The system starts from the first in the world

Chapter 5 Return to the Sea Revlon

Chapter 5 Return to the Sea Revlon

Sixth Chapter 7 [-] in [-]
Ancient times are very, very boring to a modern person.Although Zhu Cheng was originally an otaku, it was based on the premise that he could play with his mobile phone and computer at home. In addition to the beautiful scenery in ancient times, it seems that there is really nothing interesting.

So unwilling to be lonely, Zhu Cheng embarked on a road of no return - visiting Qinglou.

Zhu Cheng had a day's journey and was going to the city to rest for the night and have dinner by the way. Eating dry food every day is really crazy.

Zhu Cheng passed by the 'Firework Building' with red lanterns hanging, and a woman greeted her with a handkerchief at the door.

"Young man, come and play." The woman waved to Zhu Cheng and stepped forward.

"No, no." Zhu Cheng lowered his head, wanting to walk away.He was a little uneasy, he had never had such close contact with a woman in his life, his heart beat a little faster.

"Don't be shy, come on, just take a look." Just like that, Zhu Cheng stepped into the fireworks building.

As soon as you enter it, it is wonderful, and unsightly scenes abound.While Zhu Cheng was shy, he couldn't help feeling a little excited. Is this the legendary Qinglou? It's really an eye-opener.

"Is the young master coming back?" A bustard came forward to meet him.

"Yeah." Zhu Cheng nodded shyly.

"Oh, I see you are shy. How about it, I am still in the eyes of the young master?" The old bustard asked with a smile.

"Alright, alright."

"There are rough people in the hall. With your identity, you should go to the private room upstairs. Come and I will take you up there." The old bustard has good eyes, and it can be seen that Zhu Cheng is not short of money.

"Okay." Zhu Cheng was like a marionette, saying what the old bustard said.There is no way, even though his martial arts are world-class, he is still a Chu brother who has never seen the world, not what others say.

The layout of the private room was very festive and gorgeous, with the feeling of a bridal chamber. Zhu Cheng immediately blushed, his neck was thick, his heart was in his throat, and his lips were dry.


"My lord, what do you need?" the old bustard asked.

"I'm hungry, prepare some meals."

"No problem, what do you want, girl?"

"Yes, is there a first time?" Zhu Cheng spoke like a mosquito.

"Pfft..." The bustard cast a knowing look and left the room with a smile.

"Huh—" Zhu Cheng breathed a sigh of relief, sat down quickly and poured himself a glass of water, then looked at the door.

Boom, boom, boom... Zhu Cheng could hear his heartbeat clearly.

Zhu Cheng was anxious and hesitant.This is not good, this is against the law; no, this is ancient times, it is not against the law to come to Qinglou, if a literati comes, he can still get a reputation as a romantic and talented scholar.

Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy.

"My lord, I kept you waiting for a long time. Today I want our Feng'er to serve you. She just came out of the cabinet today." The old bustard turned her head with a smile, only to find that there was no one behind her.

"Damn girl, come in for me." The old bustard walked out of the door angrily, and pushed a girl in with her arms twisted. The girl was a typical Jiangnan woman, petite and exquisite, her hair reached her waist, she lowered her head and sobbed silently.

"Damn girl, raise your head, let the young master see clearly." The old bustard held Feng'er's chin roughly, and lifted her head up.

Feng'er is very handsome, her face is pitiful with pear blossoms and rain, she doesn't look like the girl in Fengyue Tower at all, but looks like a daughter of a rich family.

"Young master, are you in love?"

Zhu Cheng swallowed his saliva, and said, "That's it, just her." It's great to have this kind of beauty, and he is not greedy for the beauty of the sky, the appearance of Xishi, and he is too thin-skinned to open his mouth to change it. one.

"Feng'er, you have to serve the young master well, if you are a little bit negligent, see if I don't peel off your skin." The old bustard said viciously.

"Okay, you go out." Zhu Cheng didn't like the attitude of the bustard, how could he exploit the employees like this, and he didn't feel pity at all.

