Chapter 429 The Dust Settles
"who are you?"

Li Jing looked at the visitor with a wary face.At first glance, the visitor looked like a member of the Celestial Clan, and a Celestial Clan could come to the prison safely and unharmed, and it was still the prison where he was imprisoned, which showed his ability.

"Xiaoxian Celestial Clan Si Ming, met Prince Li Jing," Si Ming Xingjun saluted, and then said: "No, I'm meeting Yi Jun."

"Yi Jun?" Li Jing was taken aback for a moment, and then said: "My father was defeated?"

Si Ming Xingjun smiled and said: "The second prince is really smart, these two people were sent by Li Yuan to kill you."

"Li Yuan." Thinking of this big brother, Li Jing's eyes were full of hatred. He always knew that Li Yuan killed his mother, but for his own life he couldn't kill Li Yuan in front of Qing Cang, but now it is different .

"Aren't the Celestial Clan afraid that I will rebel after I become Lord Yi?" Li Jing fixed his eyes on Lord Si Ming Xing.

"Since our Celestial Clan has chosen the Second Prince, we are naturally confident enough. Furthermore, even if our Celestial Clan still has the God of War, Moyuan, if the Yi Clan is defeated again, our Celestial Clan will definitely flatten the Wing Realm. How to put it in mortal language, oh, cut grass and roots." Si Ming Xingjun looked directly into Li Jing's eyes, with a smile in the corner of his eyes.

He was bullying Li Jing for not knowing the outside situation, and Tianjun had already notified the Three Realms that God Mo Yuan had returned from the dead, so he could not be considered a lie.

"Hahaha..." Li Jing laughed three times and said, "Bring my clothes."

"It's been prepared for Yijun a long time ago." Si Ming smiled and took out Yijun's purple robe from Qiankun's sleeve, which he specially went to the Shangfu Bureau to get it when he went down to the heaven.

In the Great Ziming Palace, all the officials in the Wing Realm stood up in shifts, and Li Yuan, who was dressed in purple, walked into the main hall, and said with an imperial majesty: "When our family regenerates energy for tens of thousands of years, I will definitely lead you Let’s fight the Celestial Clan again and wash the Heavenly Palace with blood.”

"Blood wash the heavenly palace! Bloody wash the heavenly palace!" Li Yuan's cronies shouted slogans, but most of the generals still bowed their heads and remained silent.

It is easier said than done to wash the Heavenly Palace with blood.

Mo Yuan doesn't know whether he is dead or alive, we just think he is dead, but even so, without Lord Qing Cangyi and without the Eastern Emperor Bell, the strength of the Wing Realm and the Heaven Realm is still far behind.

Replenishing energy for tens of thousands of years will at most restore the peak of Qing Cang's reign. By then, the Celestial Clan will only become stronger. After all, as the defeated party, they need to pay tribute to the Celestial Clan every year.

"Brother, I want the position of Lord Yi." Li Jing led Xuannv straight into the hall.

"Li Jing, you're not dead yet!" Li Yuan turned pale with shock, didn't he already send someone to secretly execute him, why is he still alive.

"Of course you wish for my death, and even sent someone to kill me." Li Jing pointed at Li Yuan at him.

wow wow wow...

There was an uproar all of a sudden, and all the civil and military officials were discussing. Although everyone knew about this kind of seizing of the throne, it would be disgraceful to be stabbed in the open.

"Shut up!" Li Yuan yelled loudly, "Take down this evil seed for me."

"This, this..." A group of soldiers looked at me, and I don't think you are willing to pick up the knife in your hand.

In the internal struggle between the two princes, it is really difficult for them as courtiers to participate, no matter whether it is successful or not, they will not be able to please.

"Trash! Trash!" Li Yuan was furious, he had treated them kindly on weekdays, raised soldiers for thousands of days, but now they all turned into pieces of wood.

When I firmly sit on the throne of Lord Yi, I will surely crush you and turn your bones into ashes.

"Brother, come on, there should have been a break between you and me." Li Jing sneered and showed his weapon.

"Looking for death!" Li Yuan was furious, you, an ignorant trash, dared to provoke me.

