Chapter 521
In the lonely night, a hexagram was secretly raised.

Solitary, will soon die.As a human being in one life, one must leave something alone so that future generations can judge merits and demerits.

Gods all over the sky, Gu is not afraid of you, Gu is about to die, so there is no need to be afraid of you anymore!

Gu Nai is a descendant of the Yellow Emperor Miao, his grandfather Ji Li, his grandmother Tai Jiang, his father King Wen Ji Chang, and his mother Tai Ji.

His father served Shang Zhou during his lifetime, and he was the head of the Western Bohou, commanding the two hundred princes of the West Road. He was called Xibohou, and he was a nobleman.

The noble title of Marquis Xibo will be inherited by his eldest son after a hundred years from his father, and that person is not Gu, but Gu is the second son, the second son of Xiqi.

A hundred years after the father's king, it was Gu's own elder brother, "Ji Bo Yi Kao", the eldest son of Ji Chang, who inherited the position of Xibohou.

From the name, one can tell that the father is determined to pass Xiqi to the eldest brother.

"Ji Bo" Ji's surname is Bohou Yikao.

I knew that I couldn't inherit the position of Bohou.When Gu was five years old, Gu knew that Gu could only be a foil in front of his elder brother, and had to be a foil, because that was what the father wanted to see.

Gu remembers that it was a winter, and my hands turned red from the cold for writing a good handwriting, but I was very happy in my heart. This is the best handwriting I have written since I was learning calligraphy.

Gu Huan happily showed the writing to his father, but he didn't want his father to just glance at it, then frowned and reprimanded him: "Fa'er, you get overwhelmed with a few grades, go back and copy this essay fifty times and come see me again." .”

"Father, I just saw that my eldest brother wrote a good article and got your praise. Today, I wrote an even better article because of the phrase 'the successor is hopeful'.

But why, why didn't you praise me and punished me? "Gu thought so in his heart at the time, but now that he thinks about it, it's childish and ridiculous. It's just a compliment. Isn't it ridiculous that a playful kid is willing to pay such a high price?

"Second brother, I heard that your father punished you for copying."

Gu felt disgusted at that moment: "I don't know which damned servant actually told this guy about this, and let him take the opportunity to laugh at me."

"How could your father reprimand you for such a good handwriting?" The eldest brother saw my handwriting and thought it was not as good.

When Gu Yi heard this, he immediately became angry, and roared with tears: "It's much better than your writing, but why does the father praise you but scold me? Why, why, I hate the father, I hate you, you go away!" , let me go." Gu pushed Bo Yikao out of the house.

"Second brother, don't cry, it's the elder brother's fault, it's the elder brother's fault." Bo Yikao confessed to Gu in the snow.

Hehe, it's ridiculous, what's wrong with him, the fault lies in the father, not him, he just followed the rules and did what an eldest son should do.

But when I was a child, Gu felt that he was wrong, and that I was reprimanded by my father because of his Bo Yikao. I love my father, and I hate Bo Yikao.

"Ji Fa, how did my father teach you, brothers and sisters, you treat your elder brother like this!" Seeing that Bo Yikao was blasted outside the door by the orphan to freeze, the father scolded the orphan sharply, and did not say "Fa'er" Instead of addressing him, he called Gu's full name "Ji Fa".

Gu wiped his tears, opened the door, and apologized crying: "Father, big brother, Fa'er is wrong, Fa'er shouldn't treat big brother like this, Fa'er is wrong..."

"I'm right, it's my father who's wrong, it's Bo Yi Kao, I hate Bo Yi Kao, I hate Bo Yi Kao." From then on, the lonely king began to forbear, and he also began to hate my dear elder brother.

Several years later, when Gu became a father and a king, Gu realized that it was not Bo Yikao or the father who was wrong, but Gu.

My father favors one and discriminates against another so much, but he doesn't want me and my elder brother to fight against each other in the future.

It is a great joy for the family to have one man of the world, but it is a great disaster for two to appear at the same time. For the sake of the Ji family and the people of Xiqi, the father and king can only abandon the orphan, and must also abandon the orphan. (Refer to Li Shimin and Li Jiancheng)

But father, it was too late when Gu understood everything.

Bo Yi Kao, my respectable and lovely elder brother died, he was buried by an orphan, made into meatloaf and sent to your mouth, father.

Monkey, I was wrong; elder brother, second brother was wrong.

The father is proficient in innate calculations, and the art of divination is well-known throughout the country. The father is very obsessed with this. Every morning, he will make a divination to test the luck and fortune, and to test whether it is right or wrong.

"If I learn innate calculus, I will be able to please my father, and then my father will spoil me as much as I want." Gu had this idea at that time and begged my grandmother to teach me innate calculus.

Speaking of which, my father's divination skills were also taught by my grandmother, otherwise, my father is a prince of Xibo, so how could he play tricks in the eyes of the world.

