The system starts from the first in the world

Chapter 447 The Death of Xuannv

Chapter 447 The Death of Xuannv (Second Change)


But hearing Zhu Cheng yelled, Ling Jing felt his emotions, and the picture in it was everything.

This is a cave. The cave is frozen with ice, and it looks very cold. A handsome male fairy is lying on an ice bed in the cave. To be precise, it is a fairy body.

The male fairy looks the same as Ye Hua, but Ye Hua is in the Tiangong at this time, right in front of his eyes, the identity of the male fairy is ready to be revealed - it is the fairy body of Mo Yuan, and this cave is the "Yanhua Cave" in Qingqiu .

At this time, outsiders broke into the cave, a beautiful woman in black clothes disturbed Mo Yuan's peace, her face was eight or nine points similar to Bai Qian.

There are only two people in this world who are similar to Bai Qian, one is Si Yin and the other is Xuan Nu.But Si Yin is Bai Qian, Bai Qian is Si Yin, and Bai Qian is in the Heavenly Palace, right in front of her eyes.

The identity of the beautiful woman is also ready to be revealed-Xuan Nu.

She opened her fox mouth to swallow Mo Yuan's fairy body.

Zhu Cheng couldn't allow others to desecrate Mo Yuan's immortal body, so he slapped it with his palm in anger.


Accompanied by a shrill scream, Xuannv was slapped into flying ashes by Zhu Cheng's palm, and she was not even given the chance to be reincarnated.

"Li Jing, do you Yi clan want to exterminate the clan?" Zhu Cheng looked at Li Jing with a pair of cold eyes, and looked at Li Jing until his whole body was cold, and his liver and gallbladder were torn.

"Li Jing, our Celestial Clan needs an explanation."

"Li Jing, I, the Fox Clan, need an explanation."

"Li Jing, I, the Feng Clan, need an explanation."

For a moment, Zhu Cheng, those in Tianjie, Qingqiu, and Shili Taolin all stared at Li Jing with angry eyes.

Mo Yuan is the eldest nephew to Zhu Cheng, the God of War to the heaven, the master to Qingqiu, and the brother to Shili Taolin.

But just now, Xuannv, the Queen of the Wing Realm wanted to devour the immortal body of Mo Yuan. What a frenzied and daring act, especially when everyone knew that Mo Yuan was about to return to his original state, and was about to die. This happened when I was resurrected.

This made it impossible for everyone not to think of Yijie and Lijing.

That's right, if Mo Yuan hadn't risked his life to seal the Eastern Emperor Bell back then, Wing Realm might not have failed. He would have been the co-lord of heaven and earth, and the one who didn't want Mo Yuan to return would probably be him. Bar.

What's more, because of the disappearance of the Eastern Emperor Bell, the Wing Realm is divided into two factions, one faction advocates attacking the Celestial Realm, and the other advocates living in peace with the Celestial Realm.

Although Yijun Lijing advocates living in peace with the heavens, who knows what he thinks in his heart, maybe he just wants to deceive the heavens.

"I was wronged."

Li Jing yelled that he was wronged, he is the most innocent person in the world, and he has no second thoughts about the heaven, he only wants to guard the one-acre land in the wing world and be his Yijun well.

The matter started from the day before yesterday, when Ye Hua went to the Wing Realm and invited Li Jing to discuss military affairs, and Xuannv also came with her.

For tens of thousands of years, because of the blockade of the Wing Realm by the God of Yaoguang, and because Xuannv is the Empress of Wing, she has never left since the day she entered the Wing Realm. She was homesick. Want to go back and have a look.

Visiting relatives.

Li Jing did not return to Yijie after discussing Wanjun the day before yesterday, but followed Xuannv back to Qingqiu to visit relatives.

"Xuannv, this is not the Wing Realm after all, it would be too ostentatious to display all the guards of honor." Looking at the mighty guard of honor nearly ten miles away, Li Jing felt that it was too ostentatious.

"Brother Jing." Xuannv put her arms around Li Jing and said in a coquettish voice: "This is the first time you see my mother, you should always be more grand, and oh, you are Lord Yi and I am Queen Yi, Walking outside represents the Wing World.”

"Okay." Xuannv couldn't find fault with Li Jing's words, so she had to agree.

Xuannv smiled happily, the honor guard was a great satisfaction to her vanity, especially when she was about to meet those who had looked down on her, belittled herself, or even bullied her.

The slave's heart was beating wildly, a little excited.

I am Xuannv, the mother of the Wing Realm, and I am back.

"Welcome Lord Yi and Queen Yi." Lord Yi came to Qingqiu, and the people of Qingqiu came to welcome him.

"Oh, I can't help it, I can't help it. You are all uncles, aunts and aunts who watched me grow up. Xuannv can't bear it, can't bear it." In order to show her approachability, Xuannv took those next-door neighbors one by one. Get up, and ask from time to time, how is your son, how is your daughter?
Those children used to be from other people's families, they were all her mother's objects of comparison, and all of them are so mediocre, it's okay, let my husband arrange an errand for them at will, and the care is ten times better than now.



When the mother and daughter met each other and cried, Xuannv said sadly: "Mother and daughter are not filial, and have only come back to see you now."

Xuannv kowtowed three times to her mother on the spot.

Xuannv's mother and her husband died early, she was the one who raised Xuannv and her elder sister Yunv with shit and piss, which can be described as hard work.

"My son-in-law pays homage to his mother-in-law." Li Jing, as Yijun, would not salute Miss Xuan, but just bowed slightly.

"Okay, okay, okay." With tears in her eyes, Miss Xuan said three good words.

"Ah, Miss Xuan is really lucky."

"Two daughters, one is married to Prince Qingqiu, and the other is married to Lord Yi."

"Yes, if you give birth to a girl, you should give birth to a mysterious girl."

"I wish I had a girl named Xuannv."

"Beautiful you, that must be a blessing cultivated in eight lifetimes."

There was a lot of discussion, and none of them sounded the happy gongs and drums in Xuannv's heart.

It's beautiful, it's beautiful.

My Xuannv has said since the day I left Qingqiu, I want to make those who looked down on me unable to climb high, I want to trample all of them under my feet, don’t bully the young and poor, 30 years in Hedong and 30 years in Hexi.

My mysterious daughter is not destined to marry Xiong Xiazi, but my mysterious daughter is destined to be a queen.

Back at her natal home, Xuannv's first question was: "Mother, how has my sister been doing these years?"

Sister, hum, that annoying sister.

From childhood to adulthood, Xuannv heard the most words: she was also born by a mother, so how can Xuannv be so different from Yunv.

Even Miss Xuan often said: "Why don't you learn from your sister."

Everything is a sister, sister, sister, is my Xuannv just a menstrual belt?Am I not also a daughter?I already have a peerless face like Bai Qian, why is no one looking down on me!
"Ah——" Miss Xuan sighed and said, "Your sister is not having a good time in her husband's house. She hasn't given birth to a child for so many years. Anyone who sees her pokes her back and laughs at her. She is not like you. , she is only the eldest concubine of Qingqiu, and there are three younger brothers and one younger sister."

"This kind of thing can't be rushed. Mom, I'll wash my face first."

The reason why Xuannv had to wash her face was because there was a towel covering her face so that no one could see her smiling.

She couldn't help it.

"Hehehe... Ha ha ha ha... Yu Nu, my sister, my best sister in the world."

Next is Bai Qian, that old woman who can't get married, the aunt of Qingqiu.

 Any similarity to the above is purely coincidental

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(End of this chapter)

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