzhu hadn't worked, the leader immediately replaced it with the Wind Lingzhu.

It was a huge tornado, but upon closer inspection, it was not a single wave, it was clearly a wind group composed of pieces of wind like sharp blades.

"Ding ding ding..." Zhu Cheng stepped into the wind, only a sound of gold and iron was heard, and then the tornado disappeared, Zhu Cheng flew forward safe and sound, and he couldn't slow down his movements even a little.

"Tie Hanhan." The leader set Zhu Cheng in his heart, but even so he still didn't flinch.

There are still three spirit beads that have not been used.

"Ha!" This time it was the Fire Spirit Bead. Even gold and iron would be burned into molten iron under the fire. The leader wanted to melt Zhu Cheng with the highest temperature in the world.

"Thank you very much. I know that my old man can't get wet in the rain, so warm me up with fire." Zhu Cheng sneered, and plunged into the fire without dodging or evading.

It was warm and very comfortable, but this temperature was not enough for Zhu Cheng to take a sauna, and it was difficult to sweat, let alone melt Zhu Cheng.

Uninteresting, very uninteresting.

Zhu Cheng came out of the fire, and what greeted him was a flood, and a big wave hit him and swallowed him directly.

At first, he could see clearly, but soon Zhu Cheng was covered by solid soil, and his vision was pitch black.

The sudden appearance of this soil in the huge waves must be because the teacher took the initiative to use the soil spirit beads, and he could clearly feel that the soil was shrinking rapidly.

The leader wanted to crush Zhu Cheng.

"It's too stuffy." Zhu Cheng didn't like the small and sealed environment very much. He said 'change', and instantly turned into a giant, bursting the entire space.

Because he is a giant, his fist is as big as a hill, and his arm is as long as a railroad track, so Zhu Cheng doesn't need to approach the leader any more, and just punches him directly.

The leader would not just sit still, he flashed with a 'swoosh', and he didn't know where he was hiding under the water.

Zhu Cheng didn't bother to look for it either. The most important thing right now was to deal with the water monster, and the collection of the leader's life would have to be delayed.

Zhu Cheng flew up and kicked the loach-like water monster with a bang, but before he could say "so weak", another water monster appeared not far away.

"Bang bang bang..." Zhu Cheng used both fists, palms and feet to explode the water monster every time, but the water monster would be revived not far away in an instant.

The water monster is indeed as it is in the legend—it is immortal. As long as there is water in this world, it will never die, let alone in this flooded place.

Water monsters can be said to have the best location.

"Drink!" While Zhu Cheng was thinking about how to deal with the water monster, the leader appeared behind him like a ghost, and a scimitar slashed straight at the back of Zhu Cheng's neck.

Although Zhu Cheng has become a giant, his senses have not declined, and his movements are not slow, not to mention that he is always on guard against the leader's sneak attack.

"Pa" Zhu Cheng only stretched out two fingers, and clamped the scimitar on his fingertips like a small dart. He wanted to use his own knife to control his body, but in the blink of an eye, the leader disappeared again.

"What a big water mouse." Zhu Cheng shook his head and smiled jokingly, then took off the gourd from his waist, unplugged it with a bang, and pointed the mouth of the gourd at the water monster and said "receive".

"Ang!" The water demon beast, which was focused on pouring water, screamed, and the big one was taken in by the little demon refining gourd.


Plug it in and you're done?
It's not that easy, the water monster in the refining gourd has been refined, but it doesn't mean the water monster is dead, no, the new water monster not far away started spitting water again.

"Damn!" Zhu Cheng couldn't help but swear, "You can't fight, you can't accept it, what do you want?"
If the water monster could talk, it would definitely reply, "Damn, I've beaten you, I've taken it away, what else do you want?"

 Thank you for the support of the tornado monthly ticket.

(End of this chapter)

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