Chapter 432
Looking at the eldest nephew and daughter-in-law who had no sense of immortality, Zhu Cheng suddenly remembered tens of thousands of years ago, when he said to Mo Yuan's immortal body in Yanhua Cave: Don't worry, I won't let my nephew and daughter-in-law have any accidents.

In the end, the damned Qing Cang almost killed his nephew and daughter-in-law. He really pissed off Zhu Cheng and exploded in anger.

No one is trustworthy, Zhu Cheng has always been an honest and trustworthy person, so he has stayed in this world for nearly 20 years because he promised Xiao Jin to take care of his two nephews, Mo Yuan and Ye Hua.


Zhu Cheng smashed his fist on the Donghuang Bell, killing Qing Cang inside.

"Master, Yuanyuan Yuanshen." Ah Cha's words sounded in Zhu Cheng's mind.

"Ah yo." He was so angry that he forgot about it.

The primordial spirit of Mo Yuan is still attached to the Donghuang Bell, if you knock it again, you will have to shake the primordial spirit of Mo Yuan away, and it will be troublesome to collect it.

"It's your fate." Zhu Cheng glanced at Qing Cang bitterly, then turned to look at Bai Qian.

Bai Qian suffered a small injury, and Zhu Cheng healed her within minutes. When he was about to lift the curse on Bai Qian, his hand suddenly stopped.

"God's Tribulation."

Just like ascending to the immortal, there will also be a catastrophe in the ascending to the god, but the difference from the calamity in ascending to the immortal is that there are always three thunders in the ascending to the immortal, but the calamity in ascending to the divine is due to human beings. varies.

Take Jinlian as an example, the catastrophe of his ascension to God was sixteen thunderbolts plus 32 wildfires.

Bai Qian is different, Zhu Cheng has just figured out that the calamity of her ascension to God is not a calamity of thunder, not a calamity of fire, but a calamity of love.

As early as almost 7 years ago, Zhu Cheng thought that when Mo Yuan came back to life, it would be best for Bai Qian to also be the God of War, so that he would be worthy of the God of War.

But Bai Qian got drunk all day long and had no intention of practicing, and Zhu Cheng later gave up this idea, but today the opportunity finally arrived.

"It's just this love disaster, who is she going to get through with?" Zhu Cheng was a little puzzled, Mo Yuan hasn't come back to life yet, who is he going to do with his niece and daughter-in-law?

Isn't this a cuckold for my nephew?No, no, she still has to undo the curse.

Zhu Cheng wanted to start again, but stopped in the middle.

No, no, the opportunity to ascend to the Supreme God is once in a thousand years. If you can't catch it today, Bai Qian will only be a Supreme Immortal for the rest of your life.

Taking people's chances is like killing their parents. If Zhu Cheng did such a wicked thing, he probably wouldn't be able to maintain such a good sleep quality.

Looking at the Sleeping Beauty Bai Qian, Zhu Cheng fell into deep thought.

"Just do it like this." After a long time, Zhu Cheng slapped his thigh, apparently having made a decision.

Donghuang Junji Mountain.

Bai Qian was lying by a small stream, and the Yuqing Kunlun fan was thrown in her hand. She woke up slowly, shaking her heavy head.

"Where is this? Why am I here? Who am I?" Amnesia Three Questions asked Bai Qian, but no one would answer her in this wilderness.

Bai Qian looked around, picked up the beautiful silk fan on the ground with a blank face, walked around and looked around, and came to a thatched cottage after a while.

Bai Qian poked her head outside the fence for a long time, but saw no one in the house, so she pushed open the old wood door and walked in.

The thatched cottage has two rooms in total, plus a kitchen. The room and the kitchen are fully equipped with bedding and cooking utensils, so they should be occupied by people, but Bai Qian looked around the front and back of the house, but there was no one there.

Although Bai Qian said he lost his memory, it doesn't mean he can't understand anything, but he just can't remember who he is.

Just like the homeless old man in the news yesterday, he can communicate with people normally, but he just can't remember who he is and where his home is.

You asked me why this happened, sorry, the author is not a doctor and refused to answer.

Bai Qian wanted to wait for the owner of the room to come back, and ask him where it is and who he has, but after waiting for a long time, no one came back, and his mind was dizzy, so he fell asleep lying on the stone table in the courtyard.

When I woke up, it was already dawn the next day.

"Cuckoo..." Bai Qian hadn't eaten for a day, and now she growled with hunger.

Instinctively, Bai Qian began to search for food in the kitchen, but she couldn't find any ready-to-eat food. In the kitchen, there were only three strips of bacon, a small bag of rice and a large tank of water. She couldn't find half a radish, half a big one. Chinese cabbage.

The hungry Bai Qian couldn't control that much, she just opened her mouth to eat bacon.

"It tastes good, but it's really too hard." This is Bai Qian's evaluation of bacon. As expected of a fox, it really has a mouth full of good teeth.

After eating, Bai Qian went out of the thatched hut and began to wander around, but wandering around, let alone anyone, there was no one in sight.

Bai Qian had no choice but to go back to the thatched hut again, ate the bacon and rice.

"I'm so tired." After walking blindly for a day, Bai Qian was very tired, so she found a room and lay down on the bed to sleep.

The head of the willow on the moon is already after dusk.

On the other side of the hillside, an old man with a wrinkled face and white hair walked over to the hut with his back bent over, coughing from time to time.

"Cough cough cough..."

It's just the coughing sound, it has some problems - it's not tuned right, it feels like a singer hangs his throat before a performance, sometimes it's high and sometimes it's low, I fiddled with it for a while, and then I set the tune.

The old man walked forward a few more steps and came to the chaimen. He put his right hand on the chaimen, but patted his forehead with his left hand.

Here is the moment to witness the miracle.

The old man had a mahogany cane in his left hand out of thin air. He walked three steps forward with the cane, and felt a little awkward, so he changed the cane to his right hand.

"Shundang." The old man took a step with his head held high, then immediately hunched over and walked towards Bai Qian's room with his right hand on crutches.

"Hey, who are you? Why are you at my house."

Bai Qian was woken up by the angry voices, she looked up and saw that it was already night, and through the window of the room, she could see the moon hanging high in the sky.

An old man with a cane was standing in front of her, and it was this old man who had just asked her a question.

Bai Qian hurriedly got up, and said: "Old man, I... where is this?" Bai Qian couldn't tell her identity for a long time, so she simply asked the old man where this is.

As for why Bai Qian didn't ask the old man who she was, she just lost her memory and she wasn't stupid, the old man asked who she was, obviously the two of them didn't know each other, let alone they were relatives.

"Donghuang Junji Mountain." The old man replied, and then said displeasedly: "I asked you! Who are you and why do you live in my house?"

"I, I don't know who I am, I can't remember." Bai Qian shook her head pitifully.

"Can't remember?" The old man looked Bai Qian up and down, and slammed his cane on the ground: "Don't try to lie to me, did you do something wrong, and came here to hide in the mountains."

The old man said angrily: "You're bullying me so stupid, right? Let's go, let me go..."

The old man raised his crutches and forcibly bombarded them.

(End of this chapter)

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