The system starts from the first in the world

Chapter 423 The meaning of falling flowers

Chapter 423 The meaning of falling flowers
Zhu Cheng has two nephews in total, he can take care of one but can't take care of the other, and both of them had problems on the same day, and in the end both of them had accidents.

Raising a child is hard, and raising two kids is even harder.

Jin Lian's current state can be said to be dying. If it weren't for his strong body, he would have been out of his wits by now. Zhu Cheng hurriedly used mana to maintain his life.

"Second brother, second child, there is nothing wrong with you, otherwise how can I explain to Xiao Jin." Zhu Cheng was heartbroken.

It's really a bad time, how come I can't even protect my two nephews, my uncle is really a failure.

After tinkering for a long time, Jinlian finally regained some consciousness, and it asked: "Brother, how is it?"

"You're still alive, you'll be fine after you sleep, don't worry." Zhu Cheng comforted, but it was indeed time to sleep, but it was calculated according to the time he slept.

A full 7 years is not a short time, even for Shangxian and Shangshen, it is not a short span of time.

"That's good, that's good." Jin Lian felt relieved, fell into a deep sleep, and there was no more movement. If Zhu Cheng could not detect his remaining soul, she would have cried a lot.

"In the case of the second child, I still need to borrow a belly."

Let's talk about the battlefield situation.

After Ah Cha was startled, Li Yuan, the eldest prince of the Yi Clan, handed over the letter of surrender to the Heavenly Clan. Bai Qian hugged Mo Yuan's body and said in grief, "Everyone is dead, so what's the use of surrendering the letter!"

Yuqing Kunlun slapped Li Yuan and others seriously injured.

"Seventeen, calm down." Senior brother Diefeng hastily pulled Bai Qian back, preventing her from killing the remnants of the Yi clan.

"Our Yi clan has hundreds of millions of people, you can't kill them all." Li Yuan was aggrieved, and an immortal was showing off his power in front of him.

I swear from resentment that the tiger will return to the forest.

"When Mo Yuan dies, I will take full responsibility for the affairs of the army." As the deputy commander of the Heavenly Army, God Yao Guang will be in charge of the army after Mo Yuan dies.

She loves Mo Yuan to the point of going crazy, but because of this, she will not kill these remnants of the Yi clan like Bai Qian, because this is not what Mo Yuan wants to see.

Although Mo Yuan is the god of war, he prefers peace.

All the races in the world were created by Mo Yuan's father. More than anyone else, he doesn't want internal strife, and looks forward to returning to the beginning of loving each other.But his heart is complicated, and he knew that he would never go back, so he practiced desperately to reach the height of his father and suppress all opposition.

Stop fighting with martial arts.

This is the only way Mo Yuan can think of to maintain peace, even if it is an illusion.

"On behalf of the Celestial Clan, I will accept your letter of surrender." God Yaoguang took the letter of surrender, and then said coldly: "But I, Yaoguang, are incompatible with your Yi Clan. If you dare to take half a step out of the Wing Realm , I, Yaoguang, will teach you to fly away."

Yao Guang didn't want the one she loved to die worthless, she accepted the letter of surrender for the sake of the overall situation, but it didn't mean that she wouldn't do something for the one she loved.

Killing for life is justified, I, Yao Guang, are incompatible with your Yi clan in this life.

"I, Kunlun Xu, and your Yi Clan are incompatible." Diefeng, Bai Qian, Ling Yu, Zilan and other seventeen disciples of Kunlun Xu agreed with God Yao Guang with red eyes.

"We are incompatible with your Wing Clan!" The Celestial Clan army also stated their respective positions.

We can stop for the sake of the overall situation of the world, but if you dare to take a step out of the Wing Realm and come to my Celestial Clan territory, then I'm sorry, all the sons of my Celestial Clan will definitely chop you up and eat them.

This is enough to show Mo Yuan's position in the hearts of the soldiers, and the three princes of the heavenly clan also think so, but because they are members of the royal family, it is difficult to have their own stand.