"A moment in spring night is worth a thousand pieces of gold, son, use it slowly, use it slowly." The old bustard walked away with a smile, and closed the door behind her.

Only Zhu Cheng and Feng Er were left in the room, as well as a table of sumptuous food and wine.Feng'er is a virgin, and it's also Zhu Cheng's first time. Although he has watched many small movies, his actual combat experience is indeed zero. How to start this next step?

Zhu Cheng originally thought about it. If you come to consume by yourself, someone professional should guide you, and you can just lie down on your own.But Feng'er just stood there, bowed her head and said nothing, creating an awkward atmosphere.

"Ahem," Zhu Cheng couldn't hold back anymore, and his heart would jump out if he didn't speak, "Girl, have you eaten yet?"

Feng'er didn't speak, but shook her head slightly.

"It just so happens that I didn't eat either. Let's sit down and eat together." Zhu Cheng pointed to the seat next to him.

Feng'er still didn't speak, but shook her head.

"You're welcome, I'm treating you." Zhu Cheng pulled Feng'er to sit down, and then began to eat.

Usually Zhu Cheng doesn't drink alcohol, but today is a big day, so he poured himself a glass, and poured Feng'er a glass by the way.

"Eat, eat." Seeing that Feng'er was not moving her chopsticks, Zhu Cheng picked up food for her. Maybe she felt that Zhu Cheng was not a bad person, not the stinky man that her sisters said, or maybe she was really hungry. Start eating.

"..." Zhu Cheng was stunned. Are ancient girls so powerful?Such a good appetite?Zhu Cheng saw that Feng'er was not enough to eat, so he gave Feng'er his bowl of rice.

"Thank you." Feng'er finally said the first sentence since entering the room.

Zhu Cheng didn't know how she lived these days, because she didn't obey the management, she didn't want to announce it.The old bustard locked him in a small dark room without even a candle, and only gave him a bowl of porridge a day. She was so hungry that she had no strength to cry.Now she is the only one left in the building who has not left the pavilion, and the old bustard drove her here with a stick this time.

"Ahem" eating anxiously and talking again, Feng'er choked.

"Drink water, drink water." Zhu Cheng hurriedly brought tea to Feng'er, and Feng'er took it and couldn't help but kiss her skin, and her eyes met.

Boom, boom, the deer bumped, they seemed to be able to hear each other's heartbeat.

"Young master, you are so kind."

"Alright, okay." Zhu Cheng smiled naively, retracted his hand and kept looking at Feng'er from the corner of his eye.

This kind of feeling made Zhu Cheng feel that when he was back in high school, it was a pity that dating was forbidden during school, otherwise he might have children, and he would not fall in love after graduation. The family was anxious and he was also anxious, but unfortunately there was no way.

"Where is the girl from?"


Just like that, the two began to chat sentence by sentence, and the relationship became closer. Zhu Cheng always felt that he needed to do something, otherwise he would fail the layout here, but how should we start?

Girl, let's rest at night.Hehehe, I'm sorry
No, you can't shrink back, you have to break through, you have to break through, you have to break through whatever you say today, and become a real man.

But how to start?Zhu Cheng is really a good student. If this matter was put into modern times, he wouldn't even dare to think about it, let alone come in. He would rely on his own martial arts being the best in the world and that he would not break the law if he did it in ancient times.

"My lord, it's late at night, let's rest."

Ah Le, I didn't expect Feng'er to take the initiative to speak.This is also normal, although she is unwilling to introduce it, but she must have done the pre-job training, she naturally knows how to start better than Zhu Cheng.

"Okay, okay." Zhu Cheng licked his lips, a little excited.

When the lights were blown, the curtains fell, and Shuangxi was rolled over by the waves, babbling and swallowing endlessly.One night of passion, the next morning.

"Get up, what are you doing kneeling?" Zhu Cheng saw Feng'er kneeling beside the bed as soon as he opened his eyes.