The originator of innate calculus is Fuxi Renhuang. It is said that the prehistoric era was unpredictable and the people were in danger. Renhuang wanted to create a "kungfu" to predict the future.

Later, he saw an old tortoise by a river, saw the lines on the tortoise shell, and the emperor had an epiphany, and then drew the gossip, creating the "kung fu" of innate calculation.

That old tortoise later became a disciple of Jiejiao, with the Taoist name "The Holy Mother of Turtle Spirit". It is said that Cangjie was able to successfully create characters thanks to its help.

But God is unfair, such a tortoise with great merit was finally sucked dry by a large group of mosquitoes, leaving only a tortoise shell.

The tortoise shell was put away by Gu afterward, enshrined in the ancestral hall, and enjoyed the incense. Gu also used the power of the divine armor to calculate the future for a long time.

The grandmother is not like the father who only loves Bo Yikao. Among all the brothers, the grandmother loves the orphan the most. Even now, the orphan can still clearly remember his grandmother's kind appearance.

As soon as grandma heard that Gu wanted to learn the art of divination, she immediately agreed, and kept saying: "Learn it well, learn it well."

Gu didn't take it seriously at the time, but now that I think about it, my grandmother thought that I would have many disasters in the future, and I needed to learn this innate calculation to seek good luck and avoid bad luck, to fight against heaven, people, and gods.

Originally, I just wanted to learn innate calculus to please my father, but I didn't want Gu to be very talented in this area, and Gu was also very interested in it. Even my grandmother praised Gu and said: "Fa'er's talent is better than your father's. "

"I'm stronger than my father, hahaha." The lonely child who was praised for the first time was naturally happy, but after thinking about it

"No, if the father finds out, he will be angry. Yes, I can't be better than the father. I have to follow the father." It was from then on that Gu learned to hide his clumsiness.

"Father, my child starts to learn innate calculation from grandma today, and grandma still praises me."

The father patted Gu's head with his big hand, and said: "You should learn, you should learn."

Sure enough, adults have to bear more than children, not only to take care of everyone, but also to take care of everything for children before they grow up.

Thinking about it carefully, the days of learning fortune-telling were the most fulfilling and happiest days in my solitary life - I had a goal and worked hard for it, and I had my family by my side.

I can see my father and hear the sound of the piano.

Following the example of his father, Gu Gu took a divination every morning to calculate what would happen today and what would happen tomorrow.

At the beginning, there were many mistakes, and none of them was right, but Gu always believed in what his grandmother said, "Fa'er can do this at such a young age, it's very good, it's just worse than your father."

"Talala, Talala..." On that early summer morning, Gu Gu made another hexagram, and the hexagram showed that "the sun is clear, the magpies and birds fly by, and the zither is played at night in Yikao."

"I must have miscalculated again. How could Bo Yikao be with a magpie? He is not worthy." After tidying up his mood and pushing open the door of Xintian's room, he heard the chirping of birds. A magpie with black eyes, wings like auspicious clouds, and gorgeous tail feathers.

"Come on, let me cut down that big tree!" Lonely, he pointed to a hundred-year-old fir tree not far away and ordered someone to cut it down.

Magpies, magpies, it's not easy to be a nest, but come to my door to block the eyes.

"Boom" The old tree fell down in response, and because of this loud noise, the father was alarmed.

"Fa'er, why did you cut down that old fir tree?"

"The fir tree grew in front of the boy's door. It not only blocked the boy's way forward, but also blocked the warm morning light and the white moonlight every day, so the boy ordered someone to cut it down."

Gu naturally wouldn't tell the fact that he ordered someone to cut trees because of a moment of anger.

"Nonsense, that tree is older than your grandmother, how could you take its life just because of your own selfishness!" The father and king jumped up against the case, sternly berating Yu Gu, very angry.

"No, father, don't be angry. My son heard that fir trees are good for making pianos, especially the century-old fir trees. My son wanted to cut down the old fir trees and make a good piano for my elder brother." reason.

Brother Gu is different from Gu who likes divination. He has loved music since he was a child, and his talent is even more extraordinary. He has everyone's demeanor at a young age.

However, now it has become an extinct sound, and it is still a string cut by a lonely hand, a broken qin.

"Oh? If you have the heart, you don't have to worry about making the piano. I will order someone to make it. You can go on."

Lone cautiously exited the room, furiously burning in his heart, "Bo Yi Kao, why is my father so magnanimous when Bo Yi Kao is involved, not only not angry, but also praised me for my heart.

Boyi test!Boyi test! "

Thinking about it now, Gu was really naive and ridiculous at the time, how could he fail to calculate these small things with his father's calculation skills.

It must have been prepared early in the morning, and the luthier was waiting for the fir tree to fall, otherwise, it was only a month before the willow branches, how could the eldest brother sit cross-legged on the root of the fir tree and play the qin for the lonely listener.

"Big Brother, Second Brother regrets that I didn't listen to your drum seriously at that time."

 It can be regarded as a game of another person among 3000 people.

(End of this chapter)

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