Chapter 459 Give birth!

On the Golden Summit of Emei, Zhu Cheng hugged the mountain, and the mountain's head rested on Zhu Cheng's shoulder, watching the golden crow flap its wings, pass through the sea of ​​clouds, and spread the morning light all over the earth.

The sunrise on Mount Emei is extremely beautiful, and it is also the most beautiful sunrise that Zhu Cheng has seen in 40 years.Because the person who watches the sunrise with me is the person I love the most.

The sunrise is beautiful, and the people are even more beautiful.

At this moment alone, Zhu Cheng feels that the 40 years of hard pursuit is worthwhile, and he only wants to cuddle up with you to watch the mountains, clouds, and the sun rise and set.

All the disciples of Emei have solved the body-fixing method, and Zhu Cheng and his wife can't watch the sunrise here, but they are stared at by thousands of eyes. Even if it's just a wax figure, it's uncomfortable, let alone a living person.

"Long Mei pays homage to the saint, and may the saint live forever." As soon as Fang untied the body-fixing technique, that long eyebrow knelt down to Zhu Cheng first.

"We pay homage to the sage, and may the sage live without bounds."

They all fell to their knees, all with pious expressions on their faces, and they didn't have any complaints about the eight years of imprisonment.

For the past eight years, although they were immobile, they were conscious, especially Chang Mei, the head of Emei, who knew very well that what Zhu Cheng used was not the body-fixing technique, but the time-space confinement technique.

The art of confinement of time and space, only Da Luo Jinxian has this method in the Three Realms, such as Zhen Yuanzi, the ancestor of the Earth Immortal.And to be as casual as Zhu Cheng is, it must be the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, and the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian has another name, which is called "sage".

A sage is the strongest in the world and can destroy the world.

"Lending Erxian Mansion for eight years, this thing is all rent." Zhu Cheng took out a jade bottle from the spiritual mirror, and threw it to Changmei casually.

Changmei took it in trepidation, but he didn't dare to check the treasure in the bottle on the spot, but he saw that the material of this jade bottle was something he had never heard of or seen before.

"This wine is intoxicating, so those of you who have a low level of cultivation, don't be greedy." Zhu Cheng warned, it turned out that the jade bottle contained the peach blossom drunk that Zhu Cheng 'stolen' from Zheyan.

"Thank you sage for your generous gift." Changmei was inexplicably excited. This is immortal wine. I heard that there is jade nectar in heaven, which is very helpful for practice. I think the celestial wine bestowed by the sage is much better than jade nectar, maybe a drop can help Break through the century-old bottleneck by yourself, and improve your cultivation to a higher level.

"Let's go separately, don't let me and my wife be quiet." Zhu Cheng sent the Emei disciples down, and set up a soundproof barrier here, so that the voices of the Emei disciples would not disturb him, and then watched the sunrise with the mountains.

While watching the sunrise, the husband and wife inevitably talked about what happened after they left Haotian World. Zhu Cheng has already mentioned everything in the previous article, but Shanshan also had another encounter.

For many years, Shanshan's soul has not been asleep all the time, and has woken up several times during the period.

She remembered that when she was exiled from the world of Haotian, the surroundings were in chaos, she was drifting aimlessly, maybe it couldn't be called drifting, because there was no wind, but the feeling was right.

I don't know how long I have been wandering, because I can't see the sunrise and sunset, and the soul of the mountain is not clear enough to count the time, maybe a few years, maybe decades, maybe hundreds of years.

Anyway, suddenly one day, she, who was wandering aimlessly, was attracted by a strong suction, and then came to a palace with three thousand futons placed in the palace.

There was an old Taoist sitting in the hall, holding a jade plate in his hand, and when he saw the mountains, he said excitedly: "My way is accomplished, my way is accomplished."

Shan Shan couldn't remember what the old Taoist looked like, but he only vaguely remembered that he was very kind and gave people a feeling of universal love.