"My lord, help me, I don't want to stay here." Feng'er cried.

"Get up and talk."

"If the young master doesn't agree to help me redeem my body, Feng'er will kneel and die here. It is Feng'er's admiration to meet the young master before she dies. Feng'er only belongs to the young master." These words are so touching, so chaste, but always I feel something is wrong.Well, the occasion was wrong.

"It's just a redemption, no problem, you get up." For Zhu Cheng, who is rich and powerful, the small amount of money for redemption is too much.

"Thank you son, thank you son." Feng'er kowtowed like garlic, and Zhu Cheng also knew Feng'er's life experience.

Zhu Cheng really got it right. Feng'er's full name is Liu Feng, but she is the daughter of Yuanwai Liu in the city. However, Yuanwai Liu lost his fortune in business, and the creditor came to him and robbed her. .

Liu Yuanwai was anxious, and he confessed to his bad health within a few days after getting angry, and died. It was so pitiful that he didn't even leave the coffin, and the mat was rolled up and thrown into the mass grave.

Feng'er wanted to die when she heard the news, but she thought that she had never even visited her father's grave, which would be too unfilial, so she lingered on, was abused for a few days, and finally met Zhu Cheng.

"Old bustard, I bought Feng'er, please make a price."

"Ah, this girl Feng'er is really lucky to have met you as a noble person. It's just my son, Feng'er gave it to you the day before, and I spent a lot of time training her, otherwise I wouldn't be able to serve you comfortably Take it, I was hoping..." the old bustard said cracklingly.

"Stop talking nonsense, just ask the price directly." Of course Zhu Cheng understood that it was the old bustard who had sold Feng'er high, but it didn't matter, he was not short of money.

"Young master is really a cheerful person, you can take away 1000 people."

"You are robbing. I sold it for 50 taels, and now you want 1000 taels!" Feng'er became angry immediately, because the price increase is not the way to go.

"The 1000 taels are fine, and I will take them away." Zhu Cheng gave the bustard 1000 taels of banknotes and pulled Feng Er out of the fireworks building.

"It's really a blessing." The sisters in the Firework House couldn't help but envy.

"What are you looking at! Envy, don't envy any of you, who told you that your parents didn't give you a beautiful face."

The old bustard muttered: "But this girl is not a fuel-efficient lamp, and the young master must suffer."

Of course Zhu Cheng didn't know this, he took Feng'er out of the fireworks building and went to the mass grave to find Feng'er's father, and spent some money for a generous burial.Then he bought Feng'er's original house from the creditor, and it was regarded as a home for himself in this city.

"Feng'er, I'm leaving. Take good care of your house. Keep the house and land deeds, don't lose them." Zhu Cheng instructed.

"Husband, can't I go with you?" Feng Er's tears rolled in her eyes.

"There are high mountains and long rivers all the way, you can't bear it." Zhu Cheng is sympathizing with the fragrance and cherishing the jade. He just went to see his hometown hundreds of years ago, and he didn't really go home to visit his relatives. On the road to toss scattered.

"Well, I'm here waiting for my husband to come back."

To have a wife out of nowhere is a miracle in this world.But it's not a bad feeling, having a home of your own and someone waiting for you.It is also good to have such a place of spiritual sustenance in this foreign land of the Ming Dynasty. After seeing the "hometown", I will come back and live happily with Fenger.

Zhu Cheng is a very easy-to-satisfy person. Even though he is now the best in martial arts, he never thought about competing for the leader of the martial arts, or making a name for himself.

There is no shortage of money, as long as the wife and children are warm on the kang.Plain life is life.

Unfortunately, he thought too much.Thieves can't look down on people.

The sun is shining brightly here, the breeze is blowing and the fragrance of flowers is also present, but it is a pity that the singing of birds is missing.Zhu Cheng smelled a bloody smell in the air.

"Help! Help!" A young man covered in blood ran towards Zhu Cheng. It was obvious that he was seriously injured when he saw him swaying in three steps and falling in five steps.

