The system starts from the first in the world

Chapter 483 Silly girl at your service

Chapter 483 Silly girl at your service
Don't hesitate to change, travel through time, want to go to your side

After arriving, I suddenly found that it was an unknown place

you are farther away from me
My life is messed up but I can't change my habit of missing

Love makes me stubborn, whether I can go or not, I will take risks
No matter how long love is, no matter how short it is, I am willing to experience it
Love makes me dead give me a sweet test
Love makes my life memorable forever

With the song "Traveling", let us come to the world of magic mobile phones......

The story is still waiting to start two days ago.

After thousands of years of hard work, Zhu Cheng finally absorbed a large amount of the world's original power, and the world of the Lotus Lantern can maintain its operation.

At least five or six more saints will not overwhelm the world, but if you want to reach the level of Sansheng Sanshi Shili Peach Blossom World, you need to continue to work hard.

But that's for the future, he is going to attend the Yang family's wedding now, and the marriage has been delayed for a long time because of him.

Yang Jiao has a crush on Ao Tingxin, as we have already said before; Yang Jian has a crush on Ao Cunxin.

Of course, I know that in the original book, Yang Jian likes Chang'e, but today is different from the past, and Ao Cunxin will not make troubles like the original book all day long, because they don't like the heaven and the like, and the judicial gods are completely blind Some nonsense.

When meeting Yang Jian for the first time, Ao Cunxin fell madly in love with Yang Jian's 'beauty'.

Hehehe, everyone has a love for beauty, no matter whether they are men or women, they are all lustful.

The woman chased the man's interlayer gauze, and the two soon got together. After all, the lady who had a marriage contract with Yang Jian passed away many years ago.

As for Chang'e, Yang Jian has no relationship with her at all, let alone any liking for her. When it comes to seniority, Yang Jian has to call her aunt, after all, she has a good relationship with Yao Ji.

Speaking of Chang'e, let me tell you a secret, that Jade Rabbit is actually his daughter.

Dear daughter, of course it doesn't mean that Chang'e is a rabbit spirit, let me speak slowly.

Back then, the Queen Mother rewarded Houyi, that is, Chang'e's husband, with an elixir of immortality. Houyi's disciples came to steal the elixir while Houyi was not at home.

However, Chang'e was already pregnant at that time, but she didn't show her pregnancy for a month or two.

This violates the rules of heaven. Immortals cannot have children.But her child was conceived before she became a fairy, what do you think about this thing.

Needless to say, this is a real problem.

If Chang'e were demoted directly to the lower realms, the Queen Mother would lose face, and if this happened, the prestige of the heaven would disappear. How could people believe that good people will be rewarded with good things.

But if this matter gets out, the queen mother will lose all face, almost taking the lead in violating the rules of heaven.

So give Chang'e an abortion?
As a mother who was also pregnant, the Queen Mother couldn't help but look at her big belly.

The Queen Mother thought of a way to send Chang'e to the miserable Guanghan Palace, and let her guard Yushu alone.

The delivery of the child was secretly arranged by the queen mother. After the child was born, the queen mother cast a spell to turn the child into a snow-white little white rabbit to deceive people.

This secret was originally known only to Chang'e, Queen Mother, and Jade Rabbit, and now dear readers are added, don't you feel very honored?

Keep it a secret, otherwise the queen mother will kill her like she did with Wen Po, and I will not be responsible.

Oh, by the way, Yang Chan forgot to mention the three children of the Yang family. She has no date yet. In order to avoid her family's urging marriage, she specially opened a cave in Huashan to practice.

People on Huashan specially set up a temple for it. Because they are the third eldest in the family, they respectfully call her the "Three Holy Mother".

The Yang family's wedding banquet, and the eldest and second eldest's marriage together, can be described as a grand event in the Three Realms.

Laozi, Yuanshi Tianzun, Tongtian, Nuwa, Jieyin, and Zhunti were all present to congratulate.

