The system starts from the first in the world

Chapter 411 Patriarch Ascension

Chapter 411 Patriarch Ascension
Everyone focused their eyes on the two human-shaped pendants, and Zhu Cheng suddenly remembered the legend about this human-shaped pendant.

If two people who really love each other sincerely make a wish on the pendant, then the wish will come true, but as a price, the people who make the wish will turn into a pair of flying birds.

These two jade pendants were originally in the hands of Jiu Jianxian and the other in the hands of Shenggu. On the day Anu and Tang Yu got married, they gave their respective pendants to their son-in-law and daughter. .

"Anu, are you afraid?" Tang Yu asked Anu.

"With Tang Yu Xiaobao here, Anu is not afraid of anything." Anu shook his head, eyes full of love.

The young couple naturally knew the legend about the pendant and were ready to dedicate themselves to make a wish.

"We're not dead yet, so it's your turn, you two juniors." Jiu Jianxian snatched the human-shaped pendants from Tang Yu and Anu's waists, and combined the two pendants into one.

"Tang Yu, take good care of my daughter." The holy aunt agreed with Jiu Jianxian's approach very much, and she would make a wish to the sky if she joined hands with him.

"Pa" but didn't want to, the pendant was snatched by Li Xiaoyao.He flicked the pendant wildly and said: "It's not easy for your family to be reunited. Neither Tang Yu nor Anu have children yet. This shows sincerity. Linger and I will just come."

"This was originally a crime committed by our family, and Ling'er and brother Xiaoyao must pay for it," Ling'er added.

"Princess, you can't do this..."

"You're still young..."

"give me……"

"I come……"

The scene was very chaotic for a while, the pendant was snatched here and there, which made Zhu Cheng's head dizzy.

"Enough!" Zhu Cheng couldn't bear it anymore, grabbed the pendant, held it above his head and said, "Come together, a pair of wishes may not be enough."

There was three seconds of silence in the field, and the three couples looked at each other, then nodded heavily.

They are willing to die for the world.

Qing'er suppressed tears, Shi Gonghu turned his back.

Three loving couples came outside the mirror, the human-shaped pendant was hanging in the sky, they formed a circle holding hands, and then expressed their wishes:

Pendant, let the earth be restored.

In an instant, the pendant glowed with golden light, the thunder stopped, the rain stopped, and even the flood quickly retreated to the big river, the deep ocean and the deep ditch.

Lands, towns, and villages appeared, and in just an hour, all the floods returned to where they should go, but the land was devastated, and drowned bodies were everywhere.

Fortunately, the three pairs of true lovers who should have turned into birds are still human.

"I think the three of them made a wish together and shared the price equally, so it didn't turn into a bird." Zhu Cheng thought so.

"We succeeded." Everyone wept with joy, and the pendant really had such boundless power.

Zhu Cheng showed a smile, and then just take a trip to the underworld.

Suddenly, the expression on Zhu Cheng's face froze, and his heart stopped beating at that moment.

A person just appeared in front of him and in front of everyone so abruptly.

But the man stretched out a hand, took off the human-shaped pendant hanging in the air, and hung it skillfully around his waist.

"Nu Wa, thank you for being reborn." The man called himself Nu Wa, and saluted everyone.

Isn't she just a human head and a snake body, exactly the same as the Nuwa Empress that Zhu Cheng remembered in the snake demon's memory.

"Human Zhucheng, pay homage to Empress Nuwa."

"Human Situ Zhong, Shi Gonghu, Li Xiaoyao, Tang Yu, and Anu pay their respects to Empress Nuwa."

"Ling'er and Qing'er pay homage to Empress Nuwa." At this moment, Qing'er, mother and daughter don't know which clan they belong to, so they just tell their names, and salute to Empress Nuwa together with everyone.

"You don't need to be too polite." Empress Nuwa waved her hand as she spoke, helped everyone up, and then chanted a mantra and said: "Spring returns to the earth."

I saw that the devastated land was suddenly green, the dead trees came alive, and the small trees grew into big trees in a few breaths. The dead people, rats, cows, tigers, rabbits, snakes, horses, sheep, monkeys, chickens, and dogs all died. , pigs... all creatures are also resurrected from the dead.

This scene left everyone dumbfounded, even the well-informed Zhu Cheng may not have recovered for a long time.

The mighty power of the really deserves to be the existence that can create all things.

"I'm not dead!"




The people in the book were overjoyed, and the judges must be at a loss. Why did this Nuwa suddenly appear?

Nu Wa is not a creature at all, she is the form of the power of the earth, and she can maintain the human head and snake body only when the power of the earth is very powerful. When the power of the earth is weakened, she is a spirit body, and the disappearance of the power of the earth means with her death.

But when Linger and others made a wish on the pendant to restore the earth to its original state, the pendant directly restored the earth to its original appearance, that is, when the power of the earth was at its most magnificent.

Nu Wa was born again.

In fact, Nu Wa had foreseen her own doom a long time ago. The reason why she passed the power of the earth to the little snake demon was to stay behind and pass on the effect of the pendant through her.

This is all calculated by Nuwa.

It is Nv Wa who created all creatures, and no one understands the "human heart" better than her.

As for the human-shaped pendant, it was originally her companion spirit treasure, but it's a pity that Fuxi is no longer there, so she can't use it.

When Nuwa was reborn, Qing'er and Ling'er were ashamed to have the power of the earth anymore, so they asked Nuwa to take it back, even with Linger's daughter.

Since then, Nuwa's descendants have become extinct, and they have all become ordinary people.

Seeing Qing'er and King Nanzhao hugging and kissing each other, Zhu Cheng and Immortal Jiu Jian drove flying swords to Mount Shu.

I don't know what happened to the doorman.

"Master." When Fang arrived at Shushan, Ah Cha plunged into Zhu Cheng's arms, and a group of Shushan disciples came out of the Demon Locking Tower one after another.

When it was found that the flood could not be stopped, the Juggernaut immediately ordered to retreat to the Demon Locking Tower.That was the strongest place in Mount Shu, and the Jiepo Lantern was also brought in by the Juggernaut.

With the protection of the Demon Locking Tower and the Jiepo Lantern, there were no casualties among the Shushan disciples, and they also rescued many fellow cultivators. They walked out of the Demon Locking Tower only after finding out that the flood had receded.

"Okay, okay, okay." Zhu Cheng, the founder of Shushan, finally cried.

Sure enough, they are worthy of being the apprentices taught by this patriarch, all of them have extremely strong life-saving ability.

A month later.

"Pass down the order of the ancestors, ten thousand swords return to the mountain."

There is nothing in the world, Zhu Cheng is ready to ascend.

On Shushan Square, a group of cultivators looked at Zhu Cheng reverently.Ascension is a rare event in thousands of years. It is a blessing to see it today.

Zhu Cheng let go of his whole body's cultivation, and waited leisurely for the celestial light to descend, but after waiting for a long time, no light fell, and the atmosphere in the field became very awkward for a while.

The god general of the heavens is also a tempered person. He descended several times to receive the fairy light to ask you to go to heaven, but if you don't come, now he wants to ascend again.

Is my dignified heaven a place where you don’t come if you don’t want to, but come whenever you want?

Zhu Cheng said that he couldn't hold back his face. When the Tianchi sword came out of its sheath, there was only a "chi" sound, and the Tianchi sword cut Tiantian into a big space crack.

"I'll go too!" Zhu Cheng turned into a ray of light and flew into the crack with the Jiepo Lantern.

 The next volume, Three Lives Three Worlds Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms.

(End of this chapter)

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