Chapter 427
In front of Zhu Cheng, the four prestigious beasts turned into four pets, very crooked, but the head was a bit bigger.

"Okay, okay..." Zhu Cheng coaxed them for a long time before he evened them out. One of them stuck out its tongue and looked at Zhu Cheng with its head tilted. Matching the big head, it looked very playful and cute.

Fox Emperor saw that he would not die for a long time, so he closed his eyes and opened them again, but he was embedded in the ground, his whole body seemed to be falling apart, unable to get up or turn his head, he could only listen to the sound.

Although Zhu Cheng's voice was a bit magnetic, it was more pleasant to the ears of the fox emperor than the voice of Bailing fairy.

"Xiaobai, long time no see." Zhu Cheng looked down at the Fox Emperor with a smile, and that smile was shining brightly in the eyes of the Fox Emperor.

"Big...cough cough..." Fox Emperor struggled to speak, and the severe pain almost prevented him from dying.

"Hold on, hold on." Zhu Cheng immediately used Tuntian Kungfu to treat him. It was just a little skin trauma. It didn't take long for Fox Emperor's wound to heal and scab. Apart from being a little embarrassed and weak, there was nothing wrong with it.

Fox Emperor jumped out of the pit, and then turned into a little white fox in the air and landed on the ground, "Mmm~mm~" Rubbing Zhu Cheng's feet, tears also fell down.

That state is like a wronged puppy.

"Yeah!" The four fierce beasts didn't agree, they were competing with us for favor.One by one grinning at the fox emperor, the frightened fox emperor shivered and curled up on the ground, not daring to move.

"Okay, okay, stop making trouble. The situation is urgent, and Bai Qian is still waiting for the Ganoderma lucidum grass to save her life." Zhu Cheng reprimanded the four beasts, and the four beasts listened obediently without any rebuttal.

"My lord, everything about my Qianqian family has alarmed you." Fox Emperor was a little surprised. What his daughter said about the birth of fish and wild geese, and the shameful flowers in the closed moon were not enough to alarm Zhu Cheng.

What kind of person is Zhu Cheng? He didn't see Chaos and other four fierce beasts, but they all obeyed him like a pet dog.

He is the majestic lord of the green hills and the five wastelands, and he has to please him, invite his pets, and honor him as the 'big master'.

Godfather Xiaojin created all races. Zhu Cheng is half a generation higher than Godfather. Everyone can't call him "Uncle", so he has a special title of "Uncle", but how does Zhu Cheng hear it? How's that for a curse (he's a southerner), so let them call themselves "Grandpa".

After the four ferocious beasts were created, Xiao Jin knew that they were unruly and bloodthirsty, so he never dared to put them into the world.

Since the day they were born, Xiaojin has been firmly chained to Kunlun. However, because Xiaojin has too many children, he is busy with reconciling conflicts every day. On the contrary, Zhu Cheng, who has nothing to do, spends more time with them.

After a few times of Zhu Cheng's old punches, these four fierce beasts finally became honest. They not only obeyed Zhu Cheng, but also stayed by his side all day long. Zhu Cheng also kept them as big dogs.

12 years ago, Father God Xiaojin knew that his time was approaching, so he made many arrangements. He sent these four beasts to guard the Shenzhicao, and imprisoned them in the cave on Yingzhou Island. Since then, Zhu Cheng has never Haven't seen them.

The reunion after a long absence of 12 years, so those who just met their relatives and made the four beasts happy, immediately rushed to Zhu Cheng.

"That silly child used all his heart and soul to preserve the body of my eldest nephew. Naturally, I, as an uncle, want to save her." Zhu Cheng said.

"Xiaobai, thank you Elder Master for saving your life." The fox kowtowed three times to Zhu Cheng, thanking Zhu Cheng for saving his own life, and also thanking Zhu Cheng for saving his own daughter's life.

In a sense, his and Bai Qian's lives are now connected.

"Okay, hurry up and get the Shenzhi grass, Bai Qian is still waiting for her to save her life."


The fox emperor turned into a human body and continued to walk towards the cave. On the deepest mountain wall in the cave, there were ten gleaming Shenzhi grasses.

"My daughter is saved, saved." Fox Emperor wept with joy, wiped his tears, and stuffed the Shenzhi grass into his sleeve, and went to pick the second one after filling one.

