Chapter 51
Tong Zhen didn't stop Zhu Cheng from going out of Shuiyuedongtian, and even hoped that Zhu Cheng would go with him.Tong Bo and Tong Zhan have never lived outside of Shuiyue Cave, and it is more reassuring to have Zhu Cheng, a clan member who has never come in from the future, accompany him.

If it weren't for the family rules, Tong Zhen would have wanted to go out to find his son.

A group of six people gathered in the library cave.The hell rock teleportation array was destroyed, they could only pass through the river below the library cave, and pass through the first barrier of the water moon cave.

The reason why the enchantment has this loophole is to keep a glimmer of life, not to pin all hopes on the teleportation array.Sure enough, the ancestors of the Tong clan were wise and left such a secret passage under the river channel of the library cave.

"Brother Tong, are you sure we want to jump off? The place is so high and the water is so deep, I'm afraid." Doudou said.

"It's okay, I'm here." Tong Bo said with a smile.Doudou nodded, as long as Big Brother Tong said it was fine, it was fine.

"But, I can't swim." Zhao Yun said this to Zhu Cheng.

"I'll take you with me." Zhu Cheng said with a smile.

"En." Zhao Yun nodded shyly.

"Ah, hurry up, the childlike innocence is still outside." Tong Zhan was very anxious, and was about to jump off the cliff with Yinxiu on his side.

"Wait a minute!" Zhu Cheng suddenly remembered something and stopped Tong Zhan from jumping off the cliff.

"For safety's sake, let me cast a water-avoiding spell on everyone." After Zhu Cheng finished speaking, he quickly recited the spell, and finally said three "go" characters in a row, and cast a water-avoiding spell on everyone.

The Water Avoidance Curse, as the name suggests, can be unimpeded in the water after being under this spell, and the water will automatically avoid you when it sees you, and you can breathe and speak like you are on land.

"My water-avoiding spell can only last for a quarter of an hour, remember to remember." If Zhu Cheng used the longevity formula skill to cast it, he would be able to maintain the water-avoiding spell for half an hour, but he didn't transform the skill much, he could only use poor quality Some jade body skills and internal strength.


Tong Zhan took Yinxiu, Tong Bo took Doudou, Zhu Cheng took Zhao Yun and jumped into the water with three plops.

"Can they all breathe?" Zhu Cheng looked at the crowd. This was the first time he cast the Water Avoidance Curse consecutively, lest there be any accidents.

"No problem." Everyone tried it, and they could breathe normally in the water, and the water avoidance spell was all successful.

"All follow me." Yinxiu led the crowd to the Hanoi Passage, and after walking for about 10 minutes, they saw the exit.

"There is the exit, let's go quickly."

"it is good."

Yinxiu is in the front, Zhu Cheng is in the middle, and Tong Bo is behind.Everyone came out, but Tong Bo was the only one missing.

"Where's Brother Tong, Brother Tong?" When Doudou turned around, Tong Bo was nowhere to be seen, and Tong Bo was clearly following behind her just now.

"What! Big brother! Big brother!" Tong Zhan shouted towards the water.

Gudong Gudong, it was fifteen minutes, and Tong Zhan choked on a big mouthful of water.

"Hey, hey!" Yinxiu hurriedly stretched out his hand to push Tong Zhan to the surface of the water.

"Cough cough cough, big brother is still down there, big brother." Tong Zhan was very anxious, among the three brothers, he was the most emotional and also the most emotional.

"I'll go find him." Doudou took a deep breath and was about to dive.

"Come back to me." Zhao Yun grabbed Doudou.She didn't want her younger sister to lose her life because of a man, and Doudou's water skills were not very good.

"Don't worry, Tong Bo will be fine." As soon as Zhu Cheng finished speaking, waves rose not far away.

"Wow" Tong Bo came out from the bottom of the water.

"Brother, where have you been?" Tong Zhan asked.

"I saw a strange thing underwater." Tong Bo raised a stone mirror in his hand.

"Ah, what's so strange about a stone." Tong Zhan only had Tong Bo's safety in his eyes, and as for the stone, he walked aside.

"I don't know gold inlaid with jade" Zhu Cheng cursed in his heart, is that a stone?Is it a stone?That is the mirror!Mirror!