"Resign from Li Yuan." What else could Li Yuan say, he didn't want to die and could only lead the remnant soldiers back to the Wing Realm.

The army of the Celestial Clan was victorious and returned to the court, while the disciples of Kunlunxu escorted Mo Yuan's body back to Kunlunxu.


Sitting on the supreme position, Tianjun said sadly: "Although this battle was won, my Celestial Race God of War died, and the heaven and earth will mourn for 3000 years."

Then there is the meritorious deed reward after some victories, and the rewards are awarded in order of rank and merit.

For example, the Sujin family was granted the title of Marquis by the Heavenly King because of their bravery in battle, and the young daughter of the patriarch was given the title of "Long En", and the eldest prince and his wife were named "Princess Zhaoren" and named 'Su cicada'.

The disciples of Kunlun Xu also have their own rewards, and from Mo Yuan's point of view, the rewards are doubled. The eldest disciple Diefeng was originally the second prince of Xihai, and he was directly conferred the title of "Marquis of Xihai" by Tianjun. He can be regarded as the designated next Xihai Jun.

As the deputy commander this time, Yaoguang has made the most contribution. Tianjun directly handed over the commander seal of the army to her, and asked her to succeed the new God of War of the Celestial Clan.

"Thank you Tianjun Longen," Yao Guang kowtowed and thanked, but refused: "I also ask Tianjun to forgive my sins. Mo Yuan is dead and the little god has no intention of fighting anymore. I hereby ask Tianjun to resign and return to the field."


"I also ask Tianjun to complete it." Yao Guang pays homage to Tianjun again, and he really has decided to go.

Tianjun also knows the emotional entanglement between Yao Guang and Mo Yuan. As an emperor, he doesn't want Mo Yuan and Yao Guang to be in pairs.

But simply as a member of the Celestial Clan, he sympathizes with Yao Guang very much.Luohua intentionally flows water ruthlessly, and Luohua took root and sprouted in the water. This emotion is earth-shattering.

"That's right."

go Go.

"Thank you, Tianjun." Yao Guang went to the palace, put on a filial dress and led the people of Yao Guang Mansion, and put the house directly at the exit of Yijie.

The meaning is very obvious: those who go out, kill!

After Tianjun got the news, he didn't stop it. Anyway, Yijie Chuxiang also needs to be monitored. Yaoguang must do a better job than those inspectors.

After the court meeting was over, Tianjun walked side by side with the purple-robed and white-haired Donghua Emperor. Dijun asked in a normal way: "How does Tianjun plan to deal with the Wing Realm?"

"How to deal with it?" Tian Jun was stunned, the Tian Clan had already received the Yi Clan's letter of surrender, so they stopped fighting, what else could they do?But Dijun must have other deep meanings when he asks this question.

"Also ask the emperor to teach me." Tianjun asked for advice.

"I'm just an idler." Emperor Donghua waved his sleeves and left just like that.

"Siming, what does the emperor mean?" Tianjun asked Donghua Emperor's seat "Siming Xingjun" for an explanation.

"Tianjun," Si Ming saluted respectfully, and then said: "I heard that Qing Cang has two sons, the first prince Li Yuan hates our Celestial Clan as much as Qing Cang, but the second prince Li Jing became a son before Qing Cang set out to fight. Prisoner."

"Hahaha... Miaozai, Miaozai." Tianjun understood what Emperor Donghua meant.

"Si Ming, follow my secret decree to go to the Yi clan."

"I obey the order." Si Ming accepted the errand with a smile.

Qingcang fell, and there should be a new Yijun in Yijie. Qingcang loves Qingcang deeply. If Yijie recovers his vitality in the future, he may rebel again, and he must not be allowed to become the new Yijun. Then support him When a playboy is in the position, Li Jing becomes the best candidate.

"Heavenly Monarch, the envoy sent to Kunlun Xu to deal with the death of God Mo Yuan has been driven back again." An official from that day came to report.

"There are already No. 18. Which little fairy is so ignorant?"

"The number 17 disciple of Kunlunxu, Si Yin."


Tianjun was angry.

(End of this chapter)

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