"Hey, what are you doing!" Zhu Cheng scolded and said, "One shenzhi grass is enough, and I will keep it as a thread for doing things. I can't just let you pick it all up, and leave a seed for future generations."

"Roar!" The four ferocious beasts seized the opportunity, grinning their teeth one by one, and were about to pounce on them.

"Stand back," Zhu Cheng grabbed the four fierce beasts.

"Okay, okay, I won't pick it off, I won't pick it off." The Fox Emperor hastily withdrew his hand, smiling repeatedly at the four ferocious beasts.

Zhu Cheng glared at Fox Emperor: "Hurry up and leave, Bai Qian is still waiting."

"Yes, yes, I'm leaving now, I'm leaving now." The Fox Emperor stepped back out of the cave, and Zhu Cheng's words sounded in his ears, "Today's events must not be revealed to others."

"Xiaobai takes the order." Fox Emperor understood what Zhu Cheng meant, and he didn't want to let himself reveal his whereabouts.No matter how you say it, Xiaobai is also a god, and the Lord of Qingqiu understands why Zhu Cheng did this.

The Fox Emperor left, but Zhu Cheng stayed in the cave to play with the four fierce beasts, play with balls and so on, and heal Taotie, Wuwu, and Qiongqi along the way. Today is the happiest time in their 12 years.

"Okay, I'll see you again when I have time. I have to see how my niece and daughter-in-law are doing now." Zhu Cheng patted the dust on his buttocks, and set off from Yingzhou Island half an hour after Fox Emperor left. Go to Qingqiu Yanhua Cave.

Although Zhu Cheng set off half an hour later than Fox Emperor, he landed at the entrance of Yanhua Cave at about the same time as Fox Emperor, but he went invisibly.

"You're finally back, did you get the Shenzhi grass?" The fox queen waited at the entrance of the cave because of her anxiety, and hurriedly asked when the fox emperor came back.

"Take it, I brought it back." Panting heavily, the Fox Emperor took out a Ganoderma lucidum from his sleeve, and the Fox Queen snatched the Ganoderma lucidum and rushed into the cave without saying a word.

"Zheyan, the Shenzhi grass is here, the Shenzhi grass is here." The fox queen yelled.

"Hey, this woman doesn't know how to care about me." Fox Emperor smiled wryly, hammered his old waist and followed into the cave.

If the Fox Queen heard this, she would have to give him a white look, and then said: "You are still so hypocritical at such an age, aren't you still alive?"

In the cave, Zheyan took the Shenzhi grass and weighed it first, then sniffed it at the tip of his nose, nodded and said: "That's right, this is the Shenzhi grass."

"What should I do?" asked the Queen Fox.

"First put the half-life mana into the Shenzhi grass, and use the medicinal power of the Shenzhi grass to neutralize the mana, and then I will use the secret technique to guide the mana in the Shenzhi grass to infuse Qianqian." Zheyan said.

"Okay." The fox queen nodded, and without hesitation, put half her life cultivation base into the Shenzhi grass.

That is the mana that has been cultivated for 10,000+ years. Without them, the fox queen, the god, will inevitably fall to the rank of god.

But in order to save her daughter, the queen fox is desperate.

Zhu Cheng was watching from the side.

There is nothing wrong with Zheyan's diagnosis and treatment methods. Since he doesn't want to reveal his whereabouts, he will not personally rescue Bai Qian.

In addition, it is a beautiful thing for Bai Qian to gain the mana of the fox queen half of his life. Although the realm of the fox queen will fall, the mana will not flow out after all.

Although Bai Qian, a little fox, has good aptitude, she doesn't focus on cultivation at all. When will she be able to cultivate into a god like her?At that time, it would be too ugly for a little Shangxian to marry a 'God of War'.

Zhu Cheng thought, it would be best for Bai Qian to break through to God within these 7 years, and then wait for Mo Yuan to come back to life, as the uncle, hold an unprecedented grand wedding for them, and then he should retire , left this world.

Looking at the immortal body of Mo Yuan lying on the bed, Zhu Chengxin said: Don't worry, eldest nephew, you should sleep well, uncle, I will never let my nephew and daughter-in-law have any accidents.

(End of this chapter)

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