The system starts from the first in the world

Chapter 409 The truth is so terrifying

Chapter 409 The truth is so terrifying

A green lotus floated past Zhu Cheng's eyes, and the most surprising thing was that there was a baby girl sitting cross-legged on the lotus platform. She was staring at Zhu Cheng with wide-eyed eyes, as if she had seen a ghost.

"It's you!" Zhu Cheng shouted, reaching out to grab the baby girl.

"Hoo--" The lotus closed in an instant, sealing it into a protective cabin and shooting the baby girl into the sky.

"Where to go!" Zhu Cheng hurriedly drove the flying sword to chase.

So why is Zhu Cheng so insane that he wants to kill a baby girl like this?
Just because a baby girl isn't a baby girl.

Zhu Cheng felt the breath of Linger from the baby girl, which means that the baby girl is the descendant of Nuwa in the generation after Linger, but at the same time, Zhu Cheng also felt the breath of Nuwa Temple from her. The breath of that statue.

Zhu Cheng's head buzzed, and he immediately figured out all the tricks.

First of all, the purpose of the leader is not to destroy the world, but as he said with Linger, after he killed all human beings, Nuwa's descendants recreated human beings, creating what he called perfect human beings.

The leader detonated the five spirit beads at the cost of his own life, seemingly determined to destroy the world, but he still did not give up his lifelong pursuit and dedicated his life to the truth.

He pinned all his hopes on this baby girl, or that 'Nvwa statue'.

The two of them conspired together from beginning to end. The so-called internal strife, the so-called leader's deception and extermination of the ancestors, but they knew that Zhu Cheng was watching, so they acted for him.

It's ridiculous that Zhu Cheng personally delivered the Lingzhu to them. It's ridiculous that he thought he could handle everything in the world with his own cultivation.

Having been invincible in the world for too many years, it is inevitable to underestimate the people of the world.

This baby girl is really pitiful. She was snatched away even before her name was given.

Qinglian ran away very quickly, Zhu Cheng killed even faster after his cultivation was fully opened, and he caught up with Qinglian not long after.

"Ding" Yujian stabbed Qinglian, but failed to leave a line of sword marks on Qinglian. The defense was so terrifying, it was no wonder that it was able to survive the Lingzhu explosion intact.

"Boom..." Qinglian saw that Zhu Cheng's speed was not as fast as Zhu Cheng's, so she jumped into the water with Zhu Cheng's sword force, trying to blind Zhu Cheng's sight.

"Ang!" The water monster was playing happily in the water for some reason, but after seeing Qinglian, it took the initiative to attack Zhu Cheng, and it knew it was useless.

There is only one truth—the water monster knew the Nuwa statue, and it did this to delay the time for the Nuwa statue.

Although Zhu Cheng was dazzled by anger, he could figure it out in an instant, not to mention that the water monster's attack was completely ineffective against him, so he ignored it and let the water bombs hit him. He only used his perception Come to find the whereabouts of that Qinglian.

"Thirty swords!" Zhu Cheng, the holy spirit sword technique, has deduced it to the forty swords for nearly ten thousand years, and each sword style is more powerful than the original version.

This is not to say that the Juggernaut's talent is too much inferior to Zhu Cheng's, but that Zhu Cheng and the Juggernaut see a different world, and his vision limits his imagination.

The power of this sword is naturally much greater than that of imperial swordsmanship. With just one sword, Qinglian cut a gap, revealing a panicked eye inside.

The Nuwa statue never expected that Zhu Cheng would survive when all five spirit beads exploded. She also regretted that she should not have allowed Qinglian to float on the water.

How does she know what is the halo of the protagonist, what is a life of cheating, and what is a man who wanders around the world.

Vision determines the level.

"Sword 32!"

"Sword 33!"

"Sword 34!"

When the sword of the holy spirit reached sword 35, Qinglian finally completely collapsed, leaving nothing but a frightened baby drenched in the rain.

"hold head high!"

With a stern roar, a phantom of a giant blue snake appeared behind the baby girl. It spit out snake letters and looked at Zhu Cheng with cold eyes.

"Ang!" Zhu Cheng changed his body and turned into a green dragon with his Dongtian Kungfu. He overwhelmed the giant snake in terms of momentum and level, and it was obvious that the giant snake's head was lowered.

"Ang!" But the giant snake didn't choose to retreat, it knew that it had no way out.

In this way, the dragon and the snake bit and entangled in the air. Although the giant snake's teeth were sharp and poisonous, the blue dragon's scale armor was so sharp that it couldn't break it with its teeth, let alone release the toxin.

