Chapter 413


Thinking about how dignified Mo Yuan is, the god of war in the heavenly realm, the son of the father and god, even the Heavenly Monarch of the Celestial Clan, who is the master of the world, would only dare to talk with him on an equal footing.

The identity of the ancient god is so terrifying, he is actually half a step higher than the father god.

Who is God the Father?

God the Father is the Creator who created all creatures, such as the Celestial Race, the Fox Race, the Winged Race, the Demon Race... except the human race, they are all created by God the Father, no matter how big or small they are, everyone respectfully calls him God the Father.

"Boss, you're here." The Ancient God looked back at Mo Yuan, and said with a smile, "Come and see your little brother, he's not happy when I say a few words to him."

"Second brother probably rarely sees uncle, acting like a baby." Mo Yuan came forward with a smile, and said, "Uncle, I haven't seen you for 7 years, and you still have the same demeanor."

"You look much older than 7 years ago, and you have started to grow a beard." To the ancient gods, Mo Yuan was indeed a child, but the ancient gods were born with a fair face, while Mo Yuan had a sexy mustache .

"To be a good teacher, you have to be dignified," Mo Yuan said, "Uncle, please come to my cave for tea."


Moyuan's cave mansion is just opposite the lotus pond. When there is no war in the world, he basically lives in the Xudong mansion in Kunlun, guarding the lotus pond day and night, guarding his second brother, and often using immortal methods to warm him up.

If Dudu had really entrusted Jinlian to the sleepy ancient god, Jinlian would have starved to death long ago.

The decoration of Moyuan Cave Mansion is rather simple, apart from some daily necessities, there are at most books on the art of war and a long scroll of ancient paintings on the wall.

The contents of the painting are very rich, including flowers, plants, trees, birds, beasts, insects, fish, gods, demons, monsters, and all kinds of creatures in the world. Lively and full of aura.

Seeing those ancient paintings, the ancient god fell into long-term memories, and said with some disappointment: "I didn't expect you to keep this picture of sentient beings."

"My nephew takes care of all uncle's things."

It turns out that this ancient painting was actually made by an ancient god. It is not just an ancient painting, but also the basis for God the Father to create all living things. .

"You really have a heart." The ancient god was a little relieved. Although seeing this picture, he couldn't help but think of the father god a little sadly, but after all, it was the younger generation's filial piety, and he, as an elder, couldn't blame him.

The ancient god walked up to him, stroked the painting and said, "I told Xiao Jin back then that everything has its own destiny, and it may not necessarily be perfect. But he didn't listen to me, and spent all his time and energy to create this painting. All living beings, but lead to premature death at only 30 years old."

Alas - 30 years old, it is too young.

Mo Yuan just listened obediently and did not speak.

One side is his father, the other side is his uncle, he really can't talk about it.

"Master." At this moment, a disciple of Kunlun Xu came in with tea and respectfully put it on the coffee table in the cave.

"Ling Yu, as a teacher, you don't need anyone to wait on you. Go and watch Seventeen and let him finish copying the Chongxu Sutra [-] times in a peaceful manner. Don't let him run around during this time."

The seventeenth in Mo Yuan's mouth is that female disciple, her name is 'Si Yin', ranking seventeenth, and she is Mo Yuan's youngest disciple.

This Ling Yu is Mo Yuan's nine disciples, from the Pengniao clan, he is a first-class raptor in the world, and he is best at flying.

"Yes." Ling Yu took the order to retreat, but his eyes couldn't help but glance at the ancient god.

Ling Yu was thinking in his heart: "Who is this immortal? Why does the back view look so strange, besides Zheyan Shangshen, the master actually has other friends?"

If Mo Yuan could hear Ling Yu's question in his heart, he couldn't help but feel sad. It turned out that in the eyes of all the disciples, the God of War was a withdrawn old man who had no friends except Zheyan's old phoenix.

The ancient god turned around and sat down, and unceremoniously took the tea to taste.

