Chapter 489

This person looks like Jiro.

When Shanshan saw You Suowei's appearance, he felt that he looked very much like Yang Jian, so he couldn't help becoming interested.

No, even under Zhu Cheng's perception, You Suowei and Yang Jian are exactly the same, even the location of the birthmark is exactly the same.

Could it be that Yang Jian also came to this world?
Out of this doubt, Zhu Cheng took out his spiritual mirror and visualized You Suowei's life.

You Suo was born in 89, did not take the first train of the post-90s generation, but took the last train of the post-80s generation.

He is the only son in his family, his parents are both earning a living, and his family conditions are not bad. He has received a good education since he was a child, and he himself is very competitive.

After graduating, he started his own business with the support of his family. From a small factory, he has become a giant in the food industry with a net worth of hundreds of millions before he was 40 years old. He plans to list the company this year.

Because all my heart is devoted to my career and I don’t have much free time, I’m still single so far. If I use an ancient word to describe it, it’s ‘Diamond King’s Old Five’, and if I use a slightly more recent word to describe it, it’s ‘Gao Fu Shuai’ .

Even for the vast majority of girls, being handsome comes first, and what he does is the kind of handsome. (Having said that, Jiao Enjun is so handsome, just like me)
"The family background is clean, he is not Erlang, but why do they look exactly the same?" Zhu Cheng frowned.

He was puzzled. Normally, with his strength, he shouldn't be troubled, but he really couldn't understand this question.

It feels like Yang Jian and You Suowei were made by the same model.

"Could it be reincarnation?" Shanshan guessed.

"No, the body will change after reincarnation." Zhu Cheng immediately denied the answer.

"Come on, let's go and have a look." Zhu Cheng took Shan Shan's hand, walked through the wall and entered Block A, the villa You Suowei bought.

"From today onwards, you will live here. If you need anything, please tell me. As long as I can do it, I will try my best to do it." You Suowei said to King Huangmei and his party.

"Understood, Mr. You." Wang Tianba and the other three thieves nodded repeatedly, their eyes full of little stars.

Mansions, it's normal that they can't even enter the door, even though they are thieves, this kind of high-end residential area has always been a restricted area.

"It's too small. My original cave could accommodate five hundred apprentices." Unexpectedly, the king with yellow eyebrows would dislike the villa where the three thieves were one of them.

"Eh—be patient for a while, and I'll buy you a bigger one when I make money, and the whole village will buy it for you." You Suowei could only fool around like this.

"Ah, alright, alright." The Yellow-browed King sat down on the chair as soon as You Suowei said that.

"Apprentices, let me squeeze your shoulders, beat your legs, and soak your feet for the master." The king with yellow eyebrows clearly arranged the three people.

"Master, this..." Wang Tianba was not happy, because when the Yellow-browed King pointed at him, the words landed on Bubble's feet.

Although he, Wang Tianba, is a thief, he is also a dignified thief. He really can't do things like washing people's feet to buy dignity.

"Why, you don't want to?" The Yellow-browed King was not happy, and his right hand was clawed to make a move.

"Hey!" You Suowei stopped immediately, "Huang Mei, just pinch your shoulders and beat your legs, and wash your feet by yourself."


"Think about it, if someone asked you to wash his feet, how would you feel?"

"I'll kill him!" The Yellow-Browed King would go crazy when he thought of the scene where he lowered his head to wash people's feet. I didn't even wash that fat man's big feet of Maitreya Buddha.

"Don't do to others what you don't want to do to yourself. Although they are your disciples, they are human beings first. You must know that scholars can be killed but not humiliated." You Suowei said.

"Okay, I'll listen to you." The Yellow-browed King shouted at Wang Tianba: "Thank you, Mr. You!"

"Thank you, Mr. You, thank you, Mr. You." Naturally, Wang Tianba thanked him repeatedly.

"Why are you three still standing there, pinching your shoulders and kicking your legs?"

"Oh oh..." Sun Feiyan squeezed her shoulders, Wang Tianba and Xiao Wu each had one leg, and began to pinch for the yellow-browed king diligently.

"Mr. You, do you have anything else to do? Go back if you have nothing to do." The Yellow-Browed King closed his eyes enjoying himself, and waved his hands at what You did.

"Okay, I'll pick you up tomorrow." The Yellow-browed King issued an order to evict guests, and You Suowei left the key and left.

Seeing his retreating back, Zhu Cheng said to Shan Shan, "He seems to be unable to suppress this weasel."

Zhu Cheng thought: "How about I help him, kill it directly, and cook a pot of soup for you to replenish your body."

"Weasel stew, forget it." Shan Shan shook his head and refused.

"Don't just kill and kill. It's not easy for him to cultivate into a human form, and I see that he doesn't have evil spirits all over his body. He should kill less. He is a good monster." Zhu Cheng hurt the killer.

The Yellow-browed King naturally didn't know, just now he escaped a fatal disaster, and was still immersed in the enjoyment of his apprentices pinching their legs and beating their shoulders.

"Ding dong! Ding dong!"

Doorbell rang.

It's not Block A but Block B's doorbell. A security guy is standing at the door holding a courier, looking nervous at the screen on the doorbell.

This is a high-end villa complex, and casual people are not allowed to enter. Although the courier brother is a 'big army', he is a miscellaneous army after all.

The entry threshold for employees is low, and the personnel composition is too complicated. It is impossible for the security guards to verify their identities one by one.

Therefore, for the sake of safety, the property here puts all the couriers in the reception room, and then the security guards deliver them to the door. In this way, the owner does not need to make a trip, and the safety is better guaranteed.

"Go, go get the courier."

Zhu Cheng took Shanshan's hand and went back to Block B, and opened the door.

"Hi, hello, this is your courier." The security guard handed over the courier timidly.

"Thank you." Shanshan took it and closed the door.

The security guy finally got his heart out. It was his first day at work today. The captain said he would give himself a good job and delivered all the couriers. By the way, he could get acquainted with the environment of the community and get to know the owners.

It's just that he is timid and not good at communicating with people, so he was so nervous to deliver the courier for a while, and he didn't dare to look up at people, which completely failed the captain's painstaking efforts.

Besides, Shanshan, she got a tightly wrapped courier, how to do it tightly?
The tape was wrapped around and around, and it was almost impossible to start.


However, Shan Shan drew out his sword and threw the courier in the air. After a few sword strikes, the package was cut into pieces like snowflakes, but the book fell into Shan Shan's hand intact.

Zhu Cheng's jaw dropped when he saw this scene.

Ladies, if you unpack a courier, you will get a fairy weapon?
I don’t know if this courier is a blessing for several lifetimes, and the author who wrote this book is even more blessed to be named by my family.

Just look at the title of the book, it reads "I have a system as an assist" in large characters, and when you open it, it is indeed a good book.

"Lu Xiaoqian!"


Block A was watching TV, but the king with yellow eyebrows hit the TV ruthlessly, smashing it to pieces with a mace.

Just now on a TV show, he saw Lu Xiaoqian who could fly into the sky.

"The Flying Man is on the move. It seems that Lu Xiaoqian chose to be a Superman, but he didn't disappoint me." Zhu Cheng laughed.

(End of this chapter)

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