Chapter 445 Killing Out (addition for reward)

But Bai Qian rushed into Empress Le Xu's bedroom, and with a precious fan in her hand, she fanned the sword-wielding maid out of the palace, and the maid happened to be intercepted by Ye Hua who came with the crowd.

"How's the situation in the palace?" Ye Hua hurriedly asked, it was his own mother inside.

"That female devil not only forced the empress to kneel down, but also gouged out the princess's eyes." A group of maids answered truthfully, but Ye Hua was in a hurry.

"Listen, the people inside, and catch them quickly, or I, Ye Hua, will tear you to pieces." Ye Hua was wary, so he could only shout to the inside first.

When Su Chan heard Ye Hua's voice, she seemed to be waiting for a savior, and shouted: "Ye Hua save me, Dad save me."

"Daughter, don't worry, daddy will save you." Suchan's daddy, the patriarch of the Sujin clan, is on the list, and Suchan himself went to the Heavenly Palace with him.

"Prince Ye Huajun." Bai Qian paused, and the face that was the same as that of his master Mo Yuan appeared in his mind, and the scene of his gouging out his eyes could not be avoided.

"Son, I'll take you to see father." Bai Qian took a deep breath, strode out of the palace, and faced the siege of tens of thousands of troops without changing her expression.

Bai Qian's face did not change, but Ye Hua, who had an army of tens of thousands, completely changed his complexion. He could only hear him stammering, "Su, Susu."

The one who entered the mother's bedroom and cut out Su Chan's eyes would be Su Su, Su Su is not a mortal but a goddess, this, this...

All kinds of feelings rushed into my heart for a while, but in the end, only joy was left. Susu is the god, so the identity gap that hindered them would disappear, and he would be able to marry her.

"Susu." Ye Hua excitedly rushed up to hug Bai Qian.

"Presumptuous," Bai Qian pointed at Ye Hua with a fan, and shouted, "I am Qingqiu Bai Qian, you are not polite."

"Qingqiu Baiqian?" Ye Hua stopped and examined Baiqian carefully, and found out that she was a nine-tailed white fox. It turned out that she was not only the God of God, but also the Empress of Qingqiu.

Wouldn't it be wonderful to be in the right family?

"Even if you are the empress of Qingqiu, it is a heinous crime for you to break into the heavenly palace and goug out my eyes." Su Chan endured severe pain and came to the palace gate.

"Daughter." Seeing his daughter covered in blood, patriarch Sujin hurried over.

"Su Chan is right. Tianjun, our Celestial Clan can let her Qingqiu come and go at will, so what is the majesty of our Celestial Clan." Patriarch Sujin supported his daughter.

"I also ask Tianjun to order to arrest Bai Qian."

"Please give the order."

A group of military generals and Su Jin's clan share the same hatred, but Su Chan was watched by them as uncles growing up, and now she appears in front of her so bloody, how can they, as uncles, not vent their anger on her.

"Ye Hua, step back." Seeing this situation, Tianjun knew that if he didn't give the order to take down Bai Qian today, the hearts of all the soldiers of the Tianzu would be chilled.

"Listen to the order, take it down for me..." Tianjun hadn't finished saying "Take me down Qingqiu Baiqian", when he heard a loud report:

Qingqiu Fox Emperor, Fox Empress, Emperor Baizhen of the Northern Wilderness, and Zheyan God in the ten-mile peach forest.

Oh, Bai Qian's family has arrived, and all of them are gods, so they are not easy to mess with.

Tianjun hesitated, he couldn't help looking at Emperor Donghua, but he saw that Emperor Donghua was also frowning.

If today's matter is not handled well, Tianzu and Yijie did not fight, but Qingqiu first.

"Daughter, are you okay?"

"Qianqian, don't be afraid that the fourth brother is here."

"Qianqian, I'm here to show my face."

In an instant, the four gods guarded Bai Qian and the baby, and the fox emperor said: "Don't be afraid, I have sent a message to your elder brothers, and they will come soon."