"Your disciple is a good crafter." The ancient god praised, this tea is well-controlled, the ancient god has not eaten for 7 years, and the moment he tasted this good tea, he felt comfortable all over his body.

"Uncle, I'm overwhelmed." Although Mo Yuan's mouth was modest, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised.He is also happy to be praised by the ancient gods.

"Speaking of disciples, what about your female disciple of the nine-tailed white fox clan?" the ancient god asked.

"Si Yin?" Mo Yuan was taken aback for a moment, not knowing how his uncle knew about this, but he still replied truthfully: "2 years ago, I made a Yuqing Kunlun fan according to uncle's design. Watching her go up the mountain to learn from a teacher, maybe she and I are destined mentors and apprentices, but Yuqing Kunlun Fan took the initiative to recognize her as master."

"Uncle also knows that the Yuqing Kunlun Fan is very powerful, and it is impossible to let it be obtained by outsiders. In addition, she is a noble daughter of the Fox Emperor, so I pretended that I didn't see her transformation technique and accepted her as a fan." No.17 disciple."

This was beyond the expectations of the ancient gods. He thought it was Mo Yuan who felt sorry for the only female disciple and gave her the Yuqing Kunlun Fan for self-defense.

"Not bad, not bad." The ancient god narrowed his eyes slightly, and looked at Mo Yuan meaningfully, but he felt uncomfortable looking at Mo Yuan.

"I haven't seen you in 7 years, let me see if you have improved."

"I also ask uncle for advice."

Suddenly the two disappeared into the cave, but there was a bronze mirror of a coiling dragon on the coffee table, and the ancient god and Mo Yuan entered the mirror.

That's right, the bronze mirror is a spiritual mirror, and the ancient god is none other than Zhu Cheng, the founder of Shushan Mountain.

43 years ago, Zhu Cheng was preparing to ascend in Shushan Square, but he couldn't wait to receive the fairy light. Zhu Cheng was angry and cut a space crack with his sword.

Everyone thought that the crack was a passage leading to the heavens, but they didn't expect that Zhu Cheng passed through the crack and came to an empty place.

There is no life at all as far as the eyes can see, there are mountains but no trees, there are soils but no grass, this world is barren and chaotic.

"System, take me out of this world." Zhu Cheng knew that he came to the wrong place, and called the system in his mind to leave.

"..." The system didn't respond at all, and seemed to be dormant again.

I am special!
Don't be angry, don't be angry, get used to it, get used to it.

Zhu Cheng suppressed the anger in his heart and began to explore in this world, and even poured out the full gourd water from the demon refining gourd.

However, he did not expect that this action of his would actually provide the world with the source of life, causing it to give birth to a creature ahead of time—a golden lotus.

In 1 years, when Zhu Cheng saw the only creature he had seen in those 1 years, his old man burst into tears.

"It's not easy, woo woo..."

Since that day, Zhu Cheng has not gone anywhere, guarding Jinlian all day long, and often preaching to Jinlian, and finally Jinlian took shape after 1000 years.

Zhu Cheng is commensurate with the Jinlian brothers, and named Jinlian 'Xiaojin'.Playing Xiaojin showed a very high talent for cultivation, and his cultivation was rising like a rocket. Zhu Cheng was also pleasantly surprised to find that Xiaojin possessed the origin of the power of good fortune in his body, and it was many times stronger than Nuwa Empress.

"Xiao Jin, Xiao Jin, you are originally from the Creator." Zhu Cheng immediately understood that the reason why Ah Jin was born as the first creature in this world was to shoulder the mission of creating all things.

Zhu Cheng took out the 'Nine Heavens Breathing Soil' at the bottom of the press box, and spent some time drawing the "Picture of All Beings", asking Ah Jin to create all creatures according to this picture.

Nine Heavens Breath Rang Zhu Cheng got it in the fifth volume of this book, Demon Sword Life and Death Chess World, paved the way for five volumes, and finally used it today, woo woo woo...

 Thank you for the decadent back, my husband (good name) monthly ticket support

(End of this chapter)

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