Chapter 58 A Scream

Not all iron guards wore tinkling iron guard uniforms, but plainclothes.They are distributed in every corner of the city, and this city must be fully controlled by the base camp of Yujian Villa.

The second master issued an order that if anyone finds someone looking for 'Tongxin' or someone wearing the clothes of the Tong clan, report it immediately, and never attack rashly.

"Boss, they have appeared." The head that the iron guard said was the commander of the iron guard 'Iron Wind'. His family has been loyal to Yujian Villa for three generations, and they are all commanders of the Iron Guard. If there is no ranking, then Iron Wind must be the well-deserved number one.

He did not hesitate to give up his life in order to defend Yujian Villa.You can say that he is loyal or stupid, but he is still a respectable person.

"I'll report to the second master, you continue to monitor."

"Your subordinate obeys orders." Tie Wei ordered Fu to monitor Zhu Cheng and his party again.

Tie Feng didn't delay after getting the news, but went to Yin Zhong's courtyard immediately to report the matter to Yin Zhong.

"Second Master, Second Master." Tie Feng knocked on the door of Yin Zhong's room.

"Crackling" the door opened, and the person who opened the door was not Yin Zhong but Yin Zhong's maid 'Xiao Lian'. If Zhu Cheng was here, he would definitely find that this Xiao Lian was the one who jumped into Yujian Villa that day and gave him a meal. The pretty maid who crackled.

"Second master has gone out, what's the matter with Commander Tie?" Xiao Lian asked.

"When did the second master go out and where did he go?" Tie Feng asked, his tone a bit stiff.

Xiao Lian said unhappily: "Where does the second master want to go, do you still have to inform Commander Tie?"

"Second master will report to me immediately when he comes back." Tie Feng didn't bother much, and left without saying a word.Although Tie Feng is the leader of the iron guards, he can't control the maids, and it's not a system. Manager Li is in charge of the villa's internal affairs.As Yin Erye's personal maid, Xiao Lian has always been arrogant, so Tie Feng is not surprised by this.

He was just a little puzzled now, he didn't hear Tie Wei's report that the second master was going out, and the second master didn't order to prepare chariots and horses.

Not to mention Tie Feng, even the little yellow bird and its partners didn't notice Yin Zhong going out.Yin Zhong didn't go through the main entrance but went out over the wall from the backyard avoiding everyone.

The reason why Yin Zhong was so anxious was because Tong Xin confessed. He confessed that the hiding place of the Tong clan was named 'Shuiyue Cave Sky', and he also confessed the location to get outside through the hell rock teleportation array.

With Yin Zhong's ability, as long as he finds that location and relies on his magic cultivation, he will be able to go back and find the coordinates of the teleportation array, and then activate the teleportation array in reverse, so that he can enter the Water Moon Cave in an instant.

Originally, Yin Zhong wanted to go with Tong Xin, but after soaking in the silver pool for a few days, Tong Xin was too poisoned to bear rough treatment.Before confirming the location of Shuiyue Cave, Yin Zhong would never allow Tong Xin to die.

"Blood python, watch him wait for me to come back." Yin Zhong gave the order to the blood python, and then quietly left Yujian Villa.

If he really found Shuiyue Cave, he wouldn't have to hide it, and he would directly bring Yujian Villa in, and the Tong clan would definitely be slaughtered.

Let's talk about Zhu Cheng again. After receiving the news from the little yellow bird, Zhu Cheng joined Zhao Yun and Tong Bo.

"Tong Bo, there is news." Zhu Cheng pointed to the little yellow bird in the sky and said, "The little yellow bird heard that Tong Xin was captured by Yujian Villa."

"Little yellow bird?" Tong Bo looked up and saw the little yellow bird.Tong Bo recognizes the little yellow bird. In the past, it would play with Tong Xin. Every time Tong Bo felt a little regretful that he couldn't understand the animal language, and he lost a lot of fun.

"What, being captured by Yujian Villa, isn't that childlike innocence more ominous than good?" Tong Zhan panicked immediately when he heard that, but he knew what he and Tongxin were doing in Yujian Villa. It was to steal someone's family heirloom , and successfully stole it, and now it is told that Tongxin was captured by Yujian Villa, wouldn't that be miserable for Tongxin.

Even if childlike innocence is killed, it is justified, the law of this era is like this.Moreover, the court's laws can't control people in the martial arts at all, let alone Yujian Villa, which is the leader of the martial arts.

"Don't worry, Tongxin is definitely still alive."

"How does Brother Zhu know?"

Ah, it seems that I have said too much.

