Chapter 45 I am a traveler

Zhao Yun blushed immediately when Zhu Cheng hugged her. She is an extremely polite person, and this is the first time she has been so intimate with a man.

Zhao Yun looked at Zhu Cheng carefully under the moonlight, not to mention that his face looked like Pan An, but it was also fair. As the saying goes, a white face can cover up all ugliness, so Zhu Cheng can still be called handsome.

What satisfied Zhao Yun the most was that she didn't see any frivolity on Zhu Cheng's face, her heartbeat was normal, and she was as calm as a cold spring.

At that moment, maybe she fell in love when Zhu Cheng showed up to save her.Don't be surprised, don't be surprised, and don't think this is unreliable, it really only takes one look to love someone.

Zhao Yun is a person who dares to love and hate.

As for Doudou who is being hugged by Zhu Cheng, let's ignore her for the time being. It is obviously inappropriate to have a light bulb at this time.

All members of the Tong family gathered at the altar tonight, from the two hundred-year-olds to the infants.Tong Zhen, their patriarch, is dying, and the clansmen come to see him off for the last time.

"Xue Ruyi is here, Xue Ruyi is here." Tong Bo held Xue Ruyi and ran towards the altar, followed by Yinxiu's old arms and legs, and Tong Zhan was handed over to the care of the tribe.

"Ahem, where have you been, with this outfit?" Tong Zhen asked weakly seeing Tong Bo's distressed appearance.

"Father, I've gone to find Xue Ruyi, it will definitely save my father." Tong Bo put Xue Ruyi on Tong Zhen's chest.


Nothing happened, Xue Ruyi was still Xue Ruyi, and Tong Zhen was still dying.

"Where is Tong Zhan, call Tong Zhan." Tong Zhen was a little anxious when he didn't see Tong Zhan, he felt that he was about to die, and he had to see Tong Zhan.

"Yinxiu, why not?" Tong Bo asked anxiously when he saw Yinxiu coming panting.

"There is no reason. It is said in the book that Xue Ruyi will emit red light as long as it is warmed by human body, so as to bring the dead back to life. Why not?" Yinxiu picked up Xue Ruyi to look up and down, and carefully looked after it with candlelight.

"That's right, it's blood-colored inside, that's right." Yin Xiu also felt his head was big, why not?
"Where's Tong Zhan?" Tong Zhen asked again.

At this time, Zhu Cheng came slowly with Zhao Yun and Doudou. As soon as he stepped into the altar, Zhu Cheng's face changed drastically.

His black hair turned white, his face was wrinkled, and his hands were wrinkled.The transformation technique was actually broken.

The altar is the important place of the Tong clan, where the elders put up a lot of barriers, and when they realized that Zhu Cheng's face was wrong, they activated it, breaking Zhu Cheng's transformation in an instant.

"Ah!" Zhao Yun was at Zhu Cheng's side. Seeing such a sudden change, he took two steps back in shock, and Doudou screamed and hid behind Zhao Yun.

Zhu Cheng's face darkened, and he thought, "The Tong family is really extraordinary, but this is just right."

"Who are you?" an elder asked.

"It's a friend." Tong Bo said something, and then the elders backed away, allowing Zhu Cheng to move forward.

"Patriarch, Tong Zhan was injured and passed out." Tong Bo and Yinxiu eagerly ignored the patient to save people, but Zhu Cheng couldn't let the patient be so helpless, he leaned down and said.

"Injured, why, how come. Cough cough cough" Tong Zhen coughed in a hurry.

"Father." Tong Bo hurriedly comforted Tong Zhen.

"What's the matter with Tong Zhan's injury? I want to see him, I want to see him, it's too late." Tong Zhen was anxious to reincarnate.

"Boy, baby." Tong Bo didn't know how to answer for a while, he couldn't say that Tong Zhan violated the family rules and went to Shuiyuedongtian, and his father was almost exhausted, if he was so angry, he would go there immediately.

"Patriarch, Tong Zhan is here." Tong Zhan was carried by the tribe to the altar, and stood side by side with Tong Zhen to ensure that Tong Zhen could see it when he turned his head.

"Yinxiu, what happened to Tong Zhan?" Tong Zhen asked.

"It's just a coma. It's a small matter. I will definitely cure it."

"Hoohoo..." Tong Zhen panted anxiously, only Tong Zhan could know what he was going to say, do you want me to bring this secret into the coffin?The inheritance of the Tong clan cannot be broken in my hands.

"Father, father." Tong Bo burst into tears, and was about to stage a life-and-death farewell.

"Give me the blood Ruyi." Zhu Cheng stretched out his hand and hit the blood Ruyi in Yinxiu's hand into the air, then took out the blood Ruyi in his arms and threw it away.

Suddenly the red light shines brightly, the two pieces of blood Ruyi melt together in the air, it is not known whether a swallowed b, or b swallowed a, after the red light passes, only one piece of blood Ruyi is left floating in the air.

"Sure enough." Zhu Cheng was overjoyed.

The two separate pieces of Ruyi's blood, one hot inside and the other cold inside, indeed showed a strong vitality when fused with each other.

If the ordinary 60-year lifespan is an incandescent lamp, then the vitality contained in Xue Ruyi is a searchlight.