If you talk about what is the most miraculous treasure in the Water Moon Cave, it must be the spiritual mirror.It can not only predict the future, but also bring people back to life. The most important thing is that it has its own wisdom.

Take the TV series Shuiyuedongtian as an example. He can play its prophecy or Yin Zhong's picture 500 years ago at the right time, and he can also wander around.

Jump from this river to that river.

"Let's go ashore first." Zhu Cheng couldn't wait to see the mirror.

"Okay." Everyone walked forward and landed on the shore.

"Tong Bo, show me that stone." Zhu Cheng deliberately pretended to be calm, but in fact his heart was already in a state of turmoil.

Lingjing, baby, quickly come to brother's arms.

"Here." Tong Bo unsuspectingly handed the mirror to Zhu Cheng, and Zhu Cheng took it and looked at it up and down.

The spiritual mirror has been turned into a stone mirror since 500 years ago, and it is not known whether it was sealed or fell dormant due to lack of energy, just like Zhu Cheng's arrogant system.

"This dragon is really lifelike." There are two dragons on the frame of the spirit mirror, they are lifelike, they are definitely not carved, they are simply natural.

"I told you guys, stop tinkering with rocks, go and pick up some firewood to bake your clothes, or you will get sick. My old man can't take care of the five of you." Yinxiu asked everyone to pick up firewood, Zhu Cheng didn't say a word He put the spirit mirror in his arms.

The big gift bag from heaven is about to be collected.

Zhu Cheng glanced at Tong Bo, he didn't take it seriously, and went to collect firewood with Doudou.

"Big Brother."

"!!!" Guilty as a thief, Zhu Cheng was startled by Zhao Yun's shout, "Ah, what?"

"Let's go over there to collect firewood." Zhao Yun pointed to the east.

"Okay, okay." Zhu Cheng wiped off his cold sweat and went to collect firewood with Zhao Yun.

The common people are so happy today.The big gift bag from the sky, the big gift bag from the sky, wow ha ha ha...

"Brother, it's not good, something happened to Yinxiu!" Just a few steps away, Tong Zhan's cry for help came from there.

Everyone hurried over, only to see the old urchin Yinxiu was hanging by a few vines, swinging leisurely on the swing.

"Ah, save me. Ah, save me quickly." Yinxiu called for help miserably.Well, I would be wrong, he is not leisurely at all.

"What's going on?" Tong Bo asked Tong Zhan.

"I don't know, Yinxiu was hanging up while picking up firewood." Tong Zhan also didn't know why.

"It's the living forest enchantment." Zhu Cheng said, this kind of enchantment is recorded in the enchantment overview.

"What is the Living Forest Barrier?" Everyone asked.

"Give me an overview of the enchantment."


Zhu Cheng took the enchantment overview and soon found the living forest enchantment.The Living Forest Barrier is a defensive barrier set up by the Tong family to prevent outsiders from entering and exiting the Shuiyue Cave. When entangled by trees and vines, it will release enchanting incense, no matter how high your cultivation level is, you will faint.

However, the Tong clan is kind-hearted and will naturally save someone a chance, even if that person is an enemy.So leave a weak point for this tree, 'itchy', as long as you scratch its vines, it will be automatically untied.

"Where is the Laughing Spring?"

"Don't worry about it, just scratch it from top to bottom."

A group of five people separated the tree, and it was unknown who scratched the laughing spring in the tree, and the tree vines untied with a whoosh.

"Pa" Yinxiu fell heavily to the ground.

"Ah, ah, you don't know how to catch me, I'm an old man." Yinxiu complained while supporting his old waist.

"Okay, it's going to be dark if this goes on like this, so it's still hot." Tong Zhan didn't bother to talk to Yinxiu.

Don't look at Yinxiu with white hair and white beard who is more than 100 years old, but his body is great, not inferior to the young man at all, let alone such a fall, even if he falls ten times or eight times, he will be fine.

He just likes to be coquettish and cute.As a student of Yinxiu, Tong Zhan has already seen Yinxiu thoroughly.

"Go, go, ah, go quickly." You see, Yin Xiu is no longer excited, setting up a fire for everyone to keep warm.

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(End of this chapter)

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