When she woke up again, Shanshan found herself inside a stone, and she didn't know what kind of power was contained in the stone, which was constantly nourishing her soul, but also because she was imprisoned in the stone, she couldn't see the outside world. From time to time, a sound came into the stone.

Those voices were very mixed and chaotic, and Shanshan's energy was not good, and he often fell asleep after listening to them.

I don't know how many years later, another person appeared in the stone. She was not imprisoned, but the stone psychic, resulting in spiritual wisdom.

Stone essence.

This was the first time I saw an 'outsider' on the top of the mountain. Although he was a stranger, because of the long loneliness, he quickly opened up the chatterbox.

At the beginning, it was Shanshan who said that Shitou Jing just listened. Shanshan told her about Haotian World and her husband Zhucheng.

I don't know how many years later, Shitou Jing began to learn to speak, and told Shanshan some outside stories.

There is a goddess named Nuwa who created a new species of human beings; the war between the monster clan and the witch clan almost shattered the world; the heaven and earth catastrophe caused many innate gods to fall.

My elder brother became the Jade Emperor and ruled the Three Realms; my sister-in-law died of dystocia and gave birth to ten nephews, who were raised by my side because my elder brother was busy with government affairs.

"In other words, you and her have shared the same body for many years?" Zhu Cheng grasped the key point.

"It doesn't count, at most I'm a sojourner." Shanshan said, the stone spirit really wanted Shanshan to control his body, so that he could teach Shanshan to see the outside world with his own eyes, but for some reason, Shanshan just did it. No, maybe it's because of the weakness of the soul.

"What's that man's name?" Zhu Cheng asked.

"Yao Ji." Shan Shan replied, and then suddenly remembered something, and asked: "By the way, where is Yao Ji? You took my soul out of her body, presumably you have seen her."

Speaking of this, Zhu Cheng naturally remembered who Yao Ji was, the fairy who was hanging on the tree that he saw when he first came to this world.

Zhu Cheng originally thought it was Shanshan's reincarnation, so after taking out Shanshan's soul, he ignored the fairy body. After all, Shanshan's physical body was still in the spiritual mirror, so there was no need for the unintentional body.

But he didn't expect that it was the body of Shan Shan's boarder. In this way, he was Shan Shan's benefactor.

"Shanshan, she, she..." Zhu Chengzhen couldn't utter such bad news. Even though it was a fairy body after eight years, it was either rotten or swallowed by wild beasts at this time. general stimulation.

"What's wrong with her?" Shanshan's heart skipped a beat, and an ominous feeling came to his heart.

"She, she..." Zhu Cheng was momentarily at a loss for words.

"Spiritual mirror, show me the image with the spiritual mirror." Shanshan tilted his head and looked at Zhu Cheng anxiously, so anxious that he was so emotional that he was about to faint.

"Okay, okay, don't worry, don't worry." Zhu Cheng had no choice but to summon a spiritual mirror to show where Yao Ji was.I thought it would be a big deal for me to spend some effort to reunite Yao Ji's soul and revive her.


Following a burst of snowflakes, a picture appeared on the spiritual mirror.

There is a string of wind chimes hanging under the eaves of the house, and the wind blows and makes a pleasant sound of 'jingling'.

The wind chime is made of jade and is divided into five pieces, each with a word written on it: You, Ji, Jiao, Jian, and Cicada.

Beneath the wind chimes, like Zhu Cheng and Shan Shan, a couple leaning on each other, looking happily at the three children playing in the courtyard.

As the camera zoomed in, the husband's face gradually became clear, and his handsome appearance exuded a bookish look; the wife's face was even more overwhelming, which made people shake their hearts unavoidably.

"Yaoji has given birth!" Shanshan was surprised.

Unexpectedly, after not seeing each other for a few years, Yao Ji is married and has two children, and she has two sons and one daughter, which is more perfect than a good word.

(End of this chapter)

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