"That's it!" Yin Xiu exclaimed.

Pa, Xue Ruyi fell on Tongzhen's chest, feeling the heat of Tongzhen's body, Xue Ruyi burst into red light to wrap Tongzhen, and gently lifted it into the air, Tongzhen, who was originally white-haired, regained his youth at a speed visible to the naked eye , The thin body also seemed to be nourished and became strong.

After about a quarter of an hour, the red light subsided, and Tong Zhen was about to fall to the ground.


Tong Zhen did a backflip and landed firmly on the ground, his movements are so chic that he doesn't look like a sick person, and his appearance has also become younger, no one will doubt Tong Bo's brotherhood.

"Father, you are all right."

"Okay, I seem to be 20 years old again." Tong Zhen patted Tong Bo on the shoulder, and then asked Zhu Cheng, "Thank you little brother for helping me."

"All of this is guided by heavenly secrets, and I dare not take credit for it."

"Tianji?" Tong Zhen was a little curious.

"The patriarch still remembers that there is a great reincarnation in 500 years. At that time, the world will change and gods and demons will come to the world, and the world will die. If the dragon god reappears, it will be a big problem, and the Tong family will come out. And this dragon god..." Zhu Chengrao He looked at Tong Bo deeply.

"Okay, stop talking." Tong Zhen hurriedly interrupted Zhu Cheng, and arranged for someone to take Tong Zhan down to heal his wounds, and arrange affairs in the clan, looking very busy.

Zhu Cheng and sister Zhao Yun were treated as honored guests and lived in the same courtyard.As for the blood Ruyi, Zhu Cheng gave it to Zhao Yun very faithfully, and he still bought one and got one free, but the life in it, Zhu Cheng sucked it up, and now the blood Ruyi is like a mobile phone with no power, a piece of scrap iron, if If you want to recover, you have to find the power bank of Xueruyixin to charge it.

Tongzhen was saved, and Xue Ruyi gave birth to six pieces of Tianxiang cardamom.From this we can see how powerful this world is.

"Dong dong dong..." Tong Zhen knocked on the door of Zhu Cheng's room.

"Patriarch, please sit down." Zhu Cheng invited the patriarch into the house.

"I don't know what advice the patriarch has for coming late at night?" Zhu Cheng asked.

"Where does the young master come from?" Tong Zhen asked.

"Don't hide from the patriarch, I'm not from this world." Zhu Cheng was about to expose his identity as a time traveler, wow.


"I don't know the details. I was preparing to move that day. I found a bronze mirror in the corner, and a golden light shot out from the mirror. The dazzling people couldn't open their eyes. When the golden light dissipated, I opened my eyes and came to the imperial palace. Sword Villa."

"And it seems that there is something guiding me in the dark, so that I must take Xue Ruyi and save the patriarch."

Well, Zhu Cheng started talking nonsense with a scripture.

"What does the mirror you're talking about look like?" Elder Tianxing grabbed Zhu Cheng's arm excitedly.

"Let's wait for me to draw." No matter what, Zhu Cheng has lived for seven or eighty years, and he has mastered the skill of painting, but he is not proficient enough.He drew the spiritual mirror on paper with his memory.

"Spiritual mirror, it really is a spiritual mirror." Tong Zhen was very excited, what other treasures in the world besides the spiritual mirror have the power to send people through time and space.

Speaking of which, the spiritual mirror has disappeared for 500 years as the treasure of the Tong clan, and the Tong clan deeply regretted it, but they did not expect to hear the news of the spiritual mirror here and now.

"Where is the mirror now?"

"Disappeared, it disappeared after bringing me here."

"Why is the spiritual mirror in your hands? Is the little brother's surname Tong?" Tong Zhen asked.

"No, my surname is Zhu, and my name is Zhu Cheng." Zhu Cheng shook his head.

"Oh." Tong Zhen was a little disappointed.

"But my ancestor's surname is Tong."

"No wonder I noticed that you have a special aura belonging to the Tong clan." The aura Tong Zhen said was the talent for cultivation, or blood.

"The patriarch's eyes." Zhu Cheng praised, not very happy in his heart, wouldn't it be easy to expose.

"What happened hundreds of years later, why did the spirit mirror send you here?"

"I only know that the dragon god reappeared a few years later but failed to kill the demon god. The demon god broke through the seal and came out to bring disaster to the world. My ancestors kept their anonymity just to avoid the demon god." Zhu Cheng was talking nonsense for a long time just trying to fool As a member of the Tong clan, so that you can learn spells and learn the Tong clan's longevity technique, you don't need to devour life in the future.

So he didn't tell the plot, let's take it step by step, and in the first few decades in the world, Zhu Cheng can't remember the plot of Shuiyuedongtian very clearly.

"Since the spirit mirror brought you here, there must be a purpose for it. Little brother, please stay here with peace of mind. If you think of anything, feel free to tell me."


"As for Tong Bo, please..."

"Be sure to keep your mouth shut." Zhu Cheng knew that Tong Zhen wanted his eldest son to live a safe and smooth life, and didn't want him to shoulder any burdens, right?In the eyes of his father, Tong Bo is just a child, and the responsibility of his ancestors should not be forced on him.

(End of this chapter)

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