The system starts from the first in the world

Chapter 498 is dead now, the future will be established

Chapter 498 is dead now, the future will be established

"Brother Zhu, you can't come out." The flying man Lu Xiaoqian opened his arms to block Zhu Bajie.

"Xiaoqian, you can't cheat me like this. Do you know how I live these days? I can't eat well and sleep well. The pillow has never been wet, and I haven't snored..." Zhu Bajie So crying.

"Aren't I the same, bear with it, this plague was caused by you, so just treat it as atonement?" Lu Xiaoqian persuaded.

"I don't." Zhu Bajie shook his head and said, "What did you say that I provoked you? Don't want me to take the blame. If you didn't bring me to 2020 and let me help you fight the Yellow Eyebrow King, can you do this now?"

"Ah, yes, I helped you beat the Yellow Eyebrow King, and I was beaten up by him. I didn't ask you for compensation, did I? I didn't have any credit or hard work for that trip. Why are you dreaming like this? Grinding and killing pigs, and finally saying that it was all my fault, it is unreasonable."

"You can't bully honest people, and you even single out me, an honest person, to bully you."

Flying man Lu Xiaoqian was at a loss for words for a while, for some reason, he felt that what Zhu Bajie said made sense at the end, as if he really went to Gao Laozhuang by himself, and fooled him into saying that he would help him find a wife in 2020,

After Huyou came, he didn't keep his promise, not to mention, he had a fight with the Yellow Eyebrow King on the spot. If it wasn't for the fast time travel, he almost lost his life, and he was almost fooled by him.

The flying man Lu Xiaoqian could even say that he owed Zhu Bajie his life.

"Catch him! Catch him! It has been determined that he is the source of the virus, and he must not be let go."

The medical staff came out and said.

"Brother Pig, even if you talk about flowers today, I can't let you go. The people of the whole earth are waiting for you to save them." Block Zhu Bajie's way with his scalp.

"Then don't blame me, ah!"

Zhu Bajie's temper is also not good, and the nine-tooth nail rake smashed it down.

Fortunately, the flying man Lu Xiaoqian has been training himself in the past few months, and he is no longer so vulnerable.


The nine-toothed rake hit the marble, and a big hole appeared.

"Make it for me!"

But seeing the flying man Lu Xiaoqian flying in the air, pointing the sword finger of his right hand at Zhu Bajie, even if there is an invisible data rope to tie Zhu Bajie together.


Unexpectedly, Zhu Bajie, the pig, went berserk, his strength was greatly increased, he broke free in less than three seconds, and used the nine-toothed rake to dig towards Lu Xiaoqian.


Lu Xiaoqian didn't expect that Zhu Bajie could break free so quickly. After all, even the king with yellow eyebrows would need ten seconds to break free, so when the rake came towards him, he could only instinctively reach out to block it.

With his hands crossed on top of his head, he was firmly hit by the nine-toothed rake.


Flying man Lu Xiaoqian was smashed to the ground, injured his internal organs and spit out blood.

"Hahahaha..." Zhu Bajie laughed, raked the nine-toothed nail around his neck, and then walked forward.

"Stop him!"

I don't know who yelled, and the soldier rushed up with the electric baton.


"Ah ah ah..."

Zhu Bajie made a beauty salon for free.

"Oh oh oh..." But he didn't fall down, but shook his head, and the pig's body shook so much that he threw away a group of soldiers.

"Hahaha... mortals want to be with me too." Zhu Bajie was triumphant, thinking that no one would be able to stop him.

"go back."

A majestic voice came from the sky.

After a while, Zhu Bajie disappeared in place.

"Hey hey hey, efficiency, efficiency, quickly install the glass in my room, one or two, you want to get infected, right?" Zhu Bajie sat cross-legged on his bed and said a cheap word.

Whose is that majestic voice?
The one who can scare the rebellious Zhu Bajie back with just two words is naturally only Zhu Cheng.

So where is Zhu Cheng now?

It's not that he wants to become a monk, and he finally found Shanshan, so he is reluctant to become a monk. Besides, the bald head style is not in his style library.

He came to the temple to look for Maitreya Buddha and Wang Wukong, but he mainly came to look for Maitreya Buddha.

At this time, Maitreya Buddha is directing a group of monks to build a temple. The old temple has been destroyed, and a new one needs to be built. To build a real temple, not only stand in the world, but also live in the heart.

Once you enter the Buddhist gate, you are a disciple of the Buddha. You should take the salvation of all living beings as your mind, cultivate yourself, set an example, and alert the world.

"Wukong pays homage to the Great Tianzun, and to the Lord of the Mountain." Wukong lived in the tree, so he was the first to see Zhu Cheng and Shanshan coming, so he rushed to pay his respects.

Wukong's voice attracted Maitreya's attention, and he turned his head, seeing the arrival of Zhu Cheng and his wife, they also rushed to see the ceremony.

"Maitreya pays homage to the Great Heavenly Venerable, the Goddess of the Mountain." After Maitreya worshiped, he also greeted the monks who built the house: "Disciples, come and pay respects to the true God."

"Meet the true God."

A group of monks have been brainwashed by Maitreya during this period of time. It is definitely what Maitreya said, even if he told them to gnaw their toes, they would not hesitate.

"Your enlightenment is really effective." Zhu Cheng praised and affirmed Maitreya's educational ability. He could see that these monks were not under any spells, but were completely persuaded by Maitreya.

"Don't dare to be a great heavenly deity, hahaha..." Maitreya said humbly with his mouth wide open.

"Let me ask you, at this moment, is it the present or the future?" Zhu Cheng looked into Maitreya's eyes.

Maitreya's body swayed, layered belly wave after wave, and the smile on his face disappeared, replaced by a serious face.

"I am dead now, but I will stand in the future. I am Maitreya, the future Buddha, and I will be reborn as Maitreya Buddha in the future."

With Maitreya's last call, a big golden Buddha statue appeared in the sky. Not only this side of the world, but the whole earth, as long as you look up, you will be able to see the kind big fat man who is smiling at you.

Zhu Cheng's words broke Maitreya's obsession, made him recognize the present and himself clearly, and at this time he proved the Tao.

But in this dharma-ending age, he is the only one who attains the Tao, and it can even be said that he is the only god, and all sentient beings' vows to God are concentrated on him.

Let's put it this way, although he is still a quasi-sage when he returns to the world of Lotus Lantern, but in 2020 he is a real saint who can destroy the world with a single thought.

The reason why Zhu Cheng enlightened him was not because his heart was towards Buddhism, but because his heart was towards human beings.

"Since you have become enlightened, the Buddha here will suppress the plague, don't let it spread, and don't let it worsen." Zhu Cheng said.

As a saint here, Maitreya Buddha will do this more easily than Zhu Cheng.

"Maitreya obeys." Wei Laofo clasped his hands together and performed boundless magic to contain the plague.

Thanks to Zhu Bajie’s cooperation with Future Buddha, the disease was brought under control, and the vaccine was developed a month later, and after three months of injections, the global plague caused by a pig finally subsided.

The world seems to be back to how it was before.

"Boom! Boom!"

An unprecedented earthquake came.

(End of this chapter)

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