"Help, save me." The man asked Zhu Cheng for help.

Zhu Cheng got off the horse with a chivalrous heart, and helped the young man up.

"Young hero, help, someone is going to kill me." The man panicked for a while, but before Zhu Cheng could ask him a question, another man appeared in front of him. He was holding a knife in his hand with a murderous look on his face, and there was blood on the knife.

"Brother, it's him, it's him." The bloody man hugged Zhu Cheng's thigh and pointed at the man with the knife.

When did you become his big brother?Zhu Cheng frowned.

"You still have a party, draw your sword." Sure enough, the man with the sword had misunderstood, but his arrogant appearance really made people uncomfortable, as if he was number one in the world.

"That depends on whether you have the ability." Zhu Cheng is not used to the bad temper of men with swords.Even though he is a good talker, a master should never be underestimated, especially when he has the best strength in the world.

"Looking for death!" the man with the knife yelled angrily, and slashed towards Zhu Cheng with a knife.

The man with the knife fixed his eyes, knowing that he would not try again when he met a master, and poured his true energy into the knife.I don't know if it's an illusion or doubt, but I just feel that the knife has become a murderous monster, extremely ferocious and evil.

"Kill!" The man with the sword yelled, and dozens of swords attacked Zhu Cheng.Sword Qi can only be released by a master, even the greatest masters in the world dare not resist the sword Qi.

However, except for Zhu Cheng.

It's just a mere saber energy, but can it break through its own defense?Zhu Cheng didn't even need to transform himself, he just slapped the saber energy away with one palm, and the aftermath generated was to knock the man with the saber back five steps.

"So strong." The face of the man with the knife was flushed, obviously holding back his blood.

"Brother, you are really powerful, kill him, kill him." The bloody man shouted from the side.

"Why did he kill you?"

"He robbed us." The Bloody Man said very briefly.

"A robber?" Zhu Cheng couldn't help but look up and down at the man with the knife.Huh, it looks familiar.Ah, isn't this Gui Hai Bai Lian, Gui Hai Yi Dao's father?He is a robber?

It should be that Lian Ah Bi Dao San Dao had a brain problem, so he killed people indiscriminately.I wish you so much.

But how did Zhu Cheng know that the current Guihai Bailian didn't get the three swords of Ah Bi Dao, even if he dominated the world, he didn't get it.Zhu ignored those two cheat books and hadn't given them to him yet.

"In this case, let's send you to Shaolin." Zhu Cheng was going to win the Guihai Bailian and send him to Shaolin to eliminate demons.With the help of Jiejie, Guihai Yidao was able to return to normal with the addition of the Demon Elimination Pill, and it would also be able to eliminate demons for Guihai Bailian.In this way, Guihai Yidao's broken family can be saved.

When Zhu Cheng watched the TV series No. [-] in the World, he felt pitiful for Gui Hai.After searching hard for more than ten years, the person who killed his father and enemy turned out to be his own mother. After finally falling in love with him secretly and becoming a lover, he was killed by Liusheng Piaoxu. Now that he has met Zhu Cheng, of course he has to help.

"Stop!" Just as Zhu Cheng was walking towards Gui Hai Bai Lian, Lu Hua Nong flew to appear.When she was young, Lu Huanong was very beautiful. She was wearing a blue dress, her long hair was fluttering, and her face was full of collagen.

"The young hero is not a bandit, right?" Lu Huanong said while supporting Gui Hai Bailian.

"A robber, of course I am not." My buddy is not short of money, so there is no need to rob.

"He's a bandit. They robbed the caravan. We happened to pass by and rescued him, but he escaped, so we chased him down." Lu Huanong pointed at the bloody man and said.

"No, brother, don't listen to her, she's talking nonsense." The Bloody Man categorically denied it. If he admitted it, his life would be lost.

"Do you think I'm a fool? Who would bring his wife out to rob, and she's such a beautiful wife." Zhu Cheng angrily kicked the bloody man out.

