Chapter 503 Heavenly Venerate
Jiuchen's master, the son of Mo Yuan, the No. [-] figure in the world lived on Tianzun Mountain, and the so-called Tianzun Mountain was the former Kunlun Xu.

As the saying goes, if the mountain is not high, there are immortals. The name of a mountain often depends on the people who live on the mountain. Because this mountain has lived two times before and after the Tianzun, so it was called Tianzun Mountain 10,000+ years ago.

Tianzun Mountain, the original Moyuan Cave Mansion, the cave gate is closed at this time, and the entrance of the cave has been restricted.

After Tianzun learned the news of Jiuchen's 'death in battle' 5 years ago, he was distraught, so he went into the cave for retreat, and has never come out so far.

Zhu Cheng looked at the cave, and immediately showed nostalgia. He turned his head and looked at one place. There was originally a lotus pond, which raised Yehua. Now the lotus pond is gone, and a flat ground has been replaced.

"Husband, is this the place where you have lived for tens of thousands of years?" Shanshan asked.

"Yes, and no. In the vicissitudes of life, things are not people." Zhu Cheng sighed, but he didn't know whether the people in the cave knew him or not.

"Disciple Jiuchen has returned from a calamity, and I respectfully invite Master to leave the gate." Jiuchen knelt down in front of the cave and kowtowed three times.


The cave door opened immediately, and an old man with white beard and hair and a haggard face came out from the middle.

"Jiu, disciple of Jiuchen." Looking at the kneeling man on the ground, the old man was so excited that his hands couldn't help shaking.

"Get up." The old man stepped forward to help Jiuchen up, and said with tears in his eyes, "It's good to be alive, it's good to be alive."

For the past 5 years, although he has been practicing in seclusion, he has never calmed down. Although he has also served as the God of War and is used to seeing life and death, this person is old, but he can't see it. His successor.

Now that he has returned from calamity, the heavens really have eyes.

"Are you Mo Yuan's son?" Zhu Cheng asked.

"You are?" Tianzun rubbed his teary eyes, finally saw Zhu Cheng's face clearly, and took three steps back in horror.

"Grandson Modi, I pay my respects to Grandpa and Grandma." Tianzun wanted Zhu Cheng and Shan Shan to kowtow on the spot.

The reason why he was named Mo Di was taken from the meaning of cleansing the universe, and he had nothing to do with Mo Di at all.

With just this claim, Zhu Cheng confirmed the identity of Mo Di, and the only one who can recognize mountains and mountains is Mo Yuan's lineage.

Zhu Cheng was not mistaken, when Mo Yuan taught Mo Di family history, he naturally talked about Zhu Cheng.

"Does Grandpa have a wife?" Mo Di asked.


"What does she look like?"

"It's like this." Mo Yuan immediately appeared out of the mountain and showed Mo Di, although he only saw it once, but the immortal remembers it clearly.

"No need to be polite, get up." Shanshan was a little embarrassed, after all, she had never been a mother before, and it was too exciting to have such a big grandson out of nowhere.

"Grandpa and grandma are back, do you want to announce to the world?" Mo Di asked.

"For the time being, I'm just here to revisit the old place, so there's no need to make a big fuss." Zhu Cheng is a low-key person, and he left suddenly, so there's no need for everyone to know about it.

"Grandpa and grandma, please." Mo Di respectfully invited Zhu Cheng and his wife into the cave, and then told Jiu Chen, "Jiu Chen, come and serve tea."

"Yes." In front of Zhu Cheng, the majestic God of War of the Celestial Clan had no choice but to act as a child.

As soon as he entered the cave, what caught his eye was a long picture scroll, which was the picture of all living beings drawn by Zhu Cheng when he came to this world at the beginning of the year.Unexpectedly, nearly a million years have passed, and it is still hanging here in the cave.

"Grandpa and grandma, please sit down."

Mo Di warmly greeted the two elders to sit down, while he stood bowed, pretending that he was just an ordinary elder.

"No need to be cautious, this is your cave, you can sit down too." Zhu Cheng was very easy-going, pointing to the opposite chair.


Mo Di did not refuse, sat down on the chair, but leaned forward, ready to stand up at any time.

"Patriarch, please drink tea, master."

At this time, Jiuchen God of War had already brewed tea and brought it up, the hot air curled up, and the venue was silent for a moment.

Facing his elders, Mo Di was respectful and respectful, and he had only seen their portraits, so he was not familiar with them. Even if he wanted to talk, he didn't know where to start.

Zhu Cheng is also in the same situation. Although this junior is said to be his own direct relative, it is the first time we meet today, and I don't know where to start the chatterbox.

As for Shan Shan, she didn't even know what to say, so she just picked up the tea and drank it.

The scene was cold for a long time, and finally Zhu Cheng asked, "How old are you this year?"

This is what the elders often ask the younger generation, but it is usually asked by those little kids. It is really not appropriate to ask such an old man with white beard and hair.

"The grandson is over 30 years old." Mo Di was taken aback, but still answered truthfully.

"At what age did Zheyan return to Chaos?" Zhu Cheng asked again.

"When my grandson is [-] years old, Zheyan's god body returns to Chaos."

"Where's Donghua?"

"When my grandson is [-] years old."

"With Donghua's cultivation base, why did he return to Chaos so early?" Zhu Cheng was surprised for a moment. It is said that his cultivation base is higher than Zheyan's, so it should be because he needs to live longer.

"When the demon clan was born, Emperor Donghua resisted desperately and suffered a lot of injuries, which led to his early return to chaos." Mo Di said.

"Oh, that's how it is." Zhu Cheng couldn't say he was sad when he heard it. Anyway, he knew that they were all dead, and he was already mentally prepared.

"Does he have any descendants?" Zhu Cheng asked.

"Emperor Donghua and Sister Fengjiu have a child, who is now the emperor of Qingqiu Wuhuang. The world calls it 'Old Fox in Qingqiu'. There is a litter of fox cubs under him, full of children and grandchildren." Speaking of his follower Mo Di was quite envious of his nephew who was about the same age.

"He is full of children and grandchildren, have you ever married a wife?" Zhu Cheng asked casually, but he didn't want to touch his heart.

When Mo Di joined the army, he did not know it was because of his mother Yaoguang Shangshen's relationship. He fell in love with a female general whose surname was 'Yuan' and fell in love with him at first sight. It was originally agreed to end the battle. marry.

Unexpectedly, the female general died in that battle, and died right in front of him. Since then, he has given up on the idea of ​​seeking the way, and only seeks the way, so he has only accepted two disciples over the years. : Jiuchen and Yunfengwai.

Unlike his father, Mo Yuan, who accepted seventeen disciples in one go.

Afterwards, Mo Di took good care of the Yuan family. It is also a famous family in this heaven, and has produced many outstanding generals. It is a pity that in the battle of Youdu Mountain 5 years ago, none of the 3000 men of the Yuan family survived. The huge Yuan family Only some old and weak women and children are left to support them.


Suddenly, Jiu Chen screamed, and his body was instantly frozen.

(End of this chapter)

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