If you are looking for death, then you can’t blame me. It would be a pleasure to kill you with your own hands.

Li Yuan's weapon is like Qing Cang, it is also a big halberd, and his cultivation has reached the realm of the gods, the weapon is really powerful and powerful.

The two fought outside the hall, and neither of them wanted to destroy a good hall.

After about a dozen rounds, the two decided the winner.

Li Jing wins Li Yuan.

"Impossible, impossible, how could you have such magic power!" Li Yuan fell to the ground with an unbelievable and unbelievable expression on his face.

This is just a trash who indulges in drinking and sex all day long, how could he lose to him?

"It was just for self-protection, but I didn't expect it to be so useful." Li Jing jokingly pointed at Li Yuan with his sword, and asked, "Did you kill my mother and concubine?"

"That's right, I killed that bitch, I just broke her neck just a little bit, hahaha..." Li Yuan laughed loudly, he knew he had no way out today, and wanted to see Li Jing's face Put on that angry face.

The eyes of civil and military officials looking at Li Yuan have changed, and they don't care about the brother Yan Qiang, but they can do such things as killing their mothers. Doesn't he kill them as courtiers whenever he wants?

Li Yuan suddenly lost popular support.

"Second brother, I beg you not to kill eldest brother." Rouge, the little princess of the Yi clan, rushed out and stood in front of Li Yuan.

She and Li Yuan are brothers and sisters of the same mother.

"Rouge, go away, second brother doesn't want to hurt you." Li Jing and Li Yuan are at odds, but for this innocent and lovely younger sister, he loves him from the bottom of his heart.Even in today's situation, he is unwilling to hurt Rouge.

"Second Brother Yanzhi, I beg you," Yanzhi begged, "I will take Eldest Brother away, we will never return to the Wing Realm, no one will argue with you anymore."

"Take her away." Li Jing didn't agree, she had already seen her, Li Yuan must die.

"Yanzhi, this is a matter between men, we don't care about it, and we can't do it." Xuannv forcibly pulled Yanzhi away.

"Hahaha...puchi!" Li Yuan was sealed by Li Yuan's sword in front of all civil and military officials.

"Greetings to Mr. Yi." The overall situation has been decided, all civil and military officials bowed to Li Jing, only Yan Zhi was crying and mourning for Li Yuan, which shows how unpopular Li Yuan is.

Li Jing took Xuannv's hand and walked up to the throne of Lord Yi step by step.

"From today onwards, I am Lord Yi, and she is Empress Yi." The she in Li Jing's mouth was referring to Xuannv.

Xuannv's heart was as sweet as honey for a moment, and it turned out that her sacrifice and investment were not wrong.

Li Jing, oh no, Mr. Yi.I am your woman in life and your ghost in death.

"From today onwards, our Yi Clan is not allowed to set foot in the Heavenly Clan's territory; we don't care about life or death if we capture Li Yuan's one-party golden beast." Li Jing gave two orders in succession.

In this battle for the throne, it seemed that the heavens did nothing, but in fact Si Ming sent the latest information from the outside world to Li Jing, and many dark games that the Celestial Clan had placed in the Yi Clan also launched one after another, instigating some close and distant grudges. Otherwise, how could Li Jing ascend to the throne of Lord Yi so smoothly.

"The ministers and others take orders." All the civil and military officials obeyed and went to chase and kill the golden beast.Once the emperor and the courtiers, they need to show their faces in front of the new Yijun, so as to preserve their current wealth and glory.

As expected of a character who has been with Qingcang for tens of thousands of years, the golden dragon beast fled immediately when he saw the wind direction was wrong. When Li Jing remembered him and sent someone to chase him down, he had already run to the exit of the wing world.

Looking back at the hometown of Yijie, the golden beast said sadly: "I don't know if I can come back, and say goodbye to my hometown."

"Puff..." As the golden beast left its hometown one step at a time, his head also moved.

Master Yaoguang held the bloody sword and said, "Who goes out, die!"

 Thank you Chuanchuan wife monthly ticket support
(End of this chapter)

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