As for Hongjun Daozu, he must have been lost somewhere in the chaos, and he would have to wait hundreds of years to figure it out.

Because of Yang Tianyou's relationship, the relationship between Buddhism and the Yang family is also very good, and the two saints also took this opportunity to mend their relationship with Zhu Cheng.

"Welcome to the Great Heavenly Venerable!"

Zhu Cheng came to the scene, everyone stood up to greet each other, and saluted respectfully, he was actually the protagonist of this wedding.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

People are in good spirits on happy occasions, smile more, and be happy.

After the banquet, Zhu Cheng and Shan Shan stayed in Yang's Mansion. On the third day, he was tasting tea, but found a very interesting thing.

There are spatial fluctuations in Xiaoxitian and Xiaoleiyin Temple, a modern technological product, which travels through time and space to come to this world.

The modern technology product is a robot, or a mobile phone, a Chinese brand mobile phone in 2060, named 'Si Niu'.

"Shanshan, haven't you always been curious about my past, my husband will take you to see where I come from." Zhu Cheng stopped Shanshan's slender waist and came to Xiaoxitian in an instant.

At this time, those people who were seeking Buddhist scriptures from the Western Paradise met Maitreya Buddha's seated weasel spirit "Huangmei King", and a big battle was about to start, and a silly girl was born.

"Who are you!" King Huangmei asked.

The silly girl ignored it, and said to herself: "The scan results, the location is Xiaoleiyin Temple in Xiaoxitian, name: King Huangmei, real name Weasel, male gender, age 689 years old. Current address Xiaoxitian Xiaoleiyin Temple, crime The motive is to achieve the goal of immortality by eating the meat of the Tang monk."

"How dare you despise my king!" King Huangmei has a bad temper, and he is about to beat up a silly girl with a mace.

That silly girl is not easy to provoke, so she immediately vacated and said: "The heavenly girl scatter flowers!"

In an instant, there was a wave of energy that temporarily stopped King Huangmei.

"Hahaha... well done, silly girl." Wukong and Bajie greeted her with a smile, but the question is, how did they know the silly girl who came to this world for the first time?

"Sun Wukong, let's compete." Silly Girl spoke, but it was a man's voice.

This man is now the owner of Sha Niu, a researcher of the Academy of Sciences, and even the strongest master of the game.

"Silly girl, why are you rushing at me, where is Lu Xiaoqian?" Wukong asked.

"Stop talking nonsense!" That game master didn't argue with him. Seeing the famous Monkey King Jian Lie Xinxi (no mistake), he couldn't help but try to see who could play better.

Silly girl kicked towards Wukong's heart with a flying kick.

"Well, you silly girl, but you turn your face and deny anyone, my old Wang is going to fight back!"

Such a mobile phone and a monkey are playing like this, and the energy is being consumed rapidly.

Another time and space in 2060.

"Nonsense, let the silly girl come back quickly, our technology group can't go to the cultivation group. If something goes wrong, it will cause big trouble." The director of the research institute immediately stopped the competition.

"Activate the space-time shuttle function, the target time and space is 2060, Xiaoxitian."

All of a sudden, Sha Niu disappeared in place. At this moment, Zhu Cheng took Shanshan into a gadget and possessed Sha Niu.

Along with Zhu Cheng, there were Huangmei King and Bull Demon King who hitchhiked together, but they were all small characters, how could they have found Zhu Cheng, and Zhu Cheng would not talk to them.

"No, why did you bring the head of the cultivation group, Zhu?"

This is an exclamation from the dean of the Academy of Sciences.

"Alert! Alert! The system of Dameng [-] is about to crash, it is about to crash, please start the maintenance program immediately! Please start the maintenance program immediately!"

This is the siren call from the Academy of Sciences.

"Alert! Alert! Silly girl is low on energy, this service is over!"

This is a voice prompt from Sha Niu. She fell in the space-time tunnel, and Zhu Cheng and others also fell.

(End of this chapter)

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