"The little yellow bird said it." Zhu Cheng had no choice but to throw the pot to the little yellow bird.

"Hey, when did I say that Tongxin is fine, how can you talk nonsense." The little yellow bird chattered unhappily in Zhu Cheng's ear.

Zhu Cheng smiled and said to Tong Bo: "The little yellow bird just told me again, and he promised that Tong Xin is absolutely alive now."

"Where is that childlike innocence being imprisoned?" Yinxiu asked.

"It's not a cell in Yujian Villa, but a hidden place. This is what the little yellow bird found out when listening to Tiewei's chat."

"In that case, let's go to Yujian Villa to find out at night." Tong Bo immediately made a decision.

"Okay." Everyone nodded and started to return, the little yellow bird stopped on top of Zhu Cheng's head, finally pecking at Zhu Cheng angrily.

Hehe, this is an act of expressing intimacy, don't care, don't care.Zhu Cheng forced a smile.

"Pfft..." Everyone laughed out loud at Zhu Cheng's explanation, and Zhu Cheng could only laugh awkwardly.

Suddenly, his smile faltered, and he turned his head to look at Tong Bo, but seeing Tong Bo also had a serious face.

"Hahaha, let's go, let's go home for dinner." Zhu Chengfu said again with a smile, and then walked quickly, leading everyone to a secluded place with no one around.

"Brother Zhu, you seem to have gone the wrong way." Zhao Yun said, thinking that Zhu Cheng had just arrived here so he led the wrong way.

"That's right, that's right, this place is just for hospitality. Come out." After Zhu Cheng said, one person was forced out from the dark by Tong Bo.

Just now when the complexion changed, Zhu Cheng and Tong Bo noticed that someone was following them, and then pretended to be nonchalant and led him to this remote place.

"Say, who sent you here?" Doudou asked.

"噗" The man didn't say a word, he drew his knife and slashed at Tong Bo.The front and rear paths are all blocked, and only one person in Tong Bo's position is alone or has a chance to break out of the encirclement.

"Pa" Tong Bo made a quick move, and in an instant, he fixed the man's acupoints in place and could not move.

"If you dare to offend us at Yujian Villa, you will never end well." The man began to yell after his acupoints were tapped.

This is the performance of being fierce and gentle, after all, no one wants to die, he wants to protect his life by pulling on the tiger skin of Yujian Villa.

"Say, what about the person you arrested a few days ago?"

"You mean childlike innocence?" Zhu Cheng and others filled the streets looking for someone, he didn't want to know what childlike innocence was called.

"Yes, it's childlike innocence. Where is he locked up?"

"It's okay to tell you. He was taken away by the second master and imprisoned, but the prisoner imprisoned by the second master is not only us, but even the owner does not know where it is. If you have the ability, you can ask the second master for it." Then People are laughing.

Boom, Zhu Cheng didn't bother to talk nonsense with him, so he knocked the man unconscious with a knife.In fact, the best way is to kill this person, and then destroy the body and wipe out the traces, but whoever let Tong Bo and Tong Xin be here, their Tong clan is not allowed to kill people, this is a family motto and a family rule, I wish you sincerely now As the Tong clan, it is also necessary to abide by it.

At night, Zhu Cheng, Tong Bo, and Tong Zhan changed into night clothes and sneaked into Yujian Mountain Villa. Zhao Yun and Doudou's martial arts are not too high. , be an old urchin happily at home.

"Let's look for it separately, and remember not to conflict with the iron guard unless it is absolutely necessary." Zhu Cheng said.

"Okay." Tong Bo and Tong Zhan nodded.Their trip was mainly for investigation. If they clashed with the iron guards, their childlike innocence would be in danger. They might be killed by the people of Yujian Villa directly, or they would use their childlike innocence as a bargaining chip to blackmail them.

Zhu Cheng didn't know that because of his allocation, a marriage was ruined and a marriage was created.

Tong Zhan's injuries hadn't healed at first, and he was really worried and anxious when he learned that he was captured by Yujian Villa, so it was inevitable that his hands and feet would be a little heavy during the investigation.

"What's the sound, go over and have a look." Tie Feng heard the sound and hurriedly led the iron guards to investigate. He had to report that the iron guards sent to monitor Zhu Cheng and others were knocked out, so he strengthened the defense of the mansion and sent more iron guards. Guard patrol.Sure enough, as the guard Tie Feng is competent.

"Not good." Tong Zhan panicked, and he didn't care about the way, he climbed over the wall and entered a small courtyard, and jumped into the room through the window.


The woman screamed.

(End of this chapter)

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