I said why this kid called himself big brother as soon as he came up, so he used himself as a gunman.No matter how bastard Gui Hai Bailian is, he can't take his wife out to rob houses, and it seems that Gui Hai Bailian's state doesn't seem to be possessed by demons.

Guihai Yidao's obsession was completely denied by his relatives, and he would never die.After seeing Zhu Cheng's powerful strength, Guihai Bailian showed deep fear and did not dare to act rashly.

"Young man, we are not husband and wife." Lu Huanon said shyly.

"Ah, oh." Zhu Cheng just remembered.Mom forced me to come too early, there are still more than ten years before the plot starts, and Guihai Bailian must not have learned to dominate the world at this moment.

According to the TV series, Gui Hai learned how to dominate the world with one knife, and within a few months, he became demonic.It will be at least a few years before Guihai Bailian wants to learn to dominate the world, otherwise Guihai Yidao would have no chance to be born.

"I, Zhu Cheng, I'm really sorry for hurting you." Zhu Cheng clasped his fists and apologized to Guihai Bailian.Just now, I was so stupid that I was used as a gunman by a little robber.It's still not enough experience in the world, alas, why doesn't he even have the most basic trust between people?

"Hum..." Gui Hai Bailian snorted coldly, how could this arrogant appearance have the same virtues as Gui Hai, he was indeed father and son.

Uh, why do these words look so awkward?Ah, forget it, anyway, just understand the meaning.

In comparison, Lu Huanong seemed much more polite. She gave Zhu Cheng an apologetic smile, and then said: "Little girl Lu Huanong, this is Guihai Bailian. What happened today was a misunderstanding. Now that the misunderstanding has been cleared up, let's leave now."

Lu Huanong wanted to help Gui Hai Bailian to leave.

"and many more."

"What else is there for the hero?"

"How should he deal with it?" Zhu Cheng was referring to the blood-bathed man. How should this robber be dealt with?
"He is already in the hands of the heroes, how to deal with it depends on the heroes."

"Uh, this, this..." Of course Zhu Cheng knows that the best way is to kill the bloody man, but, he has never killed a fish since he was a child, and now let him kill him all at once, he really did it less than.

"Ah! Do you think they still have accomplices, or we can give him a pot." Zhu Cheng said, so that he can perfectly cover up the fact that he dare not kill people.

"Hey, where is your cottage?" Zhu Cheng asked.

"On the mountain, our boss is still up there, but there are many forks in the mountain road, we must be led by someone." The bloody man hurriedly confessed, and very cleverly expressed that he was still valuable.

"Of course one pot is the best, but..." Lu Huanong couldn't help but glance at Gui Hai Bailian. Gui Hai Bailian was injured by the shock, and what he needs most now is to find a place to heal his injuries.

"I forgot." Zhu Cheng made a move immediately, losing a burst of true energy to Guihai Bailian.Guihai Bailian's internal injuries healed immediately, and his complexion returned to rosy.

Guihai Bailian nodded to Lu Huanong.

"Okay, let's go together with the heroes to destroy this group of robbers."

Immediately, the three of them formed a team to suppress the bandits, and under the guidance of Yu Xuenan, Gui Hai Bailian slashed the gate of the cottage and entered.

They are all rough guys, and at most they have practiced some crop moves, not to mention Gui Hai Bai Lian, even Lu Huanong can easily kill them all, so Zhu Cheng became a spectator, only watching Gui Hai Bai Lian's performance .

Pfft, Gui Hai Bailian left the last knife to the bloody man, declaring that all the bandits on this mountain were wiped out.

Looking at the corpses all over the floor, Zhu Cheng couldn't help but praise in his heart, it's amazing, this is simply killing people without blinking an eye.

"The robber has been eliminated, so let's go away." Zhu Cheng disappeared in an instant with lightness kung fu.

Do you know why he disappeared so quickly?
"Wow" he vomited.

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(End of this chapter)

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