Bai Qian's other three elder brothers are all Shangshen. After the Great War between Gods and Demons, the fox clan has never participated in the war, which means they have been keeping a low profile. Maybe they are not the strongest among the ten thousand clans in terms of combat power, but they are not the strongest in terms of combat power. The number of gods is well-deserved first.

"Tianjun, why did you besiege my daughter? Please ask Tianjun to give me Qingqiu an explanation." The Fox Emperor didn't care who was right or wrong, and asked Tianjun first.

"It's clear that Bai Qian came to the Heavenly Palace to commit crimes, wounded the Heavenly Soldiers, and gouged out my eyes." Su Chan refused to accept it, obviously she was the one who suffered, but she was beaten up.

"Patriarch Sujin, quickly take Suchan to be treated!" Not only did Tianjun not speak for Suchan, but he wanted to dismiss her.

Now this place is full of gunpowder, but it must not be left behind by Su Chan.

"Tianjun, please make the decision for me." Su Chan was stubborn, she was different from these men who cared about the overall situation, she only knew that Bai Qian was her rival in love, and she made herself blind , she wants to make it pay the price.

"I beg Tianjun to be the master of my daughter." Patriarch Sujin felt sorry for his daughter and knelt down to Tianjun together, while all the soldiers of the Celestial Clan focused their eyes on Tianjun, waiting for Tianjun's order.

So what about the five gods, most of my Celestial Clan are warriors, not to mention that this is the headquarters of the Celestial Clan - Tiangong.

"This..." Tianjun really didn't know what to do. The Tianzu was not afraid of war, but now that Qingcang's whereabouts were unknown, it was really not good to have a large-scale conflict with Qingqiu at this time.

"Daughter, what's going on here?" Fox Queen took advantage of this opportunity to quietly ask Bai Qian.

"It's just a bad relationship, don't worry about it." Bai Qian didn't want to recall that heart-wrenching love anymore.

"Be smarter in fighting after a while, run away when you see the opportunity, they are many people." Zheyan instructed Bai Qian like this.

"You'd better take care of yourself, I have the Yuqing Kunlun Fan in my hand, it won't hurt me in a hurry."

"Qianqian, you have broken through to God." Bai Zhen was the first to discover this. He looks like a girl, and his thoughts are as meticulous as a girl's.

"Susu, I'm the one who's sorry for you." Tianjun couldn't say it for a long time, but Ye Hua stood up, and he looked at Bai Qian affectionately and said: "I gouged out your eyes, and I will return them to you. Come on, come on."

Ye Hua walked towards Qianqian step by step, letting go of all defenses.


"His Royal Highness!"

Bai Qian stretched out her hand and was about to insert it into Ye Hua's eye socket, but the child in her arms began to cry.

"Forget it, forget it, you and I have nothing to do from now on." Bai Qian still couldn't bear to goug out Ye Hua's eyes, and said to Fox Emperor, "Father, let's go."

"it is good."

Fox Emperor and the others nodded and surrounded Bai Qian to leave the Heavenly Palace.

"Murderer, don't even try to escape!" Patriarch Sujin couldn't sit still, sacrificed his magic weapon and killed him.

"For the Celestial Clan, kill!" All the soldiers shouted slogans, and then Patriarch Sujin came to kill Bai Qian and his party.

The slogan is not shouting randomly, it is a teacher who is famous, we are not trying to vent our anger on Su Jin, but to maintain the majesty of the Celestial Clan.

"Kill it out!"

The Fox Emperor took the lead, sweeping a large area with one big paw; Zheyan flapped the phoenix wings and flew a large area; a large piece.

"Also ask the emperor to take action." The battle had already begun, and Tianjun had no choice but to ask Donghua Emperor for help.

Although Ye Hua is also a powerful god, he can't be counted on now. The emperor can suppress Bai Qian and others as long as he takes a shot.

"Father, we are here."

Big brother Bai Qian, second brother, and third brother came, not only that, they also brought Qingqiu's elite.

The house leak happened to rain overnight, and the Tiangong was about to flow into rivers of blood.

 Thank you sone9 for the monthly ticket and the reward. It’s been a long time since no one gave a reward.

  Thank you for the monthly support of the spiritual portrayal.

(End of this chapter)

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