As for the snake's unique move, entangle the prey to death, the giant snake couldn't do it even more, and was suppressed by the green dragon to death.

"Boom..." With a loud noise, the phantom of the green snake was stirred up and dissipated by the green dragon. Zhu Cheng turned into a human body, looking at the baby girl angrily, and the anger in his eyes was about to burst out.

"You can't kill me, people still need me to create." The baby girl actually spoke, and she was so small, she could talk.

"You think too highly of yourself." Zhu Cheng was too lazy to talk nonsense with her, and directly captured her with the Heaven Swallowing Skill, and then immediately searched her soul, reading her memory forcibly and domineeringly.

In an instant, a large number of memories flooded into Zhu Cheng's mind, and Zhu Cheng seemed to have transformed into a little blue snake demon.

The little snake demon admired the most in his life, and the person he admired the most was Empress Nuwa. One day she had the courage to come to Nuwa's cave.

The little snake demon claimed to be a descendant of Nuwa after receiving the power of good fortune from Empress Nuwa. At the beginning, she was really holy and compassionate, protecting the people like a mother, and people worshiped her. She also enjoyed this kind of respect. A day of reverence.

But everything has changed since she gave birth to a child. One day, she suddenly discovered that the power of good fortune in herself was gradually disappearing, while the power of good fortune in her daughter was gradually increasing, and her appearance was just like that of ordinary people. Gradually grow old.

It turns out that Nuwa's descendants are passed down from generation to generation. After having descendants, the power of good fortune from the previous generation will be passed on to the next generation. die.


The little snake demon should not be like this, she wants to be the reincarnated Nuwa, she wants to enjoy the taste of being worshiped by others, not to become a powerless old woman in the end.

From that day on, the little snake demon's mentality changed. She even began to hate Nuwa for giving herself such a curse, but she forgot that she begged Nuwa herself.

In order to prolong his life and preserve his mana, the little snake demon abandoned his human-headed snake body and lodged himself in the statue of the Nuwa Temple. Although the loss of life is still inevitable, it will be much, much slower.

And more than a hundred years ago, the little snake demon had a surprise discovery that the pressure Nuwa put on herself was gradually weakening.

It turns out that Nuwa also has a life span, and it turns out that Nuwa is also mortal.

A crazy idea was born in the mind of the little snake demon. She wanted to become a new Nuwa, a new creator, and the only owner of the power of the earth.

And if you want to do this, you must kill Nuwa first, that is to say, destroy the entire earth.

She found the water monster, and she lied to the water monster that she would help it flood the whole world, so that the water monster would not be trapped in this small place, Ye Yuze, and could go wherever it wanted.

Upon hearing this, the water monster happily agreed.

And to do this, she still needs the help of the spirit beads, but with the state and strength of the little snake monster at that time, she couldn't control the violent spirit beads at all, and his lifespan could last until the seventh day of July 70 years later. , he must choose an executor.

Shi Jieren is the executor chosen by the little snake demon.

But the goddamn Li Sansi didn't know where he knew something. When the master was practicing the spirit beads, his wife and his wife rushed in and snatched the spirit beads, which made the plan have to be shelved for more than ten years.

Needless to say, after that, when the leader summoned the water monster in Ye Yuze and attracted everyone's attention, the little snake demon sneaked into the palace and snatched away the newborn daughter Ling'er.

That's why she didn't let the leader start the plan until Ling'er gave birth to her daughter.

Ling'er's daughter has the source of the power of the earth passed down from generation to generation by the descendants of Nuwa. The little snake demon has lost her body, so she needs to seize the body and regain the source of the power of good fortune, which is the introduction to cultivate the power of good fortune.

After successfully seizing the house, the little snake demon only needs to hide in the green lotus for more than ten years and wait for the baby girl to grow up. By then, the flood should recede, and no matter how bad it is, there will be a piece of land, and the little snake demon will be able to In that new land, human beings were recreated and completely became Nuwa, and the history of the world began to be written from her.

At that time, she will not give birth again, nor will she pass on the power of creation to others. She will live as long as the earth and reach a position higher than her own idol.

Becoming you, this may be the highest state of chasing stars.

It has to be said that this is a perfect plan, and the executor she chose is also a ruthless character, and she is willing to sacrifice her life for it, but there is such a big bug as Zhu Cheng.

But Zhu Cheng didn't win either. After all the tragedies happened, he learned the truth of the matter. What's the use?

Has no strength to recover,
(End of this chapter)

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