Chapter 512 Double Full Law

Lingxi had a new body, and the original body full of demonic energy was directly burned by Zhu Cheng, even the demonic energy was burned.

The fire that Zhu Cheng sends out is certainly not ordinary fire.

Although Lingxi wanted to have a bridal chamber on the spot, but as a traditional man, Jiuchen couldn't be so irresponsible. It was necessary for the matchmaker to marry Lingxi and let her marry into Fuyun Palace in a graceful manner.

Wait a minute, here's a big problem.

If it was just Taolin Lingxi, it would be a matter of course for her to marry into Fuyun Palace, but now it is no longer possible, she is still the biological daughter of Lord Lingyue, and she is also the only heir.

That is to say, after Lingyue returns to Chaos, Lingxi will succeed the king of the mountain spirit world. How can the king of a country marry someone else? He should recruit a son-in-law.

However, Jiuchen is the indispensable God of War of the Celestial Clan. If Jiuchen marries to the Mountain Spirit Realm, what will the Celestial Clan War Department do?
"It's simple, it's fine if I don't become the lord of the country." Lingxi said, but she is not greedy for the position of lord of a country at all. She never thought of being able to occupy a high position. A little fairy in Taolin, just a beloved daughter of Uncle Le.

"Nonsense." Lingyue scolded, she and her daughter have been separated for 5 years, so she wants to give the best to her daughter, and after she returns to chaos, the mountain spirit world also needs to have a master, otherwise even if the mountain The smallness of the spirit world will also lead to great chaos.

"Jiuchen, are you willing to give up the position of God of War and marry to the mountain spirit world?" Shanshan asked Jiuchen. In fact, Lingyue wanted to ask the same question, but her status was not much nobler than Jiuchen.

"I, I..." Jiu Chen hesitated, men always put their career first, and it sounds like they are marrying into the Mountain Spirit Realm, isn't that just a marriage.

As a traditional man, Jiu Chen was a bit hard to accept.

"Well, you Jiuchen, my daughter is willing to give up the position of king for you, but you can't let go of the position of God of War!" Seeing Jiuchen's hesitation, Lingyue immediately became angry.

It's a shame that my daughter treats you with all her heart and soul, but you treat her like this.

"Mother—" Lingxi didn't want to embarrass Jiuchen, so she acted coquettishly in Lingyue's arms.

"Stupid daughter, no one likes you." Lingyue felt anxious for her daughter.

But it's not bad for her to say so. Jiu Chen didn't say that he really fell in love with Lingxi now, but it was out of a man's responsibility, and it was because of Lingxi's kiss that opened his heart.

You said that as in the original book, love is life-threatening, love is not hesitating life, then there is absolutely no such thing.

Love is a process of slow accumulation, like old wine, it will definitely get better with age.Of course, it is under the condition of not being opened, if someone breaks through, it will become an enemy.

"That's right, Jiuchen, my daughter has lost her sincerity, how could you treat her like this!"

Shanshan's mother-in-law also began to criticize Jiuchen, but she was speechless at what Jiuchen said, and even blamed herself a little, feeling very ashamed of Lingxi.

Damn stuff.

"Cough cough cough..." Zhu Cheng finally couldn't stand it any longer, and smoothed things over by saying, "I have a way to kill two birds with one stone."


All of a sudden, everyone's eyes were on Zhu Cheng, wanting to see how he could get the best of both worlds.

"The core issue is the king of Shanling Kingdom, the issue of succession, right?"

"En." Everyone nodded.

"It doesn't necessarily have to be Lingxi's succession, her child can succeed the king of Shanling Kingdom." Zhu Cheng laughed.

"Child? I haven't yet..." Lingxi panicked immediately, godfather, how could you say that, I'm still a big girl, you know this better than anyone else.

"Silly daughter, when you two get married, you will naturally have children." Lingyue slapped Lingxi on the forehead angrily.

Lingxi suddenly realized, and then his face turned red, and he looked at Jiuchen shyly. Jiuchen's old face was not natural, but it was not as rosy as Lingxi.

"Husband, you are so smart." Shan Shan kissed Zhu Cheng on the cheek in front of everyone, leaving a faint lip mark, which made Zhu Cheng at a loss.

Once the matter is finalized, it is difficult for the two parties, Lingxi and Jiuchen, to participate in the specific details of the marriage, and the parents of both parties need to discuss it.

When Jiuchen was a child, the whole family gave their lives for the slaughter of demons, and the only elder was Mo Di Tianzun who was like a master and a father.

On Lingxi's side, although Le Bo is not her biological father, he is always qualified to be the parent after raising her for 5 years, as the saying goes:
A mother is not as big as a father.

Moreover, Lingyue's husband, Mo Huan, is also Uncle Le's younger brother. The relationship between the two families is actually very close. It happens that one is not married and the other is widowed. They happen to be Lingxi's parents.

Lingxi first went back to Taolin and told Le Bo about this matter. Of course he agreed with a smile. He didn't let her get close to Jiuchen before because he was afraid that the evil energy in her body would be discovered by Jiuchen. Now that the hidden dangers have been eliminated, just Don't worry.

Although Jiu Chen is about the same age as his father-in-law, it doesn't matter that they have a long lifespan as immortals.

"I didn't know it was the Supreme God of the Haotian Golden Tower, but it is so wonderful that Mi Luo Zhizhen is in front of him. Please forgive me." Le Bo bowed down to Zhu Cheng and Shan Shan, although he was speechless when he was drunk. However, it also offended the Great Heavenly Venerable, and misunderstood it as a thief (Ale, this seems to be really innocent), which is really wrong.

"It's okay, it's okay. In comparison, it's important that you get drunk by brewing peach blossoms, and the stock will be sold out soon." Zhu Cheng said.


When Zhu Cheng said this, Lobo immediately remembered that his wine was at a critical moment, and he couldn't do without others. As an old alcoholic, he rolled up his sleeves and worked hard, regardless of his image and occasion.

"Lingxi, Immortal Le Bo has no time to pay attention to you, why don't you go back to the mountain spirit world with your mother. Go home and have a look." Lingyue took the opportunity to say.

To be honest, it wasn't that Lingxi didn't want to go to the Mountain Spirit Realm, but that she felt a little uneasy. After all, it was a place she was completely unfamiliar with, and she would inevitably have to meet a lot of strangers.

Although Lingxi is a lively and cheerful little bird, she really doesn't know how to get along with so many strangers, what to do if they don't like her.

What if it affects Ling Yueniang's status in the mountain spirit world because of her own relationship.

And from a little fairy in the peach forest, a fairy in the Fuyun Temple to a princess of a country, although this leap is a gorgeous transformation, it is too exciting.

It was unacceptable for a while.

"Lingxi, you should go back and have a look. It's not easy for Lingyue these years." Shanshan felt sorry for her when she received Lingyue's sad eyes. As a woman, although she didn't have a child, she understood the loss The pain of a child is a torment every day, not to mention a full 5 years.

"I listen to mother."

Lingxi nodded, agreeing.

"Husband, let's go and have a look together, just as a visit."

"I listen to the lady."

Hahahaha... Immediately, there was a lot of laughter. It turns out that our family, Zhu Cheng, also knows humor.

